Lol, I don't even have a coherent family

What fucking nightmare was I born in? At what point did my ancestors just not give a single fuck about our genetics, our name, and our pride? We know nothing of our heritage. We've got no bonding.

My family is split and cucked to shit. What can I possibly do? Cousins are jewed to shit. Immediate family wants to lay down and die. Boomer parents can't be bothered to do the right thing ever and just wait eternally for someone else to solve their problems.

Any time someone dies in the family they get rabid and sell off their shit they worked so hard to earn because their financial situations are trash. Literally giving up the work of ancestors so they can get by a little easier in the immediate time.

God fucking shit. Where do I even begin? Where do I start?

I'm fucking depressed anons. It's not even just this. It's this and the millions of red pills fucking choking out my life. I'm paralyzed.

Even if I do rise against I just have this wonderful suspicion I'm just going to get betrayed by some race traitor super cucked faggots in the end.

Everything is so fucked. Everything is so far from what would be ideal.

And the only way out is total war.

I feel ya bro. Right now I'm in Europe visiting some distant cousins. They all have big families and life-long marriages. Sucks I don't speak the same language.

Once you realize you are already dead the real fight begins. Its regrettable that many people in our lives have been consumed whole by the jewish monster and there is no saving them. Focus on improving yourself, finding like minded friends and getting ready.

The overload of redpills gets easier to handle after a while, try to keep a positive lookout on life, organise locally, help your community, build a family. Redpill everyone in your path as much as you can.This is how change happens.

We're all fucking dead, we're just waiting to pass away.

lol i don't even have a blog

Almost every working class family line eventually goes mostly to shit without a strong religious tradition. Live well to be a good example to them, but its not your responsibility to fix them. Limit redpill consumption to a small amount of the day. The rest of the time focus on taking the glorious pill.

In Sun Tzu's art of war, he describes a situation where the enemy has almost totally and completely won. You are outnumbered by the foe 10 to 1; they have every strategic, tactical advantage; and they are driving you into a terrain where you will be blocked in. What would you do in this situation?

Sun Tzu's answer: Burn your own supply wagons. Destroy your food, kill your animals, break your equipment, but sharpen your swords. Once your men see that all hope is lost, and there is no future, no escape, there is nothing for them to do but fight to the very death. When your men have no purpose but to fight, they will stand their ground to the very last - and their very lack of hope will lead to their victory.

A great example of this in the USA was the Alamo. While the men inside perished, for each one who died 50 mexicans fell, and their valor aroused the spirit of the rest of the nation to take action.

Exactly, because you have nothing to lose, natural next step is fight. I'm prescribing you some Hatebreed, on shuffle. Or Pantera. Both are inspiring, shuffle both. Hatebreed especially inspires me. Their lyrics inspire fight in me, and to cast down the defeatist (NEVER TO RISE AGAIN!). Music, done right is naturally an anti - depressant, give it a whirl when you're feeling down, or up.

OP, I also understand feeling that despondency, and I'm 20+yrs married with grown adult children. My concern is for their children. Mine are mindful of their ancestors. We budgeted so the lady could stay home to raise our children, she did well. It was a wise investment. What you're feeling is your ancestral blood talking, it's upset. I feel it bubbling over tbh. Imo, they want us to change this world. Our ancestors live on in our blood. Mine, believed very much that they needed to secure their existence, because small populations of peoples are prone to attacks. They made babies in double digits, so my family is large. A ton of my family members are batshit though. I had to cut ties with them, and I'm only really close with a select bunch. You get to pick your family now. Just like with anyone else, if someone is toxic, go, go fast. Stay well away from them. I've had blood stab me in the back harder than anyone. There's rarely any honor or fidelity these days among families.

The way out, besides fighting the powers is to focus on you, and finding someone like minded, and breed like a madman. Add music to boost mood. You've got the gift of strong genetic desire to exist, and it should be cultivated. You'll feel less despondent as you go along, and those in your family, with honor make themselves well known. Stick with those family members. I'm not an expert, but good genetics are ever evolving in my experience. Your offspring with the right guidance will be stronger genetically, smarter. Each generation will be wiser than the last. Looking at generations of my own fam, I can attest that there's something to this. But the crazies also evolve which is why its imperitive to stay well away. Feel better user. It'll get better or we die trying. With honor!

That's how we all start. The important thing to remember is that you now have the ability to change yourself, your surroundings and eventually your world for the better. It's gonna be fucking awful for a while, but it will get easier to deal with. When you stop looking at the hopelessness of trying to change the world, and instead focus on ways to improve yourself, then you will find the strength to carry your new burden. Find purpose within, not without. You are worthwhile, there are things in this world for you to do, to make it greater. Yes, you may have to take a hand in plunging it into darkness for a time, but know that when we rise again it will be without the depravity of this current world. We will mold it into a world to be proud of.

We need a solid step by step plan on how to fight
What is fighting today anyway?
And not just be a internet pepe warrior.
A step by step real life plan

Comedy is absolutely a great suggestion. I'll recommend Chris Farley. Old SNL, or the movie Tommyboy. That movie ushers my sides astray for days. Every time.

Also George Carlin. That's who really red pilled me without absolute crushing me. He knew what was up, its hidden into his comedy. I think I'll indulge in comedy. This weekend was bleak. Habbening is always neat, but those anarchists destroyed the city. It genuinely looks like a hurricane hit it. That's made me feel dark af. The professionals just move on to another town, leaving people actually living there to clean after. Comedy is probably what keeps me from becoming Patrick Bateman.

