Original article:
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Although to be fair to the feddies, they have considered Antifags as violent instigators since last year.
If this material was to say, hit the fbi's desk, would they take it more seriously if a domestic terrorist group was involved than, say, the IRS? Would the FBI just hand it over to the IRS?
I for one would say yes. fbianon mentioned a couple different times to force their hands. Force a response etc
The IRS is the most aggressive investigator. Them kikes want that money.
What does this mean:
(44, 0, 'BENJAMIN PHILLIPS', 'U29tZWhvdyBhZmZpbGlhdGVkIHdpdGggQkFNTiBhbmQgYSBwb3NzaWJsZSBrZXkgbGVhZGVyLg==', '2017-08-09 17:06:02'),
Are bits and pieces of this data dump encrypted/encoded?
IRS doesn't do shit unless it's years down the road but once they know they don't stop until you pay your backtaxes.
That's base64 encoded data. For example:
Pretty intuitive way to release a ton of data, but there is some good stuff here.
They haven't been filing papers for three years. If that isn't back some serious back taxes, I don't know what is.
Thanks toranon.
One thing here thats really interesting. This is about BAMN.
(43, 3, 'By Any Means Necessary', 'Q29hbGl0aW9uIHRvIERlZmVuZCBBZmZpcm1hdGl2ZSBBY3Rpb24sIEludGVncmF0aW9uICYgSW1taWdyYW50IFJpZ2h0cyBhbmQgRmlnaHQgZm9yIEVxdWFsaXR5IEJ5IEFueSBNZWFucyBOZWNlc3NhcnkuIA==', '2017-08-09 17:07:21'),
(44, 0, 'BENJAMIN PHILLIPS', 'U29tZWhvdyBhZmZpbGlhdGVkIHdpdGggQkFNTiBhbmQgYSBwb3NzaWJsZSBrZXkgbGVhZGVyLg==', '2017-08-09 17:06:02'),
(104, 43, 'Address', '438 W. GRAND AVENUE #616, OAKLAND CALIFORNIA 94612-2335 US ', '2017-08-09 17:05:18'),
(105, 44, 'Address', '438 W. GRAND AVENUE #616, OAKLAND CALIFORNIA 94612-2335 US ', '2017-08-09 17:06:17'),
Who is Ben Phillips?
You should file fraud under the IRS it might take a while if they play their cards but the IRS will not stop until they get every penny.
No call the IRS not FBI, IRS will harass every member and their family/friends until payment.
Personally I find the hoosier action titbit more interesting. Here is an article relating to them.
>Students volunteers are welcome to participate in this effort. Among the benefits of such service are:
>An introduction to the process of community organization
>Concrete experience in the field working with (((professional organizers)))
It would appear that antifa is doing more than just getting money from the university. The university is coercing students to join into the action as well.
Harm reduction coalition
Benjamin Phillips is the International Policy and Special Projects Coordinator at Harm Reduction Coalition and oversees the organization’s international policy work. Over the last several years Benjamin has coauthored a number of peer-reviewed papers, authored a number of technical reports and won a national competitive award for his research into prescription opioid use among people who inject drugs. Benjamin is passionate about harm reduction, international drug policy, human rights and development. Prior to joining Harm Reduction Coalition, he was a Senior Researcher at the Drug Policy Modelling Program (DPMP) at the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (NDARC) and Secretariat for the United Nations Reference Group on HIV and Injecting Drug Use. Benjamin has a Masters in International Public Health (MIPH), majoring in HIV/AIDS.
of course anons are doing a better job
the FBI is largely, though not entirely, compromised, and the IRS probably is too
More on the David Pace guy, he is a history teacher employed at the university:
This is some of his work:
The faggot is pozzed irl and works for a company that it appears helps faggots with hiv and hep c and shit get needles for their habits and counseling and shit.
What at minimum do you think it would take to shut down the group?
Fucking lel
(124, 30, 'Website', '
(125, 30, 'Website', '
Could someone save all of the names from these? If true, these are probably their members.
