Rewind for taco invasion:
Rewind for taco invasion:
Other urls found in this thread:
What are the odds Trump hired this group to cuck Pelosi?
Correct. Democracy must go.
Let this be a lesson to all. Never help nonwhites. This is how they repay you.
If you go back then you are not a bargaining chip.
So they don't care if we deport the other 19 million illegals in country???
Tfw you will live to see the usa disintegrate and you couldn't care less.
T-t-take the blackpill you chesscucks. Don't you know we're getting DACA any day now any week now any month now?
Are you ready for 5 more months of this sort of shit?
Hardly schlomo. Im surprised this hasnt been the case. Fight fire with fire. Theyve done it to him. Why not the other way around.
Can we meme beaner trebuchets pls? I need this to happen irl
Was this part of the mad man's plan?
she sold them like selling off jews to israel
Remember, when white leftists start getting massacred, don't try to save them. This is the future they chose.
As an aside point, this is why multiracial democracy will turn out badly for shitlibs. I've said irl that the democratic party is no longer able to win with white libs at the top. They have to completely brown their leadership if they want to continue getting minority votes, as there simply aren't enough liberal whites to propel them across the line. Hillary proved that white liberals are done in this country. The only people having kids are white conservatives and minorities.
Your zogbots aren't trained obediently enough.
Wow, what a really bad ploy for sympathy and misdirection.
Trump working with Pelosi made Mexicans angry at Pelosi, because their hate for Trump is greater than their love of Pelosi.
Democrats now are stuck either supporting people who don't like them or they just give up on it.
It's worth rewinding to watch this - pelosi looks so frail and confused, the golem turns on its master.
Pelosi is likely a crypto-Jew (Marrano).
The worth is real and measurable
Bullshit, they appeared immediately after she finished. This is just some try-hard attempt to go viral.
I can restore order at the press conference.
It's like poetry.
White liberals are the most defective creatures on earth. Nigs vote in their interests for more gibs and less pohleece, Spics vote for more gibs and less border patrol, Jews vote for more shekels and less goyim but what's in it for the white leftist? A smug sense of satisfaction they got one over on the working class?
push this meme hard.
make it impossible for any trade to happen and this whole thing ends.
The only time voting Dem made sense as a white is if they were in favor of actually paying your pensions, which probably hasn't been the case for over a decade now.
Kill yourself
they are jews, look at the (((leadership))) they are not white, even though they look like they are
Pure art, the "oh so sneaky and smart" (((politician))) meets with the angry horde and it's reduced to a defenseless fool. We are gonna see lots more in the future.
Are they chanting "we are gods"?
Why the fuck are they shouting at nancy? I knew they were dumb as rocks but I at the very least thought they would have a rough idea of who was "on their side"
ok, which one of you did this?
Haha holy shit, that is a beautiful thing to see, the absolute state of the democratic party.
Hahahahah no it is not, thats the best part
This thread is too fun, where muh blackpills at?
(((Democrats))) aren't on their side. (((They))) use migrants like golems to fulfill their narcissistic greed.
that is amazing. You just know she had no clue the bandsaw she was walking into.
She is a jew in catholic clothing.
I guess she mistook "Agitators" as "Actors" when she was asked who to pick for her rally.
Better get used to it, they're going to keep saying "cucking out on amnesty" 6 months before a decision is even made.
Cap this for whenever idiots try to claim Trump's not playing political chess here. Jesus Christ every fucking time.
Jesus Christ, its like every instance I've seen of a single mother trying to control her mixed-race children and failing miserably.
She doesn't though user, that's the lie that your narrative relies upon.
Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 2 million votes or some shit - granted, there was rampant fraud going on, but to suggest that this is some major choice moment is laughable.
Nobody who actually supports Nancy Pelosi has any issue with her saying she supports amnesty for the mudfolk.
A fitting metaphor
It doesn't even matter, if she sides with America she and the dems lose the entire west coast. If she sides with amnesty, their party collapses anyways.
Damn my jewdar is so finely tuned I just instinctively knew this. I laughed when I read her wiki article to double check right now.
t. Democrats
She fucking dealt with Trump and blindly strolled right into this, holy shit the denial of these people. Their gods just can't do any wrong.
Holla Forums should troll these white liberals with a "we are not your bargaining chip" meme
It doesn't, though. Again, the portion of America that's with her side of things has no issue with amnesty.
honestly that would be enough for me to vote for the guy.
Yes, theyre mexican.
It was enough for me to vote for the guy. He's an ex SEAL too, fucking badass. Once those protesters in St Louis crossed over into Missouri territory, it was over.
Best part is at 41:50.
He's also an ex-democrat and a Jew, so don't get too excited.
53 Minutes for DACA
I don't give a shit, he gave me mass arrests of rioters. When's the last time we've seen that.
welcome to the DREAM, bitch
Military state boys, it's fucking coming.
Wrong picture, but fuck it.
Sometimes people end up believing the wrong things, and then they realize it's bullshit and turn against it strongly. Can't excuse him being a kike, but someone being a democrat and then realizing it's all bullshit isn't unheard of at all.
this is fantastic
not to mention Miller's proven self-hating jews can be the most useful people of all.
This is exactly why these adult children (retards) can't accomplish anything in their own countries.
This is exactly what 3rd world governments function.
Ayy lmao
That's a lie. You're lying to yourself, for reasons I can only imagine.
White leftist cucks, the white people who vote for DNC politicians, support amnesty for mexicans.
There is something fishy in this story.
The people who vote for DNC politicians in midterms all support amnesty for mexicans.
It could be possible only his mother is jewish? A strong father figure can work miracles.
por favor senor no deportar
She was getting scared.
she is used to being the one to send riled up agitators to her political opponents events.
This image makes me upset.
Wew lad.
Then you're a dumbass inviting Ziocuckoldry.
That guy is literally a fucking Jew.
God you people are fucking imbeciles sometimes.
Man, they can't even chant properly. They shout a bunch of sentences and repeat them until they get stuck on one accusation or claim.
So low effort. They just repeat whatever the first guy shouts and struggle over his wasteful words.
It's all staged user. Don't fall for these typical political ploys. I wish the beaners actually had their own agency, but they don't. Not really.
Women suck at everything when stuff start going off script.
So, how much longer until the cognitive dissidence wears off?
She really doesn't do well under pressure.
And those god damn indo beaner fucks.. everyone with >1/16th Native American ancestry needs to be ethnically cleansed- any alternative is unacceptable. Disgusting race, man.
Stay salty.
He's got my vote
Don't Forget Nancy Pelosi is a Italian
I'm an ex democrat voter too
The fuck are you talking about? You're shilling for a literal Jew.
He's Jewish you idiot.
Are you a Jew too?
That's some seriously thick bulletproof glass. Damn.
I don't think the beaners have agency, I just don't think she's in charge, big guy.
How mad does it make you to know the best White Nationalist in the WH is a jew from California?
These stupid spics are such good tools. It's incredibly easy to whip them into a frenzy and make them attack their handlers. Just remind them that their handlers are making a deal with Trump. They lose their shit over it very quickly.
