This took place at "Unibar" near Aarhus University, Denmark.
The person assaulted chose to take legal action the following day. A case has been opened and she will be charged with politically motivated assault (a hate crime).
This took place at "Unibar" near Aarhus University, Denmark.
The person assaulted chose to take legal action the following day. A case has been opened and she will be charged with politically motivated assault (a hate crime).
Other urls found in this thread:
liberal tears are one hell of a drug
Middle aged and old American tourists visiting Europe are perfectly fine and decent people but young ones are almost always insufferable trash. See them all the time. Loud and obnoxious and with a look so stupid that I can't put it in words.
in that silence after he says that, right as shes putting on her purse, notice the frantic rate at which she finishes putting her purse on so that she can REEEEEEEEEE.
That moment, that was when the big jimmy rustled.
10/10 would watch meltdown again.
Oh how I wish she had said that to me. Ah well , I suppose one day some cunt will try. Ageeed 10/10 would laugh in her face irl
She's projecting.
Yea good luck with the (((legal system))) getting your hate crime enforced for supporting Trump and being attacked for it. We all know how that will go.
Will she get deported?
That would be (fire) (crying face) (cryingface) (100) (100) (OK)
throw acid on her
What else can we expect from children in adult bodies?
Id rather her land in prison for 15 years or something, assuming they have mandatory minimums for political hate crimes. A political hate crime, that sounds like it would be to terrorism as manslaughter would be to murder. Then she could get a real taste of sharia in the prisons when they force a burkha on her etc
I hope she gets culturally enriched by a rapefugee.
burger here. its pretty embarrassing, i was raised by intolerable women like that. its a shame what the electric jew has done to our people.
Crom's Holy Phallus, how the duck are people this blind.
I watched this video through the lens of this PBS video. It is very true I think.
inb4 Black Kike Speaks + E-celeb shilling
This is a good breakdown of what has happened in many ways to Western Civilization. WW2 has become the new creation myth of Europe and the European Diaspora beginning primarily with the Boomers. The traditional European and American foundation myths are attacked and rejected.
It is worth a watch.
Basically this woman is conditioned by the new American (Jewish created) foundation myth, wherein the evil Nazis (and racism, aka white identity, in general is the ultimate evil) must be destroyed by the morally pure Allies to give validity and structure to existence itself. That is why they have the fanatical zeal of religious fundamentalists and the arguments are always moral. Notice she presents no arguments but simple condemns them for moral failings (you are a horrible human being) and proceeds to attack them.
It is the new American and British political religion forged during WW2 and the foundation of our modern nations antagonistic to the previous foundation stories of Colonial America and Imperial Britain. Holla Forums is a holdout of the those who value the previous foundation stories and the values and culture they inculcate.
This, I mean when you look in their eyes they're empty. The best way to deal with them is to ignore them, it can be hard not to, but trust me that fucks them up even more especially if you do a grin and say nothing while they spew their superior values.
That it turns makes their anger grow exponentially to the point where they look totally insane, some may try to psychically attack after that, but that just puts you in a position for self defense *wink *wink.
we do have a lot of (((zombies))) here but to be fair, i've seen the same look in peoples from euro too. you have been effected by the jew just as much
Always remember that they are only sheep. The vast majority of people will always be sheep who are unable to think for themselves. That's why one calls them the masses. They think and do what they get told by their authoritive figures or their social environment (mass media). As soon as we take control over the narrative, they will switch their worldview as if nothing happened. You can already feel it starting on the internet.
I'm thinking of a new term.
The nigh-insane extremes of catladydom, these are the sort of hyperliberal twats who cry over people saying mean things, who become violent with regularity (owing in both cases to exposure to/high parasitic loads of toxoplasmosis while emptying messy cat litter boxes) and are incariably highly promiscuous 'career women' with no children.
True that, but the ones I spoke to were at least willing to hear my side, without calling me racist/nazi, we may disagree on politics and values but that's it, it doesn't require that much brain to figure out you can't change people, that are unwilling to.
What a dumb bitch, she needs to get bent over the kitchen sink and raped into submission. This is hardly "assault" though, what faggot laws there are that a little tap like that actually crosses the line into illegality.
Literally pic related.
