this is what happens when 8pol comes out of his house he gets beat down like the sub-race your are.
This is what happens when 8pol comes out of his house he gets beat down like the sub-race your are
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First post
Fuck you KIKE
im a nacy watch out everyone.
Be careful what you start, you can stop.
oh those street nazis are not the real nazis only internet nazis are the real nazis.
8pol logic
this is what happens when anti-white kikes comes out of their houses and get beat down like the sub-race they are.
Same reminder from last thread:
Mods haven't been active in 12+ hours.
lol what the fuck is a "sub-race"? I'm pretty sure that it isn't even valid taxonomy
Fucking niggers kill allniggers shamp lades kikes soap opera triple kike hitler kazoo
I'm betting this dude is a leftist that was out to make some dumb leftist point. Honestly, I encourage his doxing to prove this theory right but ultimately sage this thread because to be NatSoc today does not include wearing armbands. Leave that shit to the alt-right larpers.
pathetic virgin internet neo nazis
anyone that is not a internet nazi is fake.
And it was the greatest Diablo II loot drop ever don't judge me this is a shitposting thread
You may as well be OP.
You salty that we made fun of your tranny boyfriend or your wife's son or something?
How subtle.
Fucking this.
Walking around Seattle - SEATTLE, perhaps the most Marxist fucking city in the US - with a Nazi armband on?
1. LARP.
2. ThingsThatNeverHappen.jpg
3. Jewish media on it in barely an hour? Hmm.
Everything about this reeks of staged event.
We'll have to wait and see what comes of it, though I have a feeling it will be memory holed if people start asking too many questions - can't have it going all 'hey rabbi, whatcha doin', now can we? If these brave Marxists really want a fight though, they should man-up and go down to the South, or even middle America, and see how that tactic flies - even if this were real, doesn't take much courage to stalk and then jump someone in an urban center controlled and filled with those who share your ideology (which is makes it seem so incredibly unlikely this is legit).
So this guy gets so triggered in his first thread, he has to make a new thread. Lel.
Reminder that the sub human ignorant negro has been fashioned by the anti-white Kike, by relentless victimhood propaganda, into a golem meant to destroy white people. Yet the ignorant nigger will eventually destroy his creator.
Honestly that guy had a very punchable face. I can't understand why the porchmonkey could not control himself. Also, what kind of fucking idiot goes and talks to the "enemy" and is only prepared to raise his hand up to stop aggression? Where are his boys at? How did he plan to defend himself? Hitler would have sterilized this untermensch.
I'll put down 1 for a false flag.
He's probably salty about the tranny getting iced by cops yesterday.
Its multiple people user, that's how shilling works now. Its almost never just one guy, its some gaggle of pinko scum, all sitting in the parent's basements, pretending they aren't going to end up like Nancy Pelosi in that other thread if muds should come to power.
Fun fact though: At about 1:04:40 in the Nancy Pelosi rally-jump'd vid, there's a great bit wherein the spic shill for Pelosi is getting drowned out by the angry illegal muds chanting, and he says the exact same thing this 'Nazi' says just before giving up trying to talk over the Aztec shouting. Its like pottery.
This is what happens when leftists go to camp without police there to protect their asses.
Che Guevara was killed by SS Klaus Barbie
yes its a false flag because it happen in real life not on the internet like real national socialism.
Here's the thing: Stupid faggots recorded themselves doing it.
So… I mean, this is pretty clear cut - that nigger is gonna get charged with assault and some other stalking-related criminal offenses, and its all documented for ready application in court.
If this guy doesn't press charges, and this nigger doesn't get hauled in, well, we know the score - this was all bullshit, designed to sow fear in White people who might be looking at this Nazi thing and thinking "thats some good shit right there…" (which the available statistics coming out recently have shown a visible uptick in).
If kikes are scared of Nazis, what better way to try to employ fear than to have an unattractive 'Nazi' get punched in the face in a Marxist city. Its also amusing how the media jumped on it - strong connotations of the HWNDU shit, wherein the flag-trackers were lauded for their quickness. They've been watching and trying to learn, it seems, what makes a 'viral' event.
Yeah, that'll do it, especially if the media jumps in to push it to the forefront.
Hello where is your sound and context of video?
You're starting to sound like TRS now.
The question of 'realness' extends not from his presence on the internet, but the fact that he is the Spielberg stereotype of what he's supposed to represent, and isnt even doing a good job of that, while doing it, of all places, in a well-established Marxist haven. Everything about this seems staged, which is why people are suggesting hes a 'fake nazi'.
Now post a shitty Marxist meme and spout some rhetoric, because you know you have no argument against that fact.
Heh, didn't that guy fucking die?
That was blatant suicide. No way they're angry about tha-
Reminder leftists are physically weaker and also uglier than right-wingers, because their ideas are false and attract only scum.
Yeah I'm gonna say no.
Every time I see it, I'm reminded of Crossed. This really is the degeneracy-zombie apocalypse.
godo point, forgot my sage.
