Why has this administration been so unclear about what it's trying to do? It's so fucking chaotic. Why is it so hard to have a clear agenda and to push it through?
Chesscucks fuck off back to Reddit.
Why has this administration been so unclear about what it's trying to do? It's so fucking chaotic. Why is it so hard to have a clear agenda and to push it through?
Chesscucks fuck off back to Reddit.
What part of "chaos candidate" has you confused, newfag?
By the way, it looks like this is more fake bullshit from Slate and the WSJ. Here's the White House denying everything:
Trump realized Soros was a sekrit Nazi just like him so they're teaming up, Alex Jones was right, buy my filters!
Setting the narrative for the thread before any discussion even takes place, that's some well thought shilling. Not even trying to defend Trump but no actions have taken place since the insolvency of PCA so what is there even to defend or chesscuck for?
They really have become the ultimate concern troll. On one hand, its nive to have a watchdog but god damn, with every article they write some faggot crosses it here and screeches on about this being the end of Drumpf and yada yada yada.
Tillerson said this in a interview just this morning. Your article is from yesterday. Again he's on camera in an interview saying it. How is that fake news? And (((Cohn))) is going to be spearheading it.
Why shouldn't I believe this article other than it being a news outlet that you don't like? Yes, Breitbart is full of kikes, but what news media isn't?
When you have the president shitting on his most ardent supporters and signing the resolution against white nationalism and cucking on DACA and now building a fence and trying to redefine the word "wall," escalating the war in Afghanistan when he said for years it was a mistake, why shouldn't I believe he cucked on this too?
No really fuck off to Reddit
So blatant.
Jeb! Pls go
You forgot your sage. Make sure to report this thread for being anti-Trump.
I'm sure it will be bumplocked any second now.
Why don't you try making a point instead of just another worthless non argument?
He has no point. His only job is to defend Trump's honor and make sure nobody says anything bad about his hero.
Nice reddit snark niggers, youre so obviously the oldest fags around
You don't negotiate when you tell the people you're negotiating with everything you're planning on doing. If Trump tells us, or the general population, what he's doing, his enemies know too.
My guess is that Trump will make some strong demands to stay in Paris Accord, basically gutting it. And either everyone else in it gives Trump what he wants, or USA just leaves it.
Trump's problem was that Paris Accord was extremely unfair to USA. If the others make it fair to USA, he's not going to leave. I think a lot of you have a problem where you see Trump pushing for more than he wants and you assume you're going to get what he's pushing for in entirety.
I see two options, either USA leaves or we gut it to the point where it doesn't matter for USA. If we end up in Paris Accord with no changes to it, then I will be mad as fuck. Given all the efforts to cut Trump from his base, I've been skeptical about all of this. Specially because if this is a leftist ruse to divide Trump from his base, it's working, and they have 3 years to perfect it before the next election.
Still no arguments. :^)
Your opponents can't counter you if you don't make your moves obvious and clear.
He's blowing mist intentionally to mask his true intentions.
Chess 101.
Look Ma, I can post news headlines to craft narratives that support my agenda too!
That would actually put a nail in the coffin. I can't see how you'd support him after that.
Obviously you're full of shit and I don't think he can undo it now, but he probably would at this point.
Unfortunately that's where we're at
Top fucking kek way to fuck up your shill effort.
Tillerson tried this shit a few months ago. Nothing will come of this. Secondly, why the fuck are you posting kikebart articles, shits like fox news 14 years ago.
Give that line to the neocohens at kikebart. Just make shit up that your one of those (((white house aids))).
Nice argument, you useless piece of shit.
What the fuck is with all the stupid shills lately? Are we being raided by a remedial goon class? The president is open to replacing a sitting Supreme Court justice? One he appointed himself? Really?
I take this as a good sign. Our many enemies are declining in both skill and temperance since the election. We're clearly not facing the varsity anymore.
Time to die, faggot.
Really activates my almonds.
