What's his name again?
What's his name again?
Other urls found in this thread:
Jimmy "Love seeing porky Gore" Dore
Jimmy "Drop a cop, Start a co-op" Dore
Jimmy "gas the ruling class" Dore
Chairman Jimmy "Ruling Class can kiss my ass" Dore
Jimmy "Hang up the class-cucks" Dore
Jimmy "if Bubsy was a commie" Dore
Jimmy "The Bourgeoise I Do Abhor" Dore
Jimmy "making america red again" dore
Jimmy "every bourg in a morgue" Dore
Jimmy "The working class tyrannosaur" Dore
Jimmy "Slice the Pigs in four' Dore.
Jimmy "arm the poor" Dore
Jimmy "I was taught by Pol Pot" Dore
Jimmy "I need Mao now" Dore
Jimmy "I wish the Berlin Wall did not fall" Dore
Jimmy "Cenk is wrong, Marxism strong" Dore
Angry Joe
Jimmy "Kulaks deserved it" Dore
Jimmy "the rich are my bitch" Dore
Let's arm the poor, I'm Jimmy Dore
Jimmy "Fill every ditch with the rich" Dore
Jimmy "Red-blooded to the core" Dore
Jimmy "Loot every store" Dore
Jimmy "Watch me beat Stalin's high score" Dore
Jimmy "Veteran of the class war" Dore
Jimmy "Capitalism is no more" Dore
What did you do that fur?
I don't know why, but this one made me laugh way harder than it should have.
May have just been nostalgia from dinosaurs tho
Jimmy "Class Rustlin'" Dore
Someone please contact Jimmy Dore and talk to him about socialism.
Jimmy "Paint the Floor with Corporate Whores" Dore
oi mate, praise the lord, get in and slam the door
cause the floor, is bout to be taking by jimmy fucing dore
sore to the core, rise up and keep the score
and count, as i smash threse bourgoise whores
offshore? accounts, mate u must be a fucking bore
im getting your bourgoise ass even if you're in ecuadore
it's getting ugly gore, when I get my comrade cor
-byn, you know jim? stalin's an anarchist next to him
so confess to your sin, but don't wait for a redemption
what you get's the wall, gulag, or your head in a trash bin
Jimmy "I'm more than OK with the DPRK" Dore
Jimmy "Makin' porky worry" Dore
Jimmy "Mass graves are all the rave" dore
Jimmy "red flood of banker blood" Dore
We will have full Marxism-Doreism soon
Jeff Goldblum
Jimmy "Let the fascists hit the floor" Dore
Does he ever answer letters or anything on his show? He should.
The sad thing is I doubt Jimmy Dore knows how many actual communists are big fans.
jimmy "bored with the great leap forward" dore
Jimmy "Cenk is a bourgeois whore" Dore
So this guy is like the Holla Forums version of Molymeme where the board watches him slowly descent into "redpill" madness until he goes full commie
Sort of.
gulagposting detected.
Jimmy "Obama a shit" Dore
Not an argument
KEK ← this one
Jimmy "ship idpol to the north pole" Dore.
Jimmy "Satan is Lord" Dore
Saved it
Jimmy "60 million more" Dore
These are both really good I'm surprised nobody posted funny reaction images
Jimmy "3 4 5 6 glock a nigga hit a bitch" Dore
Jimmy "Corporate Whores" Dore
Jimmy "The Proles Can't Take It Any More" Dore
Jimmy "Neoliberalism Is A Bore" Dore
Jimmy "Let The Porkies Hit The Floor" Dore
Jimmy "Let's Start A Revolutionary Paramilitary Corps" Dore
Jimmy "The Boom-Bust Cycle Is A Chore" Dore
Jimmy "What Do We Want? A World Worth Fighting For" Dore
Jimmy "Drano Bombs In My Drawer" Dore
Jimmy "Fuck The Boers" Dore
Jimmy "Nineteen Eighty Four" Dore
Jimmy "For All These Porky Tears I'd Need A Canoe And An Oar" Dore
Jimmy "The Fastest Way For Capitalist Bodies To Rejoin Nature Is If You Leave Them On The Shore" Dore
Jimmy "That's Our Ore" Dore
Jimmy "A Laborer Doesn't Grow On A Spore" Dore
Jimmy "Uprise Downpour" Dore
Jimmy "Even The Score" Dore
Jimmy "Libertarian 'Theory' Is A Snore" Dore
Jimmy "Without Capitalism Humanity Will Begin To Soar" Dore
Jimmy "The People Are A Lion And Soon It Will Roar" Dore
Jimmy "The Most Leftist Fetish Is Vore" Dore
"The Rich Abhor" Jimmy Dore
"The Proles Adore" Jimmy Dore
Jimmy "Master Of Amour" Dore
Jimmy "Trump Winning Is The Moment We All Asked For" Dore
Jimmy "Emptied The Leftist Bookstore" Dore
Jimmy "Capitalists Think My Comments Are 'Uncalled For'" Dore
Jimmy "King Of The Dance Floor" Dore
Jimmy "Lies To The Drugstore" Dore
Jimmy "Blood Goes Nicely With Porky's Fine Decor" Dore
Jimmy "The Bourgeois State Is Done For" Dore
Jimmy "Their Opulence And Extravagance Is An Eyesore" Dore
Jimmy "Execution Encore" Dore
Jimmy "There's Lightyears Out There To Explore" Dore
Jimmy "Capitalist Lies Aren't Worth Falling For" Dore
Jimmy "Murder Galore" Dore
Jimmy "The Dying Porkies Implore" Dore
Jimmy "Indoors Youtube Whore, Outdoors Class War" Dore
Jimmy "The USSR Will Be Restored" Dore
Jimmy "Class Conflict Is High In Torr" Dore
Jimmy "Guns Up And Down My Corridor" Dore
you guys owe me something for this
I really like this one
Feel free to save it, Debra! :^) I'm personally pretty proud of "The Rich Abhor" Jimmy Dore
You're scraping the bottom of the barrel here so hard it actually wraps around to funny again.
Jimmy "Fallin' For Stalin" Dore
Jimmy "Being Bourgeois is a Lethal Faux-Pas" Dore
Jimmy "Crush the Sassenach Horde While Playing Macklemore" Dore
It's true though??
is there any plan to further radicalise Jimmy?
Holy fuck that first video
Think we'll throw Obama in jail for war crimes before he dies?
Jimmy "Go Red or go Dead" Dore
Jimmy "liberals make me snore" Dore
Jimmy "let porky's body wash up on the shore" Dore
Jimmy "pass the .308, I need to blast the upper class" Dore
Jimmy "the bourgeoisie I do abhor, killing porky I do implore" Dore
wat de fuggg
Where's the atheist one with Commander Incest from?
At least somebody got the reference.
Holy fuck I did not expect that hot fire to shoot out of my monitor
Man, how does comrade Dore sit through that bullshit?