First "thewhiterose" and her camwhore past leaked out and now dreamydiglot and her nudes are leaking online.
Why are so many of these so called "innocent" alt right girls complete sluts?
First "thewhiterose" and her camwhore past leaked out and now dreamydiglot and her nudes are leaking online.
Why are so many of these so called "innocent" alt right girls complete sluts?
Other urls found in this thread:
who bitch this is?
Literally who?
Sage for slide thread.
No idea who this is, sounds like you got cucked m80
stop posting porn on this board, take it to Holla Forums or elsewhere, faggot
Slide thread.
Eceleb trash.
thewhiterose is jewish
"The White Rose" was some christcuck opposition to Hitler. She being German should know that with all the brainwashing going on there, its quite obvious.
Sage&Report for porn and e-celeb
Kill yourself
This is probably fake tbh
Would like to see these dreamydiglot pictures
i thought she had a bepis tbh
She's an alt-right thought leader. And who cares about her past, she has obviously grown and changed her ways. You embrace Enoch and his tranny-loving wife after their lies and yet you reject this beautiful woman for doing exactly what you fantasized about her doing?
All hot chicks do this now. Shit's fucked, if you haven't noticed.
Who wrote your script?
that explains everything
your next line it:
I know Alt-kike cunts are shit, but be honest, would you? The idea of cucking some "kekistanI' faggot is appealing, but these girls probably all have stds.
But the idea of fucking a coalburning roastie isn't.
Do you know where you are?
They're sluts hungry for attention, so they latch on to the alt right "movement" like leeches because that's the cool thing to do now.
A woman has no place in politics, plain and simple. A woman also has no business being a thought leader, because what does that make anyone listening to them? A cuck being told by women what to do.
Do not fall for their lies. Ever. Distrust any woman that starts regurgitating these views. If you haven't seen right through these parasites' bullshit since Evalion, or whoever was the first slut turncoat, you need to stop thinking with your dick. If Lacy Green jumping ship did not send off your alarm clocks, you are beyond redemption.
the alt-kike movement as a whole is phony and jewish.
I have honestly never heard of this one before and I try to keep up with all the alt-right goings on
Which is why I used parentheses for the term.
It's kosher civic nationalism sprinkled with some neoconservatism, and it has poisoned the well that 8/pol/ used to be since the election. Just look at the state of the board, compare it to the blissful months after the first exodus, and weep. It's a disgrace.
We'll have to find another place sooner or later.
Oh, then who cares?
Because the CIA hires shameless people. Stop following these e-celebs you fucking moron.
to be fair that was all Doorways and Heil one of whom left unexpectedly and one of whom was banned by JIm
Its becoming more obvious too.
Anglin and Spencer have both recently been on Israeli television, while if you look at the recent TRSodomite content released, you'll find Kike Peinovich praising Israel's BASED government and pretending suggesting of Israeli involvement in 9/11 to be 'conspiracy theory'.
Its hilarious. I assure you, they're like a month away from shifting position to "the Holocaust did happen and Israeli BASED nationalist Jews are our allies!".
They've always been anti-holohoax exposure and don't think 9/11 was a MOSSAD operation.
Nah, they used to talk about how the holohoax didn't happen with some regularity.
Indeed, that's always been a narrative of theirs, but recently they started going really hard on the "It was Muslims not Jews bro".
Its all narrative to these people - they don't care about truth in any regard, all they care about is pushing their narratives, their agendas…. (((Who))) does that remind one of?
Why should I care?
Go and stay go, cuck.
Could someone please explain? I probably don't care
you are now informed.
And this is addressed at .
Anyone got a video of the slut? I want to look at her and feel nothing
Oh no, some random internet whores no one knows or cares about have nudes online?! Who fuckin cares?
she looks hot af
Why do all the altright sluts have such masculine faces?
I actually think you could say it was both. As in Mossad planned, but executed by true believer Islamist patsies.
No idea who these whores are, but MOAR of the redhead.