You will have to cut out some user names.
There is a mininum amount required for a non profit to take in for reporting requirements to kick in. I dont know where it is, but honestly this seems so tiny I doubt that it is worth reporting.
He used to be employed in their department of history. He either retired, changed schools, or possibly changed departments. (It's what emeritus means. His former students can still graduate without finding a new advisor, even though he left - until they remove his emeritus status.)
According to all of the websites I've looked at, thats a lowball number.
Stickied as requested.
Why not inform both?
What the fuck.
So the EIN number for their group appears to be 47-2026442. Some quick searches show that it got revoked.
Isn't it also against the law to claim you are a nonprofit? This is a fucking goldmine.
It probably helps ruin their image in the eyes of normalfaggots and boomers more too, as infuriating as that sounds.
Weird. I keep an eye on that group and noticed about a month or two ago they openly allied themselves with Antifa. But I never did any further digging. So this probably exntends to all IU campuses in Gary, South Bend, Fort Wane, Kokomo, Indianapolis, Richmond, Bloomington, and New Albany. I'm guessing they network with "B-Town" Antifa, Great Lakes Antifa, and Midwest Antifa. Another group they might have connections with is SURJ or Showing Up for Racial Justice.
HARM has always been an antifa group I think. The ARA and AFA groups have pretty much merged into one.
Note overlap.
This "open" and therefore obvious tie in wouldn't happen to be very very close to the time when MSM and Dems started to pull away from Antifa publicly?
I bet it does.
Someone wants an excuse to shut their golem down. They're not giving up enough in this case. It will cost a lot more. We want every operative. Not some scattered small cell in shitsville Indiana and a few old fags from Bamn. NY,Chi,San Fran, Cal State,NYU, and some more just to be juicy enough to even Think about it.
This is huge shit.
If these people don't pay their backs to uncole samuel his minions will hunt and harrass these people for every single cent they owe, and if claiming you are a not-for-profit, but are not, you can be fined up to 1 1/2 times what you ripped.
no habla spiccolo
Speak fucking English.
Not everyone on Holla Forums is a native english speaker or american, faggot.
I'm not an American or native English speaker. Half of the other people in the thread are probably not American either, and it doesn't stop them from speaking proper fucking English.
Neither am i. Case closed i guess.
Animated png
St. Louis BLM activists robbed the East St. Louis Casino Queen last night at 3 am.
There's a video somewhere of one of them saying the afternoon previously that they will "rob banks, whatever…" for financing. This is that "whatever" category.
Interesting side note: this means they are strapped for cash. Looks like Soros didn't want to touch this one… Also worth noting, if he didn't finance this one, does that have anything to do with NO COUNTER PROTESTERS?
Strategy, friends. You know how many cameras are in a casino?
Bolshevik revolution all over again only gay.
Are you fucking retarded? There is no connection there to BLM.
You might have overlooked that while you were focusing on the dangerous chem trails
Hai guys anyone want to tell me WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!!?
lol newfag
i am no fag. they call me PÜPE. likdeeznutz-bch
The antifa are the biggest group of useful idiots I've ever seen. They are literally the tools of the very elite the claim to be against down to the funding and even worse they inadvertently shill for greater statism than ever making anarchism less and less a reality. The day they actually bash and murder billionaires is the day I go super saiyan.
Useful idiots that will get the bullet after they served their purpose according to Yuri.
The Illinois State Police seemed to think otherwise. When the news becomes public, I hope you remember reading that comment here. It'll be public knowledge before Saturday.
Saturday will be the biggest chimpout St. Louis has ever seen.
You can attack what I say all you want and paint it as conspiracy, but every once and a while, people DO have real information they aren't supposed to have.
digits don't lie
Soros stopped funding blm when we tricked them into verbally attacking jews a while ago. And as far as I know he hasnt reinstated that funding since. Also, he is hurting for funds supposedly hes lost over a billion since January.
