#CloudflareAidsISIS - Let's get this shit trending lads


Been looking into Cloudflare since Anglin pointed out that they protect ISIS's main homepage.
It all checks out. Cloudflare is guarding ISIS but the Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack says some meanie weanie words and Cloudflare throws a fit and kicks them off.
Well boys, this is our chance to fight back, and BTFO ISIS in the process.
The shills will come at this one HARD.
Will you scroll idly by? Or will you join me in this glorious cyber crusade for our homeland. Will you go jerk off, or will you make another cup of coffee, and help us save the fatherland from the Religion of Cuck™ic menace.

Yea sorry but protecting a website that is used to organize and coordinate mass terror attacks and recruit terrorists does not fall under "freedom of association" or whatever ancap non-sense you're about to pull out of your ass. Remember ancap, this is our chance
to pour some blood around the liberty tree.
Perhaps this is true, all the more reason to make this blow up though. If Trump gets wind of this, or someone like Jeff Session, they can prosecute these bastards and put them in gitmo where they belong.

Let's fire up those Twitter accounts boys.
Post links to Twitter accounts of popular Right Wing/"""alt-right/lite""" talking heads and we'll all tweet @them & comment on some of their tweets asking them to cover/raise awareness for #CloudflareAidsISIS
We can spam the comment sections of
Just for the lulz, you''ll get blocked pretty quick tho
Make redpill images and meme ammo here too, i recommend we meme the effeminate soyboy faggot face of Cloudflare's CEO Matthew Prince


Other urls found in this thread:



Fuck it heres a bump


Stop this now goy only pro-white websites need too be taken down they are the real terrorist they are the white terrorist.

this need to be started by a megaphone account!


8pol can't get anything too trend on twitter only 4chan.

awwwww is some jew upset that he got turned down by a cute white woman? hahaha they dont want you ugly fuck

Pol News Infinity will tweet the hashtag if a few of us bug him in the comments on his tweets. He already tweeted out the infographic in the OP

with all the internet nazis on here you can't get anything to trend on twitter or facebook or any media platform only 4chan can because 4chan is multicultural and has diversity as their strength unlike this dying place of a brain fart.

hidden and reported :^)

KEK I stopped reading at nazi, you have nothing to say.

Thread is already being shilled, BUMP


I was just going to ignore this but then I heard a kike kvetching and knew it was worth looking into. Thanks for the head's up, that shofar works both ways.

Alright fine. Let's gas (((Cloudflare))).

Any higher resolution version of the first pic in OP?

Sorry OP but this is retarded. They dropped the DS, but if you push them so start censoring any political content that you don't like, they will censor all non-kosher right-wing sites. 8ch will be among the first, especially if you piss on them with anything that identifies you as a user of this site.

Hi cloudkike. They're going to try to shut us down no matter what we do or don't do.

Ultra fishy.


Normies must suffer. I hope they ban every cuckservatives poor little facebook feed and kosher websites.

Then why didn't they already shut us down? Do you think poking them until they do is going to help our situation?

Why would they ban fake-right jewish subversion sites?

We have to use the kikes' weapons against themselves

Just like you can't fight cultural marxism with even more cultural marxism you can't fight whining and censorship with other whining and censorship. Especially if your enemy has a shitton of money and controls the media.

You're forgetting how much the normalfags love their social media and shitty sites.
Get them shut down and the golem turns every time.
You forget who won in burgerland because of these exact tactics turning against themselves.
When your middle class is demonised and hated by the media, they turn against your message and your mouthpieces.

Nobody is going to ban middle class websites. Youtube and Normiebook and Reddit will just ramp up their censorship. DS and ISIS websites arent the middle class. 8ch isn't the middle class. If you're going to fight the kiking of the masses, you're an extremist/non-conformist/outsider/whatever and your sites will be banned. The harsh truth is that if you want to keep your freedom, you've either got to be in power (i.e. be the normie) or accept that others get to have freedom, too.

Sorry should've elaborated. More like 'censor them down'.

The normalfags are already shitty about being told what they can and can't type, referring to people with pronouns and the rest… just need another push.

