What is Kabbalah and how much influence on today's Zionist policies and worldwide politics it has? Where to start if one wants to study it? Describe your experiences with it.
Other urls found in this thread:
Ask Madonna, she swears by it. Revealed in one interview that her family only drink Kabbalah water, which naturally costs tens of thousands per year. (((Spiritual)))
It's basically the witchcraft that the Inquisition was trying to eradicate. The entire (((media))) is rife with it, it's their meme magic. It probably has power because they believe in it, collective consciousness manifesting reality. That sort of a thing.
The real question is, will the Synagogue of Satan stolen version of the Quaballah cuck you? If so where can we find the uncucked versions: Druidic, Egyptian, and Runic versions that were supposedly destroyed by the Judeo Christians?And if found, how do we verify its authenticity?
You will find the purest source of what the Kabbala is supposed to be in Sumer. Under Nebuchadnezzar Babylon was experiencing a Neo-Sumerian revival by his decree. Unfortunately, when he died, so did that wish. His cuck son Amil-Marduk, also known as Evil-Marduk set the exiled King of Judah, Jehoiachin, free and even let him sit upon the throne once held by Nebuchadnezzar.
It was here I believe the kikes stole much. Ever since they have been abusing the fuck out of the power with their admittedly refined, but also perverted version of Mesopotamian occultism.
I say any anons who want to get to bottom of shit should seek to reverse engineer the kike versions of occultism, ie, the Kabbala. The kikes DID NOT create the source of their system. We all know the kikes create nothing, only end up stealing them claiming they created it. This is an ancient tradition of these vile people.
Theres no such thing as "Judeo-christian" you fucking retard. The bible talks about how evil the jews are at length and calls them "a generation of vipers" and "servants of the devil" on multiple occasions.
You think the ones who wrote those books are unaware of their own nature?
Who removed the Druidic and Runic versions from our grasp?You wouldnt equate that murderous tendency to be something of a "Viper"?
Which books are a must read if someone wants to study it?
Honestly, there is many books about the Kabbala out there. Depends how you want to approach the matter. If you will approach it as a practicing magician, Id look into the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn material. I know Aleister Crowly was a degenerate faggot, but he had enough know how on the matter to where reading his shit could be valuable, to a degree.
Heres a couple books I got right next to me on the shelf I think could be of help as well:
Qabalistic Concepts by William G Gray
Tree of Life by Israel Regardie
You dont really need to get into the fine details of things, just understand the Tree of LifeSephira, and eventually you will need to learn of the Tree of DeathQliphoth . But focus on the Tree of Life and understand how it is actually planetary magick.
Personally I approached it from the perspective of someone who was working with the Simon Necronomicon. When I first began to practice there was next to no usable material out there related to Mesopotamia, as it was pre-internet days. But one book I did find interesting was:
Chaldean Magic by Francois Lenormant
It was more of an archeological approach tot he matter, plus he had some interesting theories regarding a connection between the Finns and Mesopotamians.
Kek has given me the dubs of duality to steer this thread in the right direction.
Ive heard of this story from Sumer and Babylon, would you by any chance be aware what documents these claims come from?
Now you mention it I'm curious as to which civilization recorded themselves having it first. Apparently Thoth brought it to Khem Egypt, not sure though what are the direct sources, you also cannot carbon date the stones in Egypt. We need to get these sources straightened out.
kabbalah is a rip-off of vedic and zoroastrian meditation and ritual. its jewish cancer. just study aryan spirituality.
Your double dubs speak loudly. Can you specify which claims you are alluding to? If you mean the kikes stealing from Babylon, there is nothing out there beyond my observation of how kikes operate and the similarities between their system and the far superior Babylonian version.
My point is this, the kikes stole everything they have.
This is why the whole transfer of power after Nebuchadnezzar died and how his son was a total cuck is of great importance, in my view. I cannot find unbiased renditions of the story anywhere, only shit from literal kike sources. This little bit of history seems to be white washed, for obvious reasons.
I understand why anyone would scoff at my theories, but I dont care. I know how the kike operates, and where they derive their power, and how badly they have perverted it, purposely
You're definitely correct it is stolen, but from the Babylonians. Of course kikes will steal from anyone, but it was personal with the Babylonians since Nebuchadnezzar rekt them so hard and crushed the Temple of Solomon, according to their history of course.
Oh, one thing to take note of, I fully think the kikes in high positions use the powers of the below, or Qliphoth far more than the above, or Sephira. Information about the Qliphoth isnt as readily available though. You gotta dig to find that shit. Thats that Satanism they practice, imho.