The left on full damage control because of it, and are starting to learn that they have very little control over the shit they started.
Ayyy lmao
Libshit getting fucked
(You have to go back)
So why didn't Trump just end it instead of waiting 6 months. You faggots never have an answer that makes sense.
There are no good Jews.
That you think Miller is your ally only shows how incredibly stupid you are.
There are no good Jews.
Are there any gentiles that are not total cucks in Trump's cabinet?
For the record, you've been reported.
The mods haven't been active in like 13 hours at this point most likely, I can't be assed to check the log at the moment, but I can say this - saying 'there are good jews' used to be ban-worthy, invariably.
If you don't get banned for shilling for Jews, saying there are good Jews, well, that speaks for itself.
All Jews by virtue of their birth and their race are part of an international conspiracy against white-European man. The Jew must not be allowed to infiltrate our ranks unseen to sow discord (as they have and continue to do so).
Wew big man, tell me how alpha you are.
Did he shill Trump in the same post? Because if he said something pro-Trump in his post, there's no way he will get banned.
Wrong. Pic related.
Dead jews are the only good jews.
False dichotomy - that Trump has surrounded himself with Jews, and thus with cuckolded shabbos goyim, does not suggest that his (((BASED JEW))) is in any way good.
Wew, admin man, tell me I can't bring friends.
Those aren't Jews, you idiot, those are corpses.
He's shilling one of Trump's (((BASED JEWS))). This place really is fucking reddit now.
They really are brain-damaged.
This guy is so ass-blasted at Miller's jewishness being called out, he can't even bring himself to respond directly.
i will not stop until both parties are destroyed.
Now post sassy cat.
I never said they were human user.
I'm just fucking tired of hearing about how we need a future for white people, but then they just let a jew do the work for them. Either grow a pair or shut the fuck up.
Then why don't you talk to Trump about why he hired a Jew instead of a goy?
While you're at it, ask him why he gave his daughter to a Jew instead of a goy.
Let me know what he says. And post sassy cat.
The fuck are you doing about it big boy?
Well, It liooks like the Spics just fucked themselves good and hard.
I'm just biding my time until there's a place to post that doesn't involve imkikefy that has traffic.
Laugh at you, mostly.
And keep telling you to post sassy cat, you obvious admin-serving Jew-shillig faaaahaaahaaaggot.
Meh, all the mods are shit, and are barely ever even around.
That said, there's not much else on offer at present.
I guess I'd be as mad as you are too if I wasted all my time shilling for DACA only to get BTFO again.
I remember being banned some months ago just for saying Lauren Southern will be gassed last, even though it's not even a foregone conclusion that she's a kike.
Reason for ban: "There are no good Jews."
My how this place has changed in such a short time.
Gas yourselves, civcuckikes
8 more years
Buffalo queers
Go back to freech
On your trail of tears
You guys are kawaii
Also… I still want to bang her sister
Praise Kek Hail Trump
here the full eberswalde speech people on here can learn a thing or two from it.
You've given up all defense I see.
Let's review:
Seems legit Schlomo.
Post. Fucking. Sassy. Cat.
I don't believe this for a second - go back to reddit, or simply shoot yourself for being low-cog.
Indeed. Funny how sycophantry took over, and the consequences thereof.
Of course, I don't believe any of these faggots - they're shilling for Jews and shit, and one one hand you've got the admin shills pushing for acceptance of their Ziocuckoldry, but on the other side you've got libshit shills pushing D&C. So, basically, these posts are paid shills, either of the administration trying to control the narrative and move the Overton window of Holla Forums into Jew-acceptance, or you've got libshit Commie-Jew-Fuck faggots shilling D&C.
And of course, the moderators are nowhere to be seen.
Its really disgusting.
Very subtle.
>I'm just fucking tired of hearing about how we need a future for white people, but then they just let a jew do the work for them.
Yes. He is retarded.
Git gud user, you're replying to the guy that called out Miller as a jew.
Start your own board with all your massive support from legit WNs, (((friend))).
No, he isn't. Now you're lying like a kike. The fuck is wrong with you?
Why would they do that when they get enjoyment out of being bullied?
Wew, top-tier projection. What's your goal anyway, to slide? You're not going to convince or subvert anyone. You're too fucking obvious.
This. 8ch is the final stand of Holla Forums. If it dies then WN is finished and all hope for the white race is gone.
That narrative is dead nigger.
No really, do you not know how to read?
7c5e52 told you there are no good jews:
Which made you triggered:
Go back to endkike or megooka you tranny.
No wonder shills are so grumpy today.
I can read you shilling for Jews all over this thread, nigger.
I fucking love you faggots holy shit
Yeah these shills are really fucking upset because Trump is saving America and it terrifies them.
destroy all the parties and from the ashes a new party will be born.
No, they don't.
His jewish ancestry is clearly very thin; goyish features, bright blue eyes, ect. Not that it matters, this weirdo fuck got his degree in refugee studies, and actively supports DACA for all those """serving""" in the military.
There it is. Was waiting for it.
You know how to shut people up about amnesty? Get Trump to end DACA immediately. It's simple.
Only a jew would have the audacity to lie this poorly. Kill yourself kike.
Bro, you're literally shilling for Jews, and magically several IDs show up to defend you.
But everyone else is the shill… Seems legit.
Post sassy cat.
Kek, fucking what?
Dude, you are literally shills for Jews and decrying 'ancestry'. On Holla Forums. And calling others shills.
This is laughable.
Seriously bro, just post sassy cat and go home, there's no winning this for you.
Woops, for this fag
DACA is a good compromise if we get the wall. Deportation is a fantasy, we can at least build The Wall.
Oh, no, for THIS fag.
Actually, now I'm curious… Let's see what was going on in here before I showed up and noticed the Jew shiller in action.
Go be a cuck elsewhere. Wall is meaningless if you give amnesty. We've been over this, you stupid kikes.
You're a huge faggot.
Stop punching to the right you anti-trumpers.
I'm not going anywhere. I was born here and I'll die on this fucking glorious mountain in a pile of spent brass and dead heebs
Did he jump through hoops at a marina? Balance a ball on his nose?
There is nobody to the right of me on this board, apparently.
Everyone is to the left of National Socialists, therefore we can punch anybody we want.
Nah. It looks like these Spics are getting out of hand. The kikes new favorite golem is now well beyond their control, or has fell in the hands of one of their more progressive kin. This is going to spiral wonderfully out of control. Expect Kia Car bombs.
Very unlikely for DACA to be made permanent in some form. Not after:
If things like that keep happening, and they will if we continue to whip these dumb spics into a frenzy, then at worst we are looking at a new program that helps people rebuild their lives in the country they came from.
Try actually reading next time.
you're either a bot or you're too stupid to read
Wtf, I love Pelosi now!
Wrong. Trump will make DACA permanent to appease the mexicans currently here. Then he will open a big beautiful door in the big beautiful wall and allow 25 million immigrants from Mexico and Central America per year indefinitely. Are you tired of winning yet Holla Forums?