Seriously Americucks you need to put your uppity roasties under control that's insane
speaking of laughing at people in IRL, i have found this to be one the the most genuine ways to deal with blind ignorance. Perhaps it is one of those, "if you dont laugh you'll cry" situations,"
and i'm deeply in denial, but point to me someone who isn't.
i dont think thats the case because i cant think as fast as i can laugh at something. it is truly funny to me.
Dont be a quiter. a lost cause is a lost cause but 95% are not lost causes like the shills want you to think.
Laugh at them to there face when they meltdown like this.
They seem to take my reaction to be genuine because it really gives them a confused look; snaps them out of it. I hope next time, they realize that I am laughing with them because they don't know. Even a fool gets a good joke, but problems is that no one thinks they are fools. Make them feel like a fool and maybe they will get the joke.
it's a good one!
Check out this article claiming Youtube is a "hotbed of rebellion". It mentions as an example the antisemitism of Pewdiepie.
It is so clear unintentionally from this article that the modern "system" is under an authoritarian foundation myth established during WW2. The ultimate evil is the Nazi and the ultimate good the innocent persecuted Jew. The internet is challenging this Boomer foundation myth and it is rebellion.
A lot of those bitches are in the city, far from men who have labor jobs and will tell them to shut the fuck up. In the city they have "nu-males" which are basically males but not much men.
You're not wrong and you know it. Laughter as derision triggers the bee jesus fuck out of snowflakes
Just toss your beer in the slags face and laugh at her. Nothing she can do.
Here's another method, very appropriate to this thread.
Burger here, what are the chances this slut will get punished? Women here get away with shit all the time, pussy pass. Hope she gets put in her place.
Not exactly, im not trying to make someone feel stupid.
That implies its in a mean way. I used to laugh at them, but there comes a point where it wasnt funny (that way) anymore; that a coping mechanism.
More of a
kind of laugh.
What a hysterical bitch. I honestly wonder how she's behave if some strong dude firmly slapped her.
webm without intro faggotry before (((they))) shut it down
Excellent, it's always nice to see these arrogant faggots get fucked by their own ideology. Tis' a good day.
She'd probably slide off her chair with sheer arousal. Feminism (and female cuntery in general) is a shit test.
Maybe she got enriched on the way back to the hotel, who knows.
Yeah, big time.
Live in South Afr. Can confirm m8. All trash, loud as fuck, rude, entitled and act as if they know it all. They have this superiority complex in which they patronize any local white, but somehow pretend that they have suffered from the affliction apartheid has caused them before they were born in a foreign country. Oh, - all women, all coalburners too. Yanks, I hope you're not sticking your dick in well-travelled ladies because I can guarantee you they're not visiting us in the bedroom and it's sickening to watch. You're second though. We have a saying, you see a blonde with a kaf? Yip, That's a german whore. It's literally so prevelant. And you don't even see it in fancy places, you find this shit in the gutters and wonder "How the fuck did you end up here? Why are you so lost young lady?"… But as saffa's we let things be. "n donkie stamp nie sy kop twee keer nie" = "We're not fucking stupid and we don't make the same mistakes twice." So they get what they deserve. I don't even feel sympathy for them when the SHTF because the inevitable always happens… They will eventually become a victim of somekind. The tourists that visit this place tend to have the same superiority complex but they tend to be older. The backpackers are the ones you find doing the above. Mostly wannabe hippies, stoners (because you can buy weed from cops if you really wish to), cokeheads, literal sluts… but hey, they're "Daddy's good little girl" when they go back to the states or vaderland right? Fucksakes guys…. Not trying to depress you but you guys should really fucking make a point of showing disgust at this sort of thing. You keep exporting them to Africa and all they do is virtue signal and cause more shit in our country.
Waaah excuse me but I'm an American libtard!!!!! My feels take precedence no matter where I go. How dare a Dane in Denmark take pride in my nation!
Also notice how the Dane has a far better command of the English language than the raging libtard. Sad!
However, if you're not willing to defend your woman, you're not really good enough for her. If she's not willing to do her womanly roles such as cooking and cleaning, then she's not good enough for you. It's simply about having standards. This does not mean you can't help her out if you enjoy /ck/ from time to time. But you treat her like a lady, and she treats you like the man you are. Standards, all about standards.