This is the second time I heard about this woman, and this is the second time there was a porn thread about her.
I never heard of her before that, since I don't follow e-celeb crap. but post links to her camwhore videos
Sage for e-celeb thread
Don't care.
link to vids?
Irrelevant - they say it was ONLY Muzzies, while pretending there is no evidence of Israeli involvement and pushing a bunch of "its a coincidence goyim" shit.
She looks like a Jewess.
Oh, also-also:
This is just a repost of a cuckchan thread.
Proof? The video lays out exactly why the alt right is actually the alt kike, it's worth watching, why would a kike be exposing the alt right as a jewish scam?
She is one of the few people that didn't ideologically cuck herself when trump appeared and she is consistently right. I bet that "kike" has done more to wake up white lemmings than you have.
I have nudes of my exes. But I've never uploaded any of them to the internet. I just keep them for personal use because every once in awhile I feel like fapping to an ex.
I imagine most sluts out there have nudes of them. It's just a matter of whether they're brought to attention or not.
So you can't just win the heart of a girl, you need to make some pussy watch you fuck his girl?
You got the wrong idea for the right purpose, more white children but you don't need to get involved in some tar-bush drama to make it happen man.
I mean, just look at how BASED she is
Look at her. She is a Jew.
You kikes sure do love that statement, don't you?
sinead is alt-kike tbh.
>Tfw your girl doesn't take nudes for anyone so she says
There should be tho. Anyways, trash thread. Op didn't even bring sauce.
Anyone has proof this is her? Could just be some random slut in the picture and shills are using it for disinfo, it doesn't show her face like with "The White Rose".
>reddit spacing
she associates with the alt-kike.
"A man strives to get direct mastery over things either by understanding them or by compulsion. But a woman is always and everywhere driven to indirect mastery, namely through a man; all her direct mastery being limited to him alone. Therefore it lies in woman’s nature to look upon everything only as a means for winning man, and her interest in anything else is always a simulated one, a mere roundabout way to gain her ends, consisting of coquetry and pretence."
Get this in your heads, you oversexed and underfucked retards.
That's not proof you faggot.
I suspect this is a psy-op associated with the aut-kike psy-op.
The Jews want to demoralize White Nationalists, so they find kinda-cute 'White' women, pay them to come forward as 'thought leaders' - ie e-celebs on Jewtube and Twatter - and set them up so that they have exposure to become such, then tear them down by 'revealing' them to be cam-whores and the like.
Its the same as with TRSodomites - I wager the intent was to get that organization established, then 'reveal' kike Peinovich as a Jew-lover, the intention being to create massive D&C, to demoralize those who aren't so sycophantic as to stay on board (large portions of those still 'on board' being sock accounts and shit, mind you).
Kikes rule the media for a reason - they're good at creating falsehoods and presenting them as reality. Every time I see a cute 'White' girl show up on the scene in this context, my immediate expectation is that she will be eventually shown to be a degenerate freak, the whole persona nothing but an act, a role played by a whorish actress in exchange for unseen shekels.
No offense OP - this is tough love. You need to stop letting others/stranger mould your point of view in life and get first hand experience or witness it. Actions speak louder than words. Practice some critical thinking. Take what you can, but your choices are questionable at the very least. You're looking to attention whores as if they're the best thing since sliced bread. Your ideal woman is modest and not on fucking youtube trying to get shekels because they're either sociopaths or manipulative bitches who don't know jack shit. Find a decent woman, she's not on the internet or in a comic book.
perhaps shes an opportunist
unless shes a "Jew", then she's controlled op
Why are you bumping such a shit thread, while implying that OP isn't a shill posting this shit as part of a demoralization effort?
He posted the exact same thing on cuckchan, you dim nigger. Always read a thread before posting.
Any nudes or SyrianGirl lmao?
unless you can post more pics or some sort of verified proof that is most likely just some target shilling. That could literally be any rehead. And even if it was so what? It's not like she was camwhoring for money like the whiterose. Most likely it's one of her past boyfriends.
