Well now I'm a capitalist, nationalist, and libertarian. I just wanted to play video games in peace.
What led you to taking the red pill?
Always remember user, we were the shot heard 'round the fucking world.
same here, but I'm moving away from video games, time to improve my life
I don't enjoy any of the new games anymore.
Like Starbux, Jewgle, and our bankster overlords?
Like civic nationalist, who thinks that every race can coexist if they are educated properly?
Like the ideology that was created by Jews so they could get away with whatever they wanted?
Baby is taking some first steps, but you have a long way to go until you can run, friend. Just remember, look inside yourself first, and see what you care about. Chances are, your genes will lead you to care about your self first, your family second, and your race third. These ideologies are just means to an end, and are not important in and of themselves.
GamerGate was my main redpill
I'm sure it's the same for millions more people.
Shortly after ODN died down I got fed up with the bullshit and moved here
Probably the Zimmerman case. Calling the most Latino looking guy; I mean he was short, fat, brown and everything, I have ever seen "white" was when I understood the media is full of complete bullshit then I went down from there on all the race issues and how everything wrong with blacks was the fault of blacks themselves and absolutely nothing can be blamed on whites, not slavery not segregation (which was the best they ever had, ironically) not colonization, not anything. They sold their own kind into slavery, they were garbage subhumans and cursed race before colonization as recorded by Arabs and Jews (Curse of Ham) and they will never ever as a whole be able to be civilised as other races can be.
The other redpill? All the contradictions and easy to spot logical fallacies of liberalism. You'd think they'd be more logical than the right but the only thing the right was less logical on was its religious aspects, liberalism/leftism is a far worse idiotic illogical and irrational religion by far and it starts with all the doublethink on every single fucking issue.
Ron Paul. But ive always knew something was up, I just didnt know how fuckin bad it was.
Literally Holla Forums, posts there were the gateway to truth
Zimmerman trial. Media was so cock sure that he was going down and that niglet was an angel. Trusted the media back then and was shocked to see he got off, given what the media let us see of the trial. I remember going over to 4chan Holla Forums to see the celebration and how they knew all along he was getting off. Saw the narrative keep falling apart in spite of the facts you could dig up online by yourself.
newfag lurk more
The truth, user.. The truth is the red pill…
You seriously that new?
Apart from the mormon church telling me to come to my own conclusions and find truth on my own , probably wtc7 was a good wake up redpill for me. Since then it seems as if some sort of chaos god keeps things chaotic and connected.
GG for the Luegenpresse, Baltimore for the Dindu problem, lurking Holla Forums for everything else.
Capitalist as in fuck corporatism. If there isn't an opportunity for some one to fairly compete then it's shit.
Nationalist as in America First. I'm not opposed to a white ethnostate, just not interested in making it here in the US. I'd fully support the right of a white ethnostate to exist however.
I'm still in the mindset that don't fuck with me or mine and you can do what you want. Just don't expect me to like it. Example: Degenerate shit. Go ahead and be a degenerate I don't care, but I'm not going to act like you're not a degenerate.
So yeah still on the road, haven't fully been enlightened yet. But hey I've come this far, it's probably only a matter of time.
The adventure games that I enjoy/enjoyed, have become the preachy movies I moved away from as a form of entertainment. I'm having white flight all over again.
Being a troll.
Pretending to be different ideologies, making their arguments and figuring out what works, what fits.
Pretending to be a liberal and trolling conservacucks. Pretending to be a conservacuck and trolling liberals.Pretending to be a lolbertarian and trolling communists. Pretending to be a communist and trolling other communists (seriously, Holla Forums is like the greatest thing that ever happened to trolling, I wish it existed when I was younger and had more time).
Then I started going on 4chan and started trying to troll Holla Forums
In order to be an effective troll you have to actually understand the ideology of the person you're trolling. You need to read their stuff and get in their heads.
It's actually an incredibly effective way at learning about different groups of people, and it's funny and entertaining if you're clever about it and not a tard.
I realized I couldn't really troll Holla Forums, not in any real genuine way. I could attack egos or make dumb low-brow attacks, but I always struggled to attack the ideology.
Because I realized you guys are right about everything. I've been here 5 years now.I converted within 6 months and continue to learn more everyday.