A man doesn't need to prove to his woman he's a man, abuse, force her into submissions. His actions speak for themselves and they are mirrored in her actions. It's sad because you may be a tad younger and you'll find that both the women and the men are so lost in today's minefield of cultural marxism. Kudo's to you if you've made it this far. Find a good gal, love her, take care of her. Don't take shit from her. She'll love you, take good care of you too.
Honestly, what is the appropriate response here? I'm at the point where I think I could handle basic liberal arguments in public quite easily, but I don't know how'd I'd react with someone in my face screaming "YOURE A FUCKING HORRIBLE PERSON" without presenting any points at all. What are you meant to do, lads?
That sort of behavior won't stop until large scale massacres of libs by various factions (niggers, spics, us) start to happen. Leftism is a disease that is very hard to treat. It would be easier to just kill them and move on.
was there ever a time you were also lost?
To a liberal, you act smug and they'll rage for weeks. Using their buzzwords against them is also fantastic, just laugh in their face and say "you're on the wrong side of history".
"y u mad bro?"
Seriously, it's a bar. People get liquid courage and try to confront you like they see on ebin TV dramas and the like. No matter what statistics or facts you give to these lunatics, their emotions will block all of it. Just laugh in their face, and continue having a good time with your m8's. Record them and egg them on for reactions.
There is no response, some people are too far gone short of intensive psychological therapy and re-education to reverse years and years of leftist brainwashing
And since the vast majority of people don't have the ability to provide that, the answer is ignore them focus on the ones that aren't that far gone, and prepare yourself to purge that ones that are when the time comes
Oh, I completely understand there is absolutely nothing that can be said to the brainwashed whore that will change her mind or worldview, I'm just wondering how to present yourself to seem like the stronger side to other people.
Maybe he's young and he's just well orientated. I've seen the reverse occur drastically in young 20's as well which is sad.
Your point is relevant but you're no better than a nigger. Your goal is to unite the white race, not divide it. So you do not simply go DOTR overnight, you ostracize these members of the community (They are here, they live a lie if they say otherwise). It helps keep things in check and the red-pills are made with self-raising flour used by conservative and loving mothers and fathers for their children - even in a pozzed society as infected as SA. You guys need to fix that shit before it gets too late… But don't say shit you're not already doing otherwise it's just lip service and it does not look good untoward yourself. Godspeed wherever in the world you are though.
Ignore them
Make them look insane by refusing to feed into it
people can change their minds overnight if the sufficient requirements were all meet. They may not totally understand all of it, but its doesn't take the whole dick to realize you are getting fucked in the ass.
p.s. Do agree that it's most definitely a disease. Their encounters of the other kind are mostly limited or part of a small percentile who have been able to (for the most part) hold up a farce within a western society. Push them over the edge and let them see the cold hard truth and you don't need to use any indoctrination or threats. Let the truth and the facts speak for itself. You're a Truthseeker and this is why you're here. You seek the Truth and question everything. Don't fall into their traps of deceit and petty tit for tat games. A foolish man acts upon impulse. You put your own life and your loved ones in order and then you worry about those who are so far gone and overwhelmed by degeneracy and reprobate that you'll probably never win them over. It's worth a shot though. But the Truth will always service, be it in our lives, or hereafter. Every man answers for his actions.
Good point. I do not have many foreign friends. The acquaintances I have made have usually ended up in fireworks because we actually just say what they are thinking. We don't really hide our power levels in our social circles. We don't stand with a megaphone on the corner… but we most certainly don't give a fuck about political correctness when we're having a social.
Okay, something fucked out. Apologies. We don't give a fuck about p.c. when we're hanging out. this offends most of our guests but fuck them, they know this is true. Many a time they'll admit it. I met a German soccer coach once. Great guy. At first he was resilient and accusatory. He ended up admitting how fucked Germany was and that all his students were muslim. I told him to look around and he almost wept. They know deep down inside, they're just afraid to step out.
That same woman would've been spitting on niggers 100+ years ago.
No. I was raised properly. I never once seriously considered becoming a shitlib.
