Hillary's Book Earns 5-Star Rating on Amazon!

In unrelated news, Amazon has restricted one-star reviews of Hillary Clinton's book and deleted over 900 negative reviews.

>For the week of Sept. 3, What Happened is sixth on the most sold non-ficition[lel, get your shit together, USA Today] list. As of Friday morning, Clinton's memoir had five out five stars from 609 reviews.

From Beck's faggy shitrag:

Where did they go?

After the removal

Reminder that the kike who owns Amazon, Jeff Bezos, also owns the Washington Post, but the media doesn't give Hillary unfairly positive coverage, goyim. The People spontaneously greet their leaders with flowers and best wishes for 10,000 years of good health!

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Fucking thank god finally

Heh, isn't that kind of like voter fraud?

Does anyone have a PDF version that can be COPIED AND PASTED?

What a time to be alive.

Godspeed, user

Cultural marxist deception by attacking objective truth. Mass manipulation, and anyone who disagrees is beyond basic understanding, irreparably damaged.


Trash sire for trash numales and blue-haired vidya skanks.

Why is this cunt not in jail like we were promised?


It's completely AOK to delete 1 star reviews but 5 stall shill reviews are completely kosher!


Yea except hes the publisher and he owns defy media too, or did.They are calling him a racist, so thats pretty irrelevant. Takes big balls to be that high up the media ladder and be calling out cultural marxists and taking the time to teach people interested in it.

Or rather, they are accusing him of anti-semitism for pointing out the reality of cultural marxism and how it dismisses, avoids, attacks objective truth. Anyone left of center is so brainwashed they are living in a dream land.

bless you, user

if anything that makes it worse and infinitely more embarassing. that despite all the shill 5 star reviews, she STILL won't win and the book STILL won't sell.

All those 1-star reviews committed suicide with multiple gunshots to the back of their own heads. Nothing to see here people.
t. Amazon


So, you have a system that's explicitly designed to prevent democracy?

It's no so much that Bezos loves Hillary, it's that he wants to sell books. More people are willing to buy a book with higher ratings. If you want honesty, the rating agency should not be the same entity as the seller.
To be fair, those one-star ratings were probably from T_D and not even people who bought the book.

No doubt there are many questionable 'customers' but we know when the roles are reversed, the site will turn a blind eye.

Then why does Amazon allow negative reviews of The Art of the Deal and other incorrect works?

No, I think this is more Clincestuous work by the protection racket the Clintons have built around themselves. It simply cannot be the case, says the monied establishment, that the public rejects Hillary. That would imply something is wrong, and that would compel action. Throughout her "career," Hillary has excelled at getting dependent people to give her things without struggle. From her 2000 Senate run, in which the preferred Democratic candidate, Nita Lowey, stepped aside to let her run in one of the safest Democrat states there is. After that, when antiwar candidate Johnathan Tasini ran for her seat in 2006, the party laughed its ass off and crushed him. She went on in the general election to face. . . the mayor of Yonkers.

The one time Clinton faced a real fight – without a thumb on the scales down at HQ – Obama shattered her in the 2008 primary. After that, she schemed like a Jew to position herself as the 2016 shoe-in. We know what happened next.

Hillary Clinton is a loser. She cannot win a fair fight against anybody, her money comes from bribes and sweetheart deals nobody else gets, and she folds in the face of real challenges. She has literally never overcome an obstacle without lots of help, and most of her life has been spent assembling that army of helpers to keep her rich and powerful.

No – this book is a self-serving, ghostwritten piece of shit. It posts astounding sales figures because of the various leprechaun tricks the kikes have to drive book sales (such as buying thousands of copies on the first day and selling them to secondhand stores, then buying more), and every library in America will order three copies, but this is all a big fakeout. If Clinton was a single person, with no dishonesty in her, her shitty memoir would be self-published in the Kindle store, it would sell 50 copies a week, and nobody would care.

The upshot is that everybody can see the corrupt efforts to make Hillary look popular, and this has done more than anything to fully discredit establishment media in this country. We move ever closer to the end with this shit, and we have Hillary's fucking ego to thank for it.

I'm sick and tired of all these motherfucking kikes on this motherfucking astral plane.

Agreed. Fuck numerologist synagogue of satan fucks. Worshipers of the demon lurking in the north pole of Saturn.

Oy Vey! Knowing about the Frankfurt School is entry level antisemitism! How can you stupid goyim even believe in such conspiracy theories?! You need to go back to college for another 4 years and learn some REAL history. Heheheheheheheh.

Oy Vey! Knowing about the Frankfurt School is entry level antisemitism! How can you stupid goyim even believe in such conspiracy theories?! You need to go back to college for another 4 years and learn some REAL history. Heheheheheheheh.