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer.
Even when they commit acts of terror, which they are planning on doing, they are tied to him deeply through financial paper trails and communications. He has lost control of them. Even better, once he has lost his monies, then he will be tried.
this, it's like base64 except the seem to use the entire alphabet with casing and numbers
nvm I really tired but user was right, that's just base64 the == kinda calls it out
Dont give (you)s to leftypol faggots trying to derail.
Is there some info on who gave to who?
Drawing the network of money laundering could be helpful
start doing old math?
Even jewry can't stand in the way of a jew sniffing out his shekels. There are some jews who will temporarily defer a few shekels in pursuit of their degenerate agendas, but the real moneyjews care not about those agendas if there's a penny to be pinched first.
with feds constantly playing catch up its no wonder things are so shit
what is this spam shit?
are we being raided by bots or just retarded shills like usual?
This will end well.
Checked and keked
The IRS goes after people that they think they can get money out of. Usually middle class whites, whether or not they have done something wrong on their taxes. They don't go after niggers, niggers don't give a shit about their credit and are on welfare anyway, they yell racism and get let off. Al Sharpton has owed the IRS 3 million + for years and literally nothing has been done to him. THey don't go after anyone rich enough or leftist politically connected enough, those are people that can fight it and call in favors. So middle class whitey gets billed, double billed, they don't care if you jump through all the hoops and pay them, they come back wanting more because they get bonuses for getting payments, whether or not you owe. Always contest anything, even a bill for ten cents, or they think you "must be hiding something" or are an easy mark. Source: family members who had to double pay taxes because IRS claimed "no record" and cashed check to IRS "wasn't proof enough". also, guy who got went after for years because he paid a 10 cent bill for a slight miscalculation, so they audited him every damn year after, thinking he was hiding something since he paid up so easy (the explanation came from his tax lawyer)
Watch for the murders. They will make it visible. Bodies will surface.
Now I know how normalfags feel when they eagerly await a new episode of NewFavoriteGoyTVShow or whatever.
The world you once knew is no more
Big Tony indeed. I learned yesterday that a body wearing concrete boots was found in Detroit river. I want to see who it was. I suspect they're going to become familiar again, concrete boots. It seems to me, naturally that made guys would be against this degeneracy, in light of Columbus hate most notably. The Sopranos showed a real account of what happens when you talk ugly about Columbus around Italians. Skull crack.
I realize they've been involved with other insidious ops, but lately, idk, probably not this bull. When I studied the five families and their associated outfits, I took one thing away. Don't be a loudmouth, don't be a hot head, don't put a target on you, or them because they'll regulate. A plus, is Italians know their family history and hold it dear, they're proud people. Minus tho because Nancy Pelosi, I think she's connected, and protected through her father? Italians still have actual documents on historical accounts that internet can't even censor. I'd like to think they're /ourguys/ at the core and they all yell at the t.v. "Ayyy, men don't hit women" followed by an enforcer making sure it's understood. I'm praying and rolling for a Tony Sopranoesque mafia guy with a hot temper, to fuck up the organized crime that is antifa. Please, shit that right up all to hell. Salut!
This company actively supports (money, lodgings, food, supplies, etc.,) ANTIFAgs in Austin and Dallas. Probably elsewhere in Texas too, but these two cities for certain.
Blacklab Internet
1201 W 24th Suite 105
Austin Tx 78705
Casinos huh, how do you go about informing them anyways just hit up the desk or make a phone call?
There will definitely be A LOT more of this out there, the Left loves using NGOs and parasitism. Imagine how much more they've slithered into over the past 40 years….
I think we've found something, Holla Forums is raiding us
I noticed that as well.
We should really keep digging with this, they're panicking.
This reeks of anarkiddie/bashthefash faggotry. They love inserting 'Black' into stuff, like Black Bloc.
I've got a backup pasta. Since they're sliding. I found a group. You have to be blue lodge and Shriner to even get into it. From there, I found a database of Goat farms
Here's that. Archive for me please.