Hello, feds.
We're talking self-improvement and becoming stronger for the future of our kind, NOT bombing buildings.

Holla Forums is a board that will leave you in pieces.

Hello fello oldfaggot

Checked trips of peace

I know you're shitposting but it's also a very relevant statement.

As Hitler said;
They said:

Join the club. Family has been dissolved in the west since the 1960's.

Fortunately I've come right out with my neighbors. We have a plan in place. Three are military vets, and we have a PI (private investigator, freelance). Thing is with that not everybody has such luxury of community. There's usually one asshole around, at least. We've detected the asshole in our area, and he will be asked to go. That's all I have to suggest. You all win banding together in the community.

Another thought, look into joining your state militias, and you'll have community ties there. Militias will teach you well. Men and Women should all look into that. Militias may need to expand in light of the shit about to hit the fan. They prep regularly, and keep your skills honed.

This is our reality now. There is no path forward for us, OP. Our highest goal to to die in a pile of empty brass. The West is dead. We are a Generation of Revenge.

I will have a pile big enough to be buried under

Just work on yourself. The world is shit and always has been. There is no utopia on the right or left. Don't become depressed by it, confront it courageously and find a spiritual solution. Strive for liberation from material existence like your wise ancestors.

Rejoice - Your life has purpose.

To rectify the faults of our ancestors, the fallen generation of endless consumption and degeneracy.

Rejoice that you are not them, that you will not lead your people and civilization to its fall, but will fight to build and create and procreate.

you think Hitler had a nice family?



From 1861 to 1865 where brother was pitted against brothers, following the civil war and the assassination of President Lincoln, many of the kike slave owners and cotton traders from the south, typified by the (((Lehman brothers))) move to New York city and became prominent in Wall Street banking and stock brokerages. With the defeat of President's Lincoln reconstruction program following his assassination, President Andrew Johnson pardoned the Scottish Rite insurrectionists including General Albert Pike and accepted a rank of 32nd degree in the southern jurisdiction Freemasons. Suspected Lincoln assassination plotter Simon Wolf was also absolved for any criminal culpability for his wartime activities, only none Freemasons and none (((B'nai B'rith))) were prosecuted for the crimes they committed during the civil war. The legacy of British Freemasonic treachery against the Union survived intact, including the (((B'nai B'rith))). All tough the slave trade was nominally banned in the United States as a result of Lincoln's emancipation proclamation, a new form of slavery had already been launched by the British East India Company and it's Scottish Rite directors which would amalgamate to it's final conclusion in 1913 by the creation of the US Federal Reserve.

Catalog all kikes, all Masons, BB members, log those who visit your local synagogue's, store massive lists of them and slaughter them during the coming civil war. The social fracture of 1990 was a knowing and intentional side effect of the social engineering following the evil that won WWII.

When things get dark interesting things happen.

So what ought we do in the present? What is the equivalent?

Going Galt and stocking up on funz and fun accessories and intentionally fuck over the system?

That's right user, burn it all. Primitivism is the way forward.


No need to fuck over the system. It is fucking itself. Our energy is best spent on rebuilding the traditional institutions that ZOG destroyed. Become a mighty family man, fit and skilled and help other men to do the same. We should be building traditional communities and renovating small town America if you can't afford living in more expensive areas. It's definitely not time to chimpout. The Mother of all Chimpouts is around 2050 AD when all whites and others fond of civilization will have no choice. Our job now is to prepare a generation that can seize leadership for the coming times and do our best to make their job easier by building a traditional culture for them to start from a place of strength and clarity.

Lots. Why would you imagine otherwise? It's your family, it's the most important thing in your life. IT IS your life. If you're a White man, you can manifest what you dream. The world is your oyster. I know Twitter and Salon says otherwise, but in the real world, it's all yours.

Ok, leave them be. You probably never really knew them anyways. Just saw them on the occassional holiday.

So inspire them. Make life fun and interesting for them. Start by doing a chore for them. I'm sure something needs fixing/cleaning. Bring mom some flowers. Take dad to a ballgame. Do something together. Start small and work your way up. Have meals together.

When someone dies… that is usually what happens. If someone wills their assets/possessions to another person, improving their life by, " get by a little easier in the immediate time." is something they would want.

By getting your own shit together. If you aren't strong, mentally and emotionally, you shouldn't expect to be able to change anything. Deep breathes. Calm down. You love these people so don't be upset. Frustrated in private is fine. Let it pass then get to work fixing it. That's what being an adult is about. Realizing that, ONLY YOU have the answers. I'm making some suggestions today, but I can't tell you what the answers are to your life. Only you can do that.

Exercise, eat real food, get good rest. Embrace red pills as they are the truth. The truth is what you always want. You can't succeed under a bunch of lies. You NEED the truth to win at life. To better yourself, to help your family, the truth is very important.

Which is why you're on guard for such types. By reading you learn their tactics. Some psychology books should be part of everyones study. You can find many free ones here in;


Yeah? And when was that ever, NOT the case? You know what the eytomolgy of utopia is? No place. But today is actually the best time in history to ever be alive. So you can be a bitch and let Commie scum win, or you can man up like your ancestors DID and make a better life for yourself and your family. The choice is yours.