daily reminder that white women are fucking trash that are openly inviting rapists from 3rd world countries to come to Europe and rape them:
but hey, keep white knighting for these aryan princesses, cucks.
daily reminder that white women are fucking trash that are openly inviting rapists from 3rd world countries to come to Europe and rape them:
but hey, keep white knighting for these aryan princesses, cucks.
Respecting and protecting the women of your nation is a man's duty. The only issue today is that women are given political power without understanding their place in society. It's not hard to fix, and you don't have to shit on women to do it. Men shouldn't be thinking like victims either.
Top Kek. Maybe if the arms never stop flowing.
wtf, i hate white women now
Right, kikes had nothing to do with it did they Schlomo? I can find a shit ton of signs held by women that say"jews welcome refugees" and I'm more inclined to hold it against them than the people that are necessary to continue my genetic line. You are either a kike or an incel, either way you aren't in a position to give any advice to white men with wives and children. You are a kike.
Women don't know what they want and are ultimately only a reflection of the men in their life. In the absence of strong men, they will turn to the next closest authority, the media.
Wtf i want a cute azien wife now thanks for saving me OP
young enough to marry
I used to read a lot of these 'white women are evil' blogs and the thing they all had in common is that they were all written by Indian men working in silicon valley. Puts all the stories into perspective when you realize that.
So you are a woman hating pedo? Fuck off, you would be more comfortable in the presence of jews. I bet you aren't even white.
That discordfag a week ago was probably a pajeet.
We must keep worshipping the pussy, it is the only way to save the white race. Look at those filthy muslims. Yes, they follow an ideology of masculinity, pride, heroism and, when needed, violence, and coincidentally 25% of the world belongs to Islam. Fucking animals! We will worship the vapid whores who rule over us, we will destroy our families and our men in their name, we will follow their mentality where the weak are strong and the children of your enemy are more important than your own. What a glorious empire we are about to build.
Is this satire or what.
yea indian men are fucking pussies
Literally destined to serve the Jew.
But first of all, kill those violent savage muslims who are ready to kill and die for what they believe in. And never forget to worship the pussy: the symbol of irrationality, of fear, of weakness, a creature biologically unable to understand pride, honor or loyalty. Yes, goy, keep spamming those pics. Meanwhile the land will keep belonging to those who honor it with their blood, just like it always has.
Lol, no.
Lol, no.
Yet they are on or the largest religions on the world. Also they could be glassed in a matter of days if the government wasn't full of puppets.
Their culture is garbage and if you see it as a good thing I would prefer you to move to goatfuckistan and join ISIS rather than attaching yourself to any pro white movements.
Jews and muslims are the same thing you retard. Same race, same ideology. Some of them are just more retarded than others. Those are the ones that blow up themselves up.
Seriously, I just posted proof that kikes invented Islam. Nobody arguing in good faith can look at that and then immediately start bitching about muh based sandniggers not getting enough respect from the ebil nahtzees.
Daily Reminder that OP is a virgin beta cucklord.
ASSHOLE, the only women you see, are the ones JEWS show you.
fuck Patton, he is a cuck calling for muslim women to have equal rights
holy shit bobby fischer is fucking based
holy shit I AM THE OP creator of that How to stop immigration forever pic.
I feel so proud
If you think they're "subhumans", what was with the sandnigger worship earlier?
brown girls are much better than trashy white whores
and thanks for all those pics, i will be posting some of them on my BOYCOTT AMERICAN WOMEN blog
Women are a reflection of society and society, even today, is made by men.
Seems legit.
Statistically, no.
Hey, are you that retarded discordfag who kept posting "WUCK FOMEN" over and over again last week?
The white woman is merely a reflection of the weakness of the white man. We started this cuck bullshit by fighting for the wrong side during WW2. They are merely aping the public consensus.
Better question - where the fuck are the mods to deal with this trash?
Niggers haven't been active in 12 fucking hours.
Here's a Daily Reminder for ya folks.
i openly wrote that jews created feminism. Doesn't change the fact that whtie women are still scum. If you're smart, get a good brown girl
Kill yourself.
so you'd rather die a virgin cause no white woman wants to fuck you? I'd rather just fuck shitloads of brown women and enjoy life.
dont have children
Time to kill yourself, KIKE. Reported.
Reminds me of the guy that was going to kill himself, and went to mexico to have a week of fun… after being with hookers and trying some drugs, that man didn't want to kill himself
No. She's one of the lobster kid fucker crowd. Death to all crabs death to all lobsters
By your comments, it's not false.
Rather than to say something regarding anything on this thread, you keep shitposting "white pussy will come to you brah, no need to have sex"
It's sad seeing you shills tell everyone not to enjoy life.
what about the non-cucks that have women thrown at them?
yea avoid those hot brown girls, goy.
You might as well. You're going to lose that website of yours.
dont racemix goy
I'm not into fat chicks, skanks or disease, so I'll pass, thanks.
Thus you acknowledge that that statistical minority of 'whorish' and otherwise 'leftist' White women - and they are a statistical minority in both contexts, you have no argument otherwise - is the creation of the Jew.
Hmmmm, sounds like White women are just fine, its the Jew that's the problem. Glad you agree with me.
But that's a White woman user. You can tell by her skin-tone that she's, AT WORST, admixed minutely.
That ones actually legit gross though bro.
Oh, also, the Pajeet slut you posted is like 1/4 British. She's also a pretty hardcore feminist who associates with pushing feminism worldwide alongside Microshill agents.
t. Burger
but she is hotter and more exotic than the average white woman
No, it means having European genetics, which grant pale skin on-average. The woman in that picture is undoubtedly majority European in genetic origin, as are most people Brazil who don't look like mongoloids.
Its a fact.
Nah, she looks like a Jewish man in drag bro. You're probably just gay.
Also, I just realized - the girl you chose to hold up as 'brown' is light-skinned, has blonde hair and blue eyes.
You can't even shill against White women without resorting to posting White women. Tippest Toppest Keks.