Story writing thread (replacement media)

What do these three have in common?

Bojack Horsemen - Existentialism
Steven Universe - (((LGBTQ+)))
Rick and Morty - Scientific Nihilism

All of these has good story writing, but they teach degeneracy.
When will Murdoch Murdoch reach that level? We should take action.
The challenge is to write a script that is red-pilled and is palatable.
I hereby challenge Holla Forums to write a compelling story that can educate people.

To create a 14 episode series that covers most basic topics in Holla Forums
Have it so that there are lots and lots of references (R&M has 150 references per episode!)
Set it so that it has a kind of canonical like R&M, but can be seen as individual episodes/mini-series like Black Mirror
Develop it so for every issue, there are 1~5 main characters. Some characters can take on multiple issues though
Everyone who watches the show should have at least some "moral of the story", including non-whites and ex-degenerates
Make it so that it is palatable, so that it is as goos as R&M (escalation is key)

Current work pad:

Other urls found in this thread:

This will get anchored fairly fast so can I suggest to op to host it somewhere else?



Okay, perhaps start a new board?

go back to reddit.

Good idea
Shit idea, references are reddit-tier nonhumor
They stole this idea from episodic anime like cowboy bebop, decent idea

I'm writing a novel. It will feature heavy handed, almost blatant symbolism regarding this.
The gist of it is that shitskins are not to be trusted or helped.

What did he mean by this?

(being polite about this)
(and then proceeds to shitpost)
what kind of samefagging is this?

KYS, its YOUR idea, YOU do it

Holy shit, you're E;R on YouTube aren't you?

"Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, Europe for the Europeans"
History 101 form the 3rd Reich:

No, I started the motion in the E;R (((discord))), and got only a bit of traction.
was thinking about Holla Forums being able to pull something off like this.

E;R, is that you?

Rick & (((Morty))) is actually breddy funny if you can get past the pozzed parts. Rick apparently has drunken rants about the Jews and the newest episode of season 3 portrays black teenagers in a bad light. Seems to be some hidden "light-red" pills in there. Overall shit message, but still a watchable show. inb4 "I don't ever watch talmudvision, you're a kike"

he probably is, I like his content tbh, my opinion of him is in the gutter after learning he thinks reddit and morty and bocuck horsefucker have good writing.

Since I like him, I will help him: piggyback off of Marble Hornets / Eckva and make an animated silent hill esque series about a guy who goes back to his childhood town only to realize it's fallen under the spell of a high tech mind control weapon and everyone is acting against their own best interests.

Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians means they should be creating their own media. Asians already do it with animus that have subtle imperialist themes. We do not have to create their media for them or redpill them, they are not our burden - we need to nfuck our shit first.

No you idiot it's the most reddit show of all time and if you even think it's interesting you're a reddit cuck with cucked humors

Do you have any idea how much work has to go into creating one of these? there's a reason amateur animation shorts on YouTube got beaten by vlogging and streaming faggots a long time ago.

If you're really serious create (yes you OP, fuck you I'm not doing your work) a five minute short and see if you can attract other anons and work from there.

Youtube animation is NOT dead

I know it is my idea, and I sketched out the mold, people like came. No men fights alone.

You have contacts? Email? Twitter? (((Discord)))?

I am not E;R, just a guy in his (((discord))) who got some ideas and want to execute it.
Also, I am East Asian, my nation is safe from them, but I do not wish to see Evropa from falling, on grounds on empathy and historical alliances (UK-HK).

Yeah it's pretty pozzed… like I said. I bet you'd tell me that I'm a kike for enjoying Seinfeld too. You do realize that you can laugh AT it and not WITH it, right?

These are mutually exclusive

See (still scary though)

references to red-pill material, not necessary (((kosher media))), I should make this clear

This actually kind of sounds like a fun idea if you miserable cranky fucks could stop complaining about everything that ever gets posted for once.

I understand you on some level then, but I simultaneously don't expect you to understand the white man's burden. Niggers, Spics, and other nonhuman races are not our problem. Hell even the human races aren't our problem, we need to start looking after ourselves first and foremost.

Also you are not safe from them, look at certain areas of Japan, Thailand, and Korea. Kiked to the core. Muh ladybois.

references are reddit-tier humor and won't resonate with anything. your source material needs to be funny and informative on its own.

I said source referencing things like IQ charts in the backdrops, or antifa cameos. These are vital in world-building.
Black Mirror cross referencing and Mr. Robot's hidden agendas are good examples of reference-based storytelling.

Noted on the White man's burden. Salutations.

Yes, even these things are reddit-tier humor. All referential humor is cancer - use allusions not references, as in allude to the fact some nigger shopkeep isn't as smart as say the white or asian shopkeep. Reinforce allusions and reference allusions you have created.

The reason older western animation like Popeye and older eastern Anime are interesting is because they feature self-contained worlds and stories. I would rather watch sponge bob - which is self contained but fucking grating and annoying than Reddit and Mordechai which is highly referential.

But then how do you inspire people to do more digging? Hit them with a link to here or something?
Information density is a thing that can be used in our favor. What are the draw backs (not remotely for humor)?

thanks for the support

you have some serious brain infections
first, watching any tv at all is a sign that you have some problems
and the shows that you listed are some of the worst, from a story perspective
their only redeeming qualities are the indoctrination in their underlying philosophies, very useful to learn the pop understanding of existentialism and nihilism, and to then deconstruct those philosophies for your own self.

the format of those series is entirely dependent upon the philosophy; remove the philosophy, and it is an empty shell. But you seem to think that the two can be seperated; that a show like Rick and Morty has a "salvagable" aspect that is ruined by the philosophy.

for instance, the constant pop references in Rick and Morty. they reinforce the underlying idea that nothing really matters; there is no need to even be original; that there is no meaning and so meaningless pop culture references are relevant.

if you wish to create a truly red pilled series, you must dive deeply into the philosophies of the traditionalists, and their esoteric counterparts. then from the ground up, construct a series that conveys the idea that meaning is grounded in tradition, blood, and soil.

pop culture references are the antithesis to blood and soil.

just an fyi, i do appreciate what you are trying to do, just trying to help you avoid some pitfalls you appear to be about to make.

Murdoch Murdoch was the closest we got and the autists on here cannot bring themselves to support it since it is not perfect. The bar for Holla Forums to support creative works is high as fuck and few people have the patience to create things for free under such strict demands. We had something and we let it die.

I keep saying this, instead of (((pop culture))) references, use references of actual facts and data in a visually appealing manner.
Bell curves, gum balls, circle charts, anything that brings home the point.

Sorry, Tor poster, but it is true. We need to stand strong to pull something better for Holla Forums.

No, it will just pander to the short attention span reddit crowd.

Are you fucking high? I already told you, use allusions instead of references.
Just watch Xavier Renegade Angel and try to make it pro-white, or just make an animated MDE's World Peace with an established canon. you probably didn't understand MDEWP though

Murdoch Murdoch was the same reddit-tier humor that makes R&M shit.
Also they're lolbergs taking the piss out of NatSoc, you media-addled faggots fall for anything.

He said Steven Universe has "good writing" so no, it can't be. E;R tore the writing in that show to shreds in his video on it.

Hmmm… the barrier to entry with leftist humor is simply jumping on the mindless pop culture bandwagon, while the barrier for this humor is being a sage of Western tradition and then become to Autist Whisperer. I might be seeing a problem arising…

No venture is perfect, and frankly the most talented individuals are preoccupied with their real jobs until the crash comes, so even making the attempt is good. Perfection is the enemy of the good.

Memes are the right's version of referential humor. Use it instead.

Who said it was gonna be exclusively on (((tv))) and not a webseries?

Sci fi is a big thing now.

Good opportunity for 40k, starship troopers, and 2001 odessey references.

How can information density pander to the ones with short attention span, when Mr. Robot and Black Mirror requires multiple viewings to find such stuff?
MDEWP is some heavy stuff though, I will have a look at that. Jews don't rock

And they support (((alt-right))), so yeah. Not the best, but the first.

He says it in the video that it is shit. I know, but still they have similarities with R&M.
I am drawing some comparisons here that they are successful in propaganda, but R&M and Bojack >>> SU

Memes, and subliminal redpills using info-dense back-drops and "easter eggs"

Please no. check the sage posters first.

All your examples of good writing are reddit-tier garbage. This can only mean that your own sensibilities and humor are trash.
Mr. Maskfag is entry-level garbage that doesn't 'require multiple viewings' and only possibly could if you're functionally retarded.

it's hugely toned down from his other content like KSTV and 2070 paradigm shift, muh pr amirite

Not trying to be a smart ass but can the ones calling every example "Reddit-tier" or "garbage" please suggest something good it its place?

I am willing to admit, there is a big world full of shows that I have not known.
Did (((Stanley Kubrick))) started it all with A Clockwork Orange?

Totally my friend, totally alien to our culture and completely incompatible.

Yeah, I'll keep waiting around for that. I'm sure 2018 is the year we stop being angry blackpilled autists and start doing something of worth rather than simply criticizing people who try. Show me something better than MM and I will just as easily throw it back into your face.

>And they support (((alt-right))), so yeah. Not the best, but the first.
They distance themselves from the alt-right label pretty quickly. They have a character whose entire purpose is to make fun of the cucks from T_D.

The number of people I've seen get pulled toward the correct way of thinking from just watching MM toons is crazy, we looked a gift-horse in the mouth and complained about the color of the eyes.