Nah, nigger they can't without congress and gorsuch ain't done shit
My goodness, will you look at the time! Time to filter a single ID and solve most of my problems!
It is you who must kill yourself, faggot.
What shill effort?
You are a retard
fuck off to the_donald jew
Time to die, kike.
You're right, user. Damn Russians must be hacking Trump himself now.
Trump's problem is that he's trying to satisfy everybody around him. Unfortunately, he's surrounded only be those who want to…
A) Crush him (Deep state, Dems, Progressives, media, etc.)
B) Exploit him (military industrial complex, (((Kushner))), Establishment republicans, Wall St., etc.)
He is being treated like a mushroom by those who surround him. He is being kept in the dark and fed nothing but shit. He is completely cut off from his base.
Trump has tried his whole life to please everyone around him. It's in his nature. He does not know how to cope with many people telling him to do different things. I suspect that by the end of his term he will have morphed into an establishment republican who likes bipartisanship.
Fuck Jews.
it's common kike tactics (whether trump or his people, doesn't matter now). eisenhower did it too
chessfag, there are no changes you can make to paris accord that make it good for us.
Yep its a shill.
funny how a majority of pro-Trump posts follow the same format.
He's going to extract concessions from them you idiot goon.
Trump is a redditor and a boomer. Don't expect much.
Lmao asshurt kikes hate when you point them out.
You're such a fucking idiot. He's been doing this for 2 years now and you haven't caught on. He placates people and then does whatever the fuck he was going to do anyways and all the libcucks go "WE BEAT DRUMPF" and you shills all go "TRUMP IS ZIONIST PUPPET" even while America is being made great again.
You blind fools.
Because what it says it wants to do is not actually what it aims to do.
Its how you manipulate people - in the chaos, much information gets lost, and you can continue to push a narrative whilst taking actions which are directly contrary to the claimed intentions of your supposed narrative.
But he doesn't - he's giving amnesty to AT LEAST 800k.
Which muds? They Syrians? Because he's glad-handing with the worst muds while bombing ones that are largely irrelevant. He's armed ISIS and the Kurdish pinkos.
But he's presently announcing an intention to go after 'anti-Semitism', after having signed a resolution declaring White Nationalism to be domestic terrorism, all the while ignoring the 300k+ signature petition calling for antifa to be declared a terrorist organization.
You're such a fucking idiot. He's been doing this for 2 years now and you haven't caught on.
He placates people and then does whatever the fuck he was going to do anyways.
And all the libcucks cry about racism and you shills all go "TRUMP IS NOT A ZIONIST PUPPET HE IS SUPER BASED JUST WAIT AND SEE" even while America is still being made Brazil.
I think it's hilarious that we hang on every fucking rumor that goes on in Washington. It's making my head spin, I don't know who's Jewing who anymore.
He hasn't "given amnesty" to anybody. As it stands DACA is done and there's a ticking date for the "extension" to expire.
I think at this point one possible strategy the deep state might be using is to have all major msm outlets dump lies to confuse and frustrate Trump's base
No. He isn't. This is the kind of dumb shit I'm talking about. You're either lying or stupid. DACA is gone. Amnesty is not going to happen.
I don't care. Nuke Syria. Nuke Israel. Nuke Iran. Nuke the whole fucking region. As long as whites aren't dying for no reason in a pointless nation building exercise, who cares. If we just went in the goal to destroy their country and leave ruins and corpses, we could do it without a single dead white soldier and that's what we're starting to do.
DACA deal is amnesty bro, and all indications suggest an intention on behalf of the executive - alongside much of the legislature - to see those 'people' allowed to stay. That's not even getting into the unmitigated train wreck that is the RAISE Act.
I have nothing more to say to you if you're going to act like a disingenuous stooge.
The Jews are Jewing everyone user. That's what Jews do.
Trump will save the brown people as other cuck presidents could not. Even if every white person and their unborn children and grandchildren have to go bankrupt, the brown people will get their aid money.
