
There is a pozzed source claiming it is associated with slavs here Another claiming it was in india here Wikipedia says it is used on the kikes military badges here
What are the origins of the fleur-de-lis symbol?

I found a few references literally linking it back to babylon/kikeland. But many sources claim it is (((christian))) in nature. Which I do not beleive as it is supposedly associated with french (((royalty))). There is some kind of coverup going on for its real origins. The pic related is the specific type of symbol I am looking for origins of. Not sure if it really is called a fleur de lis. But kikery is involved with it undoubtebly.

Other urls found in this thread: revelation 23&client=opera&hs=nAF&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjascTW_rLWAhXiQJoKHZ5WB7AQ_AUICygC&biw=960&bih=485&dpr=2

It have 3 petals -> Holy Trinity.
It seems to have been a common flower from where the Frankish tribes came from.
It was an emblem of the Carolingian dynasty. Karl der Grosse/Charlemagne.

Always the first post or you failed to read. I know it is supposedly associated with christianity. But all sorts of different sources claim it was used back in ancient babylon and ancient india. Which most certainly did not have christians in their ranks for most of their empires. Since christianity had not existed yet, only judes.

The first king of France Clovis I had frogs on his shield. The lilies according to myth came about when Clovis before a big battle promised his christian wife to convert if he won. He made the pledge beside some pond with lilies if I remember correctly. The lily symbol morped from the frog symbol. Guess why their enemies began calling the french frogs?

So he wasn't really a christian. He was only doing it because muh dick.

Revelation 16:13
And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.

Clovis most likely cucked out of proto pepebecause of this.

Maybe, but he surely wasn't a christian if he only did it for muh dick. Any more ancient sources on the symbol? I am almost certain it has something to do with ancient kikes.

If you haven't already you should look in to Lilith. Maybe there's a connection, I don't know.
"Lilith (/ˈlɪlɪθ/; Hebrew: לִילִית‎‎ Lîlîṯ) is a figure in Jewish mythology, developed earliest in the Babylonian Talmud (3rd to 5th centuries). Lilith is a dangerous demon of the night, who is sexually wanton, and who steals babies in the darkness.[1] The character is generally thought to derive in part from a historically far earlier class of female demons (lilītu) in ancient Mesopotamian religion, found in cuneiform texts of Sumer, the Akkadian Empire, Assyria, and Babylonia."

nope. Its just another version of the tree of life. I.e. the meta meme of the old gods.


I think you are looking for this:

Well that makes things interesting. This source is completely batshit crazy. As it goes into (((reptillian))) child sacrifice or to quote.

As Holla Forums knows, reptillian bullshit is to throw people off of finding out the kikes. Any information on the bohemian club and its symbols?

Dont know, the shield with frogs is the one of satan, never trusth frogs.

Blasphemy and the origin of our doom.

The tree of life is the proto-meme. Let me tell you the story of the tree of life…

Our ancestors referred to it as growing in the place where the ten rivers originate from antarctica most likely it grew up through a very large well and was monumentally large, its branches reaching up into heaven. Through that well the head waters of the 10 rivers rose. The trees roots grew down deep past the bottom of the well and into the source of the water. The source of the water was the underside of the earth. This was a place of chaos… the water which flowed up to the rivers was the water of chaos. It was this chaotic water which fed the tree of life. Down in that water were demons, the tree of life's roots blocked their passage through the well and so the demons would gnaw at its roots in order to escape. To prevent the demons from killing its roots the tree of life would produce a fruit which would fall from the tree and sink down the well and trick the demons into eating it instead. The tree of life, which brought order to the world, required chaos to grow and from that chaos it grew and produced a fruit which kept true chaotic evil from entering this world.

Order through chaos.

And then along came these wanderers, who twisted words and myths, they drove a wedge inbetween our ancestors and their understanding of the gods they once worshipped. They changed the story so that the tree was not the tree of life but the tree of wisdom and convinced eve to eat the fruit 'because its just going to waste, goyim'.

Where do you think you are?
but yeah, don't trust the frogs coming out of the mouths of the dragon, beast, and false prophet.

Stop derailing, let's talk about the origin of the symbol as it relates to talmudism/kikes. Not as it falsely relates to christianity.

the origin of the symbol is like I said, the tree of life. It is just a kiked perversion of it.

The fruit was for the demons to eat, not us, kikeboy

Here is the wikipedia article on the bohemian club There are a great many (((leaders))), politicians, and high level military intelligence community members involved in it. I remember them being mentioned in one of the pedo investigation threads recently. Did anything come of that? Or does somebody have the link to the thread?