I already did, Xavier Renegade Angel, Cowboy Bebop, Popeye, and spongebob. All share a self-contained universe that is not based around referential humor.

>Did (((Stanley Kubrick))) started it all with A Clockwork Orange?
What do you mean? CO was a commentary on the prison industrial complex and the psychiatric agenda.

It is, they use fucking wojaks as their main chracters and have a 'how do you do fellow kids'

nah, they supported kike enuch.

Expand Last Son of the West into a mini-series
There you go. Something like a cross between the Dark Crystal, Shadow of the Colossus, and Beowulf. By the end the bright eyed wee lad has become a scarred man. Have each of twelve episodes show a Jungian archetype companion facing their shadow selves, with modern day allusions. Like a Shakespearean jester of yore making scathing remarks at someone who represebts a shallow reality tv actress.

Any opinions on It's Always Sunny? I'd say it's slightly pozzed, but overall a breddy gudd show.

Very first episode they drop a hard R with, "niggers hanging from rafters". Also, pic related.

Oh no, they use Wojaks. What a bunch of fags, only true alt-lite subhumans would ever use Wojak for anything. Have you been here for long or are you just passing through?

Get E;R in on it and you might have a chance. I don't think it's a bad idea necessarily, we could touch on a wide variety of subjects and redpill a lot of people (there's an entire generation dedicated to this kind of shit).
You should've come with some ideas though - you know about not your personal army. So let's hear it, give a setting and maybe we'll riff on it. And if it gets too much flack, just create a board for it. I'll contribute.

made the board since OP is a faggot

OP, if you're serious about this follow 's advice. Otherwise it'll never get off the ground. Start with one short episode, like five minutes, limit how much shit you need to draw (many complex backgrounds with a hundred characters doing kung foo moves = bad), limit the number of characters you'll need a voice for, have no girl characters or you'll never find someone to voice it. Then you build a proof-of-concept to show you can do it, with a basic plot, some jokes and so on, then if it's good someone may volunteer to voice a character or another, suggest a joke, etc. When you create something new you must put a shitton of effort because many people have seen you idea types who come with an idea then everybody gets excited then it dies out because turns you nobody could make it happen.

A Clockwork Orange having subtexts for the Nazi armbands (prison scene), Military clothing (Beginning), 666/devil (cop beating), references to the EU (spaghetti and poison), and Hitler's favorite songs (Beethoven).
That is one of the most primitive "references" I see, not as packed as nowadays though.

I do have some one liners for start on the pad, was thinking about something longer in a week.
Then people came and out-done me. Thanks anyway.

Dubs. I will prep for the transition to the board as well.

don't forget to poll on Holla Forums three times per episode to ensure no one's feelings get hurt and that all your content is greenlit by every single user before releasing it.
Much better that nothing get made than something even slightly imperfect.

Fair enough but the only example of traditional storytelling and world building in that list is Cowboy Bebop which is, Allah forgive me, anime.

Thanks fam. I'll create the sticky to orientate anyone coming to the board

That would be pretty cool. Inspiring and driving narratives would also be another strength on our side, while the opposition's will always ring hollow in the end because it is all just gilded, saccharine morality and sense of reality.

It is already up


You niggers need to watch Xavier

Be patient, animation takes a long fucking time.

My bad, didn't read that.

Wondershowzen made by the same studio is like Xavier but less animation and more politics. The commentary is pretty heavy-handed but it's still funny they let it air on talmudvision.


Seconded. Why aren't y'all also making more redpilled R&M exploitable pictures?

Could the guys who made Xavier actually be redpilled?

and what's the difference between "stealing" a meme and using it legitimately? It's a mirror of Holla Forums and you can't stand to look at it. Sad as fuck.

The difference is the message, we aren't 'ebin fashy goys' who support kike enuch and his B'nai B'irth cuckquean.

Memes like this have been effective shit posting tools on rick and morty groups if anyone has some more they can share.

potato quality on the first one tho



Wasn't there a murder over this shitty cartoon or something?

How do you feel about the alt-right?

yes. wins most forgettable shooting award

If a horse has eyes in its mouth then there's a serious fucking problem, so maybe looking was a good idea.

delete that shit

I'd like to write a comic as an allegory for the absolute state of the world right now.
Where jews would be "god's chosen", and their bio-weapons would be homunculous. They'd also have golem sentinels that the masses worship.
The last remaining Europeans would borrow the force of their own gods and icons to battle against the golems and their hordes. Something like Mazinkaiser, where ancient greek gods are actually living machines built by ancient aryans.
I'd love to combine modern "fash-wave" with more esoteric pagan imagery. The chosenites, golem, homunculi and their followers would all represent semitic imagery.
I suppose the premise of the story would be that Earth is a lost colony of those ancients, and the chosen are there to eradicate them.

I wish there was some way I could kill you.

I'm okay with this

>Expand Last Son of the West into a mini-series
Are you me? I was thinking the exact same thing when I saw it.

You morons realize that writing scripts would not be the hard part? I could write 14 scripts by myself if you really needed some, the challenge is animating it, doing sound design, and everything else. Writing (in terms of actual work done) is the easy part.


I was thinking that it would more closely follow the story beats of Getter Robo Armageddon for the middle part of the story.
You would follow the story of 3 aryan men with different outlooks and methodologies for the future of their people. Someone pragmatic, a cold eugenicist. Someone caring (with a family), willing to put his life on the line for the defenseless. Someone young, fighting for his future.
Then, I think they should lose halfway through, lose the empire they built and have to work from scratch to build it up again, all following each man and his journey back, trudging through the current state of man.
I'd also like to have 2 female characters, a wife of one man and his daughter. It is probably hard to represent our racial struggle through the perspective of a female but I want to try. I think it is important.

Anyways, thanks for your encouragement.


No one mentions "F is for Family"

Good idea OP.
Notice that editing tools are easier to use than ever and also there are plenty of them. Good luck.

Exactly. Screen plays are just blueprints for the director, nothing more. The rest of the crew does the heavy lifting. Scripts are not novels, they can't even be considered a first draft. It's hilarious when script writers get butthurt because some director won't treat their script as a serious work and follow it to the letter.

I like your idea a lot more than OP's. What would cause the decline in your scenario?

Checked. If you faggots are serious about this I'll see you in Los Angeles behind enemy lines.

I have an idea for a big fantasy epic that is essentially Holla Forums as fuck. An antichrist figure brutally takes power, wiping out his enemies from all species. Immigration, refugees (created by him and his allies), poverty, decaying society. Then the true king emerges, his very presence is enough to change hearts and minds. He goes on to lead a war against the false king and they battle. He wins and defeats international evil and ushers in a golden age.

I would if it wasn't so anti christian

What about a high fantasy epic about a protag who discovers he's not a real person, but is rather a golden created by vampires who have enslaved humanity. He develops a soul over the course of events, allowing him to help the real people free themselves from oppression. The royal family is restored to its rightful throne, ushering in a new golden age.

I'd also like to point out that there are two pre-existing, well fleshed out worlds that could be used to tell Holla Forums themed stories, if you want to spread into the fabric circle: White Wolf's World of Darkness (mages v vampires) and Bethesda's Elder Scrolls (skyrim for the nords + spooky god of chaos and darkness is the creator of material existence and wants people to grow). The companies that own these IPs may be fucked, but the settings are well known and already carry useful themes.

E;R if you are here give us a sign


Fantasy is for faggots and bugmen. A story worthy of Holla Forums would have to depict the future we forge. Therefore the genre would need to be science fiction.

I want a new video already.

For fucks sake it's been months

Humanity would be in the state it is today, but to a greater extent. The mass of humanity is being drugged, fed, and sheltered by the chosenites and their golems. The homunculi, have been slowly picking them off in the process, through interbreeding and willing sacrifice.
In essence, a sizable band of aryans have been getting into skirmishes with lesser golems and homunculi to no avail. Their numbers are too great to be overcome by so few men.
The aryans would form a breakaway colony somewhere inaccessible. All the while recruiting, training, and bolstering their forces. Maybe Antarctica or some other desolate place. They've come across ancient (3 known) beings, giant "gods", all representative of the gods of the old. The 3 men would make a neural connection with them. Eventually each can utilize the gods to take lost ground back from the masses, and they journey to do so.
The decline would be when the chosenites summon the golem, Sampson, who sacrifices himself to destroy the 3 gods. One is destroyed, one goes missing, and the third is crippled. Once the golem is destroyed it bursts into a mountain of corpses. It was made of human worshipers who willingly sacrificed themselves to their golem god. The crippled one retreats to the colony with his pilot (the eugenicist) who becomes the last remaining ruling king of the Aryans. He decides that the best option is to remain hidden while he tries to repair the destroyed god.
The pilot of the destroyed god leaves, becomes a hermit old man.
The pilot of the missing god has disappeared off the face of the earth, essentially vanished (pulled into another dimension)

The story will then follow the pregnant wife (and then daughter) of the missing god pilot. All of the characters will eventually come together again, and try to reclaim the Earth. The missing pilot returns 15 years later, during the event of the black sun, still in his youth (as if time had stopped), with his god.

There's a lot of other details about the characters and other story beats that I won't go over. It's a big project that I have been working on for 7 years.

Am I being baited or is your taste really that shit?

I see the epic fantasy/sci-fi divide as a 'why not both?' They are both useful for their own reasons, and we are better off for having both Heinlein's futuristic novels and Tolkein's fantastic mythos.

