Given the current state of Holla Forums, I'm not surprised this flew under the radar, but the usual suspects are kvetching about this just like the CNN gif. I would imagine this one would just piss them off more since it's mocking Queen Cunt herself.
Trump retweets gif of Hillary getting hit with a golf ball
Other urls found in this thread:
Haha I like the part where Hillary fell on her bum funny haha
Says the goblin who writes child orgies.
Says the goblin who writes child orgies.
No moral grandstanding from the pedo-gangbang clownfiction man, please.
Oh no here come the people who are deeply concerned about a dumb ass gif because it's so violent and insensitive
I don't want to be a blackpill shill, but I honestly think that Trump is just throwing a bone to his supporters.
I wish him good luck against DACA
Wrote one good read: meh at best series of books, and now he thinks he's hot shit.
Also, it's pretty nice to see that Trump is still the shitposter in chief.
Rolling for her having a stroke tonight
I'm just waiting for the original creator of the gif to get doxxed and dismantled by the system again
better watch those memes or CNN will will have u bent
t. Holla Forums
t. Holla Forums
i sincerely can't stomach this abhorrent lunacy any longer
Don't forget about the 4edgy scenes from IT of kids getting brutally murdered and dismembered at no expense. We should really take his morality at heart and listen to his advice goys.
That's a pretty based gif, I'll be laughing all the way to Guantanamo after the FBI throws me in a van for being pro-white.
We haven't forgotten about that but of cuckery, but this is still amusing.
But you see goy, it's ok to write detailed descriptions of children being brutalized, as long as you're artistic about it! Don't question it you philistine!
The election is over bro. If Trump is reading this, by some miracle, I'm saying that to him too. Dude shouldn't even be regarding Hillary Clinton as existing… And she should be locked up in a prison somewhere to assist that effort.
This, really, except for the crickets part. I complain about it rather regularly. Its become somewhat reddit lately.
Upset pedophile is upset.
Does he secretly have a crush on Trump or something? I mean the guy writes about underage sex and murders.
Is he really this retarded?
Found myself a kike, and guess what, he was defending the book. Checked out his profile, and what do I see? The good 'ol "hey guys, I'm one of you." His retweets betray him though. Dirty hook-nosed sub-human. I'm so fucking sick of kikes.
Even if Trump goes full Neo-con and never fulfilled a single campaign promise, Trump's shitposts and the leftist salt is better than any Neo-con that could have been elected.
I'm still moderately optimistic about Drumpf though.
Trump is definitely letting us down enough that I've realized voting is meaningless - maybe he'll adopt a pro-white agenda for the next 3 years but I'm not holding my breath.
What the FUCK is that shit? These fucking rats in the walls need to be gassed out.
The campaign salt alone was worth it.
If you ever look into leftist circles, they're still just as butthurt as they ever were, and just as apocalyptic.
Oh snaps. Every. Single. Time.
Tbh thats the only tribe still cheering for the shabbos Goy
Considering we had no options, even Rand Paul was cucking to niggers, I don't think we made the wrong choice. In retrospect it might have made more sense to vote for Bernie to accelerate the decline of society, but I'm sure the Democrats will run another socialist in 2020.
kek didn't Hillary actually get a head injury from that fall? That makes this extra good
You're too obvious. Go cry in Holla Forums. Filtered.
It's just a story user, I'm sure Stephen King does worse things to real children.
Get that /polk/-tier garbage out of here. Learn to think long term and quit whining.
I'm sure there's some super based redditors who would upvote the hell out of that image my fellow pede, maga.
Kek are the 2scoop memes reddit too? I disapprove of cancerous and forced memes, but this one isn't really cringe inducing.
No, the 2 scoop thing just particularly pisses them off because it's what they usually do. Even look at the guy you replied to going "my fellow pede maga". They can't stand it when it's turned around.
2scoop memes are from cuckchan.
You misunderstood my post, civnat faggots and the handlers that control them always sneak in a jab at nazis in their memes and imagery.
Trump tweets are quickly becoming like my grandpa's chain mails. It was funny for a while, but do we really need a thread every time he makes a grandma-tier joke on twitter?
I don't even know what /polk/ is.
Stretching it a little there, aren't we?
you have to wait until I complain about the illiterate turkroach first before you go full muh booooooooooks
Just stop. Orange man doesn't make decisions off principles. He maneuvers around to pull off the best possible outcome for himself, which usually involves some middle ground to keep all parties satisfied. A lot of the campaign was bullshit so he could pull off an impossible upset win. Yes, it's infuriating when he deviates from his base and campaign promises, but he's done enough so far to prove that in the end he pulls off something close to what the base wants. A lot of his "failures" are just things that haven't happened yet, and I guess shills are hoping weak minds will panic at every juden headline- even though the pattern has been repeated hundreds of times
I'll never understand why retweeting .gifs pisses you guys off so much.
