I can't read books anymore. I want to read but i simply cannot. Because i can't keep reading the book after 2 pages. I try really hard to focus but i always fail
i used to read tons of books 5 years ago. now i can't even read a paragraph longer than 140 words. How can i fix this? Should i buy reading glasses? Will that help me to focus more?
I can't read books anymore. I want to read but i simply cannot. Because i can't keep reading the book after 2 pages...
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Hi Muke
i'm not underage
try painting or doing exercise while listening to them
also, put yourself in a position where you have to read, like a subway or a bus
Assuming in good faith you're actually serious… saging just in case
It's well established that the advent of the internet has diminished our focus due to it's distractive nature. Really the only thing you can do is try to re-discipline yourself by reading every day.
Don't pick a life of ignorance.
whoops forgot to change my shitposting flag!
how can people even read on a bus or subway
Low attention span is caused by frequent internet and video game use.
You're luck: There's a cure.
What you do is when you find yourself becoming bored after two pages, keep going. Keep going until you've read at least four pages. Those extra pages will feel pretty boring, but keep at it. Keep doing this until you find those extra pages no longer so difficult. Then add two to four more.
This is exactly the same logic behind building muscle by lifting weights. I speak as somebody who was at one time addicted to MMOs and found it destroying my ability to concentrate on reading, which was once my favorite activity. Eventually you will be back to your old self.
You may also want to change your environment, because if the temptation of a computer is near at hand you'll find it harder to exercise self-discipline.
go on a 6 hour trip, you will have to read
stop saging my thread
i'll try this. thank you.
What helps me is turning off my computer and reading in a different room if possible.
btfo muke
Kill yourself you unfunny cunt.
You leave me with no other choice.
i'm gonna destroy you
meanie ;-;
i actually go to the library to read, it's easier to concentrate there. I can read 50 pages/day on average if I'm there.
I was able to read "The Stranger" in my bedroom pretty easily. Start with easy books.
This. Being in a library does wonders. And turn off your phone.
I have a similar problem to OP except instead of losing focus I get sleepy. Even if I'm not tired at all, reading text on a page is almost hypnotic. I can start just fine but after the first dozen pages or so, I start nodding off partway through a paragraph and then have to find my place again. A dozen or so pages later and I start really feeling like I'm about to fall over and when I find my place, everything i just read feels like a distant memory. It's to the point that I can use reading to make myself sleep if I need to. But I want to be able to read for more than a few minutes at a time.
Kill yourself, leddit. You don't read books because you're a fucking retard.
why so salty
Not him, but newfags that don't understand the proper use of sage are very annoying.
To mutch internet resets your attention span to multitask focussing instead of solo focus needed to read books in long duration. You got a short attention span now champ, its back to consetration training.
You might have some kind of attention deficit, I take amphetamines for ADHD.
But literally everyone has a computer in their pocket now
Yup and thats why nobody reads anymore, well books atleast! We read messages and short stuff in mass.
Youre me.
Btw, its because when youre reading you dont have some screen in your face or anything else to distract you from how tired you actually are all the time. Sleep more. Im on nightshift so I Have no choice but to go without
Until I hit age 20 I lived in a deep rural area where you couldn't get internet or cell service even if you wanted to
I read so many books
Now that im able to play games online for the first time in my life, books have talen a massive back burner. Now you guys got me worried that the internet has fucked me
This has happened to me before, and sometimes has been hard to fix. The only consistent method for me has been to eliminate most or all info-processing tasks for a while (restricted reading, watching, talking, etc., but thinking is OK) and to go to a place which does not demand attention, usually nature, for a week or so. Sometimes it takes longer.
Avoiding excessive internet and video game use is always a good idea.
Also, forcing myself to read has generally been unproductive.
You sound sleep deprived. If not, walk away from the book and come back later; reading is a waste of time if you can't remember anything. You could also try walking while you read, it will at least prevent you from falling asleep.
What. How much time do you spend there?
from 13:30 to 19:00 with a break to eat foodies
i also drink 1-2 cups of the small southern european coffee (espresso i guess) and i don't use tablets or a pc to read. PC distracts me and i just end up wasting time on memes
You must imagine sisyphus happy :^)
This makes me read even more, because I can fit many books into my little cheapo phone, and use fbreader.
Mobi, Epub type formats, resize easy. I've quadrupled my mobile reading.