Jake Paul dropped a new video which is fucking disturbing…

Jake Paul dropped a new video which is fucking disturbing…


I aint clicking that shit.

What's disturbing? Aside from the weird 13 year old fangirls dancing behind him. I guess that's pretty weird but then again only kids like this guy.

Traditionally when male "artists" perform they're surrounded by provocatively dressed women. This is to sell the performer as some kind of sex idol to potential fans. Seeing children replacing this trope can be disturbing, however seeing that exclusively female children were selected shows an obvious preference in gender in children, which is disturbing.

Yeah I get that. There weren't close-ups or exaggerated dancing, just stupid micro-thot fangirls who like Jake Paul because of Disney and Vine.

It is weird seeing them get almost paraded around as his groupies. He already did some weird ass kissing video that people were talking about before.

jesus, i think i will kill myself

I know the argument can also be made that "the video is just appealing to a commercially viable demographic" but here's my retort to that:

The exact same thing can be accomplished with a mix of kids wearing regular day-to-day clothes.

These girls are replacing a trope, as I said, sexually dressed "background" women. Those types of women usually, sometimes exclusively, wear bathing suits. These kids are also wearing bathing suites. It's a swap-out with age being the primary difference, but also as you said it does lack overt focus on their dancing. For me however the subliminal referencing is still obvious.

Yeah everything everywhere is awful, welcome to the shitshow.

I get sad when those I care for off themselves but then I remember they get to embrace eternal peace.

So kys or kys (keep yourself safe), whichever you choose.

God is dead

So…the difference between a bisexual pedo and a heterosexual pedo?

Grown men hanging around kids like that is just fucking weird. I wouldn't be suprised if we found a Goldstein connected to this ((youtube-celeb)), maybe as his agent or something, just like most bigger youtube-celebs around. They have been working out a system to make the internet the same as the hollywood-system where you have to be connected to get promoted and get big.

No, i'm saying they're following a common trope with the primary difference being age. I can't see the what possible commercial appeal there is to selecting exclusively under-aged girls in bathing suits other than pedophilia.


WEBM you fucking nigger

Here cause OP is a lazy faggot.

Next on /lolcows/, "Before they were /lolcows/"

Literally who?

Wow this is really degenerate.

Now that is disturbing

here is the owners of goyard from new york.

That girl in the purple though…

Bruno Frisoni the jewish owner of Goyard sent all them jewish kids.

Literally who?

==Maybe because he is a child-show performer== ?

Jake Paul gets a lot of persecution from kikes, who forced him to move out for being edgy and cancelled his contracts. Also he and his brother are quite aryan (which is why kikes probably hate them being role-models to kids).

I'm not saying we should do anything with him, but I think it's better to leave him alone

I don't follow youtube drama, but I recall hearing a lot about this guy doing.. something. Am I to assume he's another multi-million sub, wealthy "influencer" who gets paid sacks of cash to "review" expensive shit, like that ass-goblin Casey Neistat?… and he also happens to be, from what I can tell, a huge pedophile who sells rap to pre-teen girls?

Heh, they do look mostly jewish now that you mention it.

So you're telling me that if I'm good with (((the chosen))) they'll handover me their Jewish girls to be their buck?

Honestly these are fucking hilarious.

Aren't those girls a bit too young for this kind of stuff?


Is Jake Paul jewish? His brother looks quite odd…

That's the understatement of the century. But get with the times goy, whoring your daughter out to Disney media is what all the parents are doing! You don't wanna seem like some old stick-in-the-mud fuddy duddy, do you?

They both look.. odd. Something about their eyes is all wrong.

Everyone who doesn't have a nose like an anime character is a Jew
No dumbass, they're just typical mindless normalfag shabbos goyim.

Raping children like a God Church!



I'm dying./=

kikes will do anything for shekels.

Eceleb shit so am saging. Now with that being said, I saw this guy for the first time last week by accident. It was a recommended video about a house in Dallas with a 10m swim park in it's backyard. This guy is this generations Pauly Shore. No idea why he's so popular (Jew?) but he is.




that's ballsy if nothing else. it's the Trump strategy, when challenged always double down.

Little girls want to fuck Jake Paul, that's not weird. He makes them think they have a chance, that's weird.

wtf I love jake paul now :^)

Lucky bastard


who's this faggot and why should i know him?

I'm not gay.

He's THE NEXT BIG THING on jewtube, which is funny since I haven't seen a single video of his, nor been recommended one. I hadn't even heard of him until last week. Not sure if there's an angle, or if it's just another fag being marketed to bobby soxers.
He's half harmless Disney, half "badboy" Viva La Bam.

Never trust a man who hides his hairline.

Jesus Christ Save us all.

Yes I am pretty sure He is and tat their third brother is (((Richard Spencer)))