I am surprised the kikes haven't thrown Hillary under the bus to be honest. She lost, and now she's used goods to them.

Amazon also rigged Shillarys other book: zerohedge.com/news/2016-09-25/amazon-tweaks-its-hillary-book-stats-doubles-5-star-reviews-overnight

She probably has tons of dirt on them.

Goddess of Minerva or some shit, she's seen some serious ritual abuse and sacrifice. Goes both ways.

She's still part of the system. In the past, aristocrats who overspent on laudanum and went to prison for their debts were still nobility, if temporarily embarrassed. The (((establishment))) has lain down with Hillary; now they can no more cut her loose than they could amputate their own arm.

This is a complex thought, and I'm willing to make a prediction:

The entire establishment was counting on Hillary to win in 2016. The whole time, every ambitious little kike in the country was inching closer to her, hoping to win some shekels and important jobs when she inevitably won. And she would have delivered, too – Hillary appreciates a well-scratched back.

Unfortunately for them, this put a lot of powerful people awfully close to a loser. It was like burning the bridge on your way to board the Titanic. Now that the ship is sunk, they have to fight over lifeboats. The first stage of this was the apeshit reaction to Trump, as a natural reaction to salvage what they could of the new power structure. This was why the riots and nascent communist revolt got off the ground – Donald Trump cannot be legitimate, not while they're on the outside of his power circle.

The next step is to ditch Hillary – who is, as you say, useless to them now – but they can't just say "fuck you, cunt" and move on. That sends the wrong message to people who are still on the inside, encouraging disloyalty later on. Instead, this starts with bad reviews of her book.

That seems ridiculous, that Hillary's final disposal should begin with her book flopping, but think about it. They can't just ditch Hillary. They need an excuse to cut ties. If they stop returning her phone calls right away, she's still got enough connections and dirt to wreck their shit. If she has a shitty book, though, then she becomes somewhat discredited in the public eye. Eventually, established media types (like Wolf Blitzer) will see the powerful people shitting on Hillary's book as a proxy for greenlighting attacks on her more substantial faults. Gradually, as support peels away from her, and it becomes ever more clear that she can't control the group like she used to, her many enemies will multiply until a kind of critical mass is achieved. At that point, when not enough powerful people are vulnerable to Hillary's revenge, they will finally pull the plug.

Hillary Clinton will go to prison after enough lobbyists and media whores have a chance to bury their litter. That way, the individual Duchess can be walled up in her palace, without threatening the court at large.

Astute post.



Good post, but I do not believe Hillary will ever go to prison. As part of the nobility, I believe she will enjoy an the tradition of exile; just as no one will dare touch Trump after his 8 years are complete. She's being allowed a graceful exit with the shitty book, but once that's done I don't think we'll be seeing much of her any more, beyond the procedural appearances at future DNCs and occasional stump speeches for the next chosen candidate.


lol Simon & Schuster, the books own publisher admits 1500 people in the entire fucking world didn't read that book on the day it was published.

Totally not picking sides here…

as if shillery goes out in public to interact directly with the lowly goyim, ever.

For 75% off

Perhaps you forget that this fallen aristocrat still schemes against the emperor? If the President wills it, then the consensus of power will shift toward her destruction. King Nigger too, after it's clear he's in Hell's way.


I've never seen a book that asks a question and has the answer both on the cover.


polite sage for double post

also, report it to the FTC:

OP here. In my real life, I have done a lot of freelance work. The absolute bottom of that barrel – like, Filipino nigger-tier – is writing positive Amazon reviews for $5. Even the verified purchases are just some Bengali coolie who bought the book, got reimbursed from the client, and left a glowing review. Maybe half of what you read there is done that way. Amazon covers it up, but it's a fucking plague.

Fuck off Holla Forums

it isn't

Amazon really needs to clean up their reviews because it's one of the main things that people use them for to begin with (trusted real reviews). I know it's not reality but people still have that perception although it is fading fast. They also need to stop combining reviews for similar products because that's confusing as all fuck and pointless, and stop the "user received this product at a discounted rate for their unbiased review" bullshit which is completely out of control in certain categories like supplements or health products.

Supplements are the worst of the worst. I'm ashamed to admit this, but several years ago I stooped to writing a few reviews for some gook's testosterone booster. I really needed cash at the time, but I was so ashamed I didn't even follow through. I did report his ass to the freelancing site though, and he got banned.



I guess that the cover would be the thesis in this case

Funny, the marxist ideologues who are up to speed with their own status have long since given up denying that Cultural Marxism is real, their favoured tactic now is (in the face of overwhelming evidence) to concede that it's a real school of Marxism but to deny its significance.