Though there is certainly something to be said for memeing the reality you'd most like to see. Which would naturally enough be sci-fi. A noble-bright futuristic landscape where good men are actively pushing boundaries by colonizing ﹰVenus and ﹰMars while plundering nearby ﹰasteroids for wealth.

It's not silly. It might poke fun at some bible belt evangelicals sometimes but every faith has it's crazies.

Agreed. Also, I'm disappointed by the amount of utter anime faggots here. Anime is degenerate and hack. Animation is implicitly white, despite the fact that it has been subverted by (((them))) in recent decades. Learn your animation history. Watch early Disney, even some Max (((Fleischer)). Learn about archetypes. Learn about how Western animation shows, rather than tells and is a superior art form in its original form (check out the golden years of animation 1930's-50's).
Walt Disney was white.
Ub Iwerks was white.
Les Clark was white.
Marc Davis was white.
Ollie Johnston was white.
Milt Kahl was white.
Ward Kimball was white.
Eric Larson was white.
John Lounsbery was white.
Wolfgang Reitherman was white.
Frank Thomas was white.

Literally everyone who was involved in the creation and mastering of the art of animation was not only white, but most were German.

Know your heritage. Embrace cartoons and reject gay ass faggot anime.

Doesn't Xavier mostly make fun of eastern religion and new age types more than Christians?

I only mean that in a sense where there's 3 main characters, piloted giants, and a time skip, since he mentioned Full Metal Alchemist.

E;R-sama lurks among us tho

I was only really using your post as an aside.
People seriously need to study animation history and consume as much old animation as you can get your hands on. Animation is a implicitly white art form and Disney was a uniquely white entertainment industry which shook changed everything. It's part of your heritage.

Take back your art. Take back animation. Make cartoon great again.

~A flaming idea appears~

>Take spanish dub of episode or whatever language

Since my genre is "fash-wave" or "future fash" there isn't much (or any) media at all from back then to make a comparison. I do very much admire early European animation. The only anime I have watched are a few super robot shows and European fantasy manga.

accidental sage but it don matta

what sort of group chat program would this work be best suited for? Discord is an option but I don't fully trust it, I've also used groupme and telegram

I do have contacts, but I ain't sharing them here.

I've got news for you friend… everything is compromised. Telegram is just as unsafe as Discord. If they want you; they'll get you.

Tox is peer to peer. No kikes can peek in and you can ditch your ID anytime and make a new one if you get paranoid.

The trick is getting something that other anons are willing to join and continue coming back to. Discord is popular and people keep it open while they do other things and join other servers.

Not surprised, just thought I'd at least verify it

I wouldn't mind using that format if most people would make the switch. has a good point, so I made a discord for the time being and we can migrate to new places if needed once we have a sizable population: honeypot/HTNmMMg

discord is a honeypot, fuck off

fucking word filter
discord (dot) gg/HTNmMMg

Literally everything is a honeypot. This website that we're communicating on right now? Do you think it's being modded by informants, being datamined and monitored by shill orgs and alphabet agencies? At least you don't have to connect Discord to your fucking mobile phone like Telegram.

stop using diskike

stop using it then, fuck off diskike shill.

Well then what the fuck do (((you))) suggest we use to discuss this gay ass art project?

A board here or tox, anything where OPSEC can be maintained and where participating doesn't directly generate money for kikes.

You remind me of the faggots who think being anti alt-kike = being anti-activism.

Are you fucking retarded? I'm not "shilling" for Discord. I'm brainstorming communication ideas like everyone else here. I don't even have discord I just know that it's a fucking app that people use to chat. Instead of shooting down every idea and accusing everyone of being a kike, why don't you throw some ideas out, nigger.


if you want a board we already have one:

Here's my quote:

A little fucking different than demanding people use Discord I was just floating the idea that all platforms that claim to be private actually aren't. Telegram claims to be private and encrypted. It isn't. It's the same as Discord. If they want you, they'll get you. How do we know that this Tox isn't a honeypot at as well?

Fuck off Tox shill.

Because you encrypt on your own end, which diskike doesn't allow because muh ban evasion. Tox is not secure unless you use it with TOR, this place is not secure unless you use a VPN or TOR. Discord is impossible to use securely, and you're an idiot for comparing the two.

Reminder that is the best communication tool
If you're going to shill a Discord alternative, it better be Riot. It's a frontend to matrix, an open source and decentralized (federalized) communication network. It already had part of it's encryption reviewed by a third party.

okay bud.


I've always wanted to get into writing as a hobby. I'm just not very good at it.

Now is as good a time as any! Doesn't matter how you do it as long as it sends a good message

When you meet someone ans they ask you to add them on Facebook, do you get up in arms and accuse them of being a Kikebook shill to their face? Who am I kidding, you don't make friends in person.
Literally kys.


You are.
Autism confirmed.
Don't know wtf you're referencing but I'm just going off how antisocial and aggro you are over a some user suggesting a popular chat application in passing. That's all I did and suddenly I'm a kike shill. Only a kike shill would fanatically accuse other people of being a kike shill over nothing.



It is to anyone who remembers the openfeint cases. Get fucked lad.

It actually isn't well known to fucking 99.999% of people, maybe you need to look up what "well known" means you autistic nigger.

I had a dream the other night about a high fantasy world where (((communist vampires))) known as the Engineers hold the world up as slaves, killing any race that might pose a threat to the status quo and advocating for open boarders everywhere. The protagonist was one of the last dragons, a species engineered by the last Aryans to essentially act as libraries attached to the inside of a battle fortress. Could work that into a show if I tried I guess.

Both of which are not completely secure

sounds trippy as fuck, you should totally try writing it out

Maybe you should lurk moar, everyone on here knows it's a honeypot. You are just showing how much of an outsider you are, why do you think mod-sama wordfiltered it to 'honeypot' you dumb kike.

>i think my TV is listening to me but you're the paranoid one

I've been lurking Holla Forums for a while and it never came up you retarded kike.
You want to know how I know you're a kike? Because you derail threads and attack other anons who are trying to be productive and accuse them of being kikes while dismissing an obvious confirmed conspiracy such as smart TV's spying on you.

There's no reason to continue arguing with a KikeBot such as yourself. I hope JIDF pays you well for working this late.

Learn how technology works. You'll need that knowledge for the future cyberpunk Dystopia that you're already seeing be thrust upon us.
Learning how to hack an automated semi truck full of Vienna sausages heading to the local dollar store might just save your life.
Embed related.

Posting my own autistic idea for an animated show/book/comic.
We are presented with a two-part plot, with two different societies in a post-apocalyptic scenario:

First part: A bunch of disorganized, poor and unclean territories that are in constant war against each other. From here comes a character that is "the good guy". He travels to a safe, clean empire with neo-classical aesthetics. They are governed by someone called "The Monarch", who is given a bad reputation, since he started an aggresive campaign to conquer every patch of land in the world. Thus, the "hero" has to destroy the "oppressors".

However, things take an interesting change when we observe things from the empire's point-of-view in the second part, basically warning us how savages can destroy a perfect society. They are zerg rushed because the "hero" unites these sub-developed nations against the empire.

In the end, he wins and the nation is defeated due to some (((traitors))) helping him from inside, but it is revealed the world is now in a worse situation because the "hero" has clear differences with his own men and factions split, because these people are natually violent.
Then, it turns out "The Monarch" was an AI designed to genetically engineer and guide humanity to succeed in the future, and the inhabitants of the empire are actually strong, healthy and intelligent, thanks to this eugenics program. The AI quickly retreats, taking the few survivors left to a hidden place, and the cities that were once beautiful and proesperous, lay now in ruins, destroyed by the savages who swore would make the world a better place. Lastly, the "hero" realizes all of this, but is murdered by one of his own power-hungry followers in a frenzy.

In terms of designs, the empire's citizens would be white, the invaders would have varying shades of brown, and the traitors would have special features.
tl;dr like the downfall of Rome mixed with sci-fi in a post-apocalyptic scenario.

I guess you don't remember the openfeint threads in 2011, or the hola botnet threads right after we ditched cuckchan.

I know why Reddit and Memey suck, but what about BoJack Horseman? What's that show's fatal flaws?

The show itself follows the lives of a bunch of filthy, selfish degenerates. One important feature is that the audience can quickly see that their current situation is always their fault, either because they're lazy, selfish, or just plain stupid. Part of the entertainment comes from watching their schemes fail.

I think there were only two instances of national socialism being used, one was the episode with Charlie getting the NatSoc uniform and the other was with the board game and Frank had his swastika flag. They don't go on a tirade of bashing National Socialist principles. Bonus points since the show never brings up muh holohoax or the 7 gorrilion. I'm a fan of the show, too, probably my favorite thing on Television for the last dozen years. Another show I enjoyed was Danger 5,even though all of the characters were idiots including Hitler, they never mention the holohoax except for when Satan offered Hitler a drink and he replied "Nein, I don't like juice."

Unlike their characters the cast is completely pozzed, going to fag pride parades and such.

Never really watched the show, but in a case of a show starring a bunch of degenerate retards, it's all ok if you laugh at them. note the "at". That's the real distinguisher

As OP, you guys are pushing towards things that are out of scope, I actually liked it.
The original plan is to make it so that you can index different political issues/subjects into less then 3 video inside the series.
But if you have a direction, you shall have your wish.


I would certainly hope that nobody takes the characters as role models.