But does this also mean we're not allowed to use and manipulate them for what power and influence they have over other kikes?
Seems like a waste of available resources.
Then on the DOTR they can go in the oven last.
Though of course actually using them would be met with the same ">MUH BASED NIGGERS" D&C kikes that swarm every time Sherrif David Clarke is mentioned because they know how powerful a unit he is.
That face as she just begins to realize that, perhaps, she cannot control the hordes pouring in over the border and that she might live to see what happens if all control IS lost.
When he does that, we'll abandon him. Until then, quit beating a dead horse.
Do you have any proof of this or are you just venting because you're tired of going hungry on Holla Forums?
Love it when the shills make obvious sockpuppets and only respond to their comments screaming about how everyone here sucks. You guys aren't fooling anyone.
That blonde woman is really fucking hot.
Best Post:
Best Post:
Best Post:
Best Post:
Remember: Everyone else is shills.
Thread archived for research purposes.
Checked dubs
Most likely. More likely, we will stop giving a fuck about spics.
This has yuge fucking potential, make sock puppets and goad the beaners into attacking Democrats and white liberals in general as much as possible.
HOLY SHIT, Moishe! You've transparent as fuck. WHO ELSE but a kike would advocate kikes getting gassed last?
Seems legit. Now tell me how there are good Jews and the wall is a fitting compromise for DACA amnesty. Then post sassy cat. I know one of you fucks has it on a flash drive somewhere in that rats nest.
Same pattern.
Reported. You're an autistic faggot who is 100% wrong.
Worst post:
Thats lookung less likely these days. What's the point of Coming to the States if you can't bring Abuela and the rest of the brood. Gotta have that Chain Migration, Amigo.
Kekkus Vult
I like how you tried to set some context via previous replies though. Clever.
i just saw the picture of the minigun and spent no time researching past that. Chill bud
Just give up already shareblue shill.
Why don't we have CIA/Bane birthday edits yet?
Sure thing (((fellow Aryan))). I believe you.
You worthless faggots are busted wide the fuck open, at least give me that sweet feline sneer, god damn it. You fucking vermin ought to at least serve some fucking beneficial purpose.
Keep up slowbro.
This is absolutely perfect.
Do you know how much damage we can do with this? This story is a great way to bring millions of Democrats over to our side, to get them to support Trump's deportation efforts.
Wake up white folks. Things are going to get REALLY bad for you and your children once you become a minority in your own country. If you need proof just head to any major city in the South West. See how long you last in Mexican dominated neighborhoods.
The premise we should push is simple:
Mexico is a terrible place to live. Even Mexicans don't want to live there. We must do all that we can to make sure that America doesn't become just like Mexico.
These people are literally invading our nation.
PIC RELATED is the only illegal alien you should welcome into your homes.
I mean we can't possibly fit them all in the same oven at the same. Unless we pull off some 8th Wonder of the World tier engineering and build the largest, and most powerful crematory oven ever to exist.
Then what would we use it for after we got rid of them all? A tourist attraction? Baking a giant "The Kikes Are Finally Gone!" celebratory cake?
My point is, we'll have to have some kind of line, or waiting list. And I think it'd be fair that the kikes who were most helpful in getting us to that point (Being helpful does not make them good, faggots.) get to put in a request for their spot in the oven line.
Alf gets deported too, fag.
just like that time niggers crashed a bernie rally…
Sounds like a great plan.
this dudes
Or maybe you're just autistic. Did that ever cross your autism-addled mind?
Ayylmaos seeded us here my man , Alf stays kek
doubtful, Pelosi will probably apologize for getting yelled at
They'll never support Trump but you can at least make them piss their vote away on a third party candidate.
This is wrong brother. Not all Dems are left leaning lunatics, there are many that are close to the center. Reagan proved this back in 84. All they need is a push to the right. Those that remain will push the DNC further to the left than ever before.
Yeah, and that means giving them a free pass to stay, which means they're on their side. Dems, commies, niggers, muds, kikes etc. are all on the same side. They all use each other to get benefits at our expense. They're all our enemy. They all hate us. They all work to steal from us. They all collude and conspire and use each other to harm us and suppress us and take what belongs to us. They are on the same side, whether one's using one or not. They both benefit at our expense. The mud rat gets to stay and leech off our dying civilization, while we get displaced, and the politician gets increased power in the future due to the newly minted voting block and ground support force.
Great point.
This story is also proof that Mexicans do not assimilate. That they are a nation unto themselves. That they look to create "little pockets of Mexico" in the United States. That makes them an enemy of our nation.
no, because they didn't control them in the first place.
they just told them over and over that they were oppressed and that violence was a viable solution. which is something you don't need to tell to brown savages anyway.
user, I AM autistic, I never suggested otherwise. But anybody who tries to use 'autistic' as an insult, here of all places, is almost-invariable a fuckwit or up to some nefarious action.
Besides, autism is evolutionarily fitness-positive, as proven by science. Its like I say to the niggers: Just because I'm better than you and not ashamed of it, doesn't suggest you can throw that back at me as an insult and expect a response on my behalf other than derisive laughter and pointing.
IOW: You argue like a Jewish woman on twitter, and I want you to picture a handsome White man pointing at you and laughing, because that's what I'm doing right now, via psychic channels. Just focus on the image, and I assure you, you will see my face.
Naaaah, man. I've lived around White democrats all my life - they run on feels, cummies and self-loathing. Anyone who is still a Democrat, as a White person, fits that descriptor - they're full of White guilt and ethnomasochistic inclinations, they're cowards who're ideologically shallow and mentally weak, who run off their motivation to debase themselves, acquire base physical pleasure, and feed their emotional inclinations.
They're garbage, all of them, and any that you get to move to the right will just end up as 'reasonable conservative' types.
Worthless. And Reagan proved to be the worst thing to happen to this country since the Jews took total power in 1965. You're shilling, or an idiot.
That's good, actually. If they can't be controlled, then that fractures the left and make us more powerful. We're weaker than the combined force of muds, niggers, kikes, and lefties, but if they continue to fracture, and if we stay united, we're stronger than each of them. Well, rural white America would back us, even combined we'd wipe the floor with them all, but that's not going to happen. They're just going to follow who gives them what they want.
Both the lolbertarian party and the green party want EVEN FASTER white genocide than the DNC. So if a white liberal gets concerned about white genocide, why would they vote for any of those 3rd parties?
And if not those, then who? There is no right-wing 3rd party. Not one of any significance anyway.
More likely get them to lay of the DACA and related spics. Still going to fling shit about trannies and sandniggers.
Anti-social autistic behavior must be corrected. Refusing to improve yourself is out of line with National Socialism. Defending your faults by pointing out your illness is pathetic. Fix yourself.
Bro, you really don't understand the paradigm at all. You clearly need to lurk moar.
