Why are White people so Diverse?

How come whites are so aesthetically diverse? How come the White race is the only race that have such an amazing diverse range of contrast and colour from red, blonde, brown, black, silver hair to green, blue, hazel, red, purple, yellow, grey, and so many other eye colours? Meanwhile all other races are stuck with black hair and brown/black eyes blank and bleak as if they had no souls and if any white race mixes this amazing aesthetic diversity is lost forever and they flush their genetic gifts down the drain?

Anyone versed in evolutionary biology explain this? What makes whites so special compared to all other races in this regard?

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Lots and lots of race mixing.

Domestication of animals produces coloration traits. Intelligence created civilization that allowed those traits to survive.
The only other races to exhibit such a thing, the asian races, which have a little red hair here and there, are also the second most civilised.

Because Chemical X mane, Chemical X.


A very diverse continent in terms of climate and geography with undefined boundaries in the East (where all of the change normally came from).
The people are bound to their land. They reflect it in their physiognomy and character.

Ask yourself: What open world RPG game would be harder and demanded more adaptations. One with a monotonous map or on with tundra, deserts, forests, etc.?

It's right otherwise though.

Why are so many japanese so white-skinned?

Anyone versed in evolutionary biology explain this? What makes whites so special compared to all other races in this regard?

Because we aren't covered in shit all the time

Caucasoid admixture from 12,000 years ago when the First Civilization sent out its colonies. We’ve seen it in genetic testing (it also explains why their society and behavior are so similar to our own). What, did you think the Indioes’ stories about blonde-haired, blue-eyed “gods” who came from over the sea and brought civilization were just legends? Why else would they have worshipped the conquistadors?

Because Quetzalcoatl was a white God of Creation and his counterpart was a black god of destruction named Tezcatlipoca.
think yin and yang but also it isn't that simple
almost like all cultures share similar creation stories and use similar symbols to make a point

Japs are actually all Hapas, the pale ones anyway, Proto-russian peoples settled japan and mixed with the Chinese.

Because incest was culturally practiced far more frequently in countries with darker skin. Not even shitting you guys, you can look this up.

I'm surprised actually no one has brought this up since inbreeding ends up making everyone look the same…

That's your issue, right there.

Shoo shoo mongrel

Many of the genes responsible for these things are actually the same gene expressed differently.

In other-words, there aren't independent genes for those hair and eye colors – just one, and different genes that do very based on region change how it's expressed. Every european has a chance of producing offspring with all manner of hair and eye color, even if they themselves have, for example, hazel eyes and light brown hair.

That's not to say that you shouldn't be choosy with your wives and husbands, but that does mean that mixing with a white from a different european country won't really cause any loss in genes. Whereas racemixing does cause an irreversible loss.

If you look enough you'll find that blacks are at least as diverse as whites. It's just that, to those of us who never grew up around them, we didn't learn to recognize the differences. "They all look the same" is really just untrained eyes.

You can tell the difference between Hutus, Zulus, Tutsis, etc. with practice.

But they're still all niggers of course.

Confirmed for dumbass.

There were very ancient white settlements in Japan (can someone remind me what their name was?). Because the Japanese still lacked any means to contact the outside. Over time, the original people have only slightly mixed, and now they're considered the most beautiful phenotype in Japan, which contributes to a sense of pride and independence from other asian countries. Quite literally, their best people are mostly white.

Those are the asians with white skin and are the ones typically found attractive by whites, for that mild sense of exoticism but still mostly familiarity.

It's a working system. You don't even need to fuck with it. The brown-skinned japs worship the white-skinned ones and the white-skinned ones try to mix with whites only.

faggots like you are why il dvce shaved his head

Do you mean the Jomon?

the very same. we waz japanese

or, no, may bad. I meant Ainu

Oh, actually user was right. Jomon were earlier than Ainu. Ainu came later, some kind of mix between the two. Yayoi were basically korean/chinese. Jomon were totally bred out, but their genes are clearly segregated in Japan today, even historically in different social castes.

The Ainu are supposedly mainly descended from the Jomon.

Howdy, First-kikeu! Glad to see you're back in town.

Yeah, I'm reading that now.

Here's an image illustrating the differences between the two phenotypes today. The right is basically purely korean/chinese, whereas the left is "native" japanese. Most likely the original japanese natives were mostly killed off/bred with some european invaders (probably fucking vikings. AGAIN.)

This is a pretty good illustration of how white genes survive throughout the ages due to simple in-group preference, whereas other genes die out. Because white genes are very attractive.