This very topic is an ongoing slow grinding investigation on the boards, as you mentioned there seem to be no solid sources for stories like the Babylonian one indicating it very well could be an engineered dead end to discourage further investigation. If we do have a solid source we can bring it to light for our experts to read it again and find new clues.
Perhaps these dead ends are to prevent us from searching in Europe, India, Egypt for example.
My point being we need to start realistically searching for these sources and then analyzing them.
Fully agreed. I absolutely feel the same way about, as you put it, "engineered dead ends". We know damn well how history, in just the last few months has been perverted to suit an end, imagine thousands of years?
kabbalah originate around the same time as talmud. jews realized Torah's teachings were becoming outdated as time advanced. both kabbalah and talmud were invented to "reinterpret" Torah to gain new perspectives regarding its old teachings.
kabbalah == ripoff of aryanism
Dubs of the void, Kek willing we will pull these sources hidden from the kikes FROM THE VOID.
Lets continue this, the only other sources I know of are the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, and maybe the Oera Linda.
OERA LINDA: I havent even read the Oera Linda yet because I am still unsure of its authenticity but many seem to claim that the runes in it which accurately match related rune discoveries made later in time which was unknown at the time of its discovery verify it?
EMERALD TABLETS: Where the fuck are these things and how the fuck do I know they are not made up?
SIR ISAAC NEWTON: I know he wrote a lot on the Kaballah, being the genius he is it is probably worth checking but is he cucked?
One thing Ive noticed concerning most books about anything related to mysticism and mythology is none of them are 100% authentic, in the typical sense. With that said, read everythin you get your hands on and use critical thinking in conjunction with intuition to sift out the bullshit agendas, sloppy gap stops, and other assorted garbage in your sources. Were not gonna have full proof sources to work with attempting to unearth a buried corpse.
Also, I think reading what Newton had to say on the matter is worthwhile. Just figure out where you can see his cuckedness is influencing his words. If you have been around here for a long time you should definitely be able to do that, considering all the garbage articles and shills we deal with daily here.
Friend, if nothing is found in a year time I suggest not experimenting with that system using their words and their sounds which hold archetypal power which u know shitfuck about, unless u be a goodgoy and study in Israel for a few years and sus it out.
I would pursue the elemental methods (if you know what system I'm referring to..) and reach out to someone like Tesla to reveal the real system or an alternative.
You're quite a few fucking centuries out there you magnificent mongoloids.
It's a practice designed believe it or not to access higher states of consciousness like eastern meditation, yoga, whirling dervishes, extreme fasting and sensory deprivation.
The kikes you see bobbing their head while holding a book? They're not reading or reciting anything - they're arguing trivia with themselves like;
and on and on like this for hours until they're driven demented and, supposedly, gain some insight or closeness to satan or some shit.
This is kabbalah - literally arguing about bullshit in your own head. Not that wizened wop's magic bracelet string and holy water.
Decent summary here. Some dude (Lorian sp?) had a particularly evil form of the Kabbalah in the 1600s, then one of his followers adopted it and proclaimed to be the antichrist. Sabbatai Sevi. This Jew started crypto judaism and with the leading role of his follower Franks (Frankist), has been the foundation for Masonry, Donmeh Muslims, Jesuits, Illuminati, Marranos, Chabbad (fronted as a moderate group before arriving in America). All of it. He started the whole satanic moral relativism/beyond good and evil bit and to prove their belief in it they'd perform child rape/human sacrifice/mass orgys etc.
Nigger he admitted he knows there isnt solid sources on that, read what he said.
Doing shit like that in your head is a form of mental weight lifting which allows for more elaborate mental actions. And thats a pretty shitty example of one.
Maybe it is.
That's not why (((they)))'re doing it however.
I use the Mesopotamian method. I never felt comfortable using their methods fully. I use their Tree of Life as a map, as I feel it is useful, but incomplete.Like I said, they stole it. Im reverse engineering what they have, sorting out the kiked up shit, and trying to make a long dead system Mesopotamian usable again.
You sound like a bafoon.. Guys like you talk out both sides of your mouth. Me and that other user were trying to piece together long buried and forgotten history. You are going to sit on your ass and believe 100% the kiked up (((history))) and mock anyone who dares claim otherwise.
Fuck off (((user)))
play Enochian chess ?
"a complete system of training and initiation."
There's no buried history.
The kikes didn't keep it sekrit squirrel for hundreds of years and then suddenly tell everyone about it. That'd be fucking stupid.
