Trumps latest tweet:

Trump is truly shitpost king!

Other urls found in this thread: korea,


I liked that song too. How soon before Elton John throws a fit because Literally Hitler mentioned his song?

Anyone remember that movie? That's the first thing that came to my mind.


I had the game for my Amiga 500. Quality entertainment for a 15yr old me. Truthfully, it was a shitty game. I always wondered how his legs didn't get burnt.

t. Best Korea.


Seriously, stop trying to force it. He's shitting the bed right now.

Didn't know there was a game.

Pathetic attempt shill.


So Trump now has AIDS?


Rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone

as if North Korea functions such as the US does. These people take buses, trolleys, the subway if they live in the capital otherwise they live, eat, sleep, and work within the 10 miles they were born and walk or ride bicycles to where they need to go. To move loads they use Oxen, the same as old time farmers still do in South Korea. Google earth rural China and your see bus routes along all the roads also. korea
Flicker currently has 191,000+ pictures. Even I do not bully the poor retarded weaklings I encounter everyday, imagine if we all could though, and that is why DPRK has developed nukes.

What does this mean? Does it point to the Kikes?

Seriously, what the fuck is this cuck talking about FFS????
Trump keeps shitting on himself. What the fuck is going on with out God Emperor???


99% of people are fucking ignorant to best korea.
Makes it easy to avoid idiots though.
God Emperor has shat his nest big time in the last few months. Fucking cuck.

Seriously, gas lines? What a total disconnect from reality.

There are 10's of thousands of pictures of people using hand cart, riding bicycles, walking, carrying shit on their heads. The Kikes want total world domination to turn the world into a race mixing shit-pot in exchange for all the material shit one can work a lifetime for and then throw out and replace for newer material bullshit.
I must have went through 7 or 8 TV's in my 20's and 30's. Every one has to be sitting in a landfill now. The same with all the shit I worked years for, and then disposed of. Even my USB cable don't last a year.


the fact of the matter is that i'm tired of his low-effort shitposting to sedate the frustration of his base while he keeps not delivering his promises. he needs to stop being a retard

Pick-Up Artists Set Their Eyes on the Prize: North Korean Women

Nice to know the girls are not easy whores, unlike my last 3 girlfriends.

Fucking Degenerate Kike Media

honestly if you had the choice, and the ability, wouldn't you "WANT" to keep your country free from Kikes and those they've brainwashed????

he's delivered on a good amount of his promises(video related). all would have been done by now if Washington wasn't such a shit show.

stop being so tired of winning. (i'm not)


not one picture of moonman in this entire thread? (I guess only shills are up at this hour)


tired of winning? where do you live? because you don't live where I live and this fucking place is outright over-fucking run with immigrants. Yesterday (YESTERDAY) girls were dragging the hard sided suitcases around with them having just gotten off whatever boat they arrived on. The day before that I was surrounded by muslims in traditional fucking garb, made me feel like I should wear an 18th or 19th century costume, and dress my kids up in knickers and sheeeit when I go to eat out for breakfast publicly at iHop.

What happened to all those factory jobs in Mexico Trump was going to put an end to? Trade with China? As I see it, and I voted for Trump, he is cucking out biggly to (((special interests)))



7 or 8 TVs in as many years Jesus fucking Christ, do you literally even? You're here now I guess so probably

Probably one of the most retarded tweets so far. Few months back you could use the PR excuse to justify this shit (want to appear strong on the world stage and all that crap) but now it's just counterproductive. Foreign policy via twitter with countries like Russia, NK, Syria or Iran isn't going to produce any result in favor of the US and it's not going to help him get re-elected.

Its like going beck several decades before women were universally made into whores by the jew.

Love it. Shareblue is a nervous wreck, see their idiotic shills. The more you go against him, the more I support him

Don, if you're lurking, keep pissing the snowflakes off, tremendous support from Europe

U mad breh?

Go easy on the TVs eh! I've only had one over that period ;P Do you have shitty power or lightning in the area perhaps?
TBH I have not had a TV/radio/etc connected for nearly a decade, it's just a movies/documentary screen now. Fuck the jew media.