Only the usual deranged cuck faggot would, not anyone of Holla Forums

There is a lot of feminism and other leftwing values, but the characters are depicted as shitty people without making any excuses from them, so there are arguments over how effective any embedded propaganda is among those who watch it. I think it could fall into the category of "low self esteem porn" that lefty millenials gravitate towards where revealing the inner torment suffered by shallow, narcissistic characters gives them an illusion of depth or sincerity.

Yes, the creator managed to kill a whopping 2 people and himself with 70 or so 12 gauge rounds.

I remember when we already had this OP and he actually delivered that very webm you see right there, this is how you know some of these posters are new

If I ever lrn2animate, I'll definitely try to at least do one episode of it, that dream gave me an amazing sense of how the world looks and works. Best thing I can do now is, as you say, put my thoughts down on paper, right?

A creative thread seems fun. Other than working on a new ideology for whites, I'm writing fiction. White men are almost always portrayed as heroes and tough, individual men. However, I typically don't do straight political allegory, except for one thing which I need some advice on.

See, I want to write a play concerning Emperor Valens of Rome allowing Visigoths into Rome, who then betray him and kill him along with many of his troops at Adrianople. It's a clear allegory for the rapefugee crisis, with the play being set entirely in the Roman senate. Using arguments from the left (they aren't the danger, they are IN danger) with the dramatic irony that allowing these men in caused Rome's downfall. But this is why I need some help, I'm stuck on two things:

1. The most major: Part of the reason the Visigoths betrayed Rome and helped destroy them is that the Romans allowed them in, but took their weapons, children and forced them to live in shitty conditions. They also treated the Visigoths poorly, and if you know this going in or if you read it in an article some smarmy Salon journalist writes, the whole "Don't allow the fighting age men who hate your culture and have no loyalty to you" message falls apart, because you sympathize with them.

2. The second is that Visigoths were Germanic–white. Rapefugees are brought in by Jews, obviously, and them being non-white is the biggest problem: they outbreed us. Now, the replacement of Roman culture and people will be addressed. But the difference is that both were white, so it's not as bad. It's not like whites are being bred out, more whites are being bred, just not into the Roman culture.

Any help or comments would be great. I can finally write it once I get past these snares.

Gets the voice almost perfectly but adds way too much stutter and burps, it's more of a few long ones far in between than a continuous line of them.

Told ya, I think there's something wrong with Startpage, half the direct links are broken.

Hello reddit

It's really not. If anything, the bottom line is that it's anti Nu-Age and against people who want to "help" others even when they don't need it just to feel great about themselves (a la tumblrettes supporting BLM). Everything gets picked apart in the show in a matter of seconds but all faiths are respected in the sense that they are considered true, yet they also show shit like Christian telepromoters, movie stars using faith to drive home some bucks, Muzzies enforcing their middle ages beliefs onto America, there's a fucking 9-11 joke.
Jews are the only notable absentees but I probably missed them in one of the many transitions. But again, as a show it's much better than R&M.

Muh Bumb


Hope you are successful doing animation then.

It is spot on regarding R&M, but still… the pic is a bit too much for some people here

open the pic in another tab, too big


E;R your discord is shit.

Maybe have a scene where a liberal tries to comfort a Holocaust "survivor" saying, "A-at least it's over, Schlomo."

Correction, SingaporeAnon, the discord is shit.


Murcuck Murcuck was a "fashy lolberg" version of (((south park))) made with flash instead of stop motion paper faggotry. It was shit, and tried to pass off stolen wojaks and a "female" wojak that very literally did nothing but slap lipstick and long hair on the original masculine wojak face as new OC content.

You forgot Tissue Box, newfag.
Nigger, it is genuinely impossible short of going to (((hbo))), (((showtime))), or (((cinemax))) paid premium channel to get content much harder than WP had. Network censorship and MUH PR are completely different things.
show full of jews and (((larry david)))

Nice honeypot, faggot.

Requires phone number.
For both of you faggots, there's this thing called an imageboard. Maybe you should try chatting on one of those.

Two things: They aren't funny, and they don't belong on this board.

I am not sure if I can have some good input to this place but:

Rick and morty borrow a lot from popular culture obviously. Popular sentiments on popular sci things. But perhaps the core problem with these writers is the uncaring and the brutal nature of rick. His alcoholism obviously. Also the lack of self restraint.

I dont want to sound too boring but one can probably approach the many theories, concepts and novel ways of thinking (that are uncommon in mass media, but are more common as just principles without media) with a conservative, scientific nihilistic means?

I mean, what if you started from something like this?

Its hard to figure out what a conservative brain would do with access to higher still intelligence. I think that a better way to go forward is perhaps to with something like fringe (the tv series). A constant struggle, against constant actors. Sometimes never really won, many times still lost in a harder way (there is no return to the comfort of the home setting like in r&m). It could be about a scientific principle, or exploration gone wrong, or badly diagnosed, or something else interfering and causing unexpected results…fuck I dont know. Its just that there is more emotional depth in conservatives and how they react to things than just simple "YOLO" crap that rick gives off.

That's not hard at all. Just lift stories from the classics.

I'm pretty sure you fell for Holla Forums edits like an absolute chump.

ad an added bonus, one could try to somehow incorporate the black sun…the unknown, that which is hidden from the view but still exists. Though obviously…in a media form it would be extremely hard to do.

I have never watched Rick and Morty. But I am a cunt and listen to TRS faggots occasionally and heard them praising the show. I assume its for faggots now. Lurk for 2 more years OP. This thread is shit.

I heard them shitting on it for 45 minutes after watching one episode.
It's still for faggots

Merchant Allies

A Educational/Historical cartoon that tells the tale of a heroic merchant tribe's activities throughout the ages.

Each episode, the merchants identify a problem and then help the local people solve them. Unfortunately, often the merchant's best intentions go awry and at the end of each episode, they are usually chased away by an angry mob. Yet, they persist in their helpfulness in future times and places.

Wikipedia already has an episode list here (no air date though):

Episode synopsis example:
Year 2005: Moshe Goldstein and Chaim Shekelberg spot a crying man who wishes to be female while walking down the streets of LA. They sympathize with the goy's pains greatly and feel emotionally compelled to help him and others like him to gain acceptance.

Why are there even threads about this fucking kike show, this is the 4th one I've seen here.

Hard to read between the lines of the smug kike enoch grandstanding about not watching tv and praising butt fucking Richard Spencer.

Kek, that was a terrible episode.

I actually feel like the premise here…

… could encompass a lot of what you have in there. I kind of like the idea of having a merchant's (((helpfulness))) in a previous episode be visible in an episode down the line as an over-arching story-plot.



It is the popularity and degenracy that draw my attention for a solution.

It was part of the show officially though.

It's propaganda 101, what do you expect? This is not fight club of late 90s early 00s.

>>>/out/ into the >>>/oven/ you go

Why even try when you have perfection?

We really needed more seasons of Xavier.


so while Holla Forums is on the topic, whats a list of T.V. shows that should be cancelled?
so far I've got:
teen titans go
steven universe
rick and morty
nupowerpuff girls
the simpsons
everything by seth macfarlane
south park
saturday night live
the colbert report
the daily show
the big bang theory

anything else I should include?

Everything on netflix and every superhero show.
Bring back Drawn Together. I know it was degenerate but it was funny.
If the writers ITT want to make a good show that will reach people instead of circulating within the bubble, remember to be funny before you push your narrative. Not even sjws liked Gen Zed because it wasn't funny.

I've been wanting to come up with a story with Holla Forums morals so badly, but I can't into entertaining storytelling.
I am a neet with loads of free time, and I'm willing to offer my artistic skills if we come up with a promising idea.

I haven't read through the thread yet, but I'll come back later and offer input on ideas.

if you're gonna be drawing for Holla Forums, you shouldnt be drawing women in masculine roles
but you're clearly a capable artist, though

Psh. As far as I'm concerned, that's the only show on television worth watching right now.

Drawn Together was never good.



Just do some self studying. Start watching movies to analyze their story telling rather than just watching it. Go to youtube and watch pozzed faggots over analyzing movies. A lot of times they project their political beliefs onto unrelated movies but half the time they analyze story telling elements. Then re-watch your old favorite movies and shows.
Every single panel, setting, ect should have purpose. Even meaningless things scenes should be humanization of characters.


What exactly is bad about Existentialism exactly?

I know that many of the existentialist philosopher were French Commietards. But aside from that I think there are some true and useful aspects of the philosophy itself.


Xavier was pretty good.

Boobplate is terrible and should only ever be used as part of ceremonial armor.

t. guy that works the night shift and gets to spend most of it watching tv and/or shitposting.

Drawn Together was degenerate unfunny tryhard garbage from the first frame.

It somehow managed to be in spite of itself.


That's part of the joke.