And the reason is obvious. It's to destroy our self-esteems and make us look like jokes and fools. Hey everyone, Holla Forums's queen is a nigger fucker! haha look and laugh! hahaha. LOSERS.
You mean thot leader
If you don't see a problem with camwhoring, you really don't belong here.
All these stupid niggers bumping this garbage thread, and the mods haven't been online in 13 hours.
Just a nigger doing a bump.
Yeah there is zero proof on the diglet part. A back shot means nothing. The other cunt tho is a certified cam whore.
I've never heard of her and I'm on Holla Forums alone since at least a year before the split.
OP never posted after creating the threads(on here or on cuckchan)
On cuckchan he posted with a BLM flag, and the whole thread is filled with anti-white women shilling.
Most likely a goon created the threads, and then hopped IPs.
I honestly don't think Holla Forums has ever had a queen. 4chan had a couple like boxxy. I was just using it as an example. Any popular figure would work, it don't have to be the "queen", but girls are particularly dangerous for obvious reasons.
And another (1).
They're not even trying to hide it anymore.
lmao, boxxy also hangs her tits out.
Who gives a fuck?
wat? Why do you have a Jewish 'white rapper' image saved on your machine you faggot?
Who cares? She hasn't been attractive in forever.
It's completely obvious she's jewish. She looks like she's cut from the same golem mold as (((scarlet johansen.)))
Plastic surgery is the greatest ally of the Jew.
You already responded to that post you dumb nigger, the fuck are you talking about?
So, you're retarded. Cool. Reported.
they were always attention whores, being actually edgy by being "alt right" was their chosen form of attention whoring.
whats funny is year ago, early in my redpilling process, I still used Holla Forums and shitposted in nigger threads and jew hate threads (remember those actually existing on Holla Forums? this was 2011-2012) some user posted he thought being pro white would be cool one day and chads and stacies will LARP as being far right and we will be hipsters that did it before it was cool.
it all came true.
Oh yes, user, you're totally the one winning here. You definitely aren't just being used as a dick with a pulse to validate some whore's daddy issues.
Reported. Go back to cuckchan.
Wait til you see what comes next.
Where the real men go, the sluts follow. Right-wing breeds bigger guys because self-sufficiency is a tennet of what it calls for. Women like men who they can depend on. It wasn't a hard prediction to make.
Looks like her.
That's the Jewy one everyone already knew was a camwhore. Keep up slowbro.
I know there are no major happenings right now and what I feel is contrary to the stats (despite them also counting shills and so), but it feels kind of empty to see such shit threads alive for hours and hours imagine what shills could be doing, but even they are not here today and also that sticky from days ago…
What is the pph here? How is cuckchan currently? Why no new redpill threads or bumping old ones?
you faggot cuck
tl;dr you are probably a homosexual jew.
Haven't seen any proof of the redhead yet.
Yeah but people kept asking for proof.
She even uses the same forehead thingy on both a youtube and a porncam -video
Meh, cuckchan is even worse. The mods haven't been on in hours, that's why these shit threads are still alive. Normally this shit would get bumplocked for eceleb almost instantly - if anything, the mods get fucking triggered by eceleb shit to the point they label too many things e-celeb and bumplock it.
Are you that literal faggot from the 'white women are awful' thread? You type like him. You're also gonna get banned for posting porn like him, but at least you haven't started spamming fag porn yet.
People are asking for proof on the redhead, the obvious Jewess is already confirmed.
civil war? terrorism from commies and niggers non stop?
The game is just getting started.
Typical tricks.
oh look, another cuck just posted.
You never looked at your moms titties son?
Damn lmao you must be 12 & still playing mine
Hmmm, might be a bot. Let's see if it responds without a direct quote..
Oh, also
that doesn't really look like boxxy, the face is wrong.
That said, she was never very attractive. Especially not these days.
Kill yourself.