But agreed they want people using cars and consumable products, not bicycles and keeping fit and strong.
Most NK videos people walk/bicycle everywhere, much like Netherlands and similar flat countries.
Only the elite there have cars, because most have no need for one like many other western city dwellers.
Where I live if you don't have a car, you're fucked. Public transport is sketchy outside of the city and shitty either way.
Urban sprawl to keep the jew construction companies going as usual, spreading like a virus…

You can't divide user and The Don
We are the only ones who can do that.
Suck more dick shareblue

The military uses gas you stupid fucking faggot. Their tanks and jet do not run on magic.

This tbh
I will NEVER tire and NEVER slacken. Winning finally feels good again

US Anons, what important decisions does Don have coming up?
This shareblue raid tells me their is something large on the horizon, they are putting in 100% effort into trying to turn us against him

yeah I get it. you don't want a president, you want a genie. (might want to ask one those arabs if they have a magic lamp you can borrow)

seriously, this is the most progresses we've had as a country in decades. can't do much for you personal life. you can blame the cuckold legal system for trying to block the travel ban. my neck of the words is run by an anti-white jewish pedophile, thats literally been helping organized crime/gangs sneak ilegales over the border. we've all got it rough right now so chill out and join up with a group of like minded folks IRL, or start getting an exit plan together.

If your objective was to strenghten support between Don and his hardcore base, mission succesfull shareblue

Syria aside, I feel he has bent the knee in the last few months.
Not a shariafaggot D&C shill just genuinely wondering now with some of his recent actions. I would in past support him since day one, especially with the 88D chess moves that most normalfags couldn't comprehend and bet before the primaries with family he would be POTUS, so take it how you see it.
I feel he has strayed from the path and the wetback bullshit and other recent stances (beyond shitposting/baiting) have really got me wondering.
Fence/wall D&C is bullshit but there are a few legitmate concerns as of the las tmonth and I don't see him 88D chessing out of them, because to do so he would contradict his word and he does not have a history of doing that. E.g. he has not let himself an 'out' this time and appears to flip flop on some issues.
This is concerning to me.

I worry for him too. Which one of his kids cares most about him?

on what exactly? give specific examples.

DACA, but reading about him he actually wants DACA way longer then when he's been the president so i can't tell if that's bending the knee or what.

you should already know that.

I do not think he has dissapointed us in any way. On the contrary. He is doing whatever he can and I really appreciate it.
Hope that he is safe from deep state. His kids should look after that!

probably the midterms. Trump is gonna have to start choosing sides if he wants to get his candidates of choice in the public eye by next november. If the political conversation stays solely focused on him and his fuckups though, that will distract rational-minded white people from paying attention to their local elections. If the Dems manage to pull it off and take back congress, it's over.

Shills always play both sides, I don't care for worthless politicians besides the white population in this country.


To me it's like this:
I never expected him to be the next Hitler or whatever, and I also knew he would have to make some compromises, this is just politics. I am very content with him so far, I agree that some more progress will have to be made, he must never forget what are the most important points to his hardcore base. He will never please the majority as they are vicious braindead lobotomised zombies, so Don, do what you want and fuck the dems, sjw, beaners and anarcho nogs. Fuck them in the pussy

that kid only wishes he was half as cool as Barron.

if user wants to talk to Don, find a way of communication with h0pest3r. Is fiercely protective of him

Sup ABC nigger.

Basically this is the main one I can remember off top of my head. DACA and his actions really got me wondering because he is cucking his base.
Not a burger but watching externally that has me worried.

One thing I'd like to see is following up on video related.

The other thing is Shillary is still walking free.
He's had enough time to cool down the kike media to get into this now, without looking like a sore winner etc.
Comey is still free and the rest of the pedo squad are still free. Only low level shit has been taken out.

That said he has achieved more in his short time than any politician I have watched over my life. For that he deserves accolades for.
And he certainly has exposed the kike media many times and made even the most dense mouth breather aware of it's influence.


Sup goon,

I've been looking at these NK pictures and they are poor but they going about their lives quite productively given the circumstances. What it strikes me as, North Korea suffers from a collective form of national PTSD. korea
Seems to me Trump is completely full of shit and totally wrong about North Korea, it's not like he has a background in geopolitics other than an armchair connection. He's always been a go along to get along real estate type, promises this and promises that to serve his own interests and it appears to me those interests (his interests) have now completely diverged from the base of Americans which elected him. Look at the alt-right, what a fucking shameful perversion by design, I took a lot of shit when I voted for GWB in the early 2000's and even had my xTerra vandalized and the Bush bumper sticker torn of the rear window, by filthy Haitians no less but this new Nazi's connotation, and White Supremacism degradation for voting for a US President has really upped it to the next level, and what has Trump done about that?

