Trump wants military parade next July 4th

President wants show of "military might" in DC, New York, to top Bastille Day parade

Macron rode in the Bastille Day parade standing upright in an open-top military command car, surrounded by hundreds of military guards on horseback. The two-hour spectacle included tanks rolling down the Champs Elysees and helicopters and fighter jets flying overhead.

Other urls found in this thread:

Sorry, I had a temporary bout of faggotry.

and yet your cuck worship goes on

A great chance to show off the multicultural might of the US army.
Short fat stubby women of color Enlisted Officers in front of a gaggle of faggots, trannies, niggers and lesbos.
While in afghanistan, iraq and wherever the special forcers the white men that WORK and SHOOT and DIE wont get a fucking break until they themselves get PTSD and off themselves or die.

They don't put people like that in parades you retard
Just look at the inauguration parade

And yet that's our military. How much smoke would you like blown up your ass user?

You have not served, have you?
A multiculti zog parade! FUCKING BASED!

way to have those priorities in order faggot

I'm on post right now you fucking queer
Again, look at the inauguration parade. It was good.

I voted for Trump, that's worth more than any amount of military service. Trump pulled this country from the brink and is currently working on his plan to purge the jews. He is the Alexander of our time.

Neck yourself reatard

Can we gas all these faggot reddit cucks already? Trump is ZOG, accept it reddit fags.

OP is a faggot, as always

Ignore the anti-american shills. They're just freaking out because Trump is finally saving America and it terrifies them.

Yes rabbi, next time I'll vote Hill-dawg!

Nigger what pride is there to have in a country whos current society and cultured is structured to erase whites and replace it with all manner of shitskins by any means?
That is what you need to have pride in, not this zog shit show


America is 80% white and since Trump was elected the birthrate has soared. Gas yourself Schlomo.

Yeah lemme just completely detach myself from my country and let its history as a refuge for all types of Whites go down the drain to let Mestizos and niggers take over so that I can LARP as a WWII ere German online
Part of taking back the country is having pride in its history and culture, remembering our European heritage.

America has always been ZOG and was founded by freemasons who believe in equality

Dubs confirm your cuckoldry. So which you prefer, Jorge or Paco to fuck your 300 lb landwhale wife?

Kill yourself immediately you faggot

Maybe because this thread is ass and is nothing more than you cucks cucking each other while also giving each other high fives.

Just give up Schlomo.

Masons are based too right

What are you trying to accomplish? You're supposed to change IPs every time.


So is being coherent not even a requirement for shills anymore?

The Trumpcuck salt does taste delicious though. Dont worry, based kike Jared Kushner will toss a lawsuit my way to get me out fo the picture. HALE the GAHD EMPUUURUR

You're fucking delusional

Not saying it's a lost cause just that the entirety of the government down to the constitution is pozzed

Hello TRS

America is 55% white you fucking nigger

Pozzed has been a Holla Forums meme for ages, kike. Who do you think you're fooling?


Fake news. America is 80% shite and once the wall is built that will grow. America will be 100% white by 2024.

Dubs confirm youre not from around here. Trumpcucks GET OUT!

Less than that when you factor in all the nonwhites and mongers who report as white on the census and yids.
Boomers will do nothing for our race either so might as well count them out too.

Have you ever been to America? You're fucking insane if you think we're 80% white.

so what? you need to kill at least 30% of cuck white traitors

Pozzed has always been a TRS meme you retard. I know, I'm TRS,

I live in America. Everyone outside the major cities is white.

Dubs confirm the US is well on its way to Brazil levels of mongrelization.


Yeah I'm sure all those third world farm hands fall under your definition of white, Mr Taylor.

Brazil is a white ethostate.

It appears Holla Forums is quite close to being as pozzed as 4cuck

Let's have a military parade, let's show John Q Public where his tax dollars are going. Bring out the nogs and goblins.

At the very least the Freemasons never wanted a central bank - they understood that public debt crippled the government.

Quote -

- Thomas Jefferson

Good job outing yourself intl



8 more years
Buffalo queers
Go back to freech
On your trail of tears

It's getting there, all of the non larpers moved to real organizations where we actually do things like get together for weekend cookouts and flair propaganda.

I've been here since the first exodus and 4cuck years before that.

One term president.

Stay at your standard fuck parties TRShill

Great. Anything that makes the military seem strong might encourage people who aren't sacks of shit to join. Years of cowardly jews making the military seem like a dishonorable profession fit only for those with unchosen IQ scores has taken a toll. There are too many Mexicans doing the minimum required before starting their dream of eternal welfare and niggers who regret choosing the military over prison.