Yes, he is. This is the kind of dumb shit I'm talking about. You're either lying or stupid. DACA is being pushed through, with executive support. Amnesty is going to happen if the executive has anything to say about it.
All shitskins are hominid trash user. All of them.
So why is Trump glad-handing with Saudis? You don't have an answer that isn't cuckoldry and you know it.
One of these things is not like the others, one of these things is unrealistic and shows no signs of any probability of happening.
Hell, the only reason ISIS exists IS Israel, and the only reason we have significant hostilities with Iran or Syria is because of Israel. Your narrative is nonsensical Boomer-tier cognitive garbage.
Pic related, dummy.
Trumpsky is a total sellout and I am ashamed of supporting him in November. He backpedaled on pretty much everything and I expect him next to tell us how the wall isn't happening.
God fucking damn summer never ends.
I'm convinced now, based MAGApede.
Lets just hope that everything will work out for us by the end of his term.
Still trying to capitalize on the confusion by trying to stir up hysteria, I see. You and your hyper-emotional nigger posse stand out so fucking badly it's just dull.
He has controlled opposition that need to gfto, with it, the mass regular populace also need to have as much if not greater resentment towards these people, as well as with the MSM, dems, and such.
Have you never heard of "carrot on a stick"? This is on the same grounds during the election when trump announced he would "address the birther issue".
Jesus fucking christ, god damn, get it together, nigger.
Just a little reminder that this is literally written in the Paris accords, and that it is the same document signed for each country.
Have a nice day losing your country to ((( global affairs )))
I know it's for the benefits of the lurkers, user, but remember to not to give the shills (You)s.
go to bed, Jeb
Fair point, it's more beneficial for the lurkers. Though on a side note, I've noticed a reoccurring pattern where it seems either poster or such seem to have (((coincidentally))) forgotten the past election and things within it, or the lurkers are continuing to lurk while not giving shariablue (CTR) (You)s and there are just new posters occasionally cropping up along with the typical weekend shills.
Because Trump is probably exactly what he seems. A nice and well-meaning but borderline retarded richfag who mismanaged his inheritance and was saved from economic ruin by the Jews. I think he actually thought he'd make America "great" again, whatever that means, and I bet the kikes who pull his strings had a good laugh at that. I sort of feel for the guy, he had no idea what he got himself wrapped up in.
Given how hard and obvious he's cucking, he was probably a puppet from the very start and he probably was willing. If he doesn't give us what he promised, I don't feel sorry for him at all.
"Convenient memory loss" is typical shill behavior.
I'd like to think anons are mostly ignoring this d&c/blackpill shilling. We've had almost 3 yrs to observe and analyze orange man's behavior, so the patterns should not be new to anyone. Anons can't actually still be hand-wringing over jew media headlines, can they?
Not sucking trump's cock and calling him out is one thing. That's what you're supposed to do. But acting all angry bc
It's just nonsense.
It has nothing to do with Donald looking to satisfy other people. Those people are around Donald Trump because those are the kinds of people Donald knows, likes, and agrees with. He had a long, well documented history of being an anti-White nigger-loving zionist. He didn't say anything during the campaign to distill that notion at all, it was just an endless parade of gore-posting and link spam [from carefully stagecrafted and curated jewish media] whenever anyone tried to point it out.
Trump himself is the problem. He's not separate or different from jews.
Why are we still in the Paris Accord?
He's a kike shill. If you don't know that by now you should probably leave.
No. Kill yourself.
Hint: Don't follow what Trump says… or what the gossip says he's supposedly thinking. But what he DOES. Trump purposely keeps his intentions like a slippery eel… it makes him much harder to read or plan for.
There's no time for democracy. Discourse with the peasants could only lead to ruin.
He probably is though. Soros is doing more than anyone else on the planet to make whites hate niggers and shitskin invaders.
Just got this, poor Jeb! What did the captcha mean my this?
Trump is constantly bluffing and talks on every side of the issue, it keeps his intentions hazy. But look at what he concretely does, he's /ourguy/ through and through, constantly making his enemies headspin because they don't know how to approach him.
