Does The World Ends With You have any missables?
Does The World Ends With You have any missables?
Sort of, but after you beat the game there is a chapter select option so you can just go back and get them.
Mostly Pins you get from killing Pig-type Noises.
There are however certain Pins that you can only get one of and you cannot get them again. So dont sell any Pin you only have one of.
You mean like things that you can lock yourself out of? Not really.
Once you beat the game you can go back and replay days and get things you might have missed.
Why were you on reddit?
Wait why are you on reddit?
You sound like you belong there, please go back.
what's a missable?
This is some pretty abstract shitposting, but anyone doing this to a TWEWY deserves to be banned for the day
stop bullying.
make me
You don't have the taste to hold valid opinions.
He doesn't have the intelligence
TWEWY sucks
How'd I manage to reply to myself instead of
YOU suck
Why don't you like it? I thought the combat was pretty novel, even if the top screen controls were overly simplified. It's one of the few games on the DS where the touchscreen doesn't feel like a gimmick.
we have ids newfag
read the thread retard
so he were talking about you when he said he doesn't have the intelligence. it's all clear now.
he was appending the statement to mine, you fucking dumbass.
The big thing is to not sell any unique pins, some pins you can only get one of in the entire game. If you're not sure if it's unique or not, check.
You can only face some of the pigs in the Pig Tower once. This means that you need to complete them on the highest difficulty if you want your bestiary complete. They have the same drops on every difficulty and your bestiary will show the drops for the difficulty you beat them on and lower difficulties. So you'll have a few blank slots if you beat them on a lower difficulty, though that doesn't really do anything meaningful.
There might be something else that I don't remember. It's a great game, have fun.
I couldn't get past the first few dialogues, so cringeworthy it was. Even by JRPG standards.
I instantly hated everyone I meet, protagonist the most.
Fuck that game.
This is bait.
No it isn't.
It was like one of those shitty deviant art comics with sprites ripped from GBA games.
His edgyness doesn't even last for a third of the game, the point of his character is he starts off that cringy and becomes less of a faggot. Also what kind of retard drops a game just from shit that's less than 30 minutes in. This isn't a fucking VN, the draw is the gameplay.
you might miss how fuckable Shiki's ass looks in those tight little shorts, I just wanna stretch that brown little anus open and give her a tongue lashing
The exp from passing other players was bullshit
Wow she even got the pencil thin waist line down
If you spend your first dark matter (or some other post-game collectable, but I think it was Dark Matter) in the wrong order it's really slow to get more.
I think it was you needed to buy the unlimited stomach thing so you could gain stats super quick and easy so you actually stand a chance against the enemy that drops more dark matter, but I'm not sure.
Uh, user…
I just like having a 7" touchscreen with varied and interesting controls. :(
That is pretty much the beginning of the end game content.