And this place. plug in Hillbilly clan 114 to search
Another item being slid is the gun grab trick they're going to wanna pull. Read comments here
because its not really a png (pic related)
The antifa are basically state sponsored criminals
the irony of it all lmao
There's the CREW logo that was on some shirts in Charlottesville. I'd like to have imagery of what'll happen to them, but Hoffa hasn't been found, so no fun there.
Antifa are falling apart. Like sharia blue WE FIGHT EVERY DAY!! David Brock will have another heart attack when he's realized nobody forgot him.
Not true. They hounded my ass for 22 dollars
Reminder that the IRS was filled to the brim with radical leftists under King Nigger's administration that intentionally targeted King Nigger's political opponents. There is no reason not to suspect that they're as deep state as the State Department or the CIA, so don't entirely count on them to do their jobs equitably.
That being said…
Go to pages 13 and 14 for the relevant information
It looks like the IRS requires political organizations to file form 1120-POL Income Tax Returns if they have a taxable income in excess of $100. Taxable income for this purpose is basically their income minus any expenditures directly related to political elections efforts. If the One Peoples Project really hasn't been reporting their income to the IRS and has been earning $112/month, they are in breach of the reporting requirements. Failure to file the 1120-POL is a fine of 5% of the tax due per month late with a maximum of 25% unless they can show the failure was due to a reasonable cause. They also face the penalty for failing to pay on time, which is 1/2 of 1% of the tax they owe for each month up to a maximum of 25% once again, unless they can show the failure was due to a reasonable cause.
Looking them up, they've been around since 2000, so they could well be looking at 14 or so years of 150% taxes owed plus somewhere between 130-140% for 2015 and 2016.
They are not obligated to file form 8871 (on the basis that their annual gross receipts should be less than $2500) or form 8872 (which only needs to be filed if you need 8871).
>(on the basis that their annual gross receipts should be less than $25,000*)
Forgot a zero, although if the $112/month figure isn't a massive reduction compared to what they're actually taking in, they're probably not dealing with $2,500 per year either.
Gommunists lol
Rooftop FEDEX attack helicopter says xer has a package to deliver from 6 blocks away
Question for those well versed in the humongous mason world. Does 114=blue lodges by any chance?
Government should only tax businesses in exchange for limited legal liability in commerce. Government should be prohibited from taxing individuals or their activities. This includes sales and "sin" taxes.
A worthy set of digits for a worthy license plate number.
for you non-techie fags, here is a quick way to convert Base64 to ASCII:
Well memed
That it is located in East St. Louis and the reviews for it mostly say "clean and nice place in the middle of a terrible neighborhood" and is just now getting robbed tells me that the owners aren't just mob, they are the type of step-above-streetgang tier violent asshole mob that would have no qualms with killing several coons and severely injuring others. I would guess that these are Missouri chimps who are not familiar with the ownership of this particular casino and are in for some bad days ahead.
That or the people who own the casino aren't mob, they are just incredibly stupid for opening a business in East St. Louis.
My friend, you are very correct about it being suspicious that it hadn't been robbed yet, as it is run by the corrupt. Those who robbed it ARE affiliated with antifa/black lives. They are such a loose organization, and they benefit by this looseness, however it makes them more culpable as individuals, as we are likely to see some of those niggers dead pretty soon. It'll probably even make the news. Which by the way, two things:
1) You all should look into who the "Black Isrealites" are. They are the most violent niggers in the world and they got famous last summer for burning black churches because they believed the churches were keeping black people from the "truth" that niggers were the lost tribe of Israel. Who knows, maybe niggers really ARE the true kikes? Trust me, reading up on this will be hilarious and good.
2) Wonder why this little segment would run these two crimes together… almost as if they are associated with one another. Sure, it could be plain old coincidence, but with the numbers of crimes and vandalism in St. Louis, you would be right to consider it suspicious they would only offer $1,000 rewards for these two "unrelated" crimes…