Nice deflection. But again, I ask:
I'm not the one who's suggesting that will actually happen. Learn how to read, then file your complaint with these anons: >>10625913
All you have done in this thread is derail based off of a couple shit posts of a kike (who i didn't even know was a kike at the time) with a minigun. This should be a fun thread as the cryptokike pelosi got yelled off stage by her own golems. Again, you need to chill chaim. it cant be good for your blood pressure.
Gas all kike filth race war now
Old kike bitches like that are never wrong, they just act like they didn't here it. That cunt's pissed, and those spics are as good as dead, or at least their pets are.
Quit shitting up the thread you dumb nigger
He's not malicious, just aggressively retarded.
But its been proven evolutionarily fitness positive user. There's nothing wrong with introversion as long as one can continue to be a benefit and contribute to their society and nation.
Quite. My autistic tendencies have spurred me to improve myself across the board, with great success.
Attacking that which is evolutionarily fitness-positive as morally repugnant illness is Jewish.
There's nothing to fix, at least not in this capacity.
You, however, are clearly malfunctioning.
I'm actually a former Democrat who came over to the Trump camp because of issues like this one. I live in Los Angeles. I have seen the Hispanic community wage war on my city for the last three decades. Their children form into gangs that terrorize our streets and commit murder on a daily basis. Their communities are shut to outsiders, "little pockets of mexico" in our own nation. They are a nation unto themselves. They will never assimilate. They only want to make America into Mexico again. That shit must be stopped at all costs.
The dems haven't been in this poor shape since reconstruction. Look at the number of seats they hold on local, state, and national levels. They are a coastal party now. Thats why there has been such a big push by the democrats to do away with the electrical collage.
A lot of states they still hold they hold by very thin margins like in Connecticuck.
The GOP is worthless but at least they can win elections.
Guess what happens when you put your faith in shitkins?
Hmmm. Sure seems like you were suggesting that is possible.
Post sassy cat and stop switching IDs you dumb kike.
Checkin' em.
Go back to reddit faggot.
Pffffthahaha, yeah bro, I'm the Jew here.
Reminder that you were the first faggot to jump on board saying that kike with the mini-gun was voter-worthy.
Then you're almost-certainly trash, and further, YOU DIDN'T FUCKING LURK DID YOU?
You couldn't have, because if you were a Democuck who shifted for Trump, that means that this time 2 years ago, you were a nigger-loving Jew-shucking Democuck faggot.
So why the fuck are you posting given its physically impossible for you to have lurked 2 fucking years since Trump's emergence and your supposed redpilling, eh?
Yeah, exactly. Fucking vermin.
You're a mentally unstable lunatic. People like me are far more valuable to the cause then people like you. I was an independent for years before I moved over to Trump. I wouldn't support the traditional GOP because it's just as big of a joke as the Dems
Get fucked little faggot.
oh i agree I was wrong to say that, it was my laziness that did me in, not shilling for a kike.
So many shill blue faggots advocating alliances with (((BASED))) Jews. Your shit tier garbage wont work here you dumb kikes.
You must be a godlike strategist!
6 months of muds turning against the Dems for not doing enough, and unless a full blown amnesty is given, it'll never be enough. Without muds all they have is niggers. You can't win an election with just niggers.
Best dubs of truth, shitskins cannot gather together at all without becoming violent chimps.
50% of blacks are aborted. In the USA the black population by percentage is dropping. They thought they could train the beaners like they trained the blacks.
Trump is a very visual guy. He knew sitting down with Polosi and Schumer would end up fucking them over with their base.
Rolling for Pelosi heart attack.
You had one job, user!
To force neocons to vote on record and piss off the base. Let them lose their seats and then have a loyal supermajority.
The funny thing is, if the dems were to run a beaner candidate instead of her, they'd all vote for the beaner.
They'll never actually do that because it makes the "whites VS everyone else" divide way too obvious. You're going to get literate niggers or post-nosejob kikes at best at the top.
Fuck, these people are stupid. It's almost like they WANT to go back. Enforcing immigration laws? WHITE SUPREEEEEMIST!! Want to bargain in favor of NOT enforcing immigration laws? WHITE SUPREEEEEEEEEEEEEMIST!!!!!!!!
For a lot of them it's probably the first time they weren't just given everything in life.
Glorious, they're showing it on the local news now and they're trying to spin this SO HARD.
Non-whites not wanting the laws enforced, but want money from white people. Not a big surprise.
90ish percent sure I found some shills
Of course Ill sudoku myself if I'm wrong
Levi Richardson
Levi Richardson
Sup ABC nigger.
7 hours ago
Jonathan Wilson
Jonathan Wilson
Basically this is the main one I can remember off top of my head. DACA and his actions really got me wondering because he is cucking his base.
Not a burger but watching externally that has me worried.
One thing I'd like to see is following up on video related.
The other thing is Shillary is still walking free.
He's had enough time to cool down the kike media to get into this now, without looking like a sore winner etc.
Comey is still free and the rest of the pedo squad are still free. Only low level shit has been taken out.
That said he has achieved more in his short time than any politician I have watched over my life. For that he deserves accolades for.
And he certainly has exposed the kike media many times and made even the most dense mouth breather aware of it's influence.
7 hours ago
Anthony Turner
Anthony Turner
Sup goon,
7 hours ago
Jaxon Ross
Jaxon Ross
I've been looking at these NK pictures and they are poor but they going about their lives quite productively given the circumstances. What it strikes me as, North Korea suffers from a collective form of national PTSD.
Seems to me Trump is completely full of shit and totally wrong about North Korea, it's not like he has a background in geopolitics other than an armchair connection. He's always been a go along to get along real estate type, promises this and promises that to serve his own interests and it appears to me those interests (his interests) have now completely diverged from the base of Americans which elected him. Look at the alt-right, what a fucking shameful perversion by design, I took a lot of shit when I voted for GWB in the early 2000's and even had my xTerra vandalized and the Bush bumper sticker torn of the rear window, by filthy Haitians no less but this new Nazi's connotation, and White Supremacism degradation for voting for a US President has really upped it to the next level, and what has Trump done about that?
What are they trying to spin it as?
This is hilarious.
Holy fuck, Chaim, you don't even deserve your shekel ration for the day with shilling this piss poor.
nice one fellow based magapede!
Peak into the mind of the plebbit cunts shitting up this board for the last 4 days.
Most of them are normalfags who go along with whatever they are pressured to. NPC is the best descriptor for them. Everyone has been in that state. It takes time for the mind to develop.
OMG it's just the gift that keeps on giving!! No less than 3 different (((reporters))) showed up after showing the footage and saying lines like "How horrible for poor widdle Pelosi, she was so brave standing up to those bullies who didn't want to listen to her rational explanations." and "How unfortunate that those protestors just didn't want to listen, they're on the same side yet they harrassed such a brave woman over a simple misunderstanding", etc…
Mexico is fully kiked up man. Look up names like Jose Woldenberg and Arturo Warman. These are the guys behind the Salinas de Gortari and Zedillo administrations. Look up Jacobo Zabludovsky, who kept Mexicans in the dark about their country forever on the people's money. His successors have also been kikes, his son and Denise Maerker. Look up these guys' offspring, because they still run most shit in Mexico. Their remittances from illegals are a nontrivial part of the Mexican economy. Mexico went from a relatively stable, peaceful shithole to a violent, cianigger infested shithole squared nearly overnight. Mexi-semites run Mexico along with a Euro-Mexican aristocracy while they send their Pacos and Marias here to bleed us and keep the drug pipeline operational.
sage for off-topic
Hilarious! Toppest keks.