Took you faggots long enough.
didn't really work out as planned right?
You could try to hack my and make my harddrive spin at 100K rpm and see if it blows up you faggot cuck.
Oh, look, a ban evader.
I should report.
Interesting. Thewhiterose seemed like a legit Ethno/White Nationalist. Her positions don't mean shit now that she's a glorified sex toy. Anyone got the video? Also who the fuck is dreamydiglot? Nice skin tone and hair color. Anyway, most notable women on the net have either been cam whores, or sent nudes/masturbation videos. It's basically like the female calling on the internet, for whatever fucking reason. Go to any major webcam site and it's loaded with dumb fucking white women with no concept of consequences. Once a woman appears on a cam site, she deserves to have the rest of her life ruined. Any time she has a thought she should be confronted with her past. Any time she makes any action, she should be reminded of her past. It shouldn't be allowed to be let go. It's not a "bump" in the road, or just another job, or anything like that. It's a step above prostitution. It should never be forgotten, and the person should never be allowed to move on from it.
Lad, if you don't get banned for your faggotry, it basically just tells us you're a moderator shitposting to push a narrative.
Which is oh so telling.
At least shes not fucking niggers, pretty much a non issue here.
Save your effort the only thing that gets you banned around here is saying bad stuff about jews.
not really a mod, not even really a shitposter.
I have been a chan veteran, you are just talking out of your ass
Woman's world, is her husband, her family, her children, and her home. We do not find it right when she presses into the world of men.
jews are cucks and should be deported back to poland
She's South African. What the fuck are you talking about?
Sure thing porn poster.
Only makes me think more and more this is a psy-op.
Either the mods are dickless, or they're allowing shitposting like this for a reason (probably because its them).
Reported to the CIA for slandering /our first daughter/
you can post "PORN" too.
this is not even porn you faggot.
Its literal porn and you've been shilling it all thread.
Mods are the ones getting paid to cover Kushner's ass
then show me your dictionary definition of porn
No, you don't get to be a glorified prostitute one day, and be a normal person the next. That should rightfully haunt her for the rest of her life. That's like saying a guy who hangs dogs in his basement is a changed man because he hadn't done it in a few years, and so we should all move on and let it go. Doesn't work that way. That is her defining moment, and it should be how she's labeled for the remainder of her life. If she chooses to accept the label and keep doing what she's doing, good for her. She hasn't deleted her channel. But she doesn't deserve to have it be forgotten, because it's too horrible a thing she did. She didn't steal a $0.50 pack of gum.
Im talking about the porn shilling faggotry.
then stay cucked good friend
Bullshit. Every time shills and assorted emotional faggots get mad at me I end up getting a ban. Basically if you get mass reported, regardless of your position, you're banned. Doesn't matter what the fuck you're talking about.
Literally nobody here even knows who these people are, try TRS.
Holla Forums is not alt-right and there are no girls here.
this, there are only cucks that get mad when you post girl parts.
Archiving thread for future reference. Mods have shown a willingness to support porn before, but now they're going to new levels of porn cuck.
You here women complaining about how they have to settle but so many guys settle for women that basically lived like whores in their younger days. Both genders are pretty fucked at this point. Virginity is like gold if you can find it.
Updated archive to include those digits.
Get fucked porn shills.
Its really not nearly as bad as people make it out to be, and White women are the least likely to be skanks.
Purposefully acquired digits mean nothing. Stay mad porn cuck.
just a fucking pair of TITS is not porn you cuck.
This is not a webcam show, nor is it a video.
SO AGAIN - yes, I know you are slow
WHAT FUCKING PORN? [oh yeah these titties are not porn obivously.]
You forgot about the evalion camwhore videos.
I stopped watching porn and cam girls, but to be honest I've wanted to fuck thewhiterose for a while, so I'm going back to cam girls for a little bit.
Because they are women, duh?
You are a special type of retard, probably an official of some kind.
It's ok, I have dealt with your kind in the past.