Nice try FBI

Get off the computer and grow some balls you little bitch, get out there and do something. We have huge networks of people in various jobs and right now I'm working on bringing them together so that we keep the work and profit within the movement. What are you doing? Shit posting? I bet you haven't even made any quality threads.


Meme Magick has transformed the world. All your little FBI infiltrated LARP groups do is pretend you're making a difference. You disgust me.

>oy vey just accept Mike peinowitz and his based Jewish fag hag because they do so much for (((the movement)))
I do things they just aren't under controlled opposition alt-kike banners. Have fun suckling Implicit Dick at your next standard fuck party I don't hang out with people who love fags and jews

Same script every time

You need people who aren't sacks of shit to overthrow the zionists. Niggers, spics, and old white cucks aren't going to do it.

Some non-whites are redpilled on the JQ and will fight with us.

Every war we have fought in the last 90 years has been for israel

t. godless sodomite who cannot create and must destroy

Niggers are subhuman and have no place in a white sociery

Every war America has fought has been neccessary to secure a future for our children.

ZOG thanks you for your service

That's literally what I said you fucking retard, ORION
This is a National Socialist board, gtfo

wtf, nobody believes this

I am proud of the USA and it's military victories, all hail the United States federal government and the good job it did during the american civil warm, where whites killed a lot o whites, over niggers
and how can we forget the hundreds of thousands and millions of whites killed during WW1 and WW2

Yeah but we can ship them back to Africa after the fashy revolution.


Hello alt-kike idiot


if white nationalist were going to start an uprising thats where you would attack first. Oscars has the single biggest public gathering of high profile jewish elites in the world. A hundred White nationalists with Military training and a full combat load plus C4/RDX charges could literally strike a mortal wound to the ZOG machine by slaughtering that place in a suicide mission.

America First faggot. If Europeans have to die to secure a future for OUR white children then we'll kill as many as we have to.

I am far-right not aut-right.



Holla Forums appropriated the slang term "fashy" a coupld months ago newfag.


Nah, I know him, he's a good guy. I was livid when I found out. He really is divorcing her, I didn't buy it til I talked to him. He can't talk about the divorce because of legal reasons. He gave up his old live for this. If this turns out to be bullshit he will be punished dearly, believe me. Oh and

Wow, the Jews really pulled one over on me.

Name one activist event in the past six years that has not been related to the "Alt Right"

Do you want to see my gore folder?


Holla Forums is fashy and based

As an aside. anybody that says Holla Forums is alt right is a moron.

It is an undefinable collaboration of various good peoples, paid shills, and government agents.

Fuck off alt kike cancer

Is this the new line from the shills?

trips confirm

I'm not shitting you, he really is. Have you ever been through a divorce?

Lets take celebrities who have been divorced for instance, they don't talk about that shit publicly. The kike bitch could take all of his money.

As I beat commies at the next thing I will remember you, and have sympathy for you.

What country do you live in? Jewish media is saturated with "support da troops, goyim" agitprop.

Top kek, alt-kike lemmings get the rope too


I literally would not believe him unless he showed me the papers, he did, so I do.
You define the LARPING community.

Punching to the right is what got Holla Forums into this state. Stop this idiocy.

< fag lovers who are pro Israel and also be pro white
Stay delusional, alt kike is anti white

You are a fucking retard. Holla Forums is not us. It is not anybody, it is essentially nobody. It is a culture. A culture which shits on everybody and everything ruthlessly. It is right and just. The criticisms of the "Alt Right" are genuine, so to are those of the leaders, some of them anyways.

This is not the place to change the world.


Good goy

Greg Johnson is an outcast, he can kill himself. As far as Spencer goes I have been to parties with him and he spends all night chasing pussy and hates fags. Although he is all about
so you get what you get. As far as the Israel thing if you are an "Ethno nationalist" it is perfectly reasonable to be "pro Israel" for the sake of consistency. I mean if every race deserves it's own home land why not the Jews?

Of course that's only lipservice. Believe me, if we win we will wage a war on these people the likes of which has never been seen.

I met his lawfag you faggot. It was proven to my satisfaction, although if you can prove that it is all bullshit be my guest.

I have met no kikes or fags, except Greg Johnson. You wouldn't know he was a fag unless you knew, so I can respect his presence at certain conferences more normie tier, but he will never have anything to do with anything important. He just sells his books and doesn't bother anybody largely, although I fucking hate him.