8 Years ago, this exact same sentence was posted somewhere on reddit.
pic related, Trump is just as much of a puppet as all the others, just with more charisma.
Basically Obama 2.0, for right wingers. You can still Hope, but dont expect any Change this time either.
you got the full size image of that thumbnail somewhere, user?
shit, didnt save it properly back then. Tried google first and could only find the fake version.
well shit. i thought i had it saved too, but i don't have it either. made me kek. i found it tho
How many amnesties did Bush give to the wetback?
MFW shills are this fucking obvious.
Dammit, forgot I was in a shill thread and forgot to sage. Sorry for the accidental bump.
It isn't the admin that is unclear, it's you lefties and your media.
Gas yourself Rabbi.
He hasn't really cucked on anything though. The sanctions on Russia and the money to Israel was forced on him. Those bills had veto-proof majority. Everything else is conjecture. No DACA bill has been passed, let alone signed. Everything that is within his executive powers, he has done.
Trump threads in 2017. A cesspit of stupidity.
They do this all the time. Its really annoying. There was about 6 back and forths on whether Assad would stay or not between Trump/Tillerson so this seems to be some kind of tactic they do on purpose. Maybe its to distract the media or get them to cry about Trump lying or backtracking when his position doesn't change. Maybe he is trying to get everyones attention back on the bullshit Paris deal for some reason.
Trump has done so much already that I give him the benefit of the doubt until he really fucks up a couple times. Nothing on DACA is official, I'll wait until something is signed into law before I freak out that he fucked us over.
Does Holla Forums have contempt for basic strategy now with this stupid ass "durr chesscuks get out." Bullshit?
He's a billionaire businessman. Everything he's doing is basic to any strategy manual. Not only that it's an observable consistent pattern. Over and over and over he's playing possum or rope-a-dope or whatever you want to call it. Is Mitt Romney the secretary of state? You think it was a fuck up to call attention to Carly Fiorina's face?
I hope to God this forced "durr chesscucks" meme is from sharia blue and not people that really believe strategy is magically thinking for sycophants. What the hell is wrong with chess? It's awesome. If you're obvious and overeager you ARE going fall for a fool's mate.
Trump is still that motherfucker. If nothing else you should study the patterns and apply them to your life.
magical* thinking for…
They're just trying to dissuade us for future elections. A second term Trump would indeed be horrifying (if you believe in the Punisher Trump meme).
chesscuck and Trump demoralization are the newest (((tactics))) used to shit up the board. In some respect, it's push back against the based civnats from plebbit and the conservicucks who come here to cheer-lead and spin everything Trump does. Trump isn't literally Hitler, and no autism-tier user thinks Trump is a god here to lead us out of the Kali Yuga. He's the president of one of the most kosher governments on the planet. Anyone waiting for Trump to name the jew and go 1488 is either a retard or stuck in fantasy. He's not /ourguy/, but he does do (and will continue to do) things that benefit /us/. When he zogs out, we'll stump his shit up. When he does good things, we'll meme his shit up and rub it in the oppositions' faces. Holla Forums is not about, never has been about, and never will be about namefagging or celeb worship. It's about surfing as many waves as we can before the tsunami hits the shore.
because Trump's agenda runs aginst literally everyone else's in the White House. The paris accord is not about saving the environment it's about money and imposing more NotTaxes plain and simple.
WE have no need for PR. But "gas the kikes race war now." is not a good campaign slogan for the presidency.
Or ask yourself this. Does it suck that there are controlled opposition leftists in the GOP? Fucking A it does. They have their hands on the levers of power because they are stealth. Teachers that give conservatives "f"s under some pretense. Judges that only punish whites. (((nonpartisan))) non-profits. Barack Obama the slightly left centrist.
But WE'RE supposed to walk into the mall with a Hitler mustache ? Retarded.
I'm still on the 4dchess. I hide my power level and you should too.