So you're saying you want to support the jews to make the normalfags snap? Solid strategy. I'd report you for that if I could

Holla Forums already has done shit like this you newfag.
Open borders for ISISrael ring a bell? You'd know about it if you were from here.

That is exactly the type of action. Use their own shit against them, they fall on their sword.
Same goes for getting censorship to start taking out anything centre right/centre left. Anything pushing for control of bad opinions of ISISrael e.g. the pallywood faggots, whilst simultaneously shitting on ISISrael via open borders.
Use the golems against their own means and yes it can be used to make the normalfags snap, it's been done successfully. 2016 burger election is proof of this.
Their attempt to shut it down only resulted in more push back.

They figured this out the hard way after shutting down DS and Holla Forums realized it was next.
They figured that it was safer to keep Holla Forums contained here, than smash the beehive and move it to I2P/tor/etc.

I've spent enough time here to recognize shills who try to trick Holla Forums into supporting the jews, and retards who fall for their tricks.


I can get behind this. I should find his blackhat Q&A where he dismisses CP and calls terrorism… some shit like politics by another means or someone elses freedom fighter. It was some real faggy, leftist talking point.

His bitch works with him btw. She's some autistic cunt who has him by the balls.

Yet you're still TORfagging?

They're already doing that you nigger.
Good. It's probably going to happen anyway. May as well get it over with now.

Cloudflare has shut down anti cloudflare movements in the past!
Look into to crimeflare, they literally got their website shut down because they told the truth about Cloudflare!
Don't let this happen here!

Let's start pumping out OC to spread around instead

Bumped for importance. Should be stickied TBH

Is this what the goons are trying to slide?

Stickying as requested.

Not to derail a sticky but the same thing can also apply to Antifa sympathizers, such as forums or even on Steam games of they publish it

Thank you mods.
Have some OC to get this shit going.

Thank you mods.
Have some OC to get this shit going.

Simple memes ftw.


I think for the purpose of this op we should shy away from using the Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack comparison, it will scare away anyone who's not full on alt-right.
We need to make #CloudflareAidsISIS appealing to as many people as possible, because only a large enough number of outraged people will cause them to shut their support of ISIS down.


Fuck Sperglin and his fuck shack but we should use this to shit on kikeflare.


Aren't we on cloudflare, or did we switch at some point in time?
Do they expect one of us in the wreckage, brothers?

we switched to 2ch servers. dunno if codemonkey changed em recently

Why is Anglin hated so much here? I know he's a Putin apologist but what's the deal with Stormfront? Isn't it just like Holla Forums here but more like an echo chamber?

Good. Then the next step of our master plan can begin. Crashing this shitty hosting service. With no survivors.

Anglin is the Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack

I would be more than happy to help but I refuse to own a twitter account attached to my real IP. Using proxies like Tor are impossible.

Is there any other way I can aid you in this fight?

Domain already got compromised and defaced.

ISIS did a shitty job configuring their cloudflare. Real IP is uncoversble without even needing Crimeflare. Server for a3mqpress[.]gq seems to have been located at address 142.4.215[.]190. It's not anymore, but that may only be because the site's compromise was just DNS poisoning and advertising a new IP address for domain.

Make useful infographics and memes for us to spread on Twitter
All it takes is one big right wing personality to retweet one of our memes and #CloudlfareAidsISIS can take off

lol isis btfo

No doubt Cloudflare will be happily protecting their next domain tho.

red on black? you dumb nigger, shits gon make you blind

Also, default tomcat port 8080 is open with default splash page on that server host currently.


This just in
ISIS web masters are literally retarded

mostly because he is a racemixer and pedophile. I like his content I just fucking hate him on a personal level, of all the alt-kike types his content lines up the most with our own.
As for SF, I don't mind it that much. They used to shill on /new/ with this annoying program called BUGS and spam the mantra even though we were already redpilled, but ironic shitposting was still a thing that was tolerated back then so lots of people would troll them to get reactions. They're mostly older than us and don't really understand our culture, so that's why they'd get shit on and called JIDF false flaggers and all that.