In the begining nothing is said of not being allowed to eat of it. Just not to eat fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. In revelation 21 it is even said the jews will be able to eat of it again.

Illuminists and masonic revolutionaries worship Athena/Minerva as the Goddess of Wisdom. Athena is the same goddess that headed the pantheon of the Minoans, it is named only in inscriptions as isshassara (Mistress) or Plotina (Lady), the same 'Virgin' Goddess as the canaanite Astarte or Mesopotamian Ishtar

All of these names refer to the same goddess, counterpart of Baal. She was identified with the owl first in Sumer and Babylonia. It's not certain if the owl (night hag) represents a demon or evil spirit under the command of her or a dark reverse of the same Ishtar. This spirit is the same named by Jews as Lilith, eating newborns and giving miscarriages/infertility.

Athena had also the owl as its symbol, this is allegedly to represent 'Wisdom' or reason. You can clearly see that the Bohemian Grove club references one myth of Athena punishing a mortal for defying her, turning Arachne unto a spider.

This is why all Planned Parenthood related organizations have the owl as a logo.

When they achieved revolution in Paris one of the first things done was to desecrate Notre Dame installing a Cult of Reason with new calendar, rituals and who knows what. Also installed a whore as archbishop (same thing happening in state-run liberal churches today).

Satan, Wotan, Odin all the same person

Proof it happens? If (((they))) do it to libtards (((they))) probably do it to cuckservatives too.

No you retard, Satan is the demiurge, God is the allfather, and Wotan and Odin are ascended masters who belong to the hyperborean angelic race.
Kikes and christcucks have inverted everything because that is their tradition, their God is the demiurge, their angels are demons. Their Satan is Hitler/Vishnu. You sound like a thothcuck tbh

liberals and cuckservatives are one in the same. See Kristol's tweet saying openly that hey fight for a Liberal World Order.

Here is that kristol guys tweet . Literally who is he though and why should anyone care?

thats what I said.

Well no, she was already his wife, it was obviously about winning a battle.
Pagans saw divinity and religion rather differently than we do today, through a monotheistic lens. This story is rather reminiscent of how Constantine became a (semi) Christina after winning the battle of Milvian Bridge. At any rate, many believe that Clovis was already an adherence of the Christina heresy Arianism (like many Germanic tribes were),and that his baptism was in fact just him converting to the Roman church.

The (((roman church))) of around post 300AD or Biblical doctrine that is of the Bible? Makes a huge difference which one it is. Because he was kiked if it was the (((roman church))).

It means Quebec.

Seeing as he was baptized around 500AD, that ticks the box " (((roman church))) of around post 300AD". Arian Christianity was much the same though, except that it saw Christ as a lesser being than God, and thus rejected the trinity, it's not like it was a kike-free verion, or anything ("Arian" from the priest Arius, not "Aryan"). Joining the Roman church may ave been more politically expedient for him, in terms of allies and such, as he conquered and asserted his dominion over neighboring Germanic tribes, who were all Arian Christians.

Of course jews would think frogs are "unclean" when they're among the cleanest animals on the planet and are indicator species of ecosystem health.
Fucking kikes.


Owls represents what we call "grey alliens" or archons before wwii.

Well, at the end they are just frisian beliefs distorted through centuries and frisians got them (maybe, i am not sure) from talmudists, maybe from christian preachers, i am implying that you are both honests, if not please kill yourselves or just go to tip your hat somewhere else.


Thesis-antithesis, but with every step the genetic pool is destroyed, the neanderthal mitochondria is lost forever and white woman are losing the allergic reaction against rhesus blood.

What you call jews are called the synagogue of satan in the Bible and you are even adding more stupidity in your nonsense, btw, its like the serpent, they are symbols, actually your "pepe" crap is more related to the frogs of Revelations.

Source and or dictionary link?

Wotan and Odin are the same God you dumb fucking niggers

This guys gets it. Read Oera Linda.


It's in a way connected to Christianity though.


Wut? Gnostics have fuckton of papers in Egypt or just check what lam was to crowley, the only weird thing here is why people still believe that this started after wwii.

History was changed.

>No actually anything against God and that is a christian is a synogogue of Satan see Matthew 16:21-26. Everything else has a name. Like for example the kikes are the babylonian chaldeans of Daniel 11 if you search enough and cross reference verses in I think it was exodus to such. Sure some are also (((christians))). But they are leavened as hell itself.