Read a fucking book instead of speculating out of ignorance.
Mind sharing your findings and how they are useful?How does it differ from the kiked version?
Dude listen to yourself, arent they known for silencing true information and replacing it with cucked info?Your arguing against yourself, you are obviously not from here.
It's pretty clear whoever is directing the false terror attacks is using or performing ritual magick. Take for instance this latest bucket bomb.
Publicized injured:
Number of injured:
Police chief:
Parsons Green
Parsons and Hubbard were both disciples or collaborators with Crowley.
Check out any of the false flags they are always interwoven with this shit.
If you want to know the history of the Kaballah, go back and pin the Jew who coined the term, and assume from there he plagiarized it, then did everything he could to make it an antithesis of its origin.
If you aren't listing books, you are full of shit and speculating upon speculation. Most books, are speculation.
Read Myth of the 20th Century. It's got a pretty good run down of the history of racial, ethnic and cultural procession. Pay in mind the NSDAP didn't have the same tools and methods of research and historical chronology as we do now, as well as genetic mapping.
Bill Cooper did an entire piece on the Kaballah as well.
Snippet of Bill Cooper
More in depth Gnostic explanation of the secrets hidden in architecture and city planning.
I thought the Mesopotamian link was due to bastardised myth and rituals ending up with the proto-kikes. Etana, Lilitu, the Assyrian tree of life. Shit like that. When I say link, I don't mean a direct link to the past. It's Babylonian in the same way that Wicca is Celtic. New Age mysticism that borrows ancient memes in order to gain an air of gravitas.
There is absolutely zero indication the Babylonians had anything to do with kaballah or anything of the sort. You m8 Mystic fucking Meg isn't going to reverse engineer the Mesopotamian version because it didn't exist.
Christian yuyopean intellectuals had Latin translations of the zohar not long after it was written - which is a long, long time after Babylon ceased to exist.
You seem to be confusing the old testament combining kike stories with Babylonian ones creating contradictions. That has nothing to do with fucking kaballah of course.
Ya, because its not like the Babylonians and Sumerians didnt practice planetary magick or anything. Take your own fuckin advice and read a book faggot. You think the correspondences between the sephira and planets were pulled out of thin air you monumental cock gobbler?
Dont comment on things you nothing about, unless you're just trying to distract us from uncovering shit, which would be very (((tribe))) like. Bring something of value to the table without being a complete faggot about it, or I'm just gonna filter your misinformation spewing ass.
I didn't mention Babylon little man.
Sounds like speculation however, you aren't citing any sources.
Im telling you, there is more of a link between the two than most are aware of. Ive run into numerous people who tell me just what you said. I understand why though, as there is pretty much nothing of note to show the link in a direct manner. Once you do practice you find that using one system with tons of holes to fill requires one to seek out substance for those holes. While I didn't ever use any of the Kabbalistic rites as they prescribed them, as I never felt in tune with that system, I did understand the substance of what was being done by Kabbalists. It filled in many blanks for me. ALong the way I began to discover that perhaps there was many thing intentionally left out at least to the general public, even guys like Crowley and McGreggor. I truly think the kikes are misusing an older system, purposely or out of ignorance, I don't know. With the kikes it can go either way.
Once you commune with them Mesopotamian deities yourself, many links begin to reveal themselves. You can scoff at what I say, I would understand why. But in my work 19 years Ive found that there is very good reason Babylon was shitted on in the Torah and OT so heavily. You have to bury what you stole from utterly for that theft to never be known. Plus, the kikes were pretty buttblasted over the Temple of Solomon getting rekt by Nebuchadnezzar. I also happen to think this little scuffle between the two magickal schools went back and forth, as far as the transfer of knowledge, many times prior to Nebuchadnezzar.
Wanna know what I see in the painting in the embed pic? Inannas return from the underworld. The two spirits to her left are the spirits who gave her the water of life, and food of life, reviving her. To the right Ninmah, in process of draping her with clothes again after Inanna was striped of everything on her descent into the underworld.
One tidbit I may have stumbled upon is there could be side trees. For the Sephira could be aligned with ANNA, or heavens, and Qliphoth aligned with KIA, or earth. At the Abyss, DAATH it appears there is a connection between Above, Sephira, and below, Qliphoth. From this convergence I speculate two trees go out "horizontally" related to FIRE and WATER, perhaps not in the forms we are familiar with though.This also has connection to the meeting spot in the cardinal positions at the NE between Earth and Air. To the SW Fire and Water meet.