Hate to tell you this cuck but the US entertainment establishment really needs to be tackled head on in Hollywood, and I mean on anti-american grounds criminal conspiracy of treason. These BLM protests, these LGBT protests, these Antifa protests we see now, an ongoing criminal conspiracy everyday, and are also a direct result of the US education system. What has Trump done about that or common core, or the longer term degradation occurring to the sense of having a patriotic national identity? He is going to leave office and any sense of having or holding onto a patriotic national identity will be in the shitter.

As I said in another thread, I see immigrants fresh off the fucking boat holding onto a great deal of hostility for white Americans when they meet them, and they are shitting on this country long term.

Are you a moron, your posts are reverse reverse reverse phycology. They may appeal to the brain dead idiots on the one hand but then they look moronic to those that are not brain dead idiots on the other.

Trump is already positioning himself as an "I Tried" President.

You're serious huh? remember the transition from VHS to DVD? No of course not, because your'e a child or young adult. Ever have a 27" tube TV and then a 32" tube TV in the bedroom or vs versus? Ever have a TV that was a VHS/TV combo? You ever replace them for a slim line panel TV or the same size because you could, and then get divorced and give up the all TV's for conveyance….. or are you more than likely attending your first rodeo and are grasping false hope by a thread? I once bought a 55" Samsung and to give it to a girlfriend within 10 months of buying it. All wastes of money, like all the material shit you are going to buy over the course of your lifetime also and I have.

Trump is the President, No denying that, and what I wanted was a leader which he is not, everything to me appears to be about "muh legacy" and at this point ala Ronnie Reagan style.

Fuck it, you'll see, in time everyone will see, Trump is a fucking joke and battling overseas when he can't even battle at home will not sway me he's not a cuck at this point. FFS he never even went after Hillary or the Clinton Foundation….. and we all know they are involved in "Pay for Play"

Fine I'll post it

It's a mystery.


should go hold hands and kiss

what user can and must do now is establish a direct undisrupted line of communication. we will offer advice, and our viewpoints on specific matters. we are far more intelligent than any political advisor money can buy.

Do you honestly think Mexicans, Chinks, Arabs, Muslims, Niggers are going to pick up the banner of nationalism once it's been torn from the hands of white americans? This country will then crumble worse than it is now. We are living in days similar to the "Fall of Rome"

Twitter bantz is always welcome, but when will he stop cucking out about muh women to the UN or blaming Iran for everything?

Very nice. Obliged

stop having homosexual fantasy about your fellow anons. it's not ok.

Houellebecq would be proud. Or disgusted. It's hard to tell with that guy.

What's with all the Nork shilling lately? I don't want another pointless war but let's not pretend that they're in a good situation right now. Even the diehard Juche-defending tankies refuse to move there.

I am serious. When I was tiny we had some old shitty wooden TV I think but only ever had one TV in the house when I was growing up after that, I began PC gaming on an Amstrad with cassette tapes so no, not as youngfuck as you think. Grew up through dialup/tape ages, to DSL/DVD. TV didn't need changing then because it had usual RCA RL audio + V plugs and the UHF plug. SCART was a bunch of EU faggotry though and parents instilled values of buying good, quality equipment. Pay now or pay later and I still follow this mantra.
That good TV equipment was a Trinitron and it lasted for nearly two decades. I think it got given to family when parents finally upgraded to an LCD TV for HD use, which they kept until an earthquake fucked it.
Never had a TV in my room, instead had PCs from a younger age or played outside or read books. Never really liked TV TBH. Built my first PC at age 14, back when you had to use dip switches or pencil mod shit.

Current TV has all the old connections (when they made decent LCD tvs which didn't have only 3 shitty plugs on the back like new ones) and still works. RCA, VGA, HDMI, S-video etc so handles everything I throw at it. Old Samsung 1080p does the job, given to me by the ex when she moved out. Didn't make the mistake of marrying her.
1080p has been around for nearly a decade now in mainstream use.
Even if it was today I wouldn't go 27 to 32". Nor would I buy an all in one POS.
I will go to 42"4k from 27" 1440p. Current screen is calibrated 10bit IPS so does the job. Cost as much as most plebs would pay for a PC box, but it's still going strong 6 years later so again, a worthy investment.. pay for what you get.