I used my precog abilities to judge where the conversation was headed and acted accordingly
We don't know.
DACA, according to the president, isn't going anywhere for at least 6 months.
Are the Paris accords dead?
No. There was an article up about how we are still in the Paris Accord and Trump is legitimately thinking about keeping us in it.
Who gives a shit? This does nothing for me. He doesn't even have his old job anymore.
Not really, Chaim. He only replaced one conservative judge with another conservative judge. We are in the same boat we were in until Scalia died last year.
I don't know, man. Is it? Recent reports are saying we're so short on ICE and BP that they're lowering the requirements for applicants.
I'm way past college aged. I don't really care about this at all. Doesn't affect me or anyone over the age of 25.
Except everyone had the balls. Even Pelosi and Ryan came out to denounce antifa. He also signed a resolution against white nationalism. I'd say he's much more against white nationalism than antifa.
Not really, Chaim. He left off the most dangerous countries on the terrorist watch list.
Stephen King the bug eye'd freak talking about fucked up mind, this is truly peak Weimar insanity.
Was getting banned part of your plan?
You'd have a point if he was actually doing any of the things described in that post.
What has he really done for Holla Forums besides shitpost on twitter? Don't get me wrong, liberal tears are delicious, but that's not exactly getting us anywhere tangible. Let's talk about the things he hasn't done…
I could go on if you'd like.
I'm not pissed off about gifs, my grandpa trolled on the internet. My grandfather would've deported every spic in this country, he worked for the border patrol and knew they were trouble. Trump, the bleeding heart faggot, will sign amnesty if his kike daughter tells him to. Fucking based.
You're not good at this.
To be fair, you appear to be not very good at recognizing sarcasm. It's a common issue with autists.
Keep going. I almost have my BaNeGo board filled out.
Why is this a thread?
The question isn't "why is this a thread?"
The question is "why is this a thread when so many better threads are bumplocked and deleted?"
And I'm not even talking about muh boooooooks. Take a good look at the threads bumplocked and deleted this week. Yet this one and three threads about juggalos will stay up.
Really activates the almonds…
Your buttbuddy can speak for himself. You don't need to defend him.
The truth is a blackpill? Maybe for Kikes like you schlomos who realize that anons are waking up to your shabbos Goy and are going to Gas you and your children
I got it. Nice job. But you do have a point. That pedo investigation thread is still not pinned for some (((reason))). Very weird.
It didn't fly under the radar, we just didn't feel like this deserved its own, whole thread.
If those are things you want the orange man achieve, energy should be spent towards memeing it into existence, similar to the impossibilities which came to fruition during the election. Even better, become engaged in grassroots activism to pressure and guide these changes. It's ridiculous to place your faith in some orange billionaire man, who is just doing this as something interesting to do at the end of his life, to accomplish all that w/ media and both parties fighting him the whole way
Not saying this applies to you user, but in general calling him a cuck jew and crying about it is pointless. If you're gonna give up, might as well just enjoy his bantz
All the things he's accomplished so far w/ the economy and culture wars is more of a paradigm shift than I ever though possible 3 yrs ago. The stuff that's TBD still can get done, and based on his track record he mostly pulls it off. I will trust the guy who won the election and does stuff which continually pisses off the jew media/necons/neolibs and their virtue signaling goyim, vs repeatedly wrong (((headlines))) - I mean really, I'm gonna believe suddenly he's back in the Paris accords cause the Jews said so? Come on
To say he's done nothing, as if we're in the same situation and direction as under obama/bush/clinton is over the top
Does the federal reserve still exist?
Did we end the war in Afghanistan and Iraq?
Have Veterans been taken care of? (I give no fucks about them but he campaigned on it)
Did he send them back DACA?
Is Obamacare repealed?
The answer to all of these are no.
So there's zero fucking difference.
Your formatting is shit and you're easier to spot than a pile of shit on a white carpet. You fucking stink kike and you have to go back.
Funny you should mention shit, kikes have a biological obsession with human faeces. I'll format however the fuck I want especially if it pisses you off.
Interesting how no one's responded addressing yet.
No one even bothers with the ebin chess fags anymore because what's the point?
Oh no, some shill called me a kike cause several people that saw this tweet yesterday that was in a separate thread didn't think of making a whole new thread specifically for that tweet, whatever will I do.
Oh, by the way, you dropped this.