This meeting of Fire and Water is something you guys who practice Norse magick probably are far more familiar with than I, and would be very interested in what your tradition says about this.
I'm not disputing the existence of Mesopotamian rituals and mysticism, but I don't know how many, if any of those practices ended up in Kabbalah. New Age stuff tends to be a grab-bag of practices from various sources, jammed together into an ill fitting mosaic. If you can salvage some fragments and put them together into a working system, then do it. You might want to look up Assyrian oracle texts and writings on divine kingship if you're going to fill in some of the gaps. Nineveh texts might be of interest as well.
Dubs confirm your suggested sources of value. You're very right about the new age shit too. Their shit is always soft though. Its constantly pushing light and totally ignoring the darkness, leaving what dwells within that darkness to fester. I personally feel that new age shit is harmful because of that reason.
You have to start with its true owners and the most hilariously open secret about its true origin. It's so up front that you can glance at it from wikipedia, where it claims it was made by the jews but in truth it wasn't. But it's a bit more complicated than that.
Like most things, the Kabbalah; or rather the Qabalah, was stolen from whites by the jews - specifically the jews stole it from ancient egyptians. The jews literally just name swapped everything and altered it. The Qabalah is not the all-encompassing of ancient egyptian magic, but it is useful. To be exact, ancient egyptian magic stems from Hermes Trismegistus who was known to be so powerful and wise that ancient egyptians deified him. He is known as Thoth. Later, the ancient Greeks paid homage to Hermes Trismegistus by naming one of their deities Hermes.
When the real Qabalah resurfaced in the modern age, the jews went about selling their kike version to New Age bluepilled people. If you believe anything remotely /fringe/ related, you should know that naming and practicing magic while invoking the wrong beings is extremely hazardous. Since the jews have begun selling their version of the book and most people don't know it's a fraud, new age bluepilled people are invoking beings that only serve the jews.
The bottom line is that you should first acquire a version of the Qabalah without the jew names in it. Otherwise you will be using a tool that only serves the jews. Here's an useful guide to remember: The jews spelled Kabbalah with a K, because it's for Kikes.
after studying kabbalah i'm convinced the jews have had an endgoal for millennia now, because kabbalah is probably one of the first, if not the first, instances of the same globalism/postmodernist thought that we face at large today. 1st pic related is a good starter and will help you understand why jews are so into things like quantum physics and 'ego death' politics. 2nd pic is an actual quote from that book's author.
it's also interesting to note the impact it had on the enlightenment - link below is from australia's own government-owned media outlet funnily enough.
"The Bible later makes mention of a third type of angel found in the Merkabah called "Seraphim" (lit. "burning") angels. These angels appear like flashes of fire continuously ascending and descending. These "Seraphim" angels power the movement of the chariot. In the hierarchy of these angels, "Seraphim" are the highest, that is, closest to God, followed by the "Hayyot", which are followed by the "Ophanim." The chariot is in a constant state of motion, and the energy behind this movement runs according to this hierarchy. The movement of the "Ophanim" is controlled by the "Living creatures", or Hayyot, while the movement of the "Hayyot" is controlled by the "Seraphim". The movement of all the angels of the chariot is controlled by the "Likeness of a Man" on the Throne."
"The Talmudic interdictions concerning merkabah speculation are numerous and widely held. Discussions concerning the merkabah were limited to only the most worthy sages, and admonitory legends are preserved about the dangers of overzealous speculation concerning the merkabah."
Jew trail starts to break down here I think
The obsession with astrological phenomenon does make sense if you think about aliens in relation to other planets and things of that nature. I always felt like they things they do now were done in the past, sort of like common steps to do achieve a goal. The fallen angel stuff is probably about kike aliens wanting to conquer a foreign planet and human culture.
the Qliphoth ?
maybe new age, next level ? New complexity
as above so below examples
Didn't jews steal the whole Tree of Life shit?
See (checked) does dubs in the ID count as well?
Honestly, what haven't jews stole?
Evil, lies and corruption. Is my guess.
Where though?
If that's the case then I guess they can't steal themselves.
It's been a while but if you can't find a legitimate Qabalah copy, you could look for reading guides for the (((Kabbalah))) that tells you how to read it with the proper names and terms. IIRC there was one on thr /fringe/ library but it wasn't complete. Honestly you'd have better luck swapping out the jew names for white deities for things like the tree of life.
Wait did the Inquisition exist to combat jewish influence in Spain?
Im doing something like that, except its Sumerian and Babylonian deities. Gotta say it works.