I have a social life, I'm not a total NEET or anything. But sometimes, I think you guys are the best friends I've ever had. and I'll never meet any of you.
growing up in a ghetto area and going to shitty public schools. seeing the nigger and shitskin students behave the way they did made me sure from a young age that there was a huge difference between races in intelligence, attention span, creativity, everything. i got picked on quite a bit for being scrawny and actually knowing things in class, so had to learn to talk my way out of situations and fight if I had to.
Also because I had an interest in military tech/conflicts. Seeing the Germans conquer Europe and the aesthetics of National Socialism left me with a soft spot for them and once I found out the holocaust is a lie I guess I went full nationalist.
Libertarianism is bad because 90% of people are too stupid to think for themselves. You need to have laws enforcing certain behaviors, just like you need to outlaw murder/theft/rape/etc in a proper society you also need to outlaw drugs/sexual degeneracy/etc.
Of course most of the issues surrounding degeneracy would be gone if we got rid of jews, but Libertarianism was one of the ways how they were able to gain so much influence in the first place
hey OP my first red pills were like parody music webms but then I watched TGSNT
I was first redpilled so long ago that I'd struggle to say when or what it was that sent me down the rabbit hole first, I have been on chans since I was twelve years old and what was this, literally almost 14 years later still going strong shitposting to my heart's content because I love the raw nature of the chans, the unfiltered nonsense that goes on here and the lulz that can only be had in a place that gives so few fucks but cares so deeply ideologically, I was actually not sure what to make of pol until 8ch, I didn't get involved until after GG had largely subsided, probably 8 months before the election and since then I have just been here because it's nice to have likeminded people who also thrive off having a community to throw shit into, a big wheel of shit that hates everything but at the same time cares about the 14/88 and works to bring issues to light and knowledge to the user who visit. It's a real ray of shitty sunshine, you know? Normal people wouldn't understand the charm but for people like us it is a literal haven and it pisses me the FUCK OFF that kikes and shills (shillkikes) are working so hard each day to destroy it. It is like the last bastion of truth and all we stand for, and no matter how the meme war ends I am glad to have been here to shitpost with impunity with you all.
George Zimmerman—GamerGate—Drama with feminist friend in high school–Holla Forums—Trump—WMSAFFOAAFFWC
I kind of feel you, user. I started lurking almost two years or so, I started on 4chan, but that shit got fucked. I tried Lainchan, ain't bad, but ain't great. Once I found this place, sheeeeeit, it completely forced the redpill the rest of the way down. No looking back now, and frankly, I enjoy the conversations on here more than I do with 90% of peeps I talk to in real life.
You weren't wrong, just look at what Trump pulled in office. Republican means cuck
Yeah. I don't consider myself a Republican. Republicans are just as bad as Dems.
Parents split when I was 4or5-The fucking life set in fast
Spent time in courts waiting room ,in school I had to like explain every kid separately how my parents are not together and how I "visit" my father only on certain days on set hours because a "judge" said so
That's when the "This ain't right" feeling started
The teachers and a school psychologist wanting to "talk" to me about home stuff
I went "fuck off" straight away-so I noticed there is something "wrong" about school in first grade(7)
Night's spent talking to my younger brother about how the world works
I had all the r9k theories before I knew the internet
"The box" theory-that 2 people will in time love each other if you force them into the same "box" I talked about that with my 3 years younger brother when I was 12
Living in Poland you make jokes about niggers and soap bars as soon as 10,First time I heard that we are not supposed to joke about certain things I knew something is wrong
When I was 13 my father left to UK to "work"with his new wife and 3 kids
The older I got the more I called my mother out for her female non arguments and other bullshit ,I made sure to tell my brother about those
Some years later(I was already on Holla Forums for 2 years then) when he saw the things I told him about and quoted me in an argument I felt so fucking 14/88 , like I did a good job of not letting him be an NPC
For me frequenting Holla Forums started around the first attacks in Europe , and the Ukrain
I dropped out of school and my head was full communism "money is bad because people are better that what they earn"
On some level I might still belive that ,but if you are a good person then earning should be easy for you
Then I learned the truth , working was not the problem , For who was the problem
Nothing was done to stop the atttacks-
Why are we not at war ,why are we not sending Special Forces to do the Specnaz boxes on those faggots
(some one kidnapped a russian general , got a box of heads of kidnappers family members,relised him)
And that's about it