Daily Reminder that JYC is only like 10-20% Non-Hispanic White.


Are you fucking serious!? Jesus Christ dude, really? Really? THATS what you're going with? "Dude, trust me, I talked to his lawyer, its legit", pffffthahahahahahahah. Oh Christ.

Guess you have never met Paul gottfried, the yid who coined the term alt right

Traps are not real women.


Paul Gottfried is not jewish.


Eiteews ho.

Yes, the media encourages white people to support the zionist cause with tax increases from a distance. They also like to add statistics with sad faces about how minorities are disproportionately represented to reassure anybody having doubts that its just brown people and white high school dropouts marching into the meat grinder.

In the movies, unless its WWII, you'll usually see soldiers looking pathetic like in Kilo Two Bravo or Black Hawk Down. The most positive one involving a white soldier was Hacksaw Ridge where the bravery was in joining the military but refusing to fire a weapon.

"pol" didn't punch right retard, if you mongoloids had not come in here, shit up the boards for days at a time, and then telling us that "We" are now alt-right because you say so, and when we tell you no, we are national socialists and we reject your big tent ideology you get pissy and call us larpers spergs! The fuck is wrong with you?

Not once did 4 or 8 pol organize a raid on your forums and spaces but you gleefully came in here to stir shit and spam your bullshit no matter how many times we told you fuckers "no"!

And let's not forget all the very smart alt-righters shitting on Geroge Lincoln Rockwell(Oh yes you do, I am a member of your TRS forum, I see you faggots do it there and on twitter), shit on The Silver Legion of America and shit on Dr Pierce!
What is it you call NatSocs? Now I remember, reichtards and edgecucks
But it's "Holla Forums" punching right wew laD

But he was played by a Jew…

You are punching right against Trump just because he is using realpolitik to MAGA.

For anyone not in the know, that musonius character of the southerners TRS podcast is an unabashed freemason that has been a member for 15 years.

15 YEARS belonging to and paying dues to a kiked and anti-whtie organization! Masonry is judaism for the goyim.

God damn dude, you need to post pics if you've got em because that's some bullet to the brain tier shit as far as their legitimacy.

Funny that, not once did I mention trump

I did say my satisfaction, not yours, you see I don't really care about what you thing because you are a nobody forever entrapped in the hype cycle of happenings and shitposting.

I can't say I have. Spencer is a pussy hound, believe me. It is a bit degenerate because he has a wife and daughter, so criticize him for that if anything. He's not a fag, he's a Washington Harvard yuppie.
That didn't happen, just D&C bullshit and forum drama, neither of which anybody really cares about.

Kill yourself.

I can attest, he is in fact a freemason.

Trump is the central leader of the far-right movement.

You have to get on twitter, that's where they most openly do it.


He left his wife when people found out she translates the works of Dugin the schizophrenic fringe tard

Oh fuck off nigger Jesus Christ.

That'f funny, I haven't heard that one before.


Trump has dond more for the white race in the past month than all of Holla Forums has ever done.

The entire AR is mouthpiece for Dugins NazBol kikery

Yeah nigger, that's why you're here, hahahah. Tell me more about how Peinovich's lawyer proved to you that he's divorced from the kike.
Oh shit - is he Jewish too? What's his name? Someone'll call him up and we can get a nice audio file to maybe vindicate you a bit.
… But you won't say, will you? Get the fuck outta here, pfffthahaha.

Checked. Post pics super-satan. I don't doubt TRSodomites are enormous faux-nationalist cuckolds in their own circles, but its just more annecdotal shit like that faggot above if you can't prove it. Pics or it effectively didn't happen.

You do realize Nazism failed, just like Communism, right?

Yep, this is TRS we're dealing with alright.

Why are you even here

communism did not fail, jewish marxists moved to USA and unleashed cultural marxism

We are here to spread the light of God Emperor Trump.

No it did not.

Sorry dont have them, but get them on twitter
If I get them on TRS ill post here.


National Socialism did fine, you faggot, until attacked by Jewish-ruled Communists and Capitalists.


Jeez. So there are no movies that make young, white, male soldiers look good since Predator. Please nuke us, Kim.

Oh yeah, maybe because the entire world waged war on it, although I'm sure it was mostly to do with ideological failings.


No, it is an ongoing case. She is dragging shit out. I'm not going to cuck to some nobody and destroy Mikes case.


On phone I'll explain in a sec

You wish, shareblue.

The most recent Predator movie ends with two soldier Jews (on a woman) surviving after escaping a White serial killer played by an effeminate White guy.