The golem is turning, that will piss the wetbacks off even more, plus they'll be shitty at the 'media lying about them'.
Watching burgerland turn into turmoil directed at politicians and media and jews eventually, from afar, is gloriously entertaining.
Stuff like this is why they always try to keep blame on whitey, which obviously can't always work.
Holy fuck, this will end up driving the left apart at least a little bit. Liberal spic-lovers will butt heads with feminists who'll defend her.
inb4 news jews tell concerned liberals that those weren't real mexicans, they were fake mexicans hired by republicans to harass Pelosi.
((( okay, friends )))
That's how Jewish women argue on twatter newfag.
They're eating each other in their failure.
My question: why isn't anyone suing the Trump administration over DACA and selective prosecution? It violates equal protection to let one group of illegals stay and deport another when both groups have committed the same crime.
Because bringing the legality of DACA into question is the last thing the kikes want to do.
Not all minds are equal, not all minds CAN develop in this way, because it requires acceptance of discomfort. That's the central failure of your worldview - you believe all your brethren can and eventually will, if subjected to the information you were subjected to, come to the same conclusion.
But not all of them will. Theoretically, can they? Yes. Pragmatically, in application? No. Why? Because they don't have the will for it - they don't WANT to, and they never will, because it means accepting discomfort, and they'd rather be comfortable in lies that slowly kill them with comfort than uncomfortable in truth that's pushing you to survive against all odds.
Not all lemmings can turn away from the cliff, most cannot, and never will until forced, until, or unless, what it means to be a lemming, an 'NPC', is to be something better. And that relies upon those of greater will to impose that condition upon society.
Trump's still skating on thin fucking ice with this DACA shit, but this does make some strong evidence for the "it's all a massive keikaku" case.
We should still absolutely hold his feet to the fire and raise hell about this, but it's looking more and more like this isn't nearly as cut and dry as most initially thought it would be.
Not even just DACA though - but the whole idea of ICE being directed to prioritize "bad hombres"; people who have committed additional crimes. By law, they must get rid of any and all illegals and can set no enforcement priorities whatever. ICE needs to be directed to act on everyone they have information on who is illegal without prejudice, and that includes the DACA "kids".
You know, Pelosi looks like she's on the verge of a nervous breakdown. If we start a trolling campaign, we might be able to push her over the edge.
Pelosi is completely fucked with health problems, Hillary-tier. All those old fucks are kept barely alive by the daily doses of baby blood, McCain included.
Jesus Christ, we really are basically the peasantry opposing fucking vampires who consort with goblins and orcs and shit to enslave us.
Oh man, and the libshits are the zombies and mind-controlled agents of the vampiric whim.
This should be made into a tabletop game or something.
doubt he could afford it
Life: The Movie: The Game: The RPG: The LARP: Nightmare Mode
Best part is, normalfags and libshits with purple hair would pay you for it if you portrayed it properly.
They fucked up cause us peasants are armed to the teeth AND have truth and a fucking ancient Frog God on our side. Nothing will stand in our way. These vampiric assholes will be dealt with accordingly mark these fucking words gentlemen
My life my fortune my sacred honor
Alright Holla Forums
Look at this site:
No, look at it!!
It is pedoboys David Brock's project dedicated to attacking and slandering Trump each second of every minute, every, hour and every day.
They are portraying him as Hitler or as incompetent meanwhile they try portraying him to us as a traitor
Now we don't have the budget at our disposal, but we have something more powerful. The truth.
We fucked correct the record, and we will fuck this flaming disaster too.
Just wait till she's in the oven
I like how the majority of the thread is whites fighting whites. We are losing the battle without even realizing it.
You sound (((concerned)))
You're going to lose bigtime AGAIN. That much is true
Are they running his twitter? Because if not, its irrelevant.
I don't know who "they" is I assume it's kikes but I am as concerned as I am white. Ever since Trump all I've hoped for is that finally whites would stand up and fight back. I've been fighting for years but of course one person makes slow progress. Instead of tackling kikes and their antics here we are fighting among ourselves.
I find it exceedingly boring when things play out exactly like I expect. Today is no different.
thanks lad
i hope they hang this cunt. sure would be a cool happening.
so is that why you hide in tor?
Do you need a hankie?
Well, that's find for a kosher skinhead, but not me thanks.
No. I am bored, not sad.
Invest in self protection
No wonder many south american countries cannot operate as democracy except the fascist/absolute monarchy.
What cartoon is this from?
Boku no Pico
Despite her delusions of power at this moment she was nothing more than a white woman surrounded by a horde of angry shitskins.
The struggle is real.
I've seen the entire franchise, you can't fool me.
Good. I am okay with this.
So they can use the victimhood to scam people?
Does anyone here remember Operation Pandemonium? Now would be a good time to resurrect that great idea.
No, thanks. I am a cat person.
I thought it was very racist of her to leave as if they were monsters who can't be reasoned with.
Incredible, they don't seem to realize that the only reason they haven't been rounded up and deported decades ago is precisely because of people like the Kike they are screaming at.
First thing that came to mind
Hope that means she will run too
The Poles do exactly the same in the UK.
Every problem America is facing as a result of Mexicans, Britain is also experiencing at the hands of the Polish. This is why Poland is allowed to reject refugees, it's a reward from the EU, payment for the damage that country is causing to the West.
so we should meme a third party pandering completely to mexishits living here in the US? just imagine, a political party so completely dedicated to doing whatever the beaners want that it splits the democratic party, pushes the leftist slide into overdrive, and firmly establishes the dichotomy of "america first" vs. "foreigners first" in american politics for years to come
Shadilay you glorious bastards
Why have a third party when that is already the designated shitting street where the democrat party exists?
Wow, what a bunch of upstanding, hardworking, decent, assimilated AMERICANS!
I guess Latinos really are more intelligent than niggers at least. They know the democrats only want to use them are political pawns. The negroids are like an insect race the way they vote democrat so single mindedly. Latinos at least have some free thinkers among them to vote somewhat split, same with the gooks and islanders and natives.
The Latinos should form their own party and btfo out kikes, niggers, and liberals.
"…dreamers are screaming at Nancy Pelosi. Let's listen in."
It's so perfect. Posting, it's a video from earlier on than
You are angry the Poles are not assimilating to Religion of Cuck™ in Londonistan?
Get out.
what's the matter, don't like the ingrates you fucking cunt?
Why is the word Pisslam censored?
this hashtag needs help.
Were these paid protesters or the real thing?