So then again, where is this porn you keep referring to ?
Seems legit.
This board really is becoming cuckchan 2.0.
stop fapping faggot.
Neato sport. Keep posting - the more the mods don't respond to you shilling for porn, the more evidence is accumulating.
evidence of what?
You are obviously a faggot, who doesn't want to understand because his government payroll is dependent on it.
You are shilling for no real reason, yes Holla Forums is a board with somewhat more intellect, however a lot in here are [you already know you newfag, #exodus].
So don't show anymore how much of an utter idiot you are and stop fucking posting.
Yes, it is time. Stop fucking posting your cancerous old world morals on me and everybody else.
If you don't want to look at titties, stab yourself in the eye, filter block and don't respond.
Get fucked, you know your life is meaningless and you go home to an empty appartment, get cucked by chad and your gf. Protip : she is indeed lowkey fucking your bro.
No. I'm never doing that stupid #nofap shit. I picked one girl who's not a cam girl, or in porn, to jerk off to. I'm single. I don't fuck random women. I'm not going to sit here for who knows how long and not have an orgasm. That is unhealthy and just stupid. I imagine it would lower my sperm count as well, as my body would adjust to never releasing sperm. To me picking one woman is a good way to simulate the way you lose interest in a relationship, normalizing a person's hypersexuality gained through porn. Stopping all together for any extended period of time is just fucking dumb though. What if I don't plan on dating for two years. Should I not have an orgasm for two years? Get a fucking grip.
Daily Reminder
Anti-Porn Thread
Israel Blocks Porn
Oh, also:
Yep, knew it was you.
You didn't even read my comment you fucking retard. Take this bot-tier shit somewhere else. I already know the downside of porn and not a single time advocated its usage. Stupid nigger.
Making a nice graphic out of this thread. Thanks m8!
Wow, this is the most pathetic attempt to watch shills datamine.
A. They post blurred nudes
B They complain when someone posts actual nudes
C They bitch and complain about everything you do from that point onward without posting better nudes
They're the type of groupie skanks you'll find at a punk rock or metal concert, but they can suck a mean dick and thankfully I never got any std's from them.
Yeah, your imagination is probably filled with images of the cuck porn you used to watch on a daily basis you fucking retard.
Yes. Well, maybe. I like to think I wouldn't fuck a random woman, but at the same time there's always that deep instinctive urge that could push me over the line in that moment. I prefer apolitical woman, but I feel like is spot on. They're probably bimbos who sleep around. Probably very similar to women in the military, if we're going to make comparisons. Weird though since that woman is very physically attractive, so she doesn't exactly need to go out of her way to get attention.
Idiotic. Thanks for the infograph though, I didn't realize Kushner was behind the newsplus bullshit.
Sounds like you need to watch some porn.
Freshest of Fresh OC
wow, a public display or your own incompetence
Actually, I prefer the shower. Its very comfortable.
But then, I have an imagination and don't have to watch pornography made by prostitutes and profiteer Jews.
Stay mad nigger. Camwhores is porn, and you've been exposed.
The evidence just keeps piling up.
exposed? What about OP?
You're the one who keeps bringing up porn, faggot. Clearly you're the one obsessed with it.
Could you be more Jewish right now? I don't think so.
Better question: Why is thread still here? Just to shitpost about how camwhores aren't porn and everyone just has 'cancerous old world morals', to shillfully imply opposition to porn is 'moral panic' perhaps?
Hmmmm, a good question indeed. But some mysteries just never get solved.
That's not porn - that's a pretty girl with her cleavage exposed.
Porn is what camwhores do. Hence why they're called 'whores' for getting naked on cam and selling it to people.
You know that, I'm sure, but, you're a degenerate, and must justify any way you can that its okay. Ands the mods back you.
Very telling.
Here's a snippet from a past thread:
Allow me to clarify a bit, because I used to be a serious fucking degenerate and so I know a bit about this topic.