Also still have the same Hifi system a decade later. Cost more than a cheap new car though so you'd understand wanting to keep it as long as possible. Speaker/amp tech hasn't moved an inch since then. Kevlar speakers were pretty new then and nothing has really changed since. DACs are cheaper, that's it.

Try to keep PCs for at least 6 years, with the pace of CPU progress these days that's easily done. GPUs are main thing if you're a regular gamer, I don't have time for that these days so older GPUs are fine.
Perhaps this will all change if I have a family one day. Biz is top priority because I have to provide for a large family before making one.

But anyway, this is OT but point I'm making is you don't need to change tech every few years. And certainly don't buy expensive temporary shit for girls gold diggers.
Kikes hate north Korea because they can't afford that shit and have no need for it. They are stuck in the 40s and it's great.
I will visit there one day soon.

soros linked groups are spreading nork propaganda


North Korea backed themselves into a corner there is no denying that due to the geopolitical landscape at the time and events that occurred to them due to the Japanese also. Koreans are backwards, even South Koreans are backwards as hell and I know a lot of them. But one thing they are is proud, and stubborn as fuck. I attribute that to the fact that so many were tortured to death over the 500 years which the Joseon dynasty existed, and the nearly 500-year-old Goryeo which preceded it. I had hoped, and expected to see a military reduction in activity on the Korean peninsula once Trump became President but what has been shown is he doesn't control the military industrial complex, nor even understand it, he has simply accepted it as he has been told, which is reflected in current events. Had there been a cancellation of the Foal Eagle exercises ( things would be markedly improved and different but they have directly contributed to the current nuclear program now required to defend the DPKR. Kim doesn't want to be bayonetted up the ass like Gaddafi was, and Gaddafi caved to western interests based on assurances, but the US, it's western allies are not to be trusted, that is how zionism functions.

Quick rundown on Foal Eagle.

Foal Eagle series
Foal Eagle 1997 (FE 97)
Foal Eagle 1997 took place between 17 October and 6 November 1997, and it included a non-combatant evacuation operation; reception, staging, onward movement and integration (RSOI) maneuvers; combat operations; and anti-infiltration activities. One significant feature of FE 97 was the deployment of the U.S. Coast Guard cutter Hamilton with the carrier strike group led by the carrier Independence. Hamilton also participated in a combined joint navy-coast guard force to provide defense ring around the harbor of Pusan.[5]
Foal Eagle 1998 (FE 98)
Foal Eagle 1998 took place between November 4 and December 2 1998. Foal Eagle 1998 was notable for a number of accomplishments. It marked the use of the Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (MILES) by all exercise participants, allowing forces to engage in realistic battle conditions without the loss of personnel or equipment. FE 98 marked the first time that the U.S. Navy established anti-submarine operations centers off both coasts of Korea with the U.S. Seventh Fleet's battle force, Task Force 70, in tactical command of ROK and American submarines. Foal Eagle 1998 also featured an amphibious assault involving seven battalions of ROK and U.S. forces.

Foal Eagle 1999 (FE 99)
Foal Eagle 1999 took place between 26 October and 5 November 1999, and that year's exercise scenario involved defending against infiltration by North Korean special operation forces into the rear area. Most training sites were located well south of Seoul, with training events included firing blank ammunition and night operations.

Foal Eagle 2000 (FE 00)
Foal Eagle 2000 took place between 25 October and 3 November 2000, it included 30,000 U.S. and over 500,000 ROK military personnel involved in air and ground operations, as well as maritime operation in defense of Pusan. FE 00 also included a non-combatant evacuation exercise codenamed Courageous Channel.

RSOI/Foal Eagle series[edit]
RSOI/Foal Eagle 2001 (RSOI/FE 01)
Combined Forces Command (CFC) announced that Foal Eagle 2001 was postponed, and starting in 2002, its annual Foal Eagle exercise would be combined with its Reception, Staging, Onward movement, and Integration (RSOI) combined ROK-U.S. exercise. It was also announced that the new exercise would be scheduled for one to two weeks in the spring of 2002, and the exercise would take place annually thereafter. ROK military did execute an anti-terrorism exercise in 2001.

RSOI/Foal Eagle 2002 (RSOI/FE 02)
RSOI/Foal Eagle 2002 took place between 21–27 March 2002, and it featured amphibious warfare training between the Republic of Korea Marine Corps and the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) and the Essex Amphibious Ready Group which included landing at Tok Sok Ri Beach.