They're gonna run Kamala 😒
Their posters were shitty beaner-tier printouts, so it probably was actually organic. Their paid agitators taught the beaners that this sort of conduct was acceptable. This is the future they chose.
Kamala is going to get this treatment and worse and she will absolutely crack under pressure. Her trying to sass a group of angry spics will be funny, even more so when she's called a race traitor for marrying a "white" guy.
This is delightful. I bet the puts on the same expression when the maid in her house gets too close.
That vid is an honest to god example of someone woefully out of touch getting a face full of the people she claims to support and being absolutely terrified and disgusted by it.
The only thing that could make this whole shitshow better would be Pelosi getting caught on a hot mic saying 'I'm trying to help these fucking spics and embarrass me like that?!'
And god, what cognitive dissonance must be going on among the liberal media. How do you spin this? Do you play the 'internalized racism' shit? If Pelosi was a white guy, I could see them using the 'White men don't speak for them!' angle, but a sacred cow like Pelosi?
Eat yourselves, slugs.
This should be used as an opportunity to redpill the left. What happened here is wrong. Pelosi is an cunt but she did what they asked her to do and are still being threatening. I expected at least one of them to attack her physically. This needs to be an eye-opening moment. If you have normalfags you know, spread them this. These illegals don't even acknowledge or appreciate what she is doing for them.
Reminds me when Bernie got cucked. Anyone got a video?
Any artfags want to draw Pelosi as a jesus figure getting whipped and spat on by beans maybe crucified.
Meme wizards don't let this go to waste.
Hell I showed my lefty mom this and said THIS is how they treat their advocates they would murder you. Stop your immigration insanity!
It did effect her.
Yes, please.
Its sad too, because liberals whites usually have mid range IQ's too, 100-130, while conservatives have the 85-100 and 130-160+ range.
We need white liberals to breed, just not their ideology.
I still laugh about Barron only clapping for the tractors.
I've been hearing more and more lately that there's a genetic predisposition towards temperament. Would you like to have that middle section filled out, only to be filled with more easily-led-astray turbocucks?
Because it divides them even more?
Mexicans won't feel the need to vote Democrat with their La Raza party and Democrat whites will have to see that Mexicans are just doing identity politics.
Examine their IQ again and you'll quickly find out the only part they score higher on is the verbal section of IQ, not the parts that matter the most when it comes to intellect which is why they so easily parrot the media, their literally communist professors, and lack critical thinking skills. Find one liberal who didn't fucking keep making stupid pop culture and harry pothead and whatever else references to refer to actual real life things. Besides, political views are genetic. This is proven
Other interesting things you all should note
Nobody can escape their genes and the liberals don't breed, the leftists are a genetic dead-end and will be the death of the race so they must die off as Darwin wills so the only ones that will be left are the literally right minded whites who will do whatever they can to survive as evolution intended. Eventually we will reach what Darwin predicted
“At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace throughout the world the savage races. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes, as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked, will no doubt be exterminated. The break will then be rendered wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilised state as we may hope, than the Caucasian and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as at present between the negro or Australian and the gorilla.”
― Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man
I wonder if we can meme evolution is racist. The leftists now are already worse than the fundies and the support insane Religion of Cuck™ic fundies as it is.
This, they're trying to just bury it and hope Holla Forums doesn't spread it everywhere. With how bad things are here these days they unfortunately may get their wish.
Just focus on the midterms. Every dem and RINO/neocon out.
Based mexican immigrants
I honestly thought this was a possibility. With all the DACA mind games going on now Trump could have seemingly backtracked on DACA and is using it as a D&C tool against the left. I wouldnt put it past him.
Personality traits are heavily influenced by inheritable genetics. The proliferation of these mass produced unpeople after millions of men of character died in the great wars is no coincidence. But their lack of a proper immune response to the mud people invasion will be their undoing. My assumption is that it will happen in the form of some superplague that makes the black death look like child's play. Urban areas and tropical hellholes will be annihilated and those of us graced with a healthy response to foreign invaders will repopulate the Earth.
Yeah nancy, I got your back. chuck I like you. You're alright buddy.
Three days later the spics hate these stupid fucks and all dems now and the absolute ass faggot arrogant pricks walked into Trumps Tramp with smiles and feel goods and got BTFO
pretty much this.
He planted the seeds, and now is reaping the harvest a plenty. D&C'ing the already fractured left even further, and making the spics act out against the left. And with the left caught off guard, they will… no, no I'll just let it play out. why spoil the surprise.
>(((based))) shitskins
Good man
" As soon as one even carefully cut into such an abscess, one found, like maggots in a decaying body, often blinded by the sudden light, a kike."
imagine if you guys got trump to retweet the video
Even spics can see the DACA bill isn't going to happen.
whoa cool ID
Show just how stupid the press is. That's a gattling gun.
Criminally underrated post.
Trying to appeal to people who make emotional arguments using logic never works, never has worked, and never will work.
You'd be better served agreeing and amplifying with the shitskins. The sooner we can make this two party system explicitly "The White Party VS The Brown Party," the sooner we can start openly espousing Fascist and NatSoc rhetoric and getting away with it. Agree and amplify. Demand that all the "old white racists" in charge of the Democratic Party hand over the reigns to the "fresh vibrant faces" they are so eager to champion. The propaganda alchemy they used to transmute our nations and direct our narratives runs both ways: feed it back into them by disenfranchising them out of their own house and home. Meme the race war into reality.
Autism, anti-social activities, and being a literal fucking retard that doesn't understand simple nuances are not evolutionary fitness positive no matter how many times you repeat it. In harsher times someone like you would be dead because you took someone's joke about jumping off a cliff seriously and went and did it.
I'm sure you and autfag left the womb with a Hitler moustache and a roman salute.
Asses and eggoes-tier niggerdry.
You don't gamble for digits, nigger.
The eternal anglo.
>He attended Lady Margaret Hall, a constituent college of the University of Oxford, where he earned a D.Phil. in refugee studies in 2000.
Holy shit how bad can it get? The ride never ends, even when the guy is a fucking seal. Shouldn't surprise me, since, ya know, he's a jew.
Now thats what I call jewy
High energy, I would vote for him
Psst… people in this thread are shilling for kikes. Pass it on
Serious question. Why are Mexicans so ugly? Brazilians and other non-Mexican spics don't tend to be short and fat like Mexicans. Cubans and Brazilians have to hate Mexicans for a reason.
Mexico is the fattest country on earth. Hispanics in America are also the fattest race. I think it's the corn syrup. Other races the bodies reject corn and don't fully digest it. And Indios have been eating maize for thousands of years.
Seems reasonable to post this.
How do memes do that? I thought this one had died.
This is all going exactly as people have been predicting for years. The current Democratic party as we know it is not long for this world. There is no possible way they can keep all these dispirit groups together as there populations within the party (and country) grows. The only thing even remotely keeping them together now is kill whitey and free gibs. The second all the white liberal boomers currently running the party retire or die in the next ten or fifteen years. Is the second the democratic party devolves into south african ANC tire bullshit. They all ready can barely keep their supposed constituents under control. Just imagine the shit that's gonna go down in 2020, let a lone 2024.