Politics are heritable. Leftism largely stems from changes in brain structure, which is largely controlled by genetics. Its a similar situation to bonobos vs chimps. Leftists are the way (excessive altruism, cowardice, low emphasis on loyalty and honor, etc) because they evolved that way. I advise you to study r/K dynamics and brain studies involving politics. It completely changed the way I perceived leftists. I personally believe the leftist problem can be solved by eugenics and gene therapy, but the existing leftists will need to be culled.
I've done everything that can be legally done to separate myself from these people. I've cut business contracts, I've cut personal ties, and I've minimized my tax footprint to not enable my leftist government. I'm looking forward to the day when I can go even further.
Kek what an idiot. Good news is Denmark isn't completely cucked to shit yet and this cat lady will actually face legal consequences for her political crimes. I might be wrong, perhaps she will get off with a slap on the wrist because its drumpf and its the current year, meaning political crimes are said to be 110% justified if they are against the right in this backwards era.
The truth is, everybody already knows everything they need to know already, its nothing new. The problem is, you literally have to kill yourself to realize it. The facts are, most people don't have the metal to go that far.
So be gentle. They need to grow before they blow.
you fortunate, others are not.
Dont be an ungrateful faggot, share what is good.
Our swallow it all to yourself and choke.
are* and or*
Leftism has strong correlation with certain genetic aberrations that affect brain development and structure. This is factually correct and there is no use in denying it. You can continue to try and help these people, I've long past that point and instead devote my time to others who share my views. Even if you "cure" these people, there is a strong likelihood their offspring will demonstrate similar pathologies. Its just like cancer. You might get it and you might not. Just depends on a combo of genetics, environment, and luck.
my point is that if you just stand around jerking off your buddies you arent going to help anyone, and even if you did help yourself, it doesnt matter because you are just a drop in a well.
you display textbook defeatism
I'm not an evolutionist but rather a believer of intelligent creation -
Jesus Christ to be exact but wouldn't call myself a christian for that would make me "christ-like" and i've only ever met two people who could be considered that and they were not found in the buildings filled with snakeoil salesman, life coaches, cults, false doctrines, blue pills and greasy grace.
Had many problems with the thermodynamics and flaws within what the marxists skewed as darwinian teaching if that's what you were hinting at. However I learnt something new so thanks for that. I can definitely see your viewpoint and understand why. I'll definitely look into your recommendation though. I'd like to ask you something embarrassing though. I've lurked 4ch since 06 but properly at around 08, and then along with the 2nd exodus came to 8ch which is now a shitshow full of shills. A lot of my viewpoints align with Holla Forums however the political compass puts me down as a leftist. Why is this? I think I can answer it myself but i'd like to get your take on it. (You know the test)
apologies for the personal blog but I feel other anons can read our discussion and learn.
You must understand that we grew up as nationalists and got fucked over by the jews and traitors. First the British fucked us, then the Nats fucked us, then the commies took over the country and now we're more fucked than ever - jews woven inbetween it all but mostly with the anc. I cannot and will not even describe the horrors and fucking shit one has to deal with in this fucking place - but at the same time, I cannot tell you how bless and beautiful this country is. You should see the nature, some of the people, the hospitality. I cannot even begin to think of any place i'd rather be than here. I know nothing else but it is beautiful, wild, brutal and lovely. It is life and one must live life to its fullest. In many ways, it's the frog in the kettle syndrome but the resounding beauty of this place is something ingrained within us. Be us from the French Huguenots, German, Dutch or even later - British . We enjoy our lives and are probably more free than the average US citizen, but the freedom comes at a price because we are less free than the majority (those who stole this land from us, killed off the original khoi san and claim to be the rightful owners under the guidance of dear madiba who is made out to be a god despite being a commie terr).
All I can tell you is that you will never ever learn, grow or conquer anything if you always surround yourselves with those who agree with you. Always challenge yourself and strive for growth. Build your nation like we had done, but your built nations are no longer building but breaking. And we watch from a distance… wondering if we should sell all our possessions just for a fucking plane ticket and an email and risk getting a work visa which is shaky at best or just stay in this place and live with our heads on a swivel while we survive and dance while our beds burn and see the rest of the occident deny its true identity and join us on the same level. It is probably why almost all of us believe in the NWO, we were the experiment. We see the same shit happening in your countries in the news. It's going to get worse user. It's too late. Now is just the time for damage control or an exchange. Them for us. Either way. I was born here - this is my land. I have as much right to be here as they do.