Anyway, my point is that Japanese Jomon are probably about as white, if not more, than latinos. Except with a better aesthetic. Still not good to mix with them but preferable to other races because your children would still be vast majority white. Yellowfever fags need to know this difference. JAPS ARE NOT THE SAME, ASIANS AT LARGE EVEN WORSE.

Who wants to bet that Jomon were responsible for most Japanese technological innovation?

We're like beautiful flowers. Just look at how many types of roses there are. Shitskins on the otherhand, are basic bitch weeds… someone should make a thread on chemical and biological weapons… just saying.

Of course pol disregards this post even to mock it.

Very interesting stuff.

Same reason why our dicks are bigger. Gynocentric mating selection. Women chose who to mate with, so they chose to mate with men who exhibit aesthetic traits. Nigger phenotypes got bred out.

Out of africa has been debunked. There were no nigger phenotypes to start with (that's not to say there were no bad phenotypes, and yes those got bred out). For someone who knows BBC fetish is a myth, you should know this too.

Melanin makes things brown. It also makes them violent. This is why the people of color monochrome are the way they are.

B b but I thought white genes be resesif af fam, how come they be erewhar.
If whites mix.
Kids ain't white.
Now you sayin. Aww whites just mixed.

You dumb fuck.
No matter how many muds a white fucks they don't produce eye color etc.
True fact is its the old DNA like neanderthal and others that gave red hair, and a range of others.

You done fucked up, now some autist is going to tell us all that neanderthal literally equals kike

Grabs crotch and moonwalks away*

How are you doing Francisco?

Totally false. Gynocentric selection picks niggers behavior and darker skin.

We had selection under conditions of White sharia marriage.

The most capable men, the men capable of raising more than replacement number of children, could choose one and only one woman. She would be the most beautiful he could find, with the lightest skin, the prettiest eyes, the biggest boobs, the best hair. There was no opportunity for women who couldn't get a man to reproduce at all, bastards were shunned unless they earned a name through their genius.

Thus White women were under extreme selective pressure for beauty. And they became beautiful and passed those beauty mutations to the men as well.

Calm down tyrone.
Yes there are a variety of niggers. Mandela had those weird Cresent almost Asian eyes, common to his tribe I forget where.
Now Ethiopia has better esthetics I'm not sure why and that's not my bag baby, yeah, but… no really better looking. Kenyans have long features and physically are runners. Kalahari Bushmen are diminutive and weak but tireless and plucky. Lulz.

I'm fine but, Annie, is she ok? Is she ok. Annie?

This meme is terrible, it implies that what we want to do is the same as muslims. It discredits us when we call out the religion of pieces

so if that video is correct, that implies white people are the most varied and also the "tamest"

You keep telling yourself that. I'm sure no genes of those 200 niggers imported to your town 500 years ago made it into your blood stream. Not to mention similar occurrences spanning 5000 years. Like all the Italians and Greeks thinking centuries of slave trade with Africa made no impact on them. No way!

Hurr durr I have done one semester at College hurr durr and I know everything there is to know about herp derp politics n' religion n' philosophy n' stuff hurr durr let me prove how much wisdom and insight I have hurr durr about the ways of the world errr copied from my Liberal Studies lecture notes hurr durr…

We're tolerant of differences. It's why we have smarter people as well. If you kill people who look different or for asking authority figures questions you end up with north Africa.

And yet they still cannibalize albinos. It's true that Africans are more genetically diverse and distinct than other people's are but that's the result from being exceedingly tribal and genocidal. They're all stuck in the same mess and not intellectually diverse at all.

Well, some quadroons and octaroons will show blonde and blue eyed features.

But they are hideous monstrosities.

I think asians will show after 1 or 2 generations of mixing with whites.

Whites are not violent. Sweden is the tamest, and they seem to have no fight-or-flight on them at all.

What paradigm are you from?

Because we're the true 10 Lost Tribes, a title the shitass Jews try to steal.

Maybe he was talking about this?
Assange comes to mind.

I've always been curious about how much truth there could be to that. All of the virtues the "Jews" mention in various scriptures seem to be things that apply to white people, not the mudkikes we're dealing with now, who much more closely follow the Synagogue of Satan morality.

I remember one biblical story involved praising someone for being truly… I'm not sure what. Judean? For having "no guile", implying there was a serious deception problem among people outside of themselves. Ancient reference to pathological altruism?

recessive gene expression
all it takes is one strand of nigger dna to weasel its way into your genome and you've got nappy hair and a flat nose.

Isn't he just old? People gray early sometimes, it's not uncommon.

Can you explain what genetic diversity means in this case? Sub-Saharans almost all look entirely identical as a result of being genetically isolated from the rest of the planet for tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of years. Europeans look vastly different from each other, probably as a result of the various tribes moving around the continent (Gauls, Germanics, Nordics, Anglos), but how does that make them less diverse?