There are three main types of porn sites: aggregators, pay sites, and cam sites.
Aggregators gather up free videos, but if you look at them, what they actually are in most cases are: old videos in full, small segments of new videos (which you either have to pay to get ahold of in full, or dig around on shifty websites that dump malware), amatuer shit uploaded by degenerates who've joined the aggregator's "community".
Their advertisers are likewise in three categories: clickbait dogshit that leads to more malware sites, or that lead to pay sites, or that lead to cam sites. Basically, the pornographers use these to lure you in - hey, free porn! - and for many, they can't resist the urge to click on the click-bait link (usually it has the most-degenerate or 'enticing' bit from a given scene in one of their videos, or some camwhore doing really degenerate shit, or just some nonsense like "Hey make your dick grow bigger!").
In short, aggregators are nothing but bait… Sort of. They're also basically pseudo-pimps via proxy, but I'll come back to that in a moment…
Then you've got the pay sites. These are where most of the money is made, and yes, while its insane to think that people pay for this shit (especially if, like myself, you learned how to avoid the malware on the malware sites so you don't HAVE to pay in order to see whatever you want), they do - most 'normies' don't realize you can get basically anything for free online so long as you're clever and know how to use the sites/avoid their malware, so they will be inclined to pay for access to a site that most channers would only need to even know about in order to effectively search for the video in question. As such, pay sites end up making a lot of money, and they tie into the aggregator bait, in that they post snippets of their videos on there (to entice) and/or post ads for their site on there, usually, as aforementioned, utilizing the most extreme/'enticing' part from a given scene or video as the ad, basically a gif on repeat (ie: the ad for BLACKED or the like will be a close-up of big black cocks slamming into white cunts, interspersed with images of beautiful girls rolling their eyes in pleasure or other such shit).
In any case, these sites DO make a lot of money, because A) normies are stupid, B) normies have no self control, and C) normies are the most likely to have disposable income AND have that income set up so they can quickly employ it online.
They also trick gullible normies, by having their adverts/sites imply that "Its just $1 a month!" or "Get a free 1 month trial!" or the like… What those normies don't see, generally, is that small print, which is that if you don't explicitly cancel your subscription - something that often requires more than just clicking around on a site, you'll actually have to call a telephone number and speak with a real person about why you need/want to cancel your subscription to or what have you - and alotta normies just wont do that. They'll just leave the subscription going, and accept the access to free porn coupled with a minor cost instead of the embarrassment and time wasted trying to cut ties to the pornographers.
And then there's the cam sites. Cam sites are, effectively, digital pimps - they create a platform for young women (and sometimes not so young women…) to basically whore themselves out to a captive and anonymous audience, in exchange for shekels. They give the girls all sorts of options, namely, the option to have a 'free' chat session wherein they tease doing lots of degenerate shit, but require you to go into a private chat session for them to actually DO the especially perverted shit, which requires payment. They get some of those shekels, but the site takes a cut from every girl - effectively, the site is their pimp, and the pimp must always get paid, or the bitches get slapped (cut off access to their platform, and thus, revenue).
These are the worst - and probably most lucrative - sites the pornogrpahers employ, because they basically convince young women to whore themselves out to strangers, many - arguably most - of whom are disgusting faggots in third world countries that're willing to toss $5-10 USD to see some pretty young college slut in Kentucky shove a dildo up their ass and then taste it on cam… Of course, they also record a lot of these 'private shows', and guess where they end up? A banana sticker to you if you guessed 'the aggregator sites' - which then use these private videos to lure people, especially young women, into their "communities"… And why do I use the quotes? Because their communities are basically just porno-whore prep platforms - you start out doing it for free, because you see others doing it (mostly recorded whores reposted as for-free-sluts) and because it makes you feel sexy that others want you… And, once you're doing it for free, how far of a leap is to think "Instead of going to work at Bob Evan's tomorrow, I could just stay home and stick things in my asshole for Saudis and Chinese businessmen and make more money than I can working that shitty 9-5…". And just like that, lil Suzy the Slut has gone from being a degenerate hoser who got wet from posting her lewds on Pornhub, to Susan the Whore on or some shit, raking in shekels by the handful for sticking stuff up her pooper.