I can help.
Base it on comedy (and I mean actual quotable comedy, none of the "lol look at this reference WUBBADUBBBADUBDUB" shit), so it doesn't feel as preachy as a dramatic show/comic, nor make it action packed otherwise it will take forever to finish and result in autists complaining about off-model shit or whatever. If you want an example of what kind of comedy would stand the test of time, try and look at shit like Old Simpsons' style of comedy, with jokes that are multi-layered, build upon themselves but don't last more than a few seconds in between the build up and the quotes (8:19 of the video).
Make the character (and his or her backstory) BEFORE designing it. I would personally go with a woman because I just find them more interesting to draw, but that's just me. His or her vices, values and even some foreshadowing of things to come MUST be incorporated in her final look, both in subtle and direct ways (i.e.: a character who is upright must have an angled and stiff feel, as if he was a general, regardless of his actual clothes or race, while someone who is much looser in morals must show it via comfier clothing and slouched posture). Obviously their design must be simple, in the sense that their silhouettes, base colors and primary characteristics can be easily identified at a glance, but everything else can and must be detailed.
About the story, I believe that, given the drawing you posted, you would rather go with a woman's tale than a man's. If you are to do this seriously, you should consider her not as a role model for the other women, but an implicit way for female viewers to learn about REAL female virtues that have been lost to time, as well as the place a woman must have in the family, while for the male audience it would be a way to reflect on what their kin is lacking and how terrible it is that they're letting women into a perilous world without protecting them. Personally, and this is all by being inspired by what you posted, I wouldn't mind if the plot revolved around a stereotypically "muh battle scarred" woman fighter (crusader, maybe?) trying to get back to her roots and finding out that her true place is among her kind, teaching herself the means of being a good housewife as well as mother, while also learning to despise (((those))) who would let a woman do a man's job, perhaps even teaching her men to fight in her stead and growing appreciation for her own race. I guess what I'm trying to say is that while the comedy should be plentiful to make sure people quote it, the overall vibe and moral should be akin that famous Irish propaganda poster (For the glory of Ireland, will you go, or must I?).

If you want an example of what I'm trying to say, Mulan is a quasi-poz'd example that still resides in my heart as one of the few female-protag oriented cartoons that actually DOES empower women while also teaching her right from wrong.

I believe its very tenet: existence preceding essence, is the problem.

The tenet itself is innately nihilistic and reduces everything to the material. Or at least, that's how I see it.

Tell me: How does a person fight for their people whilst also believing that existence precedes essence?

I was thinking again of having some guys try to profit off the Visigoths like how Jews are using the decline of whites to make money of a new, consumerist base. But I still think that makes the Visigoth refugees too sympathetic. I was also thinking of showing them as violent and disliking Roman culture, but I don't think that's enough. Some suggestions would be great. The play is also an attack on how Europeans and Americans are being turned into complacent (((consumerist))) ninnies.

Hitler in History
Hitler goes to different places and times in history, and he gives his advice.

Mulan's so pro-nationalist it's hilarious it got past the PC crowd.

The ultimate underlying line is that you have to do things you normally wouldn't to protect your family and country.

This is a great episode, but I figured this little bit here might interest y'all. Xavier is genuine poetry, to be understood symbolically. Good stuff.

A show about a man that is shown to live a sickeningly cheerful life. The animation style is simple, plastic, colorful and the acting is exactly the same. Except at night, when we delve into his deepest dreams where the real protagonist of the show is. He lives in a hellish realm of this man's suppressed feelings, he doesn't know who he is or what is exactly going on but he battles to escape wherever he is. The style could be changed to a more vivid, gritty one for the dream realm. Each episode can be crafted about what things he dealt with today in the "real world", and what parts he suppressed because of wrong think. Then the dreamself needs to deal with them, but they are always horribly mutated and scary because his mind twists them through the suppression.

Each night and morning the "real world" man is shown taking (light blue) pills. It is clear that he does not remember the dreams at all. At one point he will go to the (((doctor))), because he feels that his sleeping pills aren't working so well anymore but (((Dr Rosenbaum))) isn't in, so the white guy covering for him prescribes him a different (red) one. This would be the third to last episode at the end of which the protag manages to finally break out of the dream realm and wakes up as this man. The last 2 episodes would be him seeing the world for what it really is. His workmates are dicks instead of good buddies that he has bantz with, his boss is a greedy fucking jew instead of the cheerful old man, he lives in a cheap ass apartment in the ghetto instead of a nice sunny suburb, everybody treats him as a pushover instead of him being a nice guy that helps people with problems, the cute girl at the workplace isn't being flirty with a coworker but instead the coworker is actually sexually harrassing her constantly… etc. But here is the tweest: The man now awakened is a different man, he has done battle in the subconscious with much worse foes, the twisted corruptions of real world problems. After them the real ones don't seem tough at all. So he starts acting in very non-Kosher ways and basically like a real man taking control of his life. There is a happy ending of him years later living out in the country with lots kids married to the cute co-worker. He still sees the world in that semi-gritty way and is a bit gruffy but his dream world has turned into a very happy place where the "real world" man now resides.

At first the show would be "Oh lol look at the funneh contrast of this happy man having fucked up and super violent or weird dreams lol", but would gradually turn people to symphatize more and more with the protagonist that is stuck inside the hellscape of this man's subconscious mind. It would gradually also be clearer that the man's dreams are reflections of his real world as the protag travels closer to reality. There are lots of good opportunities for delicious comedy and subtle redpills for such a wacky premise that would take place almost entirely in a dreamy world.

A lot of good ideas in here. I'm sure that if only a single one got made, it'd be worthwhile. Let's shoot for getting these done by the end of the year. I'm sure the esoteric Kekists will help with exposure.

MM always had shitty stuff in it, like Murdoch chan talking to degenerates on the phone while chanting 'based'.

I think it's MMs equivalent of "tension and release" in music to keep things going.

you give your life, and your race meaning by imbuing it with meaning. You have to be creative to create. You cannot simply be. If you do not do this, you are just a sack of chemicals jabbering "muh whiteness" without ever doing anything. You are simply a white vegetable, and I will not fight with or for you if you refuse to give your life meaning. That is what existentialism demands of you. It demands that you have strength and courage to create meaning in the face of the void and not cower like a little bitch because life doesn't have "muh inherent meaning."

This is going to be kind of out of left field, but why not make it a fantasy story? Like Im talking a full blown story of fantasy adventure?
I may be a humble fa/tg/uy at heart, but I believe that discussions on multiculturalism and nationalism is much more digestible to normies when viewed through fantasy races. No-one bats an eye at the idea that elves are rigidly isolationist, that dwarves are fiercely nationistic, or that orcs are at their core a violent and primitive race.

style: Nicolas Winding Refn/David Fincher/Christopher Nolan


The Left is a dangerous consortium of perverts and violence-prone shallow thinkers, but it is also an assemblage of the ridiculous. There is something that is just very funny about a mestizo flaunting his illegal status during a television interview who is shocked when he is deported, and it is very difficult to take seriously a negro carrying a home-made sign that reads “Blak Lifes Matter.”

These examples illustrate what is obvious to race realists (and subconsciously acknowledged by even the Left): mestizos and negroes aren’t very bright, and they tend to be incompetent at whatever they try to do. Go to any Whole Foods in a swipple neighborhood and watch the Hillary and Bernie supporters quietly avoid the lines with negro cashiers. Those bien-pensant leftists know that if they want to get home in time to watch Rachel Maddow they better avoid cashiers of color. Similarly, there aren’t many Leftists who seek out negro physicians and dentists. Those leftists went to college and they know that C- students like Dr. Jamal and Dr. D’Marcus are only affirmative tokens. When your health is on the line, race realism trumps race quotas.

The subtext in all of this is easy to discern if one is honest: negroes and mestizos need whites to survive; whites, on the other hand, do not need negroes and mestizos. Indeed, as society becomes more technologically advanced, the black and brown hordes will become even more dependent on whites for survival, which ironically reveals the anti-white rhetoric of the Black Lives Matter and La Raza crowd to be a sort of suicide wish. But then, logic has never been the strong suit of the low-IQ races.

For all of their posturing to the contrary, black and brown barbarians and their white enablers know that the psychological basis of racial tension in America is not white fear of black sexuality but black fear of white intelligence and accomplishment. Negroes hate Western civilization because it is not only a record of white accomplishment, but also of black failure. The rage of mestizos is motivated by their subconscious realization that they were not able to hold together an empire bequeathed to them by their white Spanish forebears. And in those rare moments of quiet self-reflection, even Jews must realize that they have been so often anathematized because of their failures as a race.

It is interesting, then, that—in spite of Jewish domination of Hollywood—a sub-genre of science fiction continues to flourish: white people save the world. The Christopher Nolan movie Interstellar is the best and most recent example of this phenomenon, and is a movie so triggering to Leftist sensibilities that I have actually witnessed SJW catladies shaking in near grand mal seizures at the mere mention of the film’s title.

What makes Interstellar so triggering to the Left? First of all, no cause is given for the catastrophe that has befallen the Earth, the blight that has killed all crops except for corn and has decimated the population of the world. We are never told if the blight is a result of man-made climate change, genetically modified crops, biological warfare, or natural disaster. No white people are blamed for this ecological disaster. Secondly, due to limited economic resources and a desperate need for competency in all fields, affirmative action has been eliminated; in fact, the educational system has become entirely meritocratic. Only those who are cognitively able to do college work are allowed to attend college. Although it is never stated in the film, one can assume that departments of black and gender studies are things of the past. Thirdly, the heroes in the film are all white, and the few negroes who appear either die or are luggage carriers for their white intellectual superiors.

Interstellar drives home the fact that being an aspiring rapper, a member of MS-13, a 19-year-old negress with six children from five fathers, or even a trust-fund fluid gender SJW with a master’s degree in feminist film criticism is pretty much worthless in a crisis, especially one with such Darwinian implications. It’s a cruel world out there and the reality is that black lives don’t really matter that much. It is the white race that is the indispensable race.

Make the main characters a party of several adventurers cooperating together towards a goal, and having to deal with each others foibles both unique to themselves, and their races.

The simpsons were never funny.

That image is retarded. It reads like someone who just heard about the show from someone else.