RSOI/Foal Eagle 2003 (RSOI/FE 03)
RSOI/Foal Eagle 2003 took place between 3 March and 2 April 2003 amid rising tensions between the United States and North Korea who threatened to withdraw from the Korean War Armistice. Prior to the start of RSOI/FE 03, a U.S. Air Force RC-135 reconnaissance aircraft was shadowed by four North Korean aircraft. The 2nd Battalion, 34th Armor Regiment was deployed from Fort Riley, Kansas, to participate in Foal RSOI/Foal Eagle 2003.

RSOI/Foal Eagle 2004 (RSOI/FE 04)
RSOI/Foal Eagle 2004 took place between 21–28 March 2004, it featured amphibious warfare training exercises between the Republic of Korea Marine Corps and the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) and the Essex Amphibious Ready Group which were supported by P-3 Orion maritime patrol aircraft from Patrol Squadron One (VP-1).

RSOI/Foal Eagle 2005 (RSOI/FE 05)
RSOI/Foal Eagle 2005 demonstrated the role of air power in theater-wide military operations as ROK Air Force worked closely with U.S. Marine Corps' Marine Wing Support Squadron 171 (MWSS 171) and Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 122 (VMFA-122) from Marine Aircraft Group 12 (MAG-12), as well as Carrier Air Wing Two (CVW-2) from the U.S. Navy's Carrier Strike Group Nine led by the carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72).

RSOI/Foal Eagle 2006 (RSOI/FE 06)

Joint US-RoK amphibious force
RSOI/Foal Eagle 2006 took place between 26–31 March 2006, and is designed to improve the commands' abilities to defend the ROK and includes a full range of equipment, capabilities and personnel. This year’s exercise marked the 45th Foal Eagle exercise and the fifth time it has been combined with RSOI. This exercise featured close-air support for ground units, air-to-air defense exercises, maritime interoperability training, and expeditionary operations involving Carrier Strike Group Nine, with the carrier Abraham Lincoln serving as the exercise's maritime command-and-control node. 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) and Essex Amphibious Ready Group participated in assault climbing, live-fire ranges, urban combat training, community outreach efforts, and a combined amphibious landing with 3rd Regimental Landing Team, 1st ROK Marine Division and the ROK Navy's Amphibious Squadron 53 (pictured). In addition to the rehearsed scenarios throughout RSOI/FE 06, the salvage ships USS Safeguard (ARS-50) and ROKS Pyeongtaek (ATS-27) conducted a real-world salvage operation for a U.S. Air Force F-16C fighter aircraft that crashed off South Korea’s coast on 14 March 2006 as part in the 21st combined diving and salvage exercise (SALVEX 06).

RSOI/Foal Eagle 2007 (RSOI/FE 07)
RSOI/Foal Eagle 2007 took place between 25–31 March 2007, with its initial focused on initial operational flow of deployed forces to Korean theater of operations (KTO). This RSOI phase incorporated receiving military units in Korea (reception); connecting units with their equipment once in country (staging); moving them into their respective strategic position within the peninsula (onward movement) and integrating newly arrived forces with the forces that are already here (integration). The Foal Eagle phase included amphibious landing involving over 3,000 American marines and sailors as well as 1,400 ROK marines.

Key Resolve/Foal Eagle series[edit]
Key Resolve/Foal Eagle 2008 (KR/FE 08)
Key Resolve/Foal Eagle 2008 included the participation with U.S. Navy Carrier Strike Group Eleven, led by the carrier Nimitz, and marked the first time that the RSOI phase would be known by its new resignation of Key Resolve. Key Resolve was now primarily a command-post exercise with computer-based simulations that focused on deploying troops and equipment to Korea in the event of an attack while Foal Eagle continued to be a series of field exercises. Both exercises have U.S. troops training with South Korean military personnel.