Point being: These three types of sites are all interlaced, and they've got it set up so they're generating a constant stream of new content, and new content providers, all beamed into the home of the dim-witted normies, most of whom are simply too lazy and too stupid to avoid paying for the pornography they want to see.
So, you can keep shouting about how 'camwhores aren't porn goyim!' all day - but its pretty clear what's up here: You love porn. You're a degenerate. Given the mods are protecting you - no denial of that, given the evidence is clear-cut - it suggests, alongisde past evidence, that AT LEAST one of the mods is a porn-user who thinks its 'old world morality' to oppose porn, and that its a 'moral panic' to suggest porn must be done away with.
This is all pretty obvious, and no matter how much you shill, its all on record now. Not that anyone will care - this board is headed toward Cuckchan 2.0 levels of faggotry and degeneracy at light speed.
Could you be any more fucking retarded right now? Take your psychosis pills you fucking psycho. You're an emotional mess.
Cool Jew.
Filtered for being a dumb nigger.
Her face and boobs are nice enough that the belly is forgivable.
He's a gigantic faggot, but you expose your newfaggotry by using that ad hom.
solo tits aren't porn. They might be attractive and turn people on, but that's not their primary purpose. Is a mother breast feeding also porn?
Is a jacked man walking around shirtless also porn? He'd be getting every puss wet that walks by…
Also why are you complaining about ad hominems on Holla Forums? Are you sensitive?
That's a Dinaric nose, not Semetic, she appears to be very pure Keltic Nordid. Shame the multiple earrings and wounded puppy expression though.
Yes it is. It is their sole purpose you fucking idiot.
Oh okay i am retarded women comp on food and shit it into their babies mouths like they're a tit-less bird. you have to be a god damn idiot to think milk comes out of tits and mother feed their children with it. lol it's just for sexual arousal dummy!! haha :)
My dog fed her puppies just fine and she has no tits. Trying to exaggerate your retardation by writing like a nigger isn't going to fool anyone. You do not need breasts to have mammaries, see every single mammal other than humans as evidence.
When you refer to "tits", are you talking about the extra fat on the gland?
We're not looking at picture of glands. Tits is slang for breasts. Breasts are protruding fat deposits on the chests of female humans for the purpose of attracting a mate.
well, they also feed babies. but humans are the only species with breasts that remain engorged. here is an interesting article snippet.
"""female humans have greatly enlarged breasts and buttocks, a greater orgasmic capacity, and continual `sexual receptivity' throughout the monthly cycle. Many of these traits show hallmarks of having evolved under the capricious power of sexual selection: they are uniquely elaborated in our species, show considerable sexual dimorphism, are grown only after puberty (sexual maturity), become engorged and displayed during sexual arousal, are manifestly valued as sexual signals, and are selectively elaborated through ornament and make-up (Miller, 1993; Morris, 1985). Such traits probably evolved both as indicators (of fertility, viability, age, health, and lack of infestation by pathogens and parasites) and as aesthetic displays (that play upon pre-existing or co-evolved perceptual biases).""
""Permanent enlargement of breasts and buttocks is also fairly effective at concealing ovulation (Margulis & Sagan, 1991; Szalay & Costello, 1992). Females who do not reveal their menstrual or lactational cycles may benefit from male uncertainty by being able to solicit male attention and investment even when they are not really fertile: "From hairy, flat-chested ape to modern buxom woman … males were kept guessing about when females were ovulating" (Margulis & Sagan, 1991, p. 96). More generally, the loss of a specific estrus period, combined with `concealed ovulation' and `continuous sexual receptivity', may have allowed females to attract more continuous attention (e.g. protection, provisioning, social support) from males even when they were not ovulating (Alexander & Noonan, 1979; H. Fisher, 1982; Hrdy, 1981, 1988; Hrdy & Whitten, 1987; Tanner, 1981).""
