Ohio Firefighter: “If I Had to Choose Between Saving a Dog or a Black Man, I'd Choose the Dog.”

20 year old Tyler Roydson was formally suspended without pay by Fire Chief Steve Bishop after Bishop says he was informed about the post on Roydson’s social media account.


I was recently let go from my lawn and garden center job for stating blacks should be exterminated. Worked out as I did not like working for the owner after I found out he was ashkenazi

Niggers are violent low iq subhuman jungle monkeys. Dogs are loyal.

Serious question: Was getting caught part of his plan?

Who wouldn't? Blacks are gross.


really though, this is exactly the kind of thing they will force you out over. My volunteer firefighter/emt friends never could fathom it when I told them there are people I would refuse to save or help. Even though most admit having the same feeling, that there are people who don't deserve it.

Well I'm worried he could actually get fired because to the eyes of the law he said he would rather save a dog than a citizen, which might go against some firefighter code. Dude was pretty dumb to say it out loud on social media.

It really makes me wonder what the fuck he was thinking. Are normalfags really just this stupid? Do they have absolutely no filter when they comment under their real name on social media? Are they so blissfully unaware of the world they think there won't be backlash for speaking their mind?

Was he this stupid? Or was he trying to get caught? If he did this deliberately, what's the next step of his master plan?


If he hadn't posted that message and kept his job, he could have done that for real. Also

Probably. Why does the Left always win? Because they bitch and moan and subvert while everyone else is toiling away not giving a fuck, trying to get by in life. Most people certainly don't agree with them, that's for sure. The depth of most people's knowledge is "the mainstream media is propaganda." They don't know about social media backlash, corporate cuckery etc. This guy probably uses social media for an hour a month, and probably spends less than 5 hours on the internet a month.

yeah, combined with not caring. I was too, back in 2006 or so. (I found out trying to get through customs)

I'm pretty sure 99% of whites agree, even libshits.

What'd you do, tell Shlomo the Customs Agent that jews should be gassed?

Yet I'm sure he has no problem with jews.

nothing remotely like that, but the country involved was anti-gun and anti-white and I had faceberg back then and was typical redneck. either that, or I was on a list quite possible

UK customs agents are bastards like that.

Fucking kill yourselves not even 4chan is this cucked.

Fuck off kike.

Are you fucking retarded or do you really think Holla Forums is the majority and ruling class of society at the moment? There's nothing cucked about acknowledging that we're living under what amounts to occupied rule, and we will suffer consequences for dissenting. That's called common sense.

It's so frustrating to see normalfags STILL behaving like normalfags.

On one hand, him saying that opens the door for more people to say things like that. On the other hand, I would have liked a Holla Forumslack who gets niggers killed by hiding his powerlevel and simply choosing to save the nonblacks first.

Hm. I was in same situation. Tired of working on my jewish boss, and just started heavily drink to get out of it. Worked only on third time i came drunk. Piece of shit didn't want to let go of me.

Reported for outing yourself.

Go spend an hour conversing on Holla Forums to change your mind. Although there's plenty a nigger on there, and a mud blending in through anonymity. If the people I speak with on there are white, or even a portion of them, then far-Left ideologies do a number on people's in-group preference, as well as their perceptions of reality. Those people are fucking delusional. And their ideals are, in part, in every major educational institution in 2017. My point is, it's the internet and we're mostly anonymous, and they are hard-line against the notion that diversity is bad and we're different on a genetic level. The depths they go to explain away negro violence is beyond the point of being amusing. Everything to them is "class." I tell the faggots how my community has upper middle, middle, and regular working class whites, and although out material wealth may be different, when we step out the front door we all live peacefully, safely, and treat each other fine. What do they do? "Must be a delusional rich guy who's out of touch and doesn't realize everyone hates him!"

My wife's son is black is this thread is offensive

Why not quit? What's the benefit of being fired over quitting?

No, on paper it was counted as quitting. I asked to quit before, he didn't let me, multiple times. After all even quitting like this was worth it. The job was hiring immigrants to work in my country, applying them to the job, traveling outside the city to register them.

unemployment benefits

How is that possible? Just don't go to work.


exactly and (((some employers))) make sign a contract preventing to work for a competitor if you quit

Just because they say the prefer blacks over dogs doesn't mean the necessarily believe it. If anything, their swiftness and zeal in repeating themselves gives you a bit of a hint of the contrary.