You dumb leftist rats are still trying to push the meme that we're all mixed, and so we should all abandon racial and ethnic nationalism and embrace marxism? Weird how most white people, when getting a DNA test, get 0% outside of Europe.

It's because of monogamy. In monogamous societies, more men father children, so there's a wider variety of appearance within that society. As opposed to a promiscuous society, where there are fewer men responsible for all the children of a generation.

Compound this over X0,000 years.

They're we're not. The mixing happened a long time ago, but it still happened. Light skinned mixes are still mixes.

AAF pls go

That's simply because of how physically large Africa is, and how it's historically had a larger population due to it's size and bounty.

I started getting gray hair in my beard in my late twenties.


We know you're not white, you dumb fucking shill. (((1))) Italians and Spaniards certainly are white.



She oozes of makeup though. Slavic and Nordic young women barely need any.

Commies will tell you we are mixed so we can embrace more mud genes. I tell you the truth so you can avoid making the same mistake in the future.

I can tell you those DNA tests are bogus because I know European history. I know about the endless stream of mud slaves imported to our continent for thousands of years. In Rome alone literally half the population were slaves. Today they call themselves "Italian" and "100% European". Knowing what has happened historically that can't possibly be true. The great range of diversity in white population is further confirmation of this fact. How can you have a pure race yet nobody looks (or acts) the same? Nazi scientist realized this as well and calculated Germans to be only 50% Aryan. They wanted to breed that race back, not celebrate the obvious degeneracy is much of the white race. This is why so many "whites" act alien, because they are. You have just been fooled by some light skin and eyes.

Look up "ash blonde hair" on jewgle. Many individuals exhibiting this hair type look like they have silvery or grey hair.

Basically they branched of from each other much earlier and remained as isolated tribes much later than any other population. In the grand scheme it's like saying Australia has more diverse animals.

Go watch the Russian grey fox experiment documentary. The reason we have the traits you mention is because we selectively bred ourselves. So, exactly like the Russian fox experiment proved: behavioral traits are linked to visual traits.

Once they had selected and bred the grey foxes enough generations (selecting for non-aggression, or "human friendly") the foxes started to be born with different fur colors and patterns. IIRC, eventually they basically ended up with a really friendly, domesticated, and visually distinct breed that is directly descended from the wild grey foxes.

Now, why did whites do this? Because we evolved in harsher climates than the other races. Specifically long winters that most other races completely avoided. Whites simply could not afford niggerish behaviors or we would have gone extinct due to fighting ourselves instead of Nature.

pic unrelated

yeah, man, trust random scribes of uncertain reliability from hundreds or thousands of years ago over state-of-the-art genetics analysis

Rome was a population sink.

well, first: there are no "pure" races. we're all just clusterfuck genetic mashups produced by migration and conquest and pillaging and plundering (of the booty) since time immemorial. please see pic related.

second: recent selection is immensely important. the Ashkenazi Jews gained 12ish IQ points in just one millennium. groups can differ in significant and important ways though they be separated just a few dozen or hundred miles. there may not be any extant descendants of the original, founding, ruling-class Romans. or, the Italians generally may have experienced dysgenesis, or they may have stayed exactly as they were but were simply genetically surpassed by Germans and Anglos and Frenchmen and Nordics and suchlike.

please see: genetic mashup clusterfuck. start with WHG, EEF, ANE.

"Nazi science" was retarded. science is science. maybe if it had just been regular science, and they hadn't chased all the Jew physicists out of Germany, they would have had the nuke.

you are critically insane. seek help.

newsflash: some "whites" are better than others.



cointelpro pls go


Sub-Saharans look so similar because they all came from the bantu migration a few hundred years ago which genocided the people who used to live there and depopulated the region.

It's about the same time the boers were trying to find a home.

Asiatic people went through colder temperatures.

I keep hearing jews have 115 avg IQ, but I knew lots of jews when I lived in LA, they were generally dumb as shit.

Has this supposed high IQ been verified or did they suddenly gain 15 points when jews took over administering the tests?

you know slaves got castrated, right? you think people were that stupid back then? letting a bunch of niggers run amok? they defanged them first

Hey anons I need some expalining over here. Me, my mother, my grandmother and my siblings don't have brown skin, it's always been either yellow or pale and yet for some reason my grandmother has close relatives that do have brown skin, I thought for sure it would be passed through every family member but it doesn't seem to be the case. I have a cousin that has Jewish-like pale skin but her father who is my uncle is also brown like my dad. I thought this would only occur through distant relatives? Any thoughts?