This is what Hollywood is bro.

Get the fuck outta here faggot, pfffthahaha.


60s cultural marxists took over hollywood

for contrast - in 1915 there was made The Birth of a Nation:

The Birth of a Nation (originally called The Clansman) is a 1915 American silent epic drama film directed and co-produced by D. W. Griffith and starring Lillian Gish.

The film was a commercial success, though it was highly controversial for its portrayal of black men (many played by white actors in blackface) as unintelligent and sexually aggressive towards white women, and the portrayal of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) (whose original founding is dramatized) as a heroic force.[6][7] There were widespread African-American protests against The Birth of a Nation, such as in Boston, while thousands of white Bostonians flocked to see the film.[8] The NAACP spearheaded an unsuccessful campaign to ban the film.


You will have to show me genuine irrefutable proof, not word bungling, to have me believe that he is actually a kike. As far as I know his DNA test is genuine although I haven't investigated that. Just know that I know the man, he says he isn't a kike, he partakes in no bullshit beyond the wife thing, so I believe him.

And by the way, a bluepilled faggot would absolutely marry a kike who loves fags. The user who wrote that probably hasn't lived in a kiked city.

You should hang him for being a kike (obvious good fucking god man) and then hang yourself too for good measure. Webm it and drop it here for me to see

Wow, y'all sure get good gore in Israel

Hey those are great man , third pic
He will be just fine , minor sliver is all
And nope , Rocky Mountains somewhere. Fuck israel to death with a baseball bat

No, nigger, you have to ME, such proof, because you're the one making the claim.

Kek, you're fucking stupid.

Mike Peinovich: She wrote this and read it herself. I was really proud of it.

Mike Peinovich's Kike Wife:
Twas a TRS Christmas, and all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring, not even my spouse.
The cucks were all prepped for the ovens with care,
just waiting for morning to pop em in there.
A nation of teachers were tucked in their beds,
while visions of vibrancy danced in their heads.
I with my reason and my mom with her cats,
had just settled in for our usual spats.
When out on the street there arose such a clatter,
I rose to the bait to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a fash,
resolved with an iron will to go full fash.
The moon shone so bright on the newfallen snow,
like the glare of the media on objects below.
And what to my wondering eyes should appear,
but 8 Episcopal priests, and all of them queer!
I'm a seasoned old troller so lively and quick,
I knew in a flash I could rally my hicks.
More rapid than eagles my edgelords they came,
to drive out interlopers and call them by name:
Out Communists, out socialists, out left-libertarians!
Out betas, out allies, SJW-contrarians!
Out beaners and dindus and Muslim jihadists,

Agreed, gas every last one of them.

Listen you nigger, as far as I'm concerned you're making the clam so you bear the burden. You're just passing the buck to me because you don't actually have any genuine proof, otherwise you would lovingly provide it along with your orgasm

As for the other thing, I remember that Christmas. It was a good one.


user who spoke about Dugin earlier, Dugin is NazBol, Dickie's commie wife translates his books. He wrote 'fourth political theory' which is the ideological foundation of fucking antifa

Here's her mocking you to your face. Blatantly supporting bush faggotry and Dugin.

[*implicit implications intensify*]


More on the wife please

She is a blatant NazBol, fraternizes with commies/NazBols, denies the Ukranian genocide, and wears communist symbols(circled is the Ribbon of Saint George which Golden Dawn banned)


also she translates Dugin's books. Dugin wrote 4PT which is anti-fascism, the alt-kike supports "5th political theory" which is literally talmud for whites. Look into 5PT and who supports it, you will see lots of familiar faces.

Fucking THIS.
The TRSodomites have even admitted, on air, that its basically 'diaspora Jewry for the European goyim' and shilled it hard for awhile before they started getting a shit-ton of backlash because of how obvious they were about their shilling it.

I already told you he says he isn't jewish. Even if he genuinely told said he was, the two statements cancel eachother out because one is a lie and one is not and we have no refutable proof one way or the other, so there isn't much point in talking about it you thick skulled Religion of Cuck™ic retard.

As far as Dickies wife, that's something I'll look into, I have never seen him as really all that important for real things, just a good speaker. Either way, his marriage can't be going well as I roomed with him for 3 days and he didn't actually sleep there for any, he found himself some pussy every night.



Fuck yeah! This is seriously making me want to enlist.


The only thing Trump did right during his presidency. I hope the next Republican who gets into the primaries isn't shit again.