Also, once again. Apologies for the long diatribe. I do not wish to derail this thread so we'll leave things as is. However, your reply will be read and appreciated.
You're a good man user. You're an animal, a creature. You know right from wrong. Good picture as well. God Bless. But be safe and never let the circumstances as around you change who you are. Hatred is fuel, but hatred only goes so far. Trust naught but God. Be self confident as you are. Be safe. Protect your own. Godspeed and goodnight brother.
I have faith in you user. You'll be fine. Don't worry about anything, for worry helps nothing. God Bless You and I apologise if you find that distateful but I am one of those who wear my heart on the sleeve and I have taken a liking to your views user.
what does r/K in un-abbreviated terms mean?
nah m8, you just need to go to a braai.
Yeah, when I was like 14 years old
I wasn't raised properly and am from a deep blue state.
I was never more liberal than any other normalfag in my area, it was only to the degree that which is required for social acceptance. I redpilled myself with the internet in my teenage years.
I'm not bragging- I don't think this is anything to brag about. It's a basic standard of decency, anything less is pathetic. A grown ass man that is a fucking liberal is a lost cause and deserves to get machete'd, roasted and eaten by niggers. We should really be focusing on redpilling open-minded minors and 'radicalizing' those already on "the right" instead of tearing our hair out trying to de-program cuck-zombies while Yuri shakes his head.
100 years ago she would have been marching for the right to vote to enable the negro
Women are kike-tier, always have been. Only way to get on their good side and release the lady inside of them is to bang them properly or smack their shit silly and often. If females send one signal to men, collectively, it would be "fuck my brains out or I'll do everything in my power to make you suffer and destroy you".
nah m8, you just need to go to a proper braai. If you're a cunt in aus-land and any saffa goes all hoity toity you put them in their fucking place. Fuck them for talking shit about us overseas. They themselves are the very fucking people who helped cause the shit we're in today. Not all of the expats, but any saffa abroad who talks shit about us, you tell him to fucking own up and you pull the same jewish tricks right back at him. Send them fucking back to this country and let them fucking see it. Force their noses into the shit they helped create. Money doesn't buy integrity.
You're entitled to your opinion and I'm entitled to mine. The fact that these people encourage the destruction of the their own people (and by extension themselves) is something I don't think can be fixed without long-term reinforcement. I commend your continued struggle against it though.
Being r-selected means that you value things like high reproductive rates and lack of investment in offspring. K selected animals have the opposite view. They have fewer offspring but invest much more in their development. Leftists are said to be r-selected because they value things like comfort and have an outgroup bias as opposed to rightists, who value things like honor, tradition, and have strong ingroup biases. You can start here.
Essentially, leftism is a byproduct of mass resource availability and lack of challenge, which makes sense since many hardcore leftists come from the upper classes.
Had to reload so different ID. That literally just sounds like niggerism, but then again that what leftism has become. I've met literal retards with more basic common sense than these people. It's horrific. Regardless, Thank you for the lovely conversation. I hope you make it user, and i'll keep you in my thoughts. Take care of yourself and fight the good fight.
p.s. will be reading up on your leads. Thanks man. I know shitposting on a russian knitting forum isn't much to many. But it means a lot to some. Thanks for the great chat.
What's the event that your pic is illustrating called again?
sage for off topic.
So, you're yet another retarded christcuck is what you're trying to say. Good, that means I don't have to feel even a little bit bad about the fact that I didn't bother reading any of your drivel beyond that first line.
Get it together, faggot.
Assuming you can find one that isn't brainwashed by electronic jew/tumblr/public education that is.
This is a common misunderstanding.
Leftists do not have 'outgroup bias', so to speak - what they have is the absence of a perceived in-group. Deracination brought this about in most of them - they have been gradually stripped of the concept of in-group, and led to perceive all of the extant modern homonid clades as their in-group, 'one race, the human race', etc.
The results of this, not surprisingly, were the degradation of behavioral traits associated with out-group/inter-tribal conflict, their in-group/intra-tribal conflict behavioral patterns being expanded and extended in application as a direct result.