Nigger you're a slave and don't even realize it.

Well congratulations, you've permanently soiled your reputation and your resume because you decided to be an alcoholic degenerate instead of just resigning from a job you didn't like. You are the nigger.

yep, and I heard the same from many others. it was my first clue to the race ('asian') problem as well

This, speaking out will become important soon though.


It's funny how making comments like this get you fired. It happened to me too. I made a comment that I wouldn't eat anything in rainbow packaging because it probably comes with AIDS.That's what I think every time I see rainbow shit. I don't want to touch it.

I'm a firefighter myself, and Social media in general for us is a very dangerous game, all sorts of sensitive shit on EMS calls that can get us into all sorts of trouble. He's an idiot for publicly saying what he did instead of shitposting it anonymously here like me.

Same asshole firefighter too much of an idiot to say everything he wanted to say in the first post. Far right sentiment is pretty common in fire departments in general. Even in my liberal ass town.

Dogs are low iq, aggressive, smelly, noisy, messy cunts too though. They're the niggers of the animal world.

A wise Arab of the Islamic Golden Age once said "the blacks are lower than dogs" and nobody would ever doubt him. You wouldn't want to be Islamophobic antisemites, would you?


People divide themselves between cat people and dog people, but I'm just not a pet person, period. I've never liked the idea of having an animal in the house.



maybe because it's your job to save people, not be the arbitrator of who gets to live. if everyone came in to work with their own idea of who deserves to live, then no one would ever get saved

The occasional liberal idealist makes it through the academy only to be redpilled by the daily heroin addicts and shootings.

Kind of this. I'd still go into a burning building to save someone I knew I loathed, even knowing what I do. It's simply not my place to make such a judgement call when I'm in uniform.


Yes, absolutely. It's a recurring problem, they have no sense whatsoever regarding the world around them.

It's still better when the normalfags sit there being openly racist though, and not just for the entertainment value.

They always have those nog moms who "misplaced" one or two or their niglets in a toasty roast on Steve Wilcos.


are you retarded?

I would too. Dogs are fucking great. So friendly and loyal. Niggers, well they're neither of those things.

What? Are you a third world prostitute or something?


What about the Nazbols? One of the Nazbols said the niggers will be first to go in the gulag for the menial jobs for the rest of their life.

Still loyal and useful, so very much above niggers.

You were fired, because you're a retard. What part of, working for a lawn and garden center involves your saying niggers should be exterminated? It's called, WORK, for a reason you fuck. You know why I don't hire niggers? Because niggers are stupid lazy thieves. Not to mention the sight of them makes me want to fucking vomit as they look like animated bowel movements. You want to be a nigger? Good luck finding work because no one wants you.

Why? It's not your life. You have it figured out so be happy. Those shitbags can't accept that they've been had. That's asking a lot of a person. It's like fuckers who keep sending money to Nigerian spammers. Read some psychology.

It was probably 'private' and one of this way too many 'friends' snitched on him. Anything over 150 and you don't know whose who. Anything over… 3 dozen and you're kidding yourself about your life. It's also amazing to me that people don't use encryption.

Doubledubs are a sign of Kek
Race war soon

nah, it's because "people lives are precious" and "you never know, maybe they will change and become a brain surgeon" or something like that

I'm not normalfag but I dont hide powerlevel while shitposting on kikebook. I just dont openly call out (((The Holocaust))) since it's illegal in Poland. I just call people holohoax exposers when they talk about 6 millions and correct them that it was 6 trillions in reality.

*holohoax exposers fucking auto fill-in

Is this another dumb filter? Are you fucking kidding me? Stop breaking this board, mods!

There is a difference between the normie who wants to play ebil raycis badass on social media saying he'd save a dog rather than a nigger and then gets fired, become unemployed and proceeds to suck NEETbux, and the guy who will keep his mouth shut and actually let the nigger die to save the dog when he has the occasion.

One of them makes the world better, the other doesn't. It's like a guy popping up from a trench in WWI and screaming "lul imma kill y'all fags" and then he takes a bullet, not the best soldier you could think of.

No. Niggers are the niggers of the animal world.

Double praised for double great bashing skills.