I'm trying to understand your distinction between mammaries and breasts. You're arguing that the fat there is sexual and unnecessary for feeding and thus showing it is porn?
I mean they don't even have to be naked for that then. Hell a lot of time women look better when they have a pushup bra and a wifebeater on then naked. So, what, all women gotta dress like a muslim or its obscene?
Naturally I pretended i didn't care. Inside I was thinking "what the fuck?" Do people commonly do this? Do I just not notice because I'm a social recluse? Also, I'd like to note, every blonde woman I've ever seen with kids had white kids. Every bleached blond had mongrel kids (saw a fat, hideous bitch with her mongrels walking around Lowe's yesterday). I've only seen two though, so it's not a lot. Why are bleached blondes such fucking whores? Every time it's an interracial relationship, a nigger breeder, or some other sort of filth, it's almost always a bleached blonde. Bleached blondes are worse than the ones with pink hair, or any other off-the-wall color.
Yes, for literally millions of years.
I'm talking about in public places, like in the middle of a fucking Kohl's store.
Oh, and I forgot
Read a book, nigger. We haven't been around for millions of years.
I didn't say anything about it being porn. I said the entire purpose of breasts is attraction, because the cuck was spouting feminist bullshit about tits not being sexual.
Learn to read.
Proto-human hominids have been breastfeeding children in public for eons. If your kid is hungry you feed them. Breast milk is far more nutritious and natural than (((formula))) and provides mental health and neurological development benefits for the child as well.
Okay thanks with I think I understand your argument now.
Nigger, what the fuck are you talking about? I'm just asking if it's common for people to breast feed in the middle of a fucking store. I know for a fact a few decades ago that was socially unacceptable.
Go to sleep, Berg
People have been breastfeeding in public for as long as people have existed. Maybe it wasn't common in America a few decades ago but the 1950s are hardly an ideal time. I'm certain that during the classical era women breastfed without shame.
Holy shit I got the same dubs twice in a row in the same thread
Huh. You kikes really, really hate Youcis.
I guess I should see what she has to say.
She's a serious degenerate and has a weird annoying accent. She has nothing important to say, I remember TRS had her on one of their podcasts a year ago or more and she was just shilling for shekels because she lost her job or something. She gave me a bad impression at the time and this was before her deviant past came out.
Hey if the merchants want to leak youcis's giant bewbs to show that "all white women are shit" or something, be my guest.
She seems like a typical "muh layers of irony and sarcasm" channer. A moron, in other words.
This, she's basically a HWNDU-tier nonwhite kekistan eceleb aka the bottom of the barrel of cuckchan
Yes, you are a newfag you sweet summer child.
Please note that three-phase alternating current motors lose torque and stability as their driving frequency increases. In addition, the highly balanced platters and low tolerance bearings will reduce major vibration, preventing the destruction of the device until over 900,000 rpm.
Wew lad. Jewgle image search renamed this pic to Holla Forums to avoid identification, and the closest result is a cuckchan carbon copy of the OP's words.
Not going to question your motives for this response, regardless of who you are or represent but if the message hurt you, my sincerest apologies user. Don't come to this place very often anymore. Just occasionally due to work and everytime it's more shit. Tis good to catch up once in a while and it got the better of me. Fell for the bait or gave OP the benefit of the doubt. Don't think it's demoralization though. Slags will be slags, sluts will slut. Don't wish to go /r9k/ mode but you must understand that there are future Holla Forumsacks falling for this shit and being indoctrinated by it. Was simply attempting to speak some sense into this young man's life. Sage goes in all fields.
Wait so is the "thewhiterose" a trap or not?
Here, check out Emily's tribute video to GG Allin.
Fucking this!
Goddamn I thought Sinead looked masculine until I just took a look at Lana Loktev. Jewish women are fucking hideous!