IOW: Leftists do not view themselves as having an in-group in any meaningful sense - if anything, they are more-likely to associate those of their in-group who espouse patterns of behavior which conflict with the is worldview as an out-group - and thus have lost access to behavioral trends associated with out-group conflict, with inter-tribal conflict. The average White leftist sees the whole world as his in-group, yet the whole world sees him as nothing but an out-group to be used and abused as benefits their in-group interests.
Fucking checked.
I got lucky and said hi to a gorgeous 5'11" blonde with blue eyes. I'm short 5'8" and barrel chested. God damn I'm the luckiest motherfucker alive.
I'm sure Endchan applauds the suppression of "le ebil magapedes".
American tourists in europe are leftists faggots from california or some other leftist shithole for some reason
God damn, I want to meet these guys and make some real world stuff. Anyone else from Århus?
everyone else has a job, for some (((reason)))
Rule of thumb; If they're not outright niggers, then they're recolor behavorial niggers.
Only a broken whore would go "travel the world"(sex tourism). She is lucky she is still young and pretty enough to get fucked by white guys. In a few years she will have to go to Jamaica and pay niggers to fuck her rotten snatch.
Same user as
I've never thought of it like this. It resolves some of the other conflicts I've seen with the theory, like leftists not having kids even though they are r-selected. That they actually view niglets and spiclets as their kids since they perceive themselves to be "human" makes sense.
OY vey first post goy-I mean guys
I want to stab her in the chest, make a hole, then fill it up with shit
Same user you were replying to. I would also like to thank you for taking the time to listen. Even with the state of this board being the way it is, anons need to stay focused.
anyone that uses the word defeatism is not worth taking serious, shoo shoo cuckwoo
any pussy hiding behind tor should not be taken seriously. faggot.
Probably less to do with luck and more with being a Holla Forumslack.
I remember when I capitulated to those hyenas in an argument; the embarassment from cucking out is worse than being branded by them.
defeatism for what? what fight?
we lost, it's over. the white race died in 1945
Will these fucking LARPing rat leftists ever stop pretending to be little rebels against the system, when in reality they're its enforcers?
Then you might consider doing the world a favor by hanging yourself. If there's no hope, and you don't want to try and help anyone, then why not just die? You're not doing any good by continuing to live.
I'm a full blooded shit poster and I have no idea what you just said.
She's a lefty rat, she suffers from severe psychosis. Just having her go through the process of going to court is going to cause her to have an emotional breakdown. Hopefully a group of feral niggers drag her off to the side of the road and kill her before she makes it home. Worthless genetic waste. That's what she is.
don't get me wrong, It still support you.. but.. be realistic
there were greater men than us, with more power, that did not succeed..
vid related
Don't think anyone has even mentioned that the guy was wearing the MAGA hat ironically.
Treat her right and don't fuck it up. You could almost fix your manletness with one fell swoop.
Probably so. Everyone else is a total fucking weakling skraeling faggot nowadays tbh.
It must be nice to live in a White country and get to actually do things like that.
They didn't have the Internet.
The only downside is that she'll probably enjoy better amenities in a dutch prison than in whatever little overpriced urban shoebox apartment she rents back in the states.
Stop calling them liberals, they are communists.
Every time communism becomes popular, it becomes known for extremism and its adherents change the name of their ideology.
Marxism, communism, political correctness, liberalism - they are NOT liberals.
See how this (probably Jewish) communist hides behind the term "liberal" and harkens back to classical liberalism?
By granting them, by allowing them to use the term "liberal" you give them a pretty mask to hide behind.
Imagine a child rape ring in a community who get exposed in public, the people involved, instead of accepting their enemies' (correct) label for them and their behavior, demand that they be called "very nice people" and that raping children be called "helping".
The citizens of their town call them by what they ask and 30 years later everyone wonders what the fuss is.
This is EXACTLY what the communists are now doing.
Don't call them liberals, call them by what they are, communists, specifically social or cultural marxists. The latter term is the best choice because they absolutely hate it.
To call a modern commie who is labelling himself a "liberal", a cultural marxist is the equivalent of calling a "Peter Smith" crypto-Jew by what he actually is, a Jew - both will shrink back in shock then become enraged, revealing their true nature.
Forgot the picture.
Upon watching the video several times, the bitch has a danish accent. She's either a danish ultralibshit who pretends to be american, a bitch who thought the wearer of the hat was american, or some american bitch immigrant that have to go back. All three are disgusting.