Check the text:

, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie;

Thats apply to the ones being revered as jews by christians, aka talmudists.

Maybe they are already into it, remember that the sign of heavens already happened-its happening.

Having a family is a pain in the ass (not literally) sorry for that.

Checked, any decent translation?

Well, it is a decorated form of the "flower of life", which is commonly associated with Egypt, but there is archeological evidence of it existingT least in Portugal for 6000 years.
It's probably of proto-indo-european origin, like the swastika.

Flower of life link
I can't find much else on it besides disinfo. Are these coded words for something? Because alot of it is disinfo claiming it is christian in nature. It also doesn't look like the specific image I am looking for in OP's

You faggot, you don't even read Genesis do you? That sign of pepe in Heaven has nothing to do with the prophecies of heaven in daniel 11 and revelation. It is a deception, it is there but yet irrelevent to the events of revelation. Unless you can show me the chapter and verse it is located at. revelation 23&client=opera&hs=nAF&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjascTW_rLWAhXiQJoKHZ5WB7AQ_AUICygC&biw=960&bih=485&dpr=2

Of course they are related, they are pointing to something.

First you are a faggot for using jewgle. Have an archive link.
Secondly the fleur de lis and flower of life don't look the same and the only connections between them are obscure references of the fleur de lis possible being related to the entryway to hell hint, it is not in reality or sacrifices of children for kikes.
Thirdly no, the talmudic babyolinians have nothing to do with the jews of old. (((They))) have completely subverted the christians of recent times since around the 17th century however.
Also the Bible is literal, all those pics you linked are vain peices of shit used to distract and awe goyim. Either define terms using the Bible or gtfo if you are going to D&C with religion talk. Stop D&C on religion and get back on topic

I dont care about flowers, for me is like a kike using a british name in England, a spaniard name in España or a japanese name in Japan, of course it will have a secret meaning, so just follow the money and check the origin, frogs, then check the meaning of the flowers knowing that.

I think exactly the same, but you are forgetting how they treated prophets, maybe they were the same with a few exceptions, the difference is that the real jews are called now christians (with lots of bad christians, so the number is really low).

This shit started with idols and praying to saintg and the virgin a long time before that century.

9 For it is written in the law of Moses, thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen?

10 Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope.

Calling the people noticing kikery kike is what kikes do, before you call me a projector or accusing me of anything please notice that i am not creating things out of my ass, you said that the Bible is literal, then the Bible says that is not, we arent talking about frogs that will fall from the skies Egypt's style, your kind created the alt right and now is infiltrating it to destroying it like you already did with the 99%.

Then why are you responding?
You need to lurk two more years.
Where is the chapter and verse where it is said faggot? Do you not beleive what God says? If you are going to redefine words instead of taking it literally and interpreting the Bible with itself then you could say it means anything. Which is evil because scripture is of no private interpretation as said in 2 Peter 1:20

In /pdfs/ maybe, I read a Dutch version.

Why does the griffin-thing have a head on it's penis?

Said the shill.

No argument.

Are you blind?

9 For it is written in the law of Moses, thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen?
10 Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope.

9 For it is written in the law of Moses, thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen?
10 Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope.

Serious question, do you have autism or you are just a shill?

I almost cant read english properly…

And a pennis in his head (not trolling) maybe is a way of showing how macho man is that thing?

I don't understand. What language are you looking for?

In the original image I found, it looked like a sword more then a dick. As the tip became smaller towards the top. I just drew that as accuratelly as I could to replicate what I saw. I couldn't find the exact image I saw anywhere on the internet so I drew it.

Your robot is broken chaim.

Spanish or english, btw thanks.

9 For it is written in the law of Moses, thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen?
10 Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope.

You obviously fail to comprehend english if you think that verse is literally saying the Bible is not literal. Let me give you a english lesson.
So it is written
Do not do the above
Asking if it is written for christians
>For our sakes, no doubt, this is written:
He states it is for our sakes it is literally written:
Then he states why for our sakes it is written. Because it is a continuation of the last sentence due to the colon. The why, and the literally meanings of the words about the ox are not the same thing.
Do you even english correctly? Stop D&C with religion. Stop responding to this topic if you know so much that you are right and I am wrong. maybe discern next time instead

Here you go, friend. Read it twice, you won't get all the details and the bigger picture the first time around. also, I can't vouch for the quality of translation as I read the original and Dutch translation only

Forgot link, sorry.

I'm gonna let you anons in on a little secret.

The Key to symbolism is to observe a symbol using your entire being, conscious and unconscious.