You just ignored most of the massive list of things he's accomplished so far, minimized the rest as if they don't matter, then listed things which he's working on but also involve other ppl as failures; bc they're not done RIGHT NOW, somehow it's all over and he can't simply get it done in the future. Which is a jew narrative. How many times do we have to see Jews spread doubt for weeks over something, only for him to do it anyway? They do it for every decision (((they))) want to control, which is all of them
At least I acknowledged he has a long way to go, but realistically I understand his difficulties. That's why I've been advocating calling him out as a means to keep him in line, but I'm not gonna put my faith one guy to do it all. He should pull his weight bc he has the power and wealth, but it's still gonna take a grassroots effort (including memetic warfare) to make a lot of it happen
Sounds like emotional virtue signaling or blackpill shilling when you reduce everything to
To be fair, the optimism part could partially be attributed to no longer having a monkey in a suit in the white house. That said, he does indeed have a long way to go, and the last few days he has been doing some really weird shit, like backing that one politician that hates him instead of the one that sided with him.
Actually, I never said he's some brilliant man and that he will always do everything right. I just don't think he's a useless zionist retard puppet.
It's probably somewhere in btwn, but imo based on track record he generally gets things done, perhaps not in the best way or as quickly as I'd like, but it gets done. He has some issues and needs to complete some pending tasks, which his base should pressure him to correct
This gets ignored bc it's common sense and reasonable, and is a realistic approach to working with what you have
I think backing Strange is politically the best move. He dangles his endorsement in front of Strange/McConnell for votes. Strange has a few mnths left as an active Senator. Taking his endorsement off the table is stupid negotiation. Moore will likely win anyway, so Trump just takes a hit to optics in exchange for Senate votes, which I'm guessing is more important to him right now. If McConnell and Strange backstab, Trump has cause to back Moore and nobody can blame him.
I dunno, I think if you really look at his political choices, backing Strange isn't really some betrayal which I'd be worried about. But yes, it looks bad and is infuriating for his base. Oh well
Careful. A quick search says Liu is married to a jew.
It makes sense when you consider the requirements are retarded. You don't need a bachelor's degree from a marxist indoctrination camp to round up beaners in a desert. In fact I'd say that should be a disqualifier, to prevent entryists. I wouldn't be asurprised in the least if a liberal drone made that a requirement to begin with, as a gatekeeping measure.
It is pretty impressive. Even small business doesn't feel hopeless anymore, and you know how bad Obama fucked us.
He's doing what he can. It's hard to fight with a gun to your head. I'll be real disappointed if DACA becomes law in any form, though, because those shit talking Mexicans need to have their smug asses handed to them. We have to use the relative peace he's providing us wisely. It's not nearly an ideal situation, but it's about the best anyone could do given how fucked shit is.
It just isn't funny. Pic related is the only one that has made me laugh.
inb4 cnn dox @fuctupmind
Fuck off king, you talenless hack. I read your autobiography, years ago and it was the most boring, badly wriiten, uninteresting piece of crap I ever read, why do people read your shit. Also, the only other thing I read by you was "Danse Macabre", when I was teenager. I sensed you were a bitter miserable cunt from it and it put me off your writings for life. And as for your accident, when you were knocked down by a van, your constant and continuous whining over it in interviews for years and years was absolutely embarrassing and convinced me you were a stupid pain in the neck. I've met ordinary people who have suffered through much worse illness and accidents with amazing dignity, but Mr millionaire author just made a fool of himself. Rant over. What a wanker.
bless you for posting this classic
Isn't that the pedophile who literally wrote about a child orgy while he was a neet writing books and fapping in his closest?
Maybe he can make it up to the Dem establishment by giving in to more of their demands. Maybe he can codify open borders into law. That would surely make Ivanka proud.
I went through the hiring process in 2011-12. It takes about 12 months to get fully processed. First you need a bachelor's or equivalent military service. Then you take an artificial language test and a cognitive test and only the top scores move on for selection. (I scored 92% and got the call)
Then bloodwork is done, a physical fitness test, an oral interview which for me was in Miami, where three officers go through your background and ask you questions to stump you. I passed that too.
Then I was given a questionnaire to fill out where it asked me if I've ever done drugs. I wrote that I smoked weed in college. Two weeks later, after 10 long months, I was denied.
Good luck hiring recruits when they pay like 35,000 and you have to be a Boy Scout your whole life
Does he want to get hit by another car?
That's like the simplest trick they have, practically no government work for you now.
Good for him then.
bitch got knocked the fuck out
Yes, haha. Top win, my fellow goy. It is very kekworthy that he ruined his career options. Gold star.
He should consider himself lucky he is now excluded from serving ZOG.
says the pedophile
Yeah and the same cunt would be laughing if it made fun of someone he didn't like.
top-tier DRUDGEfonting
Why are you quoting yourself?
Mental Gymnastics right here
That's rich coming from a pedo or whatever degeneracy and dirty laundry he is/was associated with. Was discussed on this board a few weeks ago.
hi wordcuck
I've read a lot of his garbage and nowhere did I ever see anything about child orgies
Husband is involved with some interesting things.
Let me know when he tweets a gif of her getting arrested.
Hahaha based. I love this guy, he really is one of us..