I noticed that too.
Which means that this video is probably a hoax. All involved are Danish but they are speaking English for the video's intended audience.
Or she is dual-citizenship.
Makes sense if she's a danish.
Look what I found.
This seems to be the initial uploader of the video where as OP cited an aggregator channel.
He's a Danish academic focused on far-left topics and with an interest in American politics.
This coupled with the girl being Danish but trying to sound American and my Kike senses are tingling.
Anti-woman d&c propaganda perhaps.
They should have asked for her number and gave her a hate fuck.
Upon checking his work, it seems that he's actually trying to red pill the social sciences.
The first study confirms that stereotypes about immigrants tend to play out.
Poor guy won't last long in academia.
Here he presents his paper on immigrants and social benefit use.
Studying his videos should reveal for sure whether he's a leftist or right-wing and therefore whether the video is legit or a mock up done for propaganda purposes.
Fucking cameras everywhere… I don't care if it has tits, you get attacked, you crack the dummy in the jaw then empy your bladder on their unconcious face.
That's why they jumped ship from the middle class to their brown replacements.
Well that's a wrap.
Thanks for the thread OP but I cant think of anything more to discuss
It's women, should slaped her but know everyone record everything with fucking phone
Is this advanced shitposting or is there actually an option to by-board disable emojifagging?
Kill yourself slowly and painfully.
Yet you're the one that posted the anti-America D&C shill image. Are you even trying right now? Both of you are niggers.
Fucking hell, yanks. Keep your slags under control.
Guys come on, let's get to work finding this bitch. Search for expat groups for americans in Denmark and stuff like that. Can't be too many american expats in such a small country.
htt ps://
htt ps://
htt ps://
France started the war not Britain. And had the original plan of continuing west from berlin to Moscow with the german soldiers joining the Allies it wouldn't have been so bad.
shit, should say original plan of the western front continuing east
If she yell at the deaf aussies then she will be in a nasty shock.
I bought a MAGA hat over a year ago. I wear it all
the time. I'm not even American, I'm Irish.
What are they going to do, kill me?
Spoiled little girls who can't handle having been told no for the first time in their life.
Whites and nazis are different things. You cannot hope to convince Americans that they were wrong about nazism and that their fallen should be condemned. All you are gonna get by associating any political demand with nazism, is to sabotage yourself.
Holy shit those sanpakus and the collar print how hard and long do you have to wear something like that to leave an imprint like that. Or did she just come from a bdsm session.
Am I reading that correctly? Liberals are known to attempt black magick and hex their enemies? I think there was one Female-only witch group that tried to curse Kek or something but that went nowhere.
Holy shit this bitch has crazy eyes of magnitudes never seen before.
Shes probably the kind of female that likes extreme and degrading sex in the bed room, and is extreme feminist outside. I keep hearing about these types of females, as if they were common.
Keep in mind the people from America who spend their time traveling around are those who have sold the country out so they can feel important. Real Americans don't get vacation time or have thousands to spend on pointless traveling. They're just trying to imitate the rootless cosmopolitans.
What's the name of that book?
Oy vey! Doesn't even comprehend image and message! Here's your 10c for white-knighting coalburners moishe, perhaps you can use it to purchase some more shares in bot technology. Sorry for pointing out the reality of the situation. Oh yes, I forgot to add this too, jewish girls love the blacks. The jews here are so self-deprecating it's not even funny. They have all the money and possessions man could ask for but they're wired differently as they all are. Somehow this seems to be a global thing. So enjoy having your future wife to be as nothing more than a coal-burning jewish whore whereas the supposed white shiksas you speak of are virtually outnumbered by your ilk when it comes to degeneracy. If you're not a shill, congrats mein freund, you have the jungle fever.
I went to Europe when I was 24. In Prague ran into a group of Americans who didn't know what a WC was. I said, "oh, what part of America are you from?" They said, "no no, we're canadians."
Americans on Euro-vacation are complete retards.
water closet?
A libtard getting charged with a hate crime. Fucking kek.
no one ever uses water closet in my part of america i only know of it as one of the funny words brits use
That's the point of my anecdote. no one says it in America except maybe some parts of the south.
Checked. Well said.