I believe that Trump is playing everyone in media and government and using strategy to get what he wants through. What he wants although occasionally overlapping with what we want, is not overall what we want.
I do not think he is /ourguy/ I think hes a step away from the (((abyss))) and definitely the best we've seen in a while.
Hes the best we could reasonably hope for, these demoralizing shills are irritating. And if I were a yank I'd vote for him.
He's trying to out-jew the jews user, Jesus. Give the man some space to work. Also, you already answered your own question. 4D chess, obviously
I agree. Not /ourguy/. But he's not betraying his own agenda that he ran on like breitbart is implying. Nobody was losing their shit for THE WALL before Trump so what would be the point of proffering that and then backing out. I ask myself that and can't find a reasonable answer. I think he's playing the GOP and his ultimate goal is a supermajority. That's the big win that can get you everything else. Right about now I would expect him to be drawing out his controlled opposition enemies by dangling amnesty to get them to reveal themselves and then primary them. That's what I think most of this is about. The deadline on DACA pretty much confirms it. He could have put that hot potato after the midterms if he didn't want to fuck the neocons to death. He has a grudge and he wants all the nevertrumpers gone. That's my read.
Wait till after the midterms. Wait till after the supreme court decision on the "travel" (top kek) ban.
and holy fuck if he get's into a second term and there's no one to answer to.
I'm worried that you don't understand that this man is a master strategist and tactician both.
Chaos is unpredictable. It is unknowable. It strikes like lightning - with certainty of happening, with no idea of when or where.
disapproving kikes GTFO muh Holla Forums!
I likewise agree. I've been getting in the habit of not listening to anyone. Not Trump. Not the media. Not the spinsters. I've gotten to the point where I don't want to hear what someone is "thinking about" doing or what some anonymous source told some nobody reporter about what's going to happen. The govt uses the media to put pressure on others and it's all a bunch of posturing with zero regard for what's actually happening. The key word for the Trump administration is action. Fuck even what Trump himself says, I'm focused on his actions (of which there haven't been too many, since we're not even a year in to his presidency).
I do think Trump is playing a sort of wwe theatre (some people think he's selling out ) and I know that comes up for debate a lot, but my real concern is that this shitting on hiding powerlevel/ 4dchess is going to catch on and some of us are going to be tempted to do obvious moves and go to jail or something. I think that's sharia blue's primary goal. (It's what I'd do kek)
What I'd love is for a real /ourguy/ to learn some better moves.
I don't mean to sound like a chesscuck but this was the plan all along, he said so. He said we were withdrawing until we could get a better deal. The US pays so much while China and India pay so little, and the US wanted less of a burden on its shoulders. Trump cucking out on DACA and trannies in the military is idiotic and pathetic, but this was what he said he was doing anyway.
That's a good way to look at it. A good thing to do is to just ask "okay how would I do it." and challenge yourself to follow all the actions through to their conclusions mentally. I start doing this and I'm not shocked anymore by Trump. Not only is it useful to understand generals, businessmen etc. it's good practice for us personally even if I'm wrong about Trump.
Whelp I believe Trump is more nationalistic then Kikebart would have you believe notice Kikebart doesn't praise Trump for things like the massive Opium crackdown he's doing, or the reason he's not appointing more of his team (like Brian Benczkowski) during the campaign is because of shit like the "muh Russia" bullshit.
I'll believe it when I actually see some real progress securing the border
So right now then, they've already started building the prototypes to see which one should be the defacto wall to be built right now. Unless the senate refuses to pass the budget then the Wall is getting funded already.
Ryan had pushed for a continuing resolution before Trump was inaugurated. The budget fight is going to occur next year iirc.
It didn't take him long to figure out America is too far gone to be saved. The best thing to do is find more hosts for Israel before the end. He thinks by doing so the full jews will go easy on his half-breed children. Maybe they will get to write histories of America explaining how even putting jews in control of the government and media couldn't undo the damage done by Christianity.