Robert Mueller ‘Wired’ White House Staffers

Robert Mueller ‘Wired’ White House Staffers

According to a New York Times report, Trump administration officials are concerned that White House staffers are wearing recording devices for Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

The New York Times reported Sunday that lawyers on President Donald Trump’s legal team are in disagreement about how much to cooperate with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, but within the report, concerns were shared over White House staffers who could be wearing recording devices. The report states, in part:

The report also notes that a Times reporter eavesdropped on a conversation Cobb had with a colleague during a dinner. The attorney’s comments seemed to suggest he disagrees strongly with how McGahn has been approaching the Mueller investigation into the so-called “Russia Narrative.”

Other urls found in this thread:

Probably nothing, It's just banana.

In to the trash it goes.


Trying to bait Trump into investigating it. Nixon style.

Okay, so who said there were reasonable grounds for the second warrant? I believe that they would be responsible for this.

I'm trying to figure out what CNNs game is here. are they just trying to reignite the Russian narrative?
Half the people are acting like this spells the end of Trump. The other half thinks this proves Trump right about the wiretap claim.
What's the endgame with this? Distraction from the Awan scandal now that Liu is confirmed?

It should be noted that Manafort lived in Trump Tower during the time he was wiretapped. Which is strange, because CNN assured me that Trump's claim that it was wiretapped was false.



Stopped reading right there, faggot. Take your ShareBlue lies elsewhere if you want to leak paranoia juice all over Trump's base. We're just a humble Thai gardening club, and your merchant ways are foreign to ours. Kike

Sup shareblue

Eat shit (you're gonna die anyways)

I'm not sure what's going on here, but I THINK that there's something illegal about the fact that there was wiretapping. I'm not sure, but if that's the case, this would work out favorably FOR Trump - - As long as he keeps his nose out of things - - - A thought just occurred to me - that he has to keep Mueller on the investigation now, because if he shit-canned him at this point, that, in and of itself, would not be good for Trump. Those are my thoughts. woo-hoo. Give me a cookie.

> The District of Columbia's wiretapping law is a "one-party consent" law. DC makes it a crime to record a phone call or conversation unless one party to the conversation consents. See D.C. Code § 23-542. Thus, if you operate in DC, you may record a conversation or phone call if you are a party to the conversation or you get permission from one party to the conversation in advance. That said, if you intend to record conversations involving people located in more than one state, you should play it safe and get the consent of all parties.


this makes sense. thanks

I'm around 70% sure that Mueller isn't /ourguy/ despite what WHanon said. the guy is just too crooked to be trusted. As for firing Mueller, that's never going to happen now, it would be political suicide.


Kang nigger is going to be hanged for treason.

I am like 100% sure that Mueller is not our guy and I don't know why someone would think that he was. Mueller is a total Obama Appointee. Trump, overall, has been too nice to all the Obama holdovers. They are the ones who are trying to screw with him.

Mueller let 9/11 happen as FBI director.

I need a redpill on this situation. Both sides are acting like it's good for them and I can't see the truth through all the smoke.

All the wiretaps and spying on American citizens, with the political motivations, combined with the unmasking, is illegal as fuck.

Then again the following haven't been prosecuted

Eric Holder - Fast and Furious (guns to cartels)
Loretta Lynch - Tarmac Meeting
Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton
Lois Lerner - Using IRS against tea party groups, e-mails
Obama - Fraudulent birth certificate among other crimes

Just the tip of the iceberg. Here's a brief timeline:

9/11 - Israeli art students, dancing israelis, thermite charges, pull it lucky larry

Iraq War - muh WMDs

Obama birth certificate fraud - Begins during 2008 campaign

Syrian Civil War - Soros color revolution combined with Obama/Clinton/State Dept/CIAnigger help

Benghazi - State Dept/CIAnigger ratline for arms to Al Qaeda/ISIS in syria, dead goon.
Zimzam shoots TrayTray

Zimzam acquitted
BlackLivesMatter (soros funded) begins chimping
Holla Forums launched

Banker "suicides" begin - 40+ bankers suicided due to LIBOR scandal
Hillary's private e-mail server - Obama also used private e-mail with pseudonym
Ukraine Civil War - Soros/State Dept/CIAnigger fuckery, Soros paid snipers shooting protestors and cops
Malaysia Airlines 17 - shot down over Ukraine by Ukraine gov't jets
Malaysia Airlines 370 - $400 million in gold enroute to china hijacked and sent to diego garcia
Libya Civil War - Ghaddafi gets knife enema courtesy of kikes
Gamergate - Five guys burgers and fries, whoresjws, goon butthurt intensifies
First through Third exoduses - Holla Forums becomes relevant after luggage lad goes full cuck

Rapefugee crisis - begins as consequence of color revolutions and death of Ghaddafi, Soros funding of NGOs to import rapefugees
Sept 23 - $405 Billion spent by Federal Reserve to avert Shemitah
Bane Crash - memes start bleeding through reality, Kek discovered shortly afterwards

DNC e-mails
Seth Rich - murdered by CIAniggers/Clintons for leaking DNC e-mails
Monica Petersen - murdered for investigating Clinton human trafficking in Haiti
Pizzagate - DNC e-mails show podesta link to child prostitution/murder rings
Syrian Civil War - CIAniggers give arms to al qaeda
Ukraine Civil War - Soros snipers shoot cops and protestors
Obama's fraudulent birth certificate - Confirmed by Sheriff Joe Arpaio
John Ashe (ex-UN) suicided - prosecutors would have linked Ashe to the Clinton bagman Ng
President Donald J Trump

President Donald J Trump
Syria Civil War - Syria/Russia/Iran make gains, look to win war
Charlottesville false flag

also 2017:

I think we should have a referendum on hanging Mueller if he doesn't present evidence to the people soon.

a dead Mueller can't do anything. Trump needs to greenlight the deaths of these people

It sucks that non of those motherfuckers have been thrown in jail yet, but then again Trump and his people are most likely slowly and carefully building a case against them, getting all available evidence they can.

Remember: Bill slipped away by asking what the meaning of 'is' is.

I get what you are saying here. The left is acting like this is good for them. I do not understand the logic behind that reasoning. All I understand from all of this, especially from this thread, is that people from the left did some illegal stuff. It is up to the judicial system to put them in jail, or bring them to trial in the first place.

If somebody could State the reason why the left thinks this is good, then I can try and listen. Other than that, it is a just BS from the left as a distraction and an attempt at de-motivaton at this point.

That's the way I see it. I would like to hear from a lefty though. A real one. Not some brain dead faggot.

Already needs to be tried and hung for covering up 9/11.


The cabal doesn’t prosecute itself for its own inside jobs, user. The piles of dirt they have on each other and their own skeletons keep them all more or less protected. When somebody does get sent to jail or bizarrely dies it’s more often than not for breaking the omertà. What was the name of that guy who went missing, was spotted shoeless in a subway station, and then whose body was dumped in the trash? There have been lots of weird deaths like that.

Anyway, my point is that Trump is the first President who looks like he can do something about the cabal in a long time. It shouldn’t be surprising that it hasn’t happened before.