Nigger says that whites are the offspring of aliens
Let us see if we can report this nigger and get him gassed from (((youtube))).
Nigger says that whites are the offspring of aliens
Let us see if we can report this nigger and get him gassed from (((youtube))).
We wuz ayys hybridz n shit when nigs wuz shit throwing tree monkeys, suck on this niggers!
Well we are.
We wuz draculas an sheeit
So he's admitting we're intellectually superior?
Does that mean that Tsoukalous was right?
Leftpol is your place kike
and the niggers are upset about the history we tell about them…
This kind of nigger is the same cut as the African nogs who say science that was built by whites is racist.
You idiots aren't getting it.
The rules are for us, not for anyone else. You're not getting anyone gassed off youtube. We're not going to win anything by mimmicking the pathetic sniveling SJW cowards. You'll earn nothing but disdain by appearing weak, and you'll fail at your goal because the system is designed to ignore your complaints.
Pretty much this. Although if we can find ways to use anonymity to our advantage and pose as a "victim" class, then we could use their system against them. In this case though, with a nigger attacks whites, there's no in. If he mentions trannies or faggots though we could call it hate speech. I'm not watching the video, so no clue what the fuck he talks about.
And the last section of this niggers rambling of course he goes full WE WUZZZ and calls whites defective.
he's right though, hyperborea is an alien plane of reality, not space aliens - inter-dimensional beings.
He's right though. We are godly creatures not of this world. The rest are animal men.
We wuz aliens fo reel
He's right. White people are the offspring of Atlantis. Colonists from faraway lands in the stars we would name as Asgard or Olympus. Natural disaster struck, a comet strike, that wiped out the colony in almost an instant. The survivors fled across Eurasia trying to bring the lesser humans there their technology and way of life with varying success. The purest strain of these former star men are the European Caucasians.
Holy fuck, this subhuman rambling and racism against whites is endless. I have to go to out but take your pick.
Where's that pic where it shows whites are from Mars? Are sleep is closely tied to Mars day/night cycle more so than Earths.
IDK about Mars, but Serrano and the esoteric heavily links us to Venus.
Some potential truth involved in this, I would be okay if whites were aliens with our higher IQ and better earning potential(s)
Nigger males are truly the lowest form of life on earth. They really are. These titles alone prove the mental inferiority of the negro beast. Note they never, ever discuss things which improve community, education, standard of living etc. It's always some shit about sex, victimhood, who's tougher etc. I fucking hate them so much.
That is inadvertently an argument for white supremacy.
If whites are the offspring of aliens, that would mean it was an advanced alien species in order for them to come here from their home system, which mean they advanced the human genome by mating with humans and creating whites.
I mean, he's not wrong.
i spit coffee all over my monitor laughing at this. i'm not sure why
coz bix ba doop weslee snipes in blayde mayne. arrryyyyt. he be keelin draculas and sheeeiiit.
I went for the "beware of the jews" angle.
Link to the kike chameleon imgur gallery:
Honestly, we need to curbstomp this sudden uptake in NOI on sites like Youtube or whatever or we risk them becoming another Antifa. Just take a look at the comments here for example.
Whoops forgot to expand the first comment.
I'm just curious about the effect of this.
That kerning is awful btw, had a hard time reading it. Taking a better screenshot of it as we speak unless someone else beats me to it.
It's the best I can do on my burner linux box.
always go the beware of jews angle with blacks. we need to take the jews golems away from them and use it against them.
How does this nigger know about Aldebaran?
It's alright, no harm done. Take these instead.
I thought it was the Pleiades
Thanks, that does look better.
Yeah, he's just some random nobody, but maybe it will click eventually.
Every golem severed from control is a win.
I actually kind of believe that. White people seem to have a tendancy to be uniquely unsatisfied by the world around them. Even people living in slums in Asia seem happier with their status quo than we are. It's like we're not supposed to be here.
reported for telling you the truth.
Youtube buys into the 'there is no such thing as racism against white people' narrative. Their content policing is run by SJWs. They consult with Anita Sarkeesian for fuck's sake.
Stop playing the 'bloo bloo we're the real victims' game. Dox the nigger, do something active about it and don't go telling on the teacher expecting them to do something about it, when it's blatantly obvious the teacher is themselves the fucking enemy.
Go ahead, try it. Mass report him and see what happens. Report back with your findings. But don't complain when youtube does nothing about it. You're only reinforcing the idea that youtube has some right to take shit down because some baby cries about it.
White people aren't aliens, I was born on Earth.
This old coon is a fine example of how hopeless niggers are. That's not just a grown man, but an older one and this guy, after a good 60, 70 YEARS, is still dumb as shit. What use he is? Their only purpose today, is to entertain us. If he had any sense, he'd be embarrassed to think such a thing, but to go ahead and record himself and share this stupidity with the world? Put a fucking bullet in the ape.
You actually lose IQ points when you get older
And niggers didn't have any to spare from the start.
Let the paranoid old nigger rant tbh.
Wait, what if I actually believe this? Like, I could go into detail if you guys are interested-
No you aren't negro. Earth is just one of our space colonies. Niggas stole our memories so we can't remember where da fuck home is ne mo. That's why we gotta go around conquering and shit trying to get the find the pieces to get the fuck outta this lost colony.
Thread theme
Look into it, jews wrote about how aliens came to earth, taught man civilization, and created a race of supermen. Their volcano god Yahweh got all bootyblasted and flooded the world to exterminate then, yet in Genesis 6:1-14 it's described that the race of supermen are still around on earth (i'd suggest reading the jewish versions rather than NKJB). Since then jews have been devoted entirely to the genocide of said peoples and will cease at nothing to get rid of them. Fun fact, if you read the book of watchers from Enoch it talks about how jews should, and i quote- "Proceed against the biters and the reprobates, and against the children of fornication: and destroy [the children of fornication and] the children of the Watchers from amongst men [and cause them to go forth]: send them one against the other that they may destroy each other in battle"
Doesn't matter if you believe me, this is what motivates the ones who want us dead, so you've got to wonder.
Also, I joke around about this but somewhat mean it- "can't be called an inhuman monster if you were never human to begin with"
And using the word -NIGGER- surely helps defend the White position.
CIA-Nigger pleas go
Fuck off back to Facebook boomer faggot, this is politically incorrect not "MUH PR"
Where do you think you are? This isn't an ancient Scrubs meme, I genuinely want to know what fucking site you think you're posting on right now, you cum-gargling turbonigger.
Fuck yourself blackpiller
It’s not a new theory, if he is applying a specific agenda to it then in matters not to me. He is blending several theories along with folklore but the key point that Africans are native to Earth and Caucasians are of a different planet and arrived much later isn’t offensive. Finding out I am an Ayy would actually make me feel a lot better about things actually.
Yakub is not going to be pleased with this heresy
Let's work on eradicating them soon, anons.
I mean…he's not wrong.