Say what you will about R+M but at least it's not filled with shitskins and race mixing like every other network show.

but it's written now by coalburners


but but PICKLE RICK. Let's be honest, Rick & Morty is the reddit version of Futurama.

Sounds hella good, I kinda think this way as well, tbh, it wouldn't be that hard to find models for the different races. Nordic people could be the elves, Germanic/anglo would be the humans, Slavs and Mediterraneans would be dwarves, and the gnome could be just the American?

I kinda agree with you my dude, but what about the goblins and orcs? We should definately include vampires too, would give some representation to the Jews, make him some kind of overlord of the shitty races.

Since the benefit of fantasy settings is the ability to describe things as they are, but with fresh names and narrative liberties to make it more palatable, I'm not sure if it's necessary or desirable to split up Europeans into different races. The goal is to get all of us working together against our common foes.

Well think of it this way: Humans want to be a melting pot race and are always shown as such, so we make them American, and the Dwarves Germanics(Germanics are the originators of Dwarves in mythology)

I like your idea for the Vampiric Jew, with the Goblin and Orcish hordes as underlings. Im picturing a Nosferatu type creature that walks around hunchbacked as it rubs its hands together menacingly.

True, but it also frames us as each being unique cultures that can put aside our differences to work towards defeating a common evil while still retaining our identities.

in regards to 1. you could portray the Visigoths as the enemies of the empire. Obvious ways to do this are to have them openly committing crimes and actively fighting against Rome's interests (like rapefugees now), or have the perspective of the emperor play out as needing to neutralize a threat to Rome that he never intended by bringing in the visigoths or have the people openly voice disdain for the visigoths before the enter the city leading to the shitty conditions for them. The second way would be more subtle but the first way doesn't require as much thought i.e. perfect redpill material.
for 2. make it very clear that the visigoths never intended to integrate into the roman culture, but only wanted to take advantage of the economic success of the empire. You could explore this by having a character loyal to the emperor infiltrate the visigoth's ranks and learn about their intentions.

Hope that helps in some way

Worst case scenario is that you have an idea to sell to someone in (((the industry))) right?

That is some good shit

nigger what's the link for E;R's discord? I need some new locations to shitpost

Humor works well but drama can also work as long as the narrative comes naturally from the story's setting

You are obviously very skilled, and we could use a drawfag like yourself. You should check out the discord or the board we made for the project >>>/polmedia/

A woman in a masculine role is definitely not the best, but it is important to have a (((strong female lead))) to appeal in some aspect to normies especially if that woman develops into someone dependent on the main male hero

(Philosophyfag here) The main problem with existentialism is that the unversed mistake it with nihilism. The progression should logically be essentialist (normie) -> nihilist (lolberg) -> existentialist (redpilled) but most don't make it past the second stage. the nihilist wouldn't fight for their people "…because why would that sort of thing matter?". The existentialist should recognize that existence (who you are) precedes essence (what you are) because how you behave is more important in determining how valuable you are as a person than what you are (think of how identity politics places emphasis on the what you are before the who you are because a dindu is excused from shitty behavior because they are a dindu). This is why the existentialist recognizes that not all whites are salvageable (coalburners for example) but can still fight for their people because of the following line of reasoning:
1) Nothing appears to matter (nihilist axiom)
2) If nothing matters it doesn't matter what we pursue
3) If it doesn't matter what we pursue we might as well pursue the things we perceive as good (music, love, family, success)


At'sa good. Thanks.

Rick and Morty's story arc is the rejection of nihilism in favor of the family unit, you dumb shit.

I have a really werid/dumb plot that i wanna share with you guys, the problem is that is just a story and i have cjaracters and everything but i can't really draw.

It is traditional as fuck, it takes hard on jews, psyops and intelligence agencies and how they control the world, and it has some fantasy elements like reptilians, ayyliens and sacrifice lovecraftian like monsters that politicians use to their advantage.

This is just some of the stuff of it and i have some story already written is pretty long, but because i suck at drawing (keep practicing) i really can't ilustrate my characters and world, and i don't want to make it all text, millenials want usually drawings at least in their media, so this is going to maybe be a comic.

I want to redpill the young into some gool o'l mind control stuff, like you know, psyops that tell the famous and politicians what to say and when. I don't really want to make them a bunch of tin foil hat wearing fucks, but instead just giving them an idea of what is going on, since millenials love the marxism they put in their cartoons, instead of just taking on hating leftism, my comic/story will tell the flaws and some of the purposes of them in a simple way.

Anyone interested in this? I had the idea of someday make it a book, comic, or whatever, i just have some silly and awesome ideas for a story, i wanted to make this myself in some way but if any of you is interested i am in.

thank you. it's amazing how many people watch the show and think they understand it completely when they don't understand the first thing about it.

Subtlety is lost on most autists, and the show most likely outrages the shills. It'll take fire from all sides. You're going for a fraction of a fraction of the world population with that show's true intent. I appreciate the work though, overall it's brilliant.

Forget writing any kind of (((TV))). Holla Forums should focus on writing short-stories. Books.

Merely the act of reading raises IQ via engaging the brain more. We should all be doing it more and we should foster a community of it.

/litpol/ when?

/pdfs/ is our defacto Holla Forums-literature board since imkampfy deletes all Holla Forums book threads

I enjoy your trips and agree. But look at manuscriptwishlist at the agents and what they want to see published and what they will represent and then come back here and report your findings.

We need a pro-white intelligentsia. Not Spencer and Anglin, nor (((Shapiro))) and Milo. The straight, white Mishima, or a new Evola, or a modern Ezra Pound and Leni.

My pitch to Holla Forums's new media division:

Is there any OC there?

I would honestly buy some good Holla Forums fiction


And I definitely agree that we need more outgoing propaganda. is where agents advertise and you can see what kind of books they want to represent.

Retrofuture settings are very, very Holla Forums culture. Since the culture here is pretty much neoreactionary, it's so easily represented by a utopian past juxtaposed on a dystopian future.

You should write a short story. Make some good OC, make a proper PDF and upload it to /pdfs/. Get some drawanon to make a cover page or something. It might inspire some people here to make something. We need a more productive culture.


interested in hearing more, I'm sure once you have a skeleton for the story someone could help with the artwork

Holy fuck what a nightmare.

Anyway, so what? It's not hard to publish a book. Even if it were, you could always publish it online. Doesn't have to be printed.

(checking these sweet digits)
we also just started /polmedia/. It's currently not much but there are a few anons who are starting to post ideas to get some people started

You should just buckle down and fucking write it. Quit feeling like no one will read it. I will, everyone else here will.

Is the BO white?

I think I will write a short story then, should take me a few months to work everything out, there's a couple authors in my family so I should have this in the 'ol genes.

I am the /polmedia/ BO and can post proof of whiteness if needed

Why not write a story with the same basic premise of Lain where reality and the internet is merging and humanity is evolving a true collective conscientious. But instead of doing what Lain and focus on how individuals(including God) would react to it. Focus on the geo-political and sociological impact.

For example at first it would just be small segments of the first world who would become part of the new consciousness. Just go from there.

I guess so, but it's pretty hard to get a publishing company to publish it. unless you self-publish. Problem is it isn't considered as "reputable"

Think of how a group of people who are part of a self aware hivemind but still retrain their individuality would would come into conflict and revolutionize media, entertainment, government, interpersonal relations, ect…

How would the old order react to the emergence of such a group?

self-publish, gain any kind of following, and the kike publishers will publish regardless for shekels.


there are actually a lot of Holla Forums discords, newfriend. Obviously it's not the ideal solution, but it's popular, free and accessible. It was used in planning Cville, even. Not unusual practice for the far-right and alt-right.

Some people use Tox but that's kind of niche. The type of thing you use when you're actually worried about CIA niggers.

The small groups are probably the servers with little FBI infiltration

i'd go with illithids who are also dopplegangers or illusionists

The CIA Niggers are real lad.


Well, duh.

Forgot to add "false flag" as well.
Bragging about planning Charlottesville on Discord only serves to further discredit the goon run honeypot.

He doesn't like Rick and Morty or Bojack Horseman.

Thanks for the art, but I believe that strength through motherhood rather than masculinity is a better way.

Noted on the basics of character design. Also motherhood >>> (((muh strong independent)))

As East Asian I can confirm.

That deserves another show of his own.


Styles Noted


Are they shitposting or not?

I know they are and that's why you don't plan shit IRL on discord.

You best be Japanese.

The Chinese and Koreans are niggers

No Christcuckery, please.

Is pretty silly and lovecraftian like nonsense but it might work, i'll tell you some of the premise.

But check out this, (((Them))) are going to try to censor the fuck out of this, and shit on it, they have the power in the media and if they see this kind of redpilled shit they will shut it down by one way or the other.

So, instead of a book that someday i will publish i want more to give you people that have drawing talents can mess with it as much as you can, draw them, make comics of it, feel free to do stuff about it, i don't know if you guys are going to like it but here it is, might not be good, but i think is pretty cool at least.

In the beginning of time god created God, created the stuff in 7 days, you know that story and whatever, God created a woman for the man from his rib, Eva t was the first one to sin and then Adam followed the temptation of desire and the devil, they got kicked out of Eden and humanity lost their connection with god, out of Eden they could't hear and talk to god anymore, humanity as a race lossed a part of his divinity, out of Eden they had to sons, one of them killed the other by pure Envy, that was the second sin, god was getting more and more afar of humanity, then when Eva died from his Rib, the dead cells evolved into another woman, creating without the permission of god, the worst of sins, that was the first witch and the third sin thatseparated humanity from god.

