Are you Elite?
Or that fucking Dpad. fuck
Well they honestly do. Aren't a lot of console games limited because of lacking keys? Like I am pretty sure that Holla Forums said borderlands 2 would have gotten more active abilities if there were more keys.
Are those really a thing people want/use?
What the fuck is this?
That too, why the fuck would they change the d-pad? The PS4's d-pad is already good enough
Its third party, so who fucking knows.
It's obviously a parody of the Xbone elite controller
Sony did file a patent for a new high-price controller, but it's a ripoff of the Wii U Pro controller, not the elite one
that looks like the Xbox Elite controller. Probably a mock up or something.
Either way, if I remember correctly you can change the D-pad out on that so you would likely be able to do so here.
Pull the panties out of your vaginas.
I use a logitech controller and ibuffola or whatever snes controller. Thats all I have ever needed.
Protipthat's not real
dream on, sonyggers
Only Nintendo has a normal d-pad because Nintendo filed a patent for it
The patent expired a long ass fucking time ago but everyone's "unique" digital direction inputs stuck because "muh brand recognition!"
jesus christ this is a mockup right?
the ds4 dpad is already a little to close to the touch pad for my liking, but tat least it's actually a d-pad
the expiration was fairly recent actually, I think it happened 2 years ago?
Still, not as good as the saturn's d-pad. The microswitch d-pad on neogeo systems are also excellent.
what are those
turbo switches?
They switch whether the triggers go all the way down or just enough for the controller to recognize the input, effectively turning them into digital buttons. Allows for more rapid pressing.
Doug button.
That's actually a neat idea.
are you unfamiliar with turbo switches? Sometimes called rapid fire, they simply do the input instantaneously, or as fast as the game/system will let you register it.
this makes sense, however
Tie fighters.
oh I remember those in my bootleg NES. they made playing contra possible.
Also, if it's anything like the Xbox Elite then the D-pad is interchangable for a classic nintendo style one. Also, it ought to come with 3 different size variations for the analog sticks.
Source: I have the Xbox one
inb4 shill
fug if I knew a PS4 version was coming out I'd have held out on the purchase
actually, upon further thought I am unconvinced this is the case. I've disassembled enough 360 controllers (and analog-lever mechanisms on controllers like the saturn 3d-pad, dreamcast controller, etc.) to know that Microsoft and Sega used a slide gauge which the lever pushes and pulls in accordance to the pressure from either the player or the spring. Some games may behave differently and require a different level of pressure for the input to register, but I can't think of any that require a full press. Perhaps racing games which use triggers to determine how far you're pushing the gas.
I have the Xbox controller and it has the same switches. They just make the triggers go in like 1/4 of the way.
Why don't console just ship with a mouse and keyboard if they want more buttons
I don't get it
I mean shit the Xbone even runs on Windows and UWP, you should be able to plug in a keyboard and mouse and play from the getgo
what games do you play?
And besides it is not about games requiring a full press, on the contrary. It is the fact that games DON'T require a full press but if you are pressing rapidly you will mostly have some needless overshoot, slowing your fire rate. Limiting the distance of the spring gets rid of that overshoot and maximizes efficiency.
The Xbone runs on the Windows NT Kernel only. Its about as much Windows as the PS4 is FreeBSD
Ah, you make a good point. It's nice to talk about these more technical nuances in component design. I can see the benefit of that. In fact, when I play shooters on a console, I always vouch to use the R1/L1 buttons on say, a ps3/ps4 pad, mostly because it's a more instantaneous input.
The design is not the problem here.
Dark Souls, bunch of emulator games and waiting for Nier Automata right now. I used to buy a lot of cheap controllers but their analog sticks would quickly become really squeeky and loose. Got this to last me a while.
Also, the levers at the bottom are not extra buttons, they are just mappings for the face buttons so you can press face buttons without lifting your thumb off of the right analog stick.
Think running in Dark Souls and turning the camera at the same time. I used to do a claw grip where I press the circle with my index finger.
That d-pad looks like a tiny hipster dinner plate.
I am actually very interested in buying a controller(for pc) and I am either going to buy a xbox 360 or an Xbox one so since you probably have both would you say that the price difference is worth it
ps my parents together make 25k$ a year so I've been saving for this for a while lol
who knows
get a job.
You sneaky jew you
I was worried about this when I first got mine but the only issue I've had is that the stock USB cable is loose. I play wireless anyhow since I couldn't give less of a shit about input delay on single player controller games.
I'd rather not.
I still haven't used a pad better than a sega saturn pad which has native pc support.
Actually, I just remembered something that you should all be very aware of. The PS4 version likely won't have this issue but the Xbox one sure had. It was a while ago so I forgot.
The fucking app to configure the fucking thing is region locked to US only. Even though the controller sells world wide. Had to get a VPN.
Sasuga Microsoft.
How? The port's different, unless you mean a third party controller.
It's still an accessory port isn't it?
Or do I have a six button genesis controller?
So you spent 150$ on a controller?
Are you dumb?
No, just have a bunch of disposable income and it's the first controller I got that didn't break down in a month.
What do you do with your fucking controllers?
Do you get anger issues while playing and you have to throw them into the wall?
You do know that you can just buy a repair kit and fix them yourself, right? Repair kits cost like, less than 5$ sometimes.
It also gives you a decent insight on how the inputs are transmitted, which will probably incentive you to mod your controller yourself.
You can on pc. Unless you're a console fag then you basically sug your own grave.
the fuck is this?
the fuck is that?
Recommend me a decent controller. Need one for guilty gear and keyboard just not cutting against my friend with an xbox controller.
One that I don't have to pay an arm and a leg for.
Why did they take away the one good change that happened from the PS3 to the PS4 controller?
What are you talking about?
dualshock 4 is a little steep in price but i consider it pretty great for PC use, dualshock 3 is cheaper but uses a slightly better D-pad, but is more of a pain to get to work on PC
if fighting games are what you seek, don't cheap out on the d-pad
I just got a ds4 a few days ago and I like it more than I thought I would. Pretty dandy.
Are there 4 buttons in the middle (start/share) or are they vertically connected somehow?
Anyways back paddles are great and were the only redeeming quality about the $team controller. Anyone who is skeptical should certainly try them before complaining.
Looks like it's blushing too
fucking madcatz