Corn and a big percentage of mestizos.
The problem with the mestizos or other individuals of mixed race is that they get many mental issues due to genetics and being ostracized for not belonging to either race.
So they are excessively self destructive.
Do you ever wonder why (((they))) want all of Earth to be one race?
Your dub confirm the wonderful fate of the useless democrat party.
Not just that, but you need to add in figures from… god I forgot where the survey was shown, but it was conducted in mexico to find out what percentage of them held which views on illegal immigration. The result was the majority felt they had every right/freedom to cross into the US illegally at any time of their choosing, for any reason, and had absolutely no problem with them or anyone else doing it. Showing they have no respect for our country or its people, the majority also held the view that it was both acceptable and smart to come here, work, and send their money back to mexico while giving as little as possible of it back into the US economy in any way.
Basically it showed that the majority of mexicans hold the view that the USA is just somewhere they can go whenever they want for whatever reason, drain it of resources, and give nothing back, and also the majority showed no qualms with taking/getting any and all government money they could (ie: welfare). So all that "pride" at "being in the USA" that show they put on about "being so happy to be here" and how they "just want to work for a better future," is just that, a show and nothing more. All they want is to come here, take what is ours, and drain our resources for themselves.
We need to find that survey again and start combining it with images of the pelosi fiasco, to start spreading propaganda to show people that these subhumans are not coming here to make a life for themselves and work to improve our country for all, but rather just to take whatever they can get just like typical invaders raping and pillaging.
This is what I will call myself from now on if anyone tries to call me racist, anti-semitic or a white supremacist.
I am against parasites of all classes and races and demand their removal for the wellbeing and good health of our society.
This includes super-rich whites that exploit the populace with jew money games.
It just so happens that the least parasitical group is white working men, so that is where my primary loyalty lies.
So they want to go back? Good news!
Watch Pelosi's tongue as the screeching diarrhea diaspora foolishly looks a gift horse in the mouth.
Lip licking is a subconscious pacifying behavior that indicates insecurity. The filthy brown stinky golem turned on its master and she is nervous as hell.
Hahahahaha they successfully shut it down. The shutter has become the shutee.
So they should be easy to convert, right? We don't need this no true Scotsman attitude. We're going to need the support of people who haven't woken up yet. They just need a push.
Completely missing a meme opportunity this badly.
Poor English added for authenticity
We need to show this to every normies. I do not care if the redpill conversion fails.
If the leftists ever fully take over people like Bernie and Pelosi are going to be some of the first to be eaten alive by their own kind aren't they?
Kek. Though it's questionable if this is even needed. I swear every illegal cunt has at some point proudly admitted it on social media because they thought they're safe.
Actually you could make half of them self deport if you simply force schools, employers etc to make identity checks by law, and have them pay a massive fine if they don't or still choose employ illegals, just like voters should need an ID.
I'm not sure if this is legit or literally the best troll of a generation playing on fat fuck shitskin entitlement. Maybe not a troll (I would have said WHITE Democrats and implied they were Hitler, lel).
They really were missing a machine gun there.
We will get rid of alphabet groups, you CIAnigger. Stay mad.
After this little taco invasion stunt, it's more likely that their whole country is going to be wiped out and burned to the ground.
"Polish" is a meme in England because they can't say shitskins, you newfag.
Recent thread revealed muhammad to be an autistic cuck who got cheated on by his loli as well as told god to tell him to tell his friends he's autistic and doesn't like them visiting him at his house.
whoa cool newfag
True, but the plausibility of the meme is it's strength. Imagine democrats shouting at illegals for being ungrateful, while the illegals go full "yo, dats racist hombre" on them.
Oh please let this be real, amen.
The DACA bill is going to happen
Republicans may oppose it in public, but the people they answer to want open borders
That would lead to another civil war so the cucked reds bette be prepped for that happening.
I would kek for 40 days and 40 nights if that happened.
Wishful thinking.
This is how Mexico is all the time and has been for years. Non-white political action inherently involves threats of violence and implacable demands. I was in Mexico City just a few years ago and the teachers' union was out rioting and blocking the freeway. The only times Latin American countries have ever been able to thrive have been under the same right-wing autocracies that the kike press cries about violating Muh human rights. These are the people that live in those countries and this is what they do when they don't get their way and a strong hand isn't there to keep the monkeys from taking over the zoo.
This is the look of someone who has suddenly realized "what have I done?"
We are going to be seeing that face quite a lot in the years to come, I'd wager.
Ha ah ah ha ha they shut it down.
these videos were funny, but that guy is solidly aut-kike and sounds like a homo when he's talking.
Did Trump know this would happen if he met with her?
He had to. Never doubt MAGA
They're still good for introducing new people by tearing down taboos with humour.
He's right. All beaners should form their own great ethnostate at that. And we'll form Cascadia. And we'll just shoot the shit.
They can go back to their countries of origin and be with the rest of their kin. As someone from the Northwest myself, I agree that Cascadia would be nice but it would be even nicer to retain as much as North America for whites as possible.
Agreed. I suggest balkanization at current rates, however.
civcuck, pls go
nice? NICE?
no, faggot. a vanilla ice cream on a sunday afternoon is nice. it's IMPERATIVE to retain what is white. don't give those greedy invading shitskins a fucking inch.
That's looking more and more to be the reality, unfortunately. Even more so once the boomers finish dying off, which will be a curse as much as a blessing.
this is derrida and his fag deconstruction again. real life isn't as real as the 100% completely fake fictional jew worlds since we're going beyond the best and into the worst which is now the best. also why mother! is a film and why a commercial urinal was an acclaimed piece of art.
"They're even arresting legal observers".
Yeah, everyone there is just a legal observers. CNN mentality getting to these libs with phones. Thinking they're all journalists with special privileges and laws are for other people.
Not one more fucking inch of white soil given to niggers. Do you understand, traitor?
This, this is so beautiful. They're gonna need a much bigger golem.
The fuck is wrong with Duchamp? If you'd like to think of it this way, every single enjoyable facet of postmodern art is all because of his urinal (not saying people don't take post-modern art way too fucking far, because sometimes they do), so tread lightly with your words there.
Also there's nothing wrong with Deconstructivism either (first 2 pics related). While it's a little over-used sometimes in art, in Architecture there are only a handful of Deconstructivist buildings, and the ones that do exist like a couple of apartment buildings and the Disney concert hall in L.A. are prime examples of deconstructivism being effective, provocative, and inspiring. Architecture is unfortunately one of the slowest moving categories of art (and for quite understandable reasons, I can make a painting today but it would take me years to build a building alone, nevermind the exorbitant costs to do it). What I really appreciate with the new Deconstructivist buildings is the fact that they are becoming more like organic structures as opposed to, say, the extremely mechanical and "depressing" concrete buildings of Brutalism (which could technically be seen as a successor to Suprematist architecture, mostly in East Germany and Russia in the early 1900's to the early 1940's, such as the Bauhaus school [3rd pic related] or the proposed building of Wolkenbugel by El Lissitzky), almost as if Deconstructivism willfully opposes that movment.