If it's about dead and traumatized soldiers I can probably get behind it because they're going to be primarily white, all the subhumans and mental defectives and women get cushy desk jobs while all the whites get to die for israel.

Yeah, sucks major dick how things turn out when subhumans are given rights and "human" status. I want my 1980s back. Back then, words like "sexism", "racism", etc. actually fucking meant something and weren't just buzzwords to try to shut down free speech.


Nigger, I played you proof, you don't accept it, because you're a sycophantic dipshit with a low-IQ.
That's all there is to it, and everyone can see.

I mean, Christ, you think I'm trying to convince you? Hah, fuck no! If you're still on-board TRS, nobody, nothing, will convince you, short of God or Odin or someshit himself coming down and explicitly telling you - and even then, you'd probably doubt it, then argue that even if hes a Jew, 'he's done a lot for the movement!' or some tripe. You're nothing but a pawn for me to play off of, showing this faggot-cuck-Jew organization for what it is.

Thank you for your service, fag.

80s was pozzed too, USA has been pozzed down to the muh equlity constitution.
The last slightly-unpozzed era in the US was late 30s when industrialists started supporting Hitler.

They've never meant anything and were always a tool to shut down wrongthink. Racism is a good thing and sexism is just acknowledging biology and attempting to prioritize biological functions over muh feels

This should play out well with all of our university dwellers who were taught critical theory, a foreign ideology to American soil.

Daily Reminder that (((BASED))) Mattis let trannies back in the military.

Remember this from January? I spotted precisely one friedchicken-american and one taco in the video. The rest of the parade: meat-and-potatoes white boys, the rightful sons of America.

Pretty fucking sad honestly.

OP is salty his thread is dog shit.

really activates my almonds

just goes to show you that it's our boys that are out there dying for israel the most

That's because those men are going to be officers. niggers and spics can't lead.

We got a president elected through shitposting, what did you expect?
If you're taking flak, it's a good sign you're on target.

They think if they say it enough they can stop us from giving Trump a second term.

Sucks, right? If Trump spent his time pursuing MAGA shit instead of making deals on DACA, sending our troops back to Opioidistan and fucking around with healthcare, things wouldn't be like this.
It doesn't have to be like this, but its on Trump to do better. Why he doesn't continues to perplex me if I'm honest… The man, the nation behind him, could be so much, but it all seems so small these days, dragged down in worthless bureaucracy and squabbling over how far down the irreversible path to ethnocuckoldry and demise the traitorous factions in Washington intend to travel.



Is this a new meme?

Sup shareblue
Mix it up a little. Your threads reek of dead corpse

Please repost it unironically.


What is: Literally tomes of the supremist writings of the founding fathers

I'll pass - I'm not into Communism.

Well you may as fucking well have, name one thing that changed wrt the jews in the administration,whose in charge of foreign policy and owners of America?

Voting for any one of the jewish options leaves you with jewish control.
Only now instead of Obama/Clinton radicalising half the country against leftist neo-liberals, the other half are being radicalised against normie ZOGbot Republicunts.

Nothing changed except for the most humiliating and embarrassment of a jewish psy-op against the goy succeeding where America succumbed to a mass hallucination and believed themselves to be fighting ZOG by voting for ZOG.
Now you got ZOG and you start crying every time an user reminds you Trump is a jewish fraud.

Okay, third time I've seen this on this site. Can I get an origin on this photo? Is it real?

Name one thing your way changes? For all your bitching, you're just as bad, and accomplish nothing. At least Trump has opened a few people's eyes. But people won't follow you because you can't even do that little.

Stop samefagging.

Your mom should have drowned you. You're not even worth saving if you are white.
Jesus fucking christ
Really, why haven't you fucking killed yourself yet? fucking mouthbreathing genetic dead end. Bet you're still a fucking virgin too you piece of shit. What are you doing to save or even help the white race? huh? nothing? yeah, that's what.

He's already done a lot. Compromises are obviously unwanted, but there's been plenty he's gotten us without compromise up to this point. Its fair to criticize what he hasn't done yet or what he might be compromising on.
DACA is a clever one because its quite emotionally charged. He's giving it to congress to fuck up because he knows they won't do shit. Its not a "deal" on DACA unless congress can actually do something, otherwise just short of a million spic kids will eventually get deported.
Either way what you're saying is understandable, though in my opinion you should give him time. He's been signing executive orders nonstop, and threatening government shutdown if he doesn't get the budget to start his border wall. I'd say those are pretty big actions right now in terms of him keeping up the fight. Its tough though when you get shafted by congress on even small things like repealing large parts of obamacare.