the KKK is infiltrating the st Louis protests tonight the fire rises will the white and black protesters start fighting will this be the race war ?
let make this happen
The KKK is infiltrating the st Louis protests tonight the fire rises will the white and black protesters start fighting...
can any shitlord make a better one snapped this one together to fast.
Will the niggers that come in kkk costumes actually wear gloves to cover their black hands this time?
im trying to meme a race war in st louis
FBI joining a protest? How is that unusual?
Actually, it would be really funny to watch the FBI get attacked by niggers…
actually wait a second…
This would make a perfect false flag opportunity.
>FBIniggers in sheets show up and false flag a shooting or (((terrorist attack)))
Welp… Nice knowing you lads. See you at the FEMA camp.
Seems like half-baked false-flag.
/leftty-pol/ is trying really hard on not trying to get beat up by niggers in st louis.
Those are KKK members. Those are leftist paid shills putting on a PR stunt so their (((masters))) can get a good photo op, run back to the ADL and SPLC, and lobby for the government to crack down on anyone Right of Marx.
This is a false flag.
Fuck. Should be Those are NOT KKK members.
does anyone on here knows how to meme a happening or is /leftty-pol/ fucking with the thread?
Yep. And I think they will be the violent ones. This is so they can crack down on actual white nationalists.
Trump will come to the podium with crocodile tears just like Obama did with Sandy Hoax and declare everyone to the right of him a terrorist.
Hope you guys have safe houses.
I'll give it a shot.
thanks user i didn't want to take this thread to cuckchan their meme get leaked.
believe a niggers word should a watch CNN now?
jesus christ, small school children know this
is the Jew bag of tricks this empty???
Hail Hortler!
That horse shit is why progress won't be made, anywhere. They're all under the same "umbrella" I believe that negro (yes there's a difference, btw) on YouTube saw that stuff. He looked genuinely puzzled and concerned. We're all being culled. Black nationalists know, smarter White nationalists know.
If this even bothers archery season a tad, I'm looking for your ass, if I have to spend money. This is petty. Set the country back centuries with your LARPing, yeah real credit to the Aryan race that'd be. Dumb fucks. Kkk =Jews for all we know, (you run with names like Fields, deem him a kike. KKK is the ultimate crypto Jew for all we know, for fucks sake are you one?) I don't stand with them. They do fuck all for the community where I've been that there's knights per SPLC. They're imaginary and probably developed by the gov't to ensure people don't decide we all get nationalist parties. You're encouraging divide and conquer. Oldest Jew trick in the damned book. Play both sides of the coin, you'll win every time. You should know that Hitler would be disgusted that nobody tried pushing for all those interested in securing a future for their kids. May as well rope you all now if hell is to break loose.
Anyone pushing this also gives fuck all about securing a future for White children. And you must not have kids, or you'd see the destruction LARPing will do.
Sorry mate, got distracted and forgot to do anything. Here's one.
Assume that anything done in public in front of a camera is a show, and then work to prove that it isn't.
They make really nice hoods.
Bed sheets, paper hats, ratchet strap belts, and skinny jeans. Seems totally legit.
100% not KKK in your picture OP.
no shit
No. The KKK do as the FBI instructs them to. They're nothing more than the designated boogieman.
fifth from the front is shaped like a qt grill
But yes, this is a false flag and (((something))) is going to happen, thus justifying the crackdown on pro-white thought.
In C+2, it's the same thing. A real KKK hasn't existed in generations.
That's a man, faggot.
you sure about that? I think I see some tiddies under that cloak
everyone knows kkk is retards and feds (aka secret police)
what would it take to stop them before they get there?
Not your personal army, CIA.
pretty much
sounds like a good time to also warn the niggers about those kinky-haired, ugly-faced, obnoxiously loud, whiny 'white' people who claim to be on their side…
Sage and report.
/lefft-pol/ is scared that they will get beat up by nigger that believes they are the KKK.
objective achieved antifap has became more of a terrorist organization.
What a laughably ridiculous false flag. Normies will eat this up, though.
sage for low energy OP
we just need to start telling them that the alt right nazis are infiltrating every single rally they have so they get paranoid.
would be real easy to fool them into believing it with some fake screenshots of discord and could get them to turn on some of their attendees or normies who arent 100% in line with them
Holla Forums: Becoming the jew to end the Jew.
someone link the image plz. I remember it but its not in my collection
Shouldn't it be the other way around?
Replace KKK with FBI because that's what it really is and has been for decades.
Is that a fucking gladius?
its probably this
Rolling for actually a bunch of Arabs in bedsheets
I always thought their outfit looked stupid. Wasn't it about scaring the dumb voodoo believing niggers by making them think they're ghosts or something? They need to modernize that dumb look. At least go scarier. No one believes in ghost shit anymore. Maybe like the Zodiac faggot, but with a more rounded hood. They'll scare more people if they look like someone who'd kill them in a dark alley.