Please be advised. You are directly meming against CIAniggers

congratulations, you can now call yourself @th3j35t3r

Hang them where the world can see.

good. I've hated kikeflare ever since fred got it on here ever since Jim took over which makes me think tbh - shit keeps asking me to fill out jewgle captcha when I post on certain vpns and tor nodes. they're logging our fucking IPs and fucking with our site (remember sassycat.jpg and the CIA niggers clopping? I bet they are behind the whole brony psyop and it's some high level 'lel look at these weak white males' CIA-niggery). We need to cut ourselves off from kikeflare, or found another anti-DDoS service.


They are an SSL MITM attack but their competitors would be the same

cloudflare should be lynched for the 50X error fuckery and compressing cached images alone.

Which ones?
To what purpose?

Still on Cloudflare tho. and it literally only takes 4 seconds to check.

Also find it interesting that the folks who compromised this ISIS press site decided to use Sputnik News as the source of the images they are hotlinking to. Given that it was specifically from the Arabic CDN subdomain it looks more deliberately picked than anything assuming same image was on other sites. Thinking someone finds the whole 'make everything look like Russia did it' funny.


Did they shoah the purityspiral, or something?

OP is a faggot. Cloudfart has been thought from the very beginning to be a US Govt funded company, because:

1) its the perfect MITM attack,
2) they give a great service away for free or stupid cheap.

Why are you telling the US to quit MITM'ing ISIS main site again? No really, Jew vs. Jew and you want to stop that?

But you dont, you are sassycat etc campaigning for censorship.

Whatever your bosses are paying you, it's too much.

He's right, though.

Kek I still remember this
muh OC screeny

So who's the smart ass that is pissing around in a CIA website goy?



This seems like a distraction. An impotent crusade against the wrong target.

i agree. we shouldn't normalize ripping sites down like what happened to anglin fuckshack. so they take down the isis site. so what?? we don't gain much by doing this. isis will be dead in weeks. cloudflare and icann and the (((registrars))) will remain. and then we've accepted sites can be ripped down by mob action. it's attacking the wrong target and we gain little to nothing in doing so.


Oh sweet summer child, groups equivalent to isis will never be gone so long as Israel exists to fund, run and arm them.

Its so fucking obvious its all rigged against us. "Terrorists", liberals, communists, fags, atheism, nihilism, anti-Christian, anti-white is all A-OK to these scum.

This is as intended. Ever study Aikido?

The Torfag is trying to induce a mod to ban Tor. It's getting to the point where Holla Forums needs to implement a nonce-key for "known-good" posters who can then bypass temporary blocks on Tor-posting with it over Tor. Once the shills are kept from using Tor, while legit users who have been whitelisted can still anonymously post with Tor, the shills will stop trying to get Tor banned.

You're using Tor because you're a shill that got banned and you're too poor for a VPN and too lazy to walk to starcucks.

Which can then be leveraged back on the shirker with "So you think peaceful white nationalists are something to recoil harder from than ISIS? What's wrong with you?!"

Damn, and why are we using cuckflare again?

beats me
there are other DDOS protection services
maybe contact the admins?

As in "together we form a mighty faggot!"

Underrated simpsons shitpost

its been noticeably more difficult to post with tor, clearly for reasons of shills trying to get tor banned. shameful.

oh, and bump

its been noticeably more difficult to post with tor, clearly for reasons of shills trying to get tor banned. shameful.

oh, and bump

ISIS isn't real.
The terror attacks are drills reported as real.
This meme campaign is in all likelihood constructed by the left, Cloudflare will capitulate (because that's the plan) with the added proviso that "ALL terrorist sites have now had protection removed." We already know that the left considers people like us terrorists.
And so you have it, ddos protection removed from the right by the work of unwitting right-wing golems.
in case you are new or still don't get it, IT'S THE JEWS

Did the movement die already? Only a handful of posts from many hours back.

This exactly
Also as someone paying attention to the Syrian civil war, i saw how Youtube and Reddit specifically targeted ISIS media and the Amaq network immediately before attacking right wing networks not even 2 weeks later
I also saw the same type of consensus cracking and brigading we see in this thread encouraging censorship against wrongthink, you can see it in the reddit comments


Why is this thread being slided?


CUCKS SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Get it out of your mouth.
Also, everyone seriously think about what we have to NET GAIN by taking down Cloudflare. We can do it now, later, or maybe keep it as a wildcard weapon.