Most popular! Ex-White House press secretary Sean Spicer poses up with celebrities including Alec Baldwin, Dolly Parton...

Most popular! Ex-White House press secretary Sean Spicer poses up with celebrities including Alec Baldwin, Dolly Parton, and James Corden after the Emmys
I can't think of a larger collection of people in one place that need to be killed than at the Emmys, where is Kim and his nuke when you need him???
Spicer made a surprise cameo at the 69th Emmys to mock his old boss, President Trump.

During the show, he was shelled out onto the stage on a White House-esq podium and re-created his now infamous Trump inauguration claim that it had the biggest attendance in history.

As he appeared 'Spicey' cracked: 'This will be the largest audience to witness an Emmys. Period. Both in person, and around the world.'

Spicer was brought out to a surprised room full of celebrities whose jaws dropped when they saw the president's former mouth piece at the Microsoft Theater in LA.

As the former White House flack was wheeled offstage, Colbert said 'Thank you Melissa McCarthy!' a nod to the actress's fantastic impersonation of Spicer on Saturday Night Live.

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Whatcha sliding?

And faggots on Holla Forums called thought Spicer was their guy? Feeling spicey now?

Go back to 55.


More proof Sarah Sanders was infinitely more qualified than Spicer.


Imagine Ghengis Khan, 100,000 mounted Mongol warriors, and they beheaded everyone in that theater. That would get ratings.


There may be a few. But these scumbag propagandists are definitely near the top of those who need to hang. Where's a crazed bomber when you need one?

I'm already regretting clicking this.

How about Bilderberg?

Whats our RESISTANCE culture coming to fam?

gee, I wonder who could have made this thread

It's just jab, unlike the artists spewing hatred in their acceptance speeches.


Turns out they had the lowest ratings of all time. Good job.

I don't know whether to laugh or to feel.

thumbnail intentional btw

if white nationalist were going to start an uprising thats where you would attack first. Oscars has the single biggest public gathering of high profile jewish elites in the world. A hundred White nationalists with Military training and a full combat load plus C4/RDX charges could literally strike a mortal wound to the ZOG machine by slaughtering that place in a suicide mission.

It was probably he himself his bots doing it…

Sounds like a fun game to play.


I immediately thought of the thread going on right now about Hapapalooza, especially given it turns out the guy spamming all that cuck porn and nigger dicks on cuckchan has turned out to be a Hapa who wants whites bred out.

Everybody jokes about what fat autists we all are, but it has to be said we're altogether a better looking bunch.

I think your pic is broken, user.

hey OP, since you like Baldwin so much, I made this especially for you.

WTF is that shit?
Another Holla Forums edit?
Every fucking time.


See? It was good the little cunt was fired. I thought Dolly Parton was dead… tits must be a fucking mess now.