They're the ghosts of Confederate dead. And niggers absolutely believe in ghosts.
I guess you could say that they were spooked
Also is there a difference between white nationalism versus white supremacy? The latter sounds more aggressive and belligerent, while nationalism seems more ideological with no defined approach
The way I always saw it was, White Nationalism is about preservation, while White Supremacy is about domination.
Why not both?
Apologies for my sperg burst yesterday, but I'm still pissed over the whale that dropped dead over car of peace. That's causing many many problems. I don't think we need more problems, however I'm seeing a real need for Whites to speak up. I just want to be taken seriously. KKK are likely Feds, and we just need to be mindful of setbacks. Like the false flag in Charlottesville, I've seen clues here too.
They're saying on the news, more protests are planned for today. We gotta use the Jews clues and play all sides. That way we win Every time. I have social medias to interrupt any dialogue they have like they do to us.
A suggestion I'm proposing I'm memeing the JQ to Chuck D, some others too from one account. IceT too. I suggest tweeting him. He usually looks at and likes tweets to him. See if you can get them tweeting that crypto Jews are responsible for shipping slaves here. Fill them in about how they change their names, and why. Also, Push Bodycount's song "no lives matter" "ay yo fam, listen to what he says here, these lyrics ain't lies y'all!" I'm hoping I can mange to get Chuck to tweet, let his followers know the devil isnt White, the devil is the Jew. He's fairly well versed in history, and he's not afraid to say a thing. The nigs are needed to meme this via internets. It should fly on it's own once they hear it. They're already suspicious, we need to play that side. I've been succeeding irl. Doing it before Trump muh antisemitic signal shoahs it all away
KKK was created by Albert Pike (Freemason=Crypto-kike). It's all masons and FBI.
This is why the KKK is for faggots. Each nation should have its own people and stay separate except for a few expats that accept their new culture. Then each nation can trade and cooperate on the basis of nation-states, as God established.
Too dumb to know the difference between feral and non-feral non-whites.
Well there's nothing wrong with an end goal that sees all of them extinct and their land and resource as ours. Can you provide a reason why negros should be allowed to exist, and why our innovation and advancement should assist them in prospering, when we could just be rid of them and use the resources to take us to new planets?
God established peoples and nations. You are a godless heathen, and not upholding traditional Christian values claimed by the KKK, if you believe in destroying what God has created. The problem is usury and all forms of kikery. There were plenty of civilized blacks during Reconstruction, when kikery was kept in check by force. Most niggerdom is a result of (Freemason) Johnson's Great Society making blacks dependent on the state and removing the men.
Remember the red flag at protests this weekend? I think it was the D.C moar one, but habbenings been running together. It could be st Louis too. It looks similar, no?
I don't fucking care about your Abrahamic god, you dumb fuck. I'm a White Nationalist, not a Christian. You know the term "christcuck" is thrown around a bit on her, and it perfectly suits you. Go talk about your based niggers on reddit. You're in the wrong place.
Since folks wanna play the slide game, I'm warning the good people here. I'm onto what looks like gun grab attempt they're sittin on with the "counter-protests". Anons, DON'T go to any protests. It's a fucking trap. I wish I were concern shilling but when you see, you'll "see" They're going to try to use the state, and any other organized militia groups against us, saying they don't conform to a "well-regulated" militia as defined within the 2A not a drill They're fixing to challenge something in Virginia. challenging something Anthony Scalia yes, Scalia! Put in I have screenshots if it's shoah'd. And, to be perfectly clear feds, the right people WILL KNOW if I'm messed with, at all.
Here's one article explaining (plz arch I'm otg)
Now check this blogs comments out, see where Scalia is mentioned. Revenge is a dish best served cold, meaning gun grab. There's a rant that needs seen, now.
Some sauce
why is this thread even on the front page?
this is a fake bomb threat type thing. Those doing it are doing it to give fuel for further hate crime and censorship laws, I highly doubt any of them are real KKK and if there are they're probably being lead by a plant or double agent using them to create an international media propaganda
pic related, they just want more of this. Honestly fuck everyone involved with this even if they ARE real KKK.
sorry meant to mention your post in the post I just made.
I'm amazed this thread isn't locked, anchored, deleted, or edited by a mod with this message added to the OP
OP of this thread is 9/10 odds a literal shill
Clans maybe!!! Hillbilly clans. I learned a whole lot new today. Not all masons are so clean cut. Or they are. You can't tell anymore. All walks of life in the hc, though.
Only trust those you know when gathering. Even then maybe be careful. They're everywhere. Among us this moment. You just have no idea who someone is inside their head. There's the rotten pigs.
Is there a chance of protest tonight?
Chances they better shut it down. More than just this goyim know. So many know that you'll never stop it. If a habbening happens, don't think a gorillion autismo will forget it. Our country needs a whack to the shins. Everyone complicit, "SHAME"
COPS aren't to be trusted, but some are. Way to fucking go. You should feel like scum fucs, you're the puke from the scumfuc.