The first witch thought God was a dick, for treating humans like that, even if she had divine powers she was still human, so he wanted to kill god, and live in a brand new Eden where humanity evolves into his final form (Ayyliens) and they can do whatever the fuck they want, so she created 7 daughters from his own rib, each one to destroy what God created during the 7 days, God was pissed so he fucked her and her daughters, the witches only got to kill one Archangel, and only one Witch was still alive, Donatiya and she got the flaming sword of Barachiel, wich made her fucking invincible, since his mother and sisters are dead, she got their spiritual trees (Kabbala) and in the future she want to give them to 7 prophets so she can fulfil his mommy's desire of detroying god.

The Kabbalah are the 10 attributes of God, basically the base of creation, when the Witch gives to his prophets they have a total of 10 addiotonal lifes, when they die, the Witch gives birth to them again, until the spheres of the tree are totally consumed, the trees not only give you additional lifes but regeneration, strenght, etc.

Way in the future, the Witch will select his prophets, their servants of chaos, and that's when humanity will go nuts, and God, Lucifer and the Witch, will be in a race, to see who is the one that gets the most believers and followers, and each one has a different purpose, but who is right? What is evil? What makes people bad and good? Is humanity worthy of keeping the earth? Is love all what humanity needs of there is more to it in life? can peace be achieved by humanity? This and more philosophic 2deep4u nonsense in the future!

Do you guys like it, wanna hear more?

seems like an interesting idea so far… continue user


For fuck's sake. If you're going to just copy someone else's story, do something satirical and remotely original, something that at least has some semblance of a basis in reality. Don't just copy some fucking cartoon you like. already embedded in another post
Take this for example. Original story, satire/horror, actual fucking redpill material, not just fanfiction of your favorite cartoon.

you're garbage is so is your mother

Lain is religious prophecy that correctly predicted the rise of Kek and almost all of the occult/esoteric shit that we figured out during the election.

This thread was good while it lasted, but now it's just going to be circlejerking about some irrelevant cartoon and screeching at everyone that doesn't join in and claim some cartoon a small subgroup watched did ten thousand esoteric things and totally created Kek and exposed pizzagate and everything because it's a cartoon from japan that some anons like and some faggot uses to spam to death threads he doesn't personally like. Congrats on killing whatever momentum this thing had left after the media board BO revealed he was a (((Discord)))fag.

Fuck off newfag

Consider the following: who are you writing for and what message are you sending?

If you're writing for fellow Holla Forumslacks, then the goal is to inspire action. Provide a plan of action and a dream to fight for. If you're writing for the unitiniate, then the goal is conversion. Show them the truth, but be careful not to drive them away. This is worth noting because what will spur a Holla Forumslack to action will be disgusting to normalfags, and that which would sway a normalfag will be found wanting by those who already know.

If you want the hwo the series will begin, the story starts in 2005, even if a lot happens before and after that, this will be you know, just kinda the first act or chapter, there is way much to it.

The first story but the 2nd strike of the Witch in the future is pretty simple but quite important.

Is about Sally a 17 yr old girl wich parents are divorced and lives with her mother in a fictional small town called Twin Oaks in Oregon.

Sally's mom is drink almost all the time, and she doesn't have time for his daughter, they are so separated from eachother that Sally just calls her mom "Mrs Ammons", Sally lives almost by herself.

Sally is a pretty neutral girl antosocial and quite innocent, until she hears some group of kids talking in her school, about creepy thing they found in internet, Sally has a computer but she uses it only for homework and studying, never uses to chat with people.

She asks them what are they talking about, and they mention a girl that had a vlog like Website, and got murdered while recording,Sally is intrigued by this and searches about it on the internet, she notices how horrible the real world is, recorded murders, fucked up sex fetishes, Sally finds out about all this stuff and she changes a little, she as she searches the internet and investigates that kind of stuff she becomes kind of a dick with the time, talking in a more selfish and agressive way.

She basically becomes /ourgirl/ after a long time lurking on ionternet she learns a lot about marxism and stuff and she becomes this wannabe terrorist, she starts killing drug dealers, whores and bullies as she can, she cats like she is cold blooded but she is swallowed by fear everytime she kills someone.

She gets a girlfriend Reiko, a japanese dyke which parents also divorced and now his mom got married again with a nigger, the only reason Sally is this chink couple is because she wants to be as innocent as possible so people don't suspect about her.

This is when the fucking Witch comes again to fuck everything up, Reiko slips in the bathtub for being a drity whore acting like she was getting fucked and she fucking dies, then the Witch gives her the soul of the first witch and makes her pretty powerful, the witch says to her that she and Sally are the chosen ones and they get to purge humanity to create a new world, Sally and Reiko eat this shit up and with the powers of the consumed and fading spiritual tree they made the town a hellhole and made the people on it a fistful of degenerates, orgies everywhere, the hormones that Reiko can generate from his powers is unbeatable, the power of desire, diseases, sex and the lie of love, all of the poor people in the town being controled by their biggest deep desires, unleashing the sinners and animals inside them.

Sally and Reiko thought they were on charge and were doing fine as the Witch said, but they were used by her, while the town was like that agencies, angels and shit went apeshit and destroyed the town, Psyops messed with people's minds, angels from god and beasts of Lucifer killed fucktons of people and searched for Sally and Reiko, while the witch was doing just fine searching for his real prophets, just a gigantic honeypot.

This first chapter will not be all in redpills with jews and stuff, this will be a subtle beginning, teaching about how media and technology affects society and how gullible society can be to intelligence agencies sometimes, trough his actions Sally will experience deep thoughts about how politics work and pretty much how humans are treated like a bunch of brainless sheeps. This first act is simply conspiracy theories, society, technology, capitalism and how the human being cannot surpass his psychological limitations and lustful desires.

The Witch does his shenanigans in 3 different dates

1982 - Begins a false god suicide cult
2005 (This one) - As a distraction for his rivals
2032 - Founds his prophets and gives them his sisters souls.

Here i made the 2 characters , even if suck at drawing, just to give you guys an idea in how they will look.

I know is pretty silly and weird, but it looks like it's ok when Stephen King does it.

Am I missing something?

Is is for the uninitiated. Considering Bill Nye and Adam Ruins Everything blue-pilling the public, there should be a way of using the medium against their favor.

A reference is enough, beating the horse is useless.

Yes, he is a fucked up degenerate.

it seems that you two anons took the b8, but don't worry m8s, this is actually part of the magic, the fact that she is a dyke will just get the burn on those LGBQQ faggots and here is why and how.

Aren't you tired of nigger, faggots, sandniggers etc coming with silly excuses, victimising themselves, acting like the poor ones without opportunities because they are a minority? Sally will mock that and use it to his advantage. You maybe have already seen this shit before, it's ok when gays do it, it's ok when blacks do it etc, authorities and media satisfy these minorities and calls them special, giving them a weird kind of social immunity, you can't say nothing to them, you can't say the world "faggot" or "nigger" because people may be offended, if a nog steals something from you and you call him a thief, thanks to (((them))) the one in shame will be you, for being a racist, the same applies to faggots you know this stuff.

Sally, is not actually homosexual, she knows the causes of homosexuality and hormonal disorders that jews call "natural", making them don't worry about their mental states, yes cut your dick out good goy!

Sally will just use this to his advantage, "Look, i am a young girl in a interracial homosexual relationship, i am ok right guys??!!" to know your enemy you must become the enemy.

During this first chapter Sally will kill and fight degenerates right? well is not that easy! she will have to fight back with her own feelings, trying to hold his nature and desires back, as a teen she knows and recognizes that she is thirsty for sex, she knows these dires and fights them back, lust, desire for consuming drugs, the usual degenerate stuff that teens do. She acts all cool with the degenerates of her school, going to parties and doing drugs, just to get confidence from them and then strike at the right time, as i said, they would never expect a innocent gay girl for murdering people, what are you a bigot?

And with the waifu material thing, ohh guys this is a good one, what if i told you, that this will be one big burn to weebs, especially THAT kind of weeb, you know the one, the one that eats all the shit Japan makes, from anime to videogames, brainwashing the young to grow up wanting to fuck fictional characters and dress up like ridiculous losers, that's why this first chapter will be a burn for animefaggots, the narrative of this chapter will mock japanese manga, anime and the stupid brainwashing traditions that come with them, all of that cancer, that sublte as fuck liberal and capitalistic propaganda that makes people come up with shit like "Traps aren't gay xdxd" "I want to fuck lolis xdxd" and even more shit like that, blatant LGBTShit propaganda.

That's why i picked a chink as her fake girlfriend, to mock the fucked up sexual traditions and ideas like tentacle porn, lolis and all of that weird shit that have poisoned the west over the last decade thanks to anime. I wanted to pick a nog, but nog shaming comes later.

And i know, the jews fear the samurai, but that was back in the day, now they are just as bad, or even worse.

Does it sucks or are you still interested? I really want to tell you guys about the suicide cult and psyops Act, that's were it gets more serious, this first chapter will have a silly and childish anime aesthetic, while the rest will be more realistic and Orwellian.

As OP, even though I don't ant to openly insult people, it must be said.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, keep your degeneracy under the table please.
Thank you. For the love of GOD.