A minority of slaves were castrated, and certainly not the women.

Read Juvenal for a peek into how Roman society worked in this respect. Noble women had illegitimate children with their slaves all the time. Poor suckers couldn't even renounce their black bastards since (((lawyers))) argued a mulatto child was not proof the wife had slept with the nigger. And this wasn't just Italy. In Scandinavia they have excavated Vikings with bonafide Jap women laying next to them.

U. mai liek u. u mek me laff. :3

Fuck off with your copypasta

This is interesting. Source?

This. Sexual selection pressure by men drove women to become beautiful whites, not the other around. Also, women have always been the spoils for the victor in war (apart from the last couple of hundred years). The choicest ones were kept alive by the captains and warlords to become part of their harems, the undesirable ones were raped and murdered by the rank and file soldiers.

Did anyone else see that they added a new Powerpuff Girl? A nigger. She's a nigger who cannot control her anger/power and has an elephant by her side that is possessed by the devil. They also gave her huge hips despite being a kid.


You do understand people with 100% european lineage can have black hair, right?

fast selection is sloppy. it in no way undermines my point of recent selection; in fact it only enhances it. note how many of those diseases are recessive, and how many play with the CNS, directly or indirectly. no one is arguing that Jews are the pinnacle of health.

I said it once, but I'll say it again: science is science. it is nothing more and nothing less than a clear-eyed observation of natural phenomena, a human analytical reflection of the real, material world. "Nazi science" is crap. Deutsche Physik gave America the nuke.

whiter than you.

Mussolini had ruled since 1922. why suddenly new anti-jew laws in 1938? it's one of life's great mysteries, I suppose.

I prefer "my" kabbalistic magic jew Feynman.

what a beak on that fellow.

Funny enough she was actually created using Chemical W. Judging by her hair color and hips I have to assume that it was watermelon extract that created the beast.
Also with the retcon making her the first power puff girl. Obligatory WE WUZ LITTLE GRLZ AN SHEEIT!

not since Christianity enforced monogamy. and you really wouldn't like to know how Viking women used to look. polygamy (including all forms of harem) degenerates all peoples who adopt it. you just don't get that sexual selection pressure without mandatory monogamy at all levels no matter how high-status

the intelligence of human groups follows a normal distribution. there are plenty of stupid jews. birds of a feather flock together. make some smart friends and you'll meet some smart jews.

Sounds OK in theory I guess, but when the highest ranking man in the land can have his choice of any (also, as many) choice young teenage women in his lands, then those women tend to be favored with well empowered offspring who tend to bring their mom's beauty into places of ever higher status and further beautification.

Let's not spread bullshit. There are plenty of valid, scientifically evidenced reasons that niggers are animals.
Claiming that the pigment melanin is the cause of nigger aggression just provides an easily debunked addition to the leftist list of "stupid things right-wingers believe."
If melanin caused violence then darker coloured animals would be more violent.
Is a brown bear more violent than a polar bear?

They excavated these in Trondheim. About 800 years old. The man looks like what you'd expect, the woman though has come from far, far away.

Considering that elites in all European countries have had heavy blonde elements and Tacitus and Herodotus descriptions of Northerners being "all blonde, blue eyed", this is probably a trait coming from the outside. The Aryans in the Oera Linda Book considered black hair to be a clear cut sign of racial intermixture. The way blonde hair gets more and more rare the further south and east you go, this makes sense.

Sweden. Sweden never changes.

It's a reconstruction, they are guessing about the eyes having such pronounced epicanthic folds.
Occam's razor, she's a Greenlander.
Unless they also found far-Eastern artefacts in the grave then this is Jewish revisionism.

You're right, could be a Greenlander.
Still, it shows that even 800 years ago interracial marriages were a thing, and in "Aryan Scandinavia" to boot. Don't know if her genes survived, but others would have.

Most Greenlanders have Inuit haplo groups (ethnicity chromosomal groups traced back to Siberia). That said, the Vikings, who also colonized Greenland, were trading in Constantinople as early as the 9th century, and the Byzantines were trading with China.

Hate to break it to you, but the word "aryan" comes from Sanskrit because India was once home to Indo-European speakers . The Celts got to Ireland from present-day Iran. Inuits, Saamis and others were already there.
The first blue-eyed human is thought to a man born in Spain 7,000 years ago. It spread rapidly, even though it is a recessive gene, perhaps because it was recognized as a mark of fidelity. A brown-eyed child can't be born to blue-eyed parents without third party intervention.

Genetic fallacy and irrelevant to the modern use.

In 1000 years London will be black/Pakistani racially. That doesn't mean that blacks and asians built London.