Key Resolve/Foal Eagle 2009 (KR/FE 09)

Vessels of Carrier Strike Group Three sail in formation with ROK Navy ships during Key Resolve/Foal Eagle 2009
Key Resolve/Foal Eagle 2009 began on 28 February 2009. Key Resolve/Foal Eagle was held in the aftermath of the sinking of the ROK corvette Cheonan and the shelling of Yeonpyeong Island by North Korea. Approximately 12,800 U.S. and 200,000 South Korean troops participated in the exercise. Key Resolve was the computer-based simulation portion of the combined exercise, while Foal Eagle was the peninsula-wide training portion of the exercise. Key Resolve was scheduled to end March 10, and Foal Eagle on April 30. The major U.S. naval formation that participated in Key Resolve/Foal Eagle 2009 was Carrier Strike Group Three (pictured).
During the exercise, the aircraft carrier John C. Stennis was overflown by two Russian Ilyushin Il-38 maritime patrol aircraft on 16 March and two Tupolev Tu-95 long-range bombers on 17 March. In both incidents, the intruders were intercepted and escorted by F/A-18 Hornets until the Russian aircraft left the exercise area.

Task Force Hawkins, an army battalion, deployed from the United States, drawing equipment from Army Preposition Stock-4 at Camp Carol, Korea. The task force conducted live-fire exercises at Rodriguez Range. The task force also appears to have been designated TF Hawkins II, and included soldiers from 1-64 Armor and 2-5 FA. Special Operations Command Korea conducted airborne jumps with a helium blimp and gondola at the ROK Drop Zone prior to the official start of RSOI/FE 09.

Key Resolve/Foal Eagle 2010 (KR/FE 10)
Key Resolve/Foal Eagle 2010 took place between 8–18 March 2010, which included U.S. Seventh Air Force and Marine Aircraft Group 12 participating in the Key Resolve phase of computer simulated exercise scenarios as well as physical military exercises during the Foal Eagle phase. The Combined Battle Simulation Center, collocated with the U.S.-Korea Battle Simulation Center, served as the exercise hub. The operational force was based at another simulation facility, the Warrior Training Center at Camp Casey, South Korea. Other simulation organizations included the Korea Air Simulation Center on Osan Air Base, South Korea’s Army Battle Command Training Program in Daejeon, and the III Marine Expeditionary Force’s Tactical Exercise Control Group, based at Camp Courtney in Okinawa, Japan.

Key Resolve/Foal Eagle 2011 (KR/FE 11)
The annual Key Resolve/Foal Eagle exercise started 28 February 2011, and employed almost 13,000 U.S. troops and more than 200,000 South Korean troops, as well as a U.S. Navy carrier strike group led by the USS Ronald Reagan.[32][33] Key Resolve involved computer-based military simulations that ran from 10 March 10, while Foal Eagle field training programs were completed by 31 March 2011.

Key Resolve/Foal Eagle 2012 (KR/FE 12)
The annual Key Resolve exercise took place between 28 February and 9 March 2012, and it employed almost 200,000 South Korean troops and 2,100 U.S. troops. About 800 more U.S. participants will come from outside South Korea. Also, observers from Australia, Canada, Denmark, Norway and Britain, took part as members of the U.N. Command. Separately from the Key Resolve, the Foal Eagle exercises took place from March 1 to April 30, and it included about 11,000 U.S. forces plus South Korean troops in division-sized or smaller unit operations.[37][38] Foal Eagle 2012 was marred by the loss of a U.S. Air Force F-16 fighter that crashed in a rice paddy on 21 March 2012, about 150 miles south of Seoul, near Kunsan Air Base. The pilot ejected safely, and the F-16 was a unit of the 51st Fighter Wing.

Key Resolve/Foal Eagle 2013 (KR/FE 13)
See also: 2013 Korean crisis
2013's Key Resolve/Foal Eagle bilateral military exercises took place amid rising tensions across the Korean Peninsula. The United Nations Command, Military Armistice Commission, Korea, informed the Korean People's Army through its Panmunjom Mission of the 2013 exercises' dates and its non-provocative nature on 21 February 2013.[40] Key Resolve is an annual computer-assisted simulation exercise, and Key Resolve 2013 was conducted from 11 to 21 March 2013.[41][42] For the first time, ROK’s Joint Chiefs of Staff planned and executed this combined synthetic exercise.[42] Foal Eagle 2013 consisted of separate but inter-related joint and combined field training exercises conducted between 1 March and 30 April 2013.[40][41] Approximately 10,000 U.S. troops, along with as many as 200,000 South Korean soldiers participated in Foal Eagle 2013.[43] In response to North Korean protests, the United States augmented its forces by deploying B-2 and B-52 strategic bombers, F-22 strike fighters, a nuclear-powered attack submarine, and four Arleigh Burke-class destroyers of Destroyer Squadron 15.

