All the wiretaps and spying on American citizens, with the political motivations, combined with the unmasking, is illegal as fuck.
Then again the following haven't been prosecuted
Eric Holder - Fast and Furious (guns to cartels)
Loretta Lynch - Tarmac Meeting
Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton
Lois Lerner - Using IRS against tea party groups, e-mails
Obama - Fraudulent birth certificate among other crimes
Just the tip of the iceberg. Here's a brief timeline:
9/11 - Israeli art students, dancing israelis, thermite charges, pull it lucky larry
Iraq War - muh WMDs
Obama birth certificate fraud - Begins during 2008 campaign
Syrian Civil War - Soros color revolution combined with Obama/Clinton/State Dept/CIAnigger help
Benghazi - State Dept/CIAnigger ratline for arms to Al Qaeda/ISIS in syria, dead goon.
Zimzam shoots TrayTray
Zimzam acquitted
BlackLivesMatter (soros funded) begins chimping
Holla Forums launched
Banker "suicides" begin - 40+ bankers suicided due to LIBOR scandal
Hillary's private e-mail server - Obama also used private e-mail with pseudonym
Ukraine Civil War - Soros/State Dept/CIAnigger fuckery, Soros paid snipers shooting protestors and cops
Malaysia Airlines 17 - shot down over Ukraine by Ukraine gov't jets
Malaysia Airlines 370 - $400 million in gold enroute to china hijacked and sent to diego garcia
Libya Civil War - Ghaddafi gets knife enema courtesy of kikes
Gamergate - Five guys burgers and fries, whoresjws, goon butthurt intensifies
First through Third exoduses - Holla Forums becomes relevant after luggage lad goes full cuck
Rapefugee crisis - begins as consequence of color revolutions and death of Ghaddafi, Soros funding of NGOs to import rapefugees
Sept 23 - $405 Billion spent by Federal Reserve to avert Shemitah
Bane Crash - memes start bleeding through reality, Kek discovered shortly afterwards
DNC e-mails
Seth Rich - murdered by CIAniggers/Clintons for leaking DNC e-mails
Monica Petersen - murdered for investigating Clinton human trafficking in Haiti
Pizzagate - DNC e-mails show podesta link to child prostitution/murder rings
Syrian Civil War - CIAniggers give arms to al qaeda
Ukraine Civil War - Soros snipers shoot cops and protestors
Obama's fraudulent birth certificate - Confirmed by Sheriff Joe Arpaio
John Ashe (ex-UN) suicided - prosecutors would have linked Ashe to the Clinton bagman Ng
President Donald J Trump
President Donald J Trump
Syria Civil War - Syria/Russia/Iran make gains, look to win war
Charlottesville false flag