But, I digress, yet I think you might be trying to draw a comparison between Deconstructionism (a school of thought) and Deconstructivism (a school of art), of which, I can't really find any similarities between the two terms and what they imply. After reading up on Deconstructionism a little bit, Deconstructionism seems to imply the extraction of context from text, or the basic meaning of what the author is trying to convey. What exactly about this is bad to you? That's just critical thinking applied laterally.
Also don't diss Duchamp, keed. If that dude was still alive he'd art you to death.
I apologize in advance for the horrible sentence structure in the 2nd paragraph lol
This is hilarious, you know they are going to go after her and others like this on the left.
start applying vaseline to your chapped ass before reading this post. kike :^) the entire point of derrida is that nothing can ever mean anything. for example, if you believe a 'building' means something that looks more or less like that bauhaus school, i'm going to make something that looks completely different but in some context is still a building. duchamp's use of readymades is the same idea. he used something that is ostensibly 'not art' (a mass manufactured urinal, a bicycle fork, etc.) and said 'this is still art, broze!' and challenged people to prove him wrong. obviously this chapped some art critic ass, so they scrambled (like the critics of mother!) to find some context in which they could relate this now 'art' 'not-art' to existing works. these buildings seek to be 'not-buildings' in the sense that they don't look like buildings and in fact look like alien piles of shit which is what they are. it's a degradation of reality and of meaning. fuck duchamp and fuck you; kys.
It would be the smartest move he's made in the past month or so.
pic related
Is Nancy Pelosi a catholic?Is this a reason why is she for illegal immigrants?
I believe you are missing the important step where Duchamp's urinal is the thing that technically "broke art free". If Duchamp did not create the urinal, we may still be afraid to break the bounds of what can be accepted as art. Funny you should link a picture from a video game in your post there, because at one point in time people didn't think that video games were art, but now we do because we know about the amount of craft that goes into them and what they can make us feel. Swinging back to Duchamp, there is an element of construction here, the act of placing the urinal in an unexpected fashion can throw you off for a bit. Since I wasn't raised in that time period and was not familiar with the current construction of urinals (also I first came across that piece wholly outside of the art history context, or any meaningful context of where I found it at, mind you), I was actually pretty slow to catch on that this was, indeed, a urinal - which surprised me that much more and gave a lot more meaning to the signature of "R Mutt".
However, the positioning of the urinal and seeing the piece completely out of context is actually quite pleasing. I'm a total nutjob for minimalism and everything that involves ergonomic curves gets my dick hard. This, in and of itself, solidifies this piece as art in my mind. However, the part that you seem to detest the most, the actual point of the piece is what actually makes this art. Duchamp created a context for this piece as to use it for a complete and total assault against the arts community. Honestly I feel that Duchamp is the "original troll" because he made everyone and their mother lambast this decision, which again was the true point. In essence, he made people feel butthurt (just like you lol). You cannot deny that Duchamp actually made you feel something, which consequently means that Duchamp actually did create art with this piece because he literally intended on trolling the entire arts community. I don't even need to elaborate on how fucked up and unintentionally ironic your opinion is if you can't see the art in that, especially in this place.
Bitch, you don't even know me and you don't know my tastes in architecture fully either. You may not be so, but you are acting in the manner of a babbling asswipe niggershill with the mere implication that I detest Brutalism or Constructivist architecture. To explain since you will likely be moved to develop a flawed argument repeating previously mentioned "material", liking a "reverse" or conflicting idea in an art movement is not akin to disliking the conflicted art movement. Art and politics do have an overlap, but they are not one and the same. Coupled with the fact that proper grammar seems to be above your level of comprehension, I have no choice but to assume that you are, most likely, a complete shill who is trying to derail this topic: your motives . Therefore, I shall sage. However, to your credit, you seem to know what the existence of a semicolon is - but not how to use it (should have went with the colon, bruh).
Also, given your arguments, I am led to believe that you don't like any aspect of modern art (which is, given the position of video games in the current era is also heavily ironic). Additionally, I am led to believe you don't even like art at all. Why then should I, or anyone for that matter, respect your veritably insipid arguments on it?
Catholics have always been a problem in the USA. You can't serve two masters.
That crowd is really Mexican. Where's the diversity?
whoremongering Catholic president tried to end the federal reserve.
Its more likely Bernie pushed for this to take the lefty establishment wing down a peg.
He has my vote.
Already doing this in jewtube comments but need more peer-reviewed links.
Fuck you. Brutalist arcologies is what we should strive for.
Didn't really need to, but it wouldn't be dishonest if he did. Just an illustration of what's beneath the surface.
The Democratic Party put themselves in this very dangerous position when they thought they could replace their voter base with nonwhites. It honestly didn't occur to them that they'd be replaced too.
Now that party is in a bind: they're a coalition of competing ethnic groups who have no common interests beyond enmity for the white man. The moment immediate conflict between their castes and races comes to a head, their political machine breaks down.
Even when whites are the minority, we do have fair chances of winning elections. We just need to wake up and get our shit together. The more we come under attack the more inevitable is is we turn into a dominant voting bloc.
Oh and it gets even better when the white boomers who used to lead the democrats are finally replaced with nonwhites. We all know how nothing works when it's run by coloreds.
Electoral victories require competent leadership, coordination, and hard work during campaigns. When the managerial positions in the Democratic Party are filled with incompetent blacks and browns who also don't like each other, it'll be a shitshow.
They call it "the human microphone". The left pioneered the tactic for events where they can't actually bring a megaphone. The purpose is to for protestors to shut down the offical speakers with a clear message. As you can see it's very effective.
That's about all it's effective at, they just look like petulant children playing the "I'm louder, so I'm right." game.
Please someone fuck with the link so that (((one percent))) redirects to the Jews article.
kikeanon, don't accuse me of missing the point when you're missing the point. i already knew you were jewish when you were talking about communist jew architecture and a jew named lissitzky. the fact that you had to resort to circumlocution about whether or not this was art in your 2nd paragraph proves my original point, that deconstruction removes meaning from things.
bookmark this shit to prevent such off-topic questions
The same faggot also fucked Cuba up pretty good.
Stop making it worse for yourself.
It's both ugly and a horribly inefficient waste of space. At least brutalism is efficient for all its ugliness.
Poles were right again
Ask Carlos Slim. They backdoored Telmex around 2003 with NSA help, and it got so bad the Zetas set up their own pirate trunked two-way radio system.
I believe they we're chanting "We are the cause" after Pelosi said she was fighting for their cause.
what is this exif fuckery?
I can't stop watching this bros, it's addictively hilarious. Even if the left wins, they'll always lose. Combined with niggers already bashing them for being too white, all the shitskins will eat the left alive. There will be nothing left of them if we weren't around to protect them from themselves.
Good thing that's all it takes to earn a filter.
bernie's cucking was still better lol
Bonus points if she was drunk when it happened.