That being said…the Fleur-de-Lis is simply Lingam and Yoni United. It's a symbol of Intercourse, Sublime and Vulgar.

It's a dick inside of a pussy.

Wow as if that wasn't obvious from the mountains of evidence in this thread.
Literally who? What I could find
And on lingam
So literally faggot worshippers. Par for the course wth kikes. Interesting though that each of the triangles of the kike flag's star is supposed to have meaning.

The author of that pdf is of dubious cianigger origin for the english translation. But I will still take a look.

Well shit. What if I'd translate the Dutch version into English (this seems to be the only option)? I mean, it'll probably take me some time, but I'm willing.
I'm the same user, other ip.

I read this a few years ago, it's fairly speculative but it's a good read.

btw I dont do drugs, not that i object to others doing it. I just want to reiterate that i'm not trying to justify some activity i do by saying it's a deep and spiritual thing when all i want is to be accepted for doing something i enjoy, as i feel that is what most of the people who are into these kinds of Soma hypothesises are.

Il surgit soudain le soir
D'un égout de la rue des Rosiers
C'est un goût de cauchemar
Qui la nuit hante ce quartier

Le contrôle sur "Salomé",
Je ferais campagne pour le "Rosenstein"
Découper cette maladie
Evoluant petit à petit

Un: Les cheveux crépus
Deux: le nez crochu
Trois: les doigts fourchus
Quatre: les lèvres lippues

Argent ! C'est le cri du Yougarou
Argent ! C'est le cri du Yougarou

Si un soir tu as le malheur
De rencontrer cette horreur
Ne brandis pas un crucifix
Mais une bourse bien remplie

Tu n'auras qu'à le poursuivre
Parce que cet affreux vampire
Le temps qu'il nous a donné
Désormais tu le connais

Un: Les cheveux crépu
Deux: le nez crochue
Trois: les doigts fourchue
Quatre: les lèvres lippues

Argent ! C'est le cri du Yougarou
Argent ! C'est le cri du Yougarou

Jerusalem Ville maudite
Où l'on chante la Sionie
Jerusalem, cité interdite
Où l'on chante la Sionie
Yougarou = /int/ = french? I can't read french. But I can pattern match. Doesn't this mean that /int/ is some french (((technology))) company? What the fuck does any of this have to do with the fleur de lis or the image like it in OP's post?

France's (((royality))) is exactly that, kiked to the core. So why do kikes have french shills shilling against this? The image is only babylonian or indian/buddhist in nature. Not (((christian))) or only of the french.
*autistic screeching intensifies*



A rare Varg, very nice.

Smiley makes threads on Holla Forums: the evidence


If I'm not mistaken it is derived from the form of a bee, which is a symbol of royal immortality.

Middle class White bitches love this shit for some reason. They think they're French? Like French shit? I have no idea.

Yougarou is a French portmanteau of Youpin (Kike / Yid) and Lougarou (werewolf).


No it's the lily that was used for the oil that Clovis was baptized with, so began the Merovingian dynasty in c. 511 CE. Gregory of Tours is the primary source for early Frankish history, op is a retarded faggot.

Hide and report.

That article primarily cites R Gordon Wasson, whose mycological research was funded by JP Morgan and the CIA. That article mainly just said and circle with spot or any roundish object over a long object was a mushroom, so they obviously must've worshiped the mushrooms and thought they were the fountain of life. Not s single translation of any kind is cited, just makes shit up based on out of context art. Ancient Aliens tier.

Hide and report.

That article primarily cites R Gordon Wasson, whose mycological research was funded by JP Morgan and the CIA. That article mainly just said and circle with spot or any roundish object over a long object was a mushroom, so they obviously must've worshiped the mushrooms and thought they were the fountain of life. Not s single translation of any kind is cited, just makes shit up based on out of context art. Ancient Aliens tier.

newsflash, gnostic retard, according to norse folklore odin is the demiurge. try putting down the serrano and read primary sources, fuckwit.

I don't think so, but bees are interesting symbolically in their own right, almost universally favorable and benevolent from Egypt to Greece and Medieval Christianity. Model industrious workers and bearers of luxury and fortune (wax and honey), essential in the life-cycle of plants. As far as our primeval history with the little sprite is concerned, a cultivated bounty as old as or older than the domestication of livestock for milk. Privileged in the animal kingdom to have rediscovered our kinship with the botanical.

Thor sits on the throne, his parents stand.

The world as you know it had three.
Wodanaz, Wilija and Weaha their father being Bore and mother Estla of course one became a favorite.