Key Resolve/Foal Eagle 2014 (KR/FE 14)
Key Resolve 2014's was a command-post exercise involving wartime scenarios conducted on computer systems which was held between 24 February to 3 March 2014. Foal Eagle 2014 is the field-training exercise held between 3 March and 18 April 2014.[46] An important accomplishment for Key Resolve 2014 was the establishment of a combined maritime operations center.[47] Foal Eagle 2014 is the field-training exercise held between 3 March and 18 April 2014. A third exercise code-named Ssang Yong ("Double Dragon") was bilateral amphibious assault drills held between 27 March 27 and 7 April 2014.

Have this shit occur on your militarized border year after year after year is not a way towards peace. It has forced North Korea to respond every single time. And yet idiots in the US populace still "muh fat kimmy" every day a news story is written by kikes.

The cultural marxists really hate Trump. It must be scary for them to see that someone that powerful is opposing them. Fucking bastards.

And you know what pisses me the fuck off about all of these taxpayer funded US Military expenditures defending South Korea???
Sumsung phones, products, Hyundia cars, and all of South Korea's other products from have not become any god damn cheaper. Frankly the entire situation is one of fucking the US citizen left and right, like everything else has been with our Zionist controlled political process. South Koreans have gotten rich, and I mean next level rich that most people are not even aware of and US citizens have gotten poorer and poorer to the degree they are far to ashamed to even admit to themselves.

Tor user are you referring to Hollywood, Jews, the US News Media, Antifa, or BLM when you refer to cultural marxists? I know for one I am a white american who is pissed of by all of the cucking I have been seeing from Trump lately. And mark my words, Trump's U.N. speech is going to be a disappointment. Go to Drudge (, if every news headlines now found there isn't by design designed to piss you off, you're a kike or a shit skin not born in the US.

Too obvious.
You are going to get fucked harder than ctr, faggot.

muh rocket fuel:

You post pictures of wolves and at the same time are a pussy appeaser. Dude, suck your own cock and I know you can because you lack a spine.

masterbantz intensifies

Suspicious indeed.

Not Amiga version but this was just published today. I wonder if Mike planned that, because they are always sitting on a bunch of these.

How the fuck did you get here?

Kill yourself.

Alright Holla Forums
Look at this site:
No, look at it!
It is pedoboys David Brock's project dedicated to attacking and slandering Trump each second of every minute, every, hour and every day.
They are portraying him as Hitler or as incompetent meanwhile they try portraying him to us as a traitor
Now we don't have the budget at our disposal, but we have something more powerful. The truth.
We fucked correct the record, and we will fuck this flaming disaster too.


did we meme too hard again?



Man you would've hated Hitler then, he spent his first two years consolidating powers to become Fuhrer. Fuck off, shill.

You're assuming a lot of shit on DACA.

Kim should unironically point his nukes at Beijing and Moscow and hold them hostage. Then he can literally get anything he wants. Anything.

It will eventually lead up to this as the US and North Korea are doing brinksmanship. The last time is really went crazy is during the Cuban Missile Crisis where USSR got the US to totally cuck out and got a ton of concessions for being aggressive.

Trump has made Kim Jung Un already cuck-out once by calling his bluff on Guam. If the Norks had any intentions on attacking, they'd do so already in secret.

Dubs observed, my compulsive buyer of talmudvision devices.

I don't understand, where does tech come from in rocket land? Like, how does a person have glasses there? Or a bicycle?

Only through really wasteful and corrupt government run businesses.

Considering how Joseon and now Korea has always worked I would think it comes as an award, or as a perk for a job well done. The reason Koreans have such a strong merchant culture is because historically when your'e paid with a bolt of cotton, silk cloth, a sack of rice, or any other commodity you learn to convert that at a profit to coin.

Watch the South Korean movie "Babo".
A boy has the mind of a six-year-old following an accident. It's a great movie, but he sells egg and cheese sandwiches on toast every morning to support himself without welfare from a little food stand, all the while being unable to keep a pair of shoes on his feet. In the United States a person, even a brain damaged but good hearted individual can not set up a food stand outside a primary school and sell food to children……. the Police would come down on a fool doing such a thing like a fucking hammer in the name of freedom. It's a great movie (IMDB rates it a 7.5) to give you insight of the inner workings of society in South Korea.