They did. When have kikes not stolen from others and passed it off as their own idea?
Soft prostitute. Read the liner notes from her first album about coalburning with Nile Rodgers.
Meme magic has always been an arms race. We are the kings… for now.
Partially, yes. Why do you think of all historical events the inquisition is held up as being "lworse than hitler :^)"
It can be done. I did it.
Kabbalah is literally ancient meme magic. There's a reason the jews have slapped their dogshit language all over it and so covetously squawked on about it being theirs.
Elaborate please.
I've never really made the connection to it before. Makes sense when you add in the sephardi jewish factor.
Checked, but how? Does the original still exist? Didn't the european Alchemists use the jew names too? It doesn't feel right to make up names either.
The reason that a lot of western occultists still use the hebrew demon glyphs, and one of the reason's its so hard to just up and choose another language, is becasue is hebrew is, for lack of a better term, a symbolicly rich language. That is to say, A is not just A, A is also the number 1, the hieroglyphic for Oxen, the color yellow, the Fool Tarot card, and the astral pathway between the sephiroth of kether and chokma. The web of correspondence and synchronicity that is possible with a symbolically rich alphabet it vital to this paradigm.
Egyptian Coptic, Greek and of course, the Futhark Runes are valid alternatives, but it involves adjusting the symbolism and the numerology from the ground up. No easy feat. Also, as you say, God Names are no thing to replace lightly, and have been my biggest hurdle to date. I've had promising results with certain indo-aryan mantras so far.
The word "Kabbalah" itself is a kike re-branding. The hebrew word QBL, Qoph-Resh-Lamed, simply means reception or to receive, having connotations of antennae receiving a radio signal, perhaps looking for synonymous words in the languages mentioned above would prove fruitful.
had friends who were deep into it, used energy of 'raves' to bend spacetime and blow up things (tube bombings, 10 years later, fucking trolls)
I found that it matched certain aspects of hyperdimensional reality, but had encoded programming to trap the users.
Just get into 4d and 5d math visualisation, don't bother with the kiked trap
i took a parallel course - 4/5d visualisation (rotating hypertetrahedron) .
Then i moved on, and now use chaos. non-symbolic, non-lexical, avoids all the pitfalls of previous biased encoding.
In the occult world this is called a "blind", you see it everywhere from subtle changes in a tarot card's original art to switching words around in a ritual to the promotion of outright tupla tier mom-wicca (looking at you, Llewellyn press). The whole idea was to keep as many people on the wrong path as possible to keep the goyim profane away from the mysteries :^)
If there's one thing in the world sneaky kikes love as much as pedoshit and shekels, its goddamn occult blinds.
I actually studied Kabbalah for a bit taught by a Rabbi. It's the oral tradition underpinning all of Judaism. It focuses mostly on consciousness and methods of ascending and descending through different states of consciousness in order to better understand God. Except you could also manipulate this knowledge for the purposes of magic. There's probably something too it and it certainly gives you insight into how Jews actually view their religion: as an act of reality creation.
In other words, Gematria is similar to checking dubs? Is this the true meme magic, engineered synchronicity?
Winner winner chicken tendie dinner.
If that's what the jew said, now you get to hear how much that rabbi lied to you right to your face.
Top kek, at least the Golden Dawn used fucking swords for that.
if you studied, did you ever find your merkabah?
if not, then you never understood
Not if it's the Jewish adaptation.
more accurate than most would understand! nice :)
Buddhist teachers after doing a rite or ritual with their students will occasionally offer red string as protection cords. I doubt she is Buddhist so it could mean anything.
Hey, it worked for them.
Checking those sweet digits, but for the sake of the uninitiated, could you explain that?
Yes they've become inbred mutants who live as world parasites to every culture, they practice the most demonic of activities and live horribly shallow and empty lives, incessantly busying their minds to keep themselves from going insane. In this process they have brought the entire world to ruin, and continue to drag it into the depths of madness. Really worked out for them.
Just because a path gives you power, doesn't necessarily mean it's the correct path.
mother of kek…
What I have so far is at the DAATH position each tree sticks out horizontally in each direction, left and right. I suspect the shape of the these trees, Im unsure. At first I assumed they would not be as big as the vertical trees, but I'm unsure now. I think they could be full tree, but for what purpose? Now that I couldn't tell you. The only thing I got is DAATH position, which is also a connection to the Qliphoth, along with WATER and FIRE, but not in their typical sense, just as EARTH (Qliphoth) and AIR (Sephira