Sure did

Well no shit. Amazon along with jewgle and the rest of these corporations all shilled for Hillary.

I don't understand Hillary voters. The leaks from her speeches to banks, wall street, and corporations all showed she was a far more evil more crooked crony capitalist big statist than Trump could ever be to the point she openly supported TPP unlike Trump who killed it. Yet Hillary has literal communists and anarchists and whatever assorted other idiots who hate on capitalism and the state all supporting Hillary. How can they be so stupid?

Literally "What Happened?"
Typical fraud, that's what.


Some of them really are stupid, just as some of us are fucking retards, but mere stupidity doesn't really explain a political movement except libertarianism.

What they are is tribal. To them, Hillary wasn't a potential public servant with strengths and faults, she was a banner to follow; a totem. Team Hillary wasn't about her at all. They would have been Team Bernie if he had won the power struggle, or Team Warren if she had been running, or Team Obama if he could have had a third term. Hell, they would have been Team Benito if Mussolini had been on the Blue Team's ticket. These people live such insulated fucking lives, the idea of consequences beyond their fucking genitals (the only place reality comes into contact with mommy's little snowflakes) is pure abstraction.

These people overwhelmingly live in cities, where there's always more of everything and no such thing as scarcity. Just make more money – or make the government give it to you – and all the oil, food, clean water, and new cars in the world will be yours as if a Star Trek replicator made them somewhere. War isn't something they fight; it's for cannon fodder like your loser kids. Shortages are things they hear about on the news, not realities they have to deal with. Race war is a concept racist whites make up in their heads – the fact that they personally know three white female friends who've been raped or beaten by a nigger is a big coincidence, the TV tells them so. America is a thing they read about in school, not something they built and must protect, and so it's open house for spics and mudslimes, who bring nothing with them but ethnic restaurants and delightfully novel experiences in trendy bookstores.

In their world, the only real sins – like, burn at the stake sinful – are being fat, getting old, and foreclosing on career and sexual choice. That's why they hate the fatsos in Kansas and the seniors who keep voting "fascist." They only really get motivated over abortion, because that's been framed as "choice," their choice; the only kind that's real or that matters.

Hillary was annointed nascent queen of this treacherous, mingy tribe via a labrynthine bureaucratic process only she has mastered. This is called "government experience," and all the kikes they trust on TV told them she deserved to be president. Then you fat fucking retards went and robbed her – and worse, THEM! – of their well-deserved victory. As they see it, the special ed kids staged a revolt and voted to be put into a sausage grinder. We are idiots, you see, and we have no interests of our own to vote for. We can't understand the complex issues muh-vagina they do, hence the over-the-top rage they've been venting ever since we showed them who's boss.

Now, we get to feed them their medicine for years to come. I honestly don't give a fuck how Trump does as president. Honestly, he's my totem now. We'll meme Literally Hitler sometime later, but for now, let us enjoy the wailing and gnashing of teeth as this crowd tries to understand why God hasn't miracled their asses into power yet.

It's not actually being so stupid, it's being that stupid. The stupid that is deluded.

They delude themselves into thinking that they are on the "right side of history," because the TV or the social media feed tells them they are. They not only invested time and money into their side, they've invested their ego and image which they base their identity on. Worshiping Shillary or whoever the TV or social media feed tells them to doesn't ever begin to be a "cause" like most people give them credit for; rather, it's actually an obligation to cover up for their sunken cost. Their ego and fragile sense of worth is riding on the fact that they defer back to perceived "virtuous" celebrities and what they supposedly stand for. Failing that, their entire sense of existence falls apart.

They're nothing without the facade. That's why they're so adamant about being right at all costs because being proven wrong is like suffering a humiliation worse than death.


You can't jinx without digits

Kek has been busy with other things. He blesses me as He sees fit. I wouldn't presume on His attention.


Of course they would censor the views of the obvious misogynists who only hate shillary because she is a woman and not because she is a disgusting, reprehensible corrupt psychopath and her book is a whiny "poor me" attempt to deflect blame from her innadequacy.

Give it 5 star reviews, but make all the reviews sarcastic. Like how the book has taught you that you never have to take any responsibility for your mistakes.


In Mexican "What happened" means the same as "What's up?"

She should win an award for ugliest book cover, even that font annoys me.


This is white society vs other civilizations. They think us okay to cheat and lie and they never get anywhere.




I would read your book or blog. That was an excellent read

Lel, thanks. As it happens, I am a writer with a currently inactive blog. Thinking of starting a nice 1488 blog and shilling it here. I'm also planning a couple of books (every writer is planning a couple of books; some of us do this for decades)

There's actually a language called Mexicano - or more properly, Nahuatl, or modern Aztec.

5 star post my dude.