Nice staged event.
just wtf happened exactly? There are one of two possibilities here.
1.) either some autist was walking around in public with an arm band for no practical reason
2.)false flag by leftists so they can say they're "fighting da gud fite mayne"
In the case of the second possibility, my question is why? Why do this, and more importantly why now?
Is that a rubber sword?
Impotent twats that carry this shit never use it, he probably handed this over to the cops in a complicit manner. same goes for the faggots on the right wing who do this too, its all for show
GTFO here kike.
Yep. It's a training sword probably made by cold steel cie.
While I get the point of EHMA I don't understand why someone would take that to a protest.
Remind me when I was a stupid weaboo going out in suburbia with my boken. (Except I was 12 years old )
Molon Labia
That street is 3rd ave and pike street in Seattle. Its the north side of the street by McDonalds. The area to the right of McDonalds is a bus stop and a heavy drug area and run by black gangs. Across the street are Honduran gangs and the block over are American Indian gangs. they will claim they "tracked the Nazi down" but the guy who threw the punch is just a heroin dealer and gang member, not ANTIFA.
A "sub-race" is just a more specific method of classification, a race within a race if you will. For example, among the Europid race, there are Mediterranids, Nordids, etc. And among Nordids, there are Hallstatt Nordids, Keltic Nordids, Faelids, etc.
"Sub-race" doesn't mean inferior, you dumbass. You could have just said "subhumans" but no, you had to embarrass yourself. Kys.
Anybody working on the dox? I'm at work right now but I can help when I get home. Itd be nice to expose this shit for the obviously false flag it is.
Downtown Seattle is a cesspool. They allow open drug use and bums throw garbage everywhere. Rats and insect infestations are everywhere just within the last five years. There will be a bubonic plague in Seattle and it will start on that block.
Dumping my subhuman folder until a mod wakes up.
This is most certainly a leftist playing a Nazi. It was done on a Monday morning to make sure to hit the busiest news cycle when people are all checking into their phones and going back to work from the weekend. It was also the same street Alex Jones had his confrontations on just a few weeks ago. He also says things that sound how a leftist would describe a right wing person's ideology so they can have the average normie make subconcious connections to all right wing ideology and then connect his ultimate violent outcome with the entire right. also the person who tweeted everyone about this is of course anonymous to protect themselves from "violent Nazis". They were in on this together. Where was the video of people confronting the man on the bus which is what people in Seattle would do if a so called Nazi was verbally abusing a black man.
Ooh, another "Holla Forums is venting their frustrations at continuing to lose" episode.
Check the news, this usually means we won something big.
People will believe it too. Remember, it is YOUR duty to shitpost twice on Holla Forums for every "raid" they perform
Found something better to do, feel free to post genetic refuse as well.
It's fucking nothing tbqh.
On a similar note, why is it that 9/10 times a nigger will go down after taking one blow to the temple? Is it because of how frail their bones are to begin with, magnified by a shitty diet and thus internal bleeding begins almost immediately?
Your shilling only makes me believe this was staged. That, or he was a literal retard. They say he was yelling at people before this happened. Where is the video of that?
Reeks of jewry.
Non-whites are lower than most animals, they don't need a reason to be angry or violent. Liberals get the punch too.
Shitskins are lower than all animals, even the worms in their guts.
Kek. Kikes at work at again. Also leftypol, you always celebrate a "victory" as your last because you know your time is running out.
I don't remember that story on (((MSM))).
How can a story with a real life Dexter not get any major headlines?!
I guess the (((media))) doesn't want to inspire people.
And then leftists will claim shitskins have a right to exist even though on average they are inferior. Then they will claim colonialism was bad even though the colonizers were better specimens than the shitskins they conquered.
Reminder that leftists don't have any ideals or scruples. The only thing they believe in is destroying the white race. They only believe in equality when it means tearing down white hegemony. They suddenly become eugenicists when they see a white man getting punched by a nigger, since the nigger is "superior".
propaganda is propaganda.
This guy is right. It's the wrong arm. False flag inspiration for the plebs?
internet nazis stay on the internet don't come out of you're house.
the streets are not safe for nazis now stay home and jack off to your anime.
But niggers can't build streets? Look at how niggers use up difficult to acquire resources, not knowing the cost it takes in making them or even being able to manufacture it.
Hale Hortler, doubter.
You kind has no sense of justice or prudence. The streets aren't safe for you by your own kind.
user, I . . .
That's going to be Chicago after Trump's terms are up and President Poncho takes over.
this meme tries too hard and it shows
Here's a nigger from a couple years ago killing a 70 year old man for no reason. Non-whites don't need a reason to kill you, they don't think that far usually. This is why lynchings worked.
lol k
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're very tired.
The left has never been able to meme, and that will not change even as the handlers dump millions into shareblue and other worthless "narrative crafting" organizations.
Definitely looks like the Cold Steel training gladius.
Its made completely of polypropylene which makes it pretty tough.
Looks cooler than a bat imo.
A thread died for this.