It sucks. Employ occam's razor. Why would a young girl shack up with a chink dyke? Is the simplest answer a) because she's a crypto-dyke trying to find an outlet for their bizarre LGBT fantasies or b) she's some kind of machiavellian super-genius using a fake relationship as smoke and mirrors for… something. Option b) is a gambit at a level of meta too complex for a young girl to even consider, unless they're some kind of robot-tier sociopath willing to undergo any means necessary to hide their true intentions, of which your character's is pretty tame. It seems like normal conspiracy theory stuff from what I'm gathering. Besides, anyone who's /ourgal/ would probably be repulsed enough by the idea of a chink dyke as a consort to instantly disregard any convoluted plan involving one. Sort of like how I'm repulsed by the mere suggestion of hearing it in a story supposedly setting out to represent Holla Forums.

Now I employ occam's razor on you. Why does an user choose to write a redpilled female character into a (fake) relationship with a nonwhite lesbian? How do they even CONSIDER such an idea in the first place? Is it because a) they're trying to stick it to the weebs or whatever–I don't like anime autism either, but of the ways to offend weebs I'd say yours is a pretty stupid plan or b) because they secretly fetishize and desire to tell a story about a weird lesbian relationship with a chink, possibly due to some form of esoteric autogynophilic psychohypnoprojection common among hormonally stunted manchildren. Really makes me think.

I want you to think about this reasonably: say that you are in the position of your OC. Would YOU pretend to hook up with a chink faggot in order to fool everyone into believing you're not really a Holla Forumsack? Of course you wouldn't. That's retarded. but if the answer is yes, you're a fucking fag. That's why this seems like more of a weird lesbian fantasy you're trying to project rather than a reasonable plot development employed by an intelligent character.

This doesn't make any sense. Who cares about misdirecting weebs. Everything you've said in your most recent post sounds like creatively bankrupt reactionary bullshit.

Because we're in the age of irony and shitposting. No one can do or interpret anything straight. They just assume there's a alternate meaning where there isn't one. Or else the story is just fucking around and is incapable of being taken seriously. Serious story telling doesn't appeal to the lowest common denominator, we have to raise the bar to raise quality. The quickest way to raise the bar is to eliminate the Chinese, the "urban market" and give kids better quality entertainment such as literature, good movies and well done animation.

If I were making a female character

This, or you could make a female villain who is old, promiscious, bitter/jealous, etc.

Where do east asians fall into this?

Philosophical differences between Bojack Horseman and Rick and Morty?

I am not trying to shitpost, but thanks for delivering you honest opinion, i will stop.

Yeah, i wanted to make it as weird but subtle, but maybe it fails after some details, maybe i will try to change it or just leave it like that and try to come up with something new, but i really wish this really comes a real thing, or any of you anons ideas, since there is not a single piece of right-wing themed movies, cartoons, comics, nothing but books, at least of what i know, if you anons know any good rcent right winged media let me know about it, there is way too much degeneracy in everything these days.

Check this user, this is all true most of the times, not even the most basic of normies can take anything seriously these days, it's like entertainment and media now are ironic or either trying to fool his audience, like Rick and Morty for example" god doesn't exist haha xd"
and then people came up with stupid memes, back in the day we had shit like newspaper and TV news, now every kid has his Smartphone where they can know what happens everywhere, everyone seems to know everything so soon that people act like they don't care at all, China did this, Trump is hitler etc etc, let's keep making epic memes and listen to trash music , which is kind of what i am trying to mock here, the way computers internet and shit changed society, the different ways internet can be used for bad.

It seems not many of you are liking it and it kinda doesn't work pretty well, which is fine i accept criticism, i'll try to come up with something more fresh, and i will even make it less degenerate, even less.

Captcha: Nog Fzu

Bojack Horsemen: Family and love is the best thing that you will never get because you are an asshole.
Rick and Morty: Family and love is the worst thing that you will have because they are assholes.

Hi user, I whipped up some critique of your drawing if you're still around and it interests you.
It seems like you may have drafted this using some kind of rudimentary one-layer drawing software on a tablet or something, so if this is just a doodle, I'd be interested in seeing more of your work.

I don't expect anyone to actually take this stance, but it's still worth addressing. Anime characters obey anatomy conventions too. Cartooning is a form of abstraction that requires thorough understanding of real figure drawing before it can be truly mastered. Exaggeration is a form of corruption; if you want to draw someone with a giant head, first you have to know how a real head fits on top of a body.

The reason why noodle-armed Adventure Time cartoonshit character design has become so popular is because it requires absolutely no technical mastery over human figure drawing or anatomy in order to draw, making it cheap and easy to animate. If you want to be more skilled than the literal lowest common denominator of character design, it's good to get a grasp on these more technical skills.

I've always meant to make a TR8-T0R based comic since back when he became a thing on Holla Forums. I'd just have it be him and a team of Troopers stopping everything from small rebellions, corrupt Hutts and pirates, to terrifying space horrors and rogue force users. The main cast can be all young white male for the troopers and maybe some waifu bait as support on the ship.

You could make TR8-T0R as fascist as can be, a driving moral force for other soldiers to rally around. You can have some side troopers grow from nihilists and jaded people forced into service by either force or lack of other options into proud men of the First Order, fighting a chaotic galaxy. Characters can go from people seeking peace to EXTERMANATIONISTS with some serious enough events. You could make the enemies idealistic equality-for-all idiots oblivious to hostile alien races. You could include TR8-T0R's counter force technique, the neat trick known as spinning, passed down from generation to generation to him.

Even without star wars, some kinda military thing would be a good fit for a Holla Forums show

I can tell there is still a fair amount of the enemy's brainwashing present in you if you find, or ever found seinfeld amusing.
jew humor is so shit they need canned laughter to tell you dumb goys when to laugh.
If you can post a SINGLE clip from youtube that is genuinely funny I may consider asking the RWDS to spare you on DOTR

How about if instead of creating a new animation from scratch, we just replaced the sound with a new script?
Anons with mics could contribute character voices, audio engineer anons could put it together in time and add effedts.
Then spread on youtube mixed in with the originals as stealth redpills.
Remember the clip of peppa pig that wad turned into a nasheed?

An idea that iv'e been thinking about lately is a story about a person endowed with godlike power like Dr.Manhattan or Saitama and instead of the struggle being about fighting it's about trying to create an ideal society.

What would Superman have to do if he decided to get political? How would the world react?

Heres an idea, lets play a little mindgames, make a cool show with fashwave aesthetics and synthwave soundtrack that isnt political but has themes and overtones of Holla Forums and strong white male characters. Make it badass and cool and people will watch it.

I don't think anything can be more reddit than Futurama

Early Futurama was good

This is a great thread, but I wish to make a suggestion which would simplify things in our favor (the stories you wrote seemed too contrived or elaborate, for example).

We know that the left uses the media to indoctrinate and reinforce its ideology into young people. It's their version of imageboard culture before memes were a thing. The inside references, the desire of watchers to reference those references to each other… that's memetics at a simpler level than what we have. Put another way, imageboard culture is like OUR version of the media, an alt-media if you wish.

But there's a problem. They have multimillion dollar budgets, career writers and thousands of actors and people working to put it all together. We're just a bunch of outcasts and NEETs. There is an asymmetry. Anything we make will be of a lower quality than what they are capable of, as a general rule. We only have ideas, they have teams of artists to polish what they have, in other words.

We are in a true culture war right now, we are fighting to set an anchor and become something which cannot go away, cannot be ignored politically. Something more than a happening, an actual force in American politics. We need a foothold in the public consciousness which is positive and generative, something that makes normal people laugh and smile. That's a big part of what makes leftism so powerful now, because even though antifa is terrorizing them, normies still go home and consume leftist media which makes them laugh and smile. Makes them soft towards leftism, overall. We need to a foothold in media for the same reason.

Right now all we have are memes, which take the form of images and sometimes gifs. We need actual videos which people enjoy watching and unwinding to.

So here is my big suggestion: rip off the enemy's media and use it to serve our own message. We simply don't have the resources to make animated series or movies on our own. We would have much more success in finding the most popular leftist franchises (like rick and morty, doctor who, stephen universe, etc.) and remixing the footage together alongside our voiceacting to tell stories which speak OUR message. The messages don't have to be elaborate, serious, or even very deep. The point is to relate in the public consciousness that white pride, traditional family, nationalism can all be something light, something positive, something to laugh and smile with. Something to unwind to.

You got it?

For the really angry out there, take my suggestion this way: imagine how pissed the left will become once rick and morty, doctor who and stephen universe become "tools of white supremacy."

Don't make animation, subvert existing lefty media so it serves our message in a positive way which normies will like.


Halfway in:

almost adds to the idea that rick knows that hes a cartoon character, that his multiverse is fictional and if "Rick' is seen as anti-semetic they'll cancel the show


This describes Gamerghazi.

Keep explaining Baneposting to normies until they 'get' it. Also look into esoteric societies. The Masons have a polari that they use, we do to a certain extent with Baneposting and other idioms from here like 'tits or GTFO' or summerposting or even almond activation and death by semen asphyxiation.

Identify these idioms. Expand on them. Make them funny and memorable. That's memetics.

if you make replacement media, pseud-kike, then we become mainstream
if we become mainstream, we lose the power of counter culture
if we become mainstream, then we give our power to ((them))
Holla Forums is enough, those who could be redpilled are redpilled, those who are lost chose to be lost
that's how it should be


we had a good show. it was MDE World Peace and it got shut down

Hitler dubs. Noted.

Wait, isn't that HeroAca?

It's good when it attracts people, and brainwashes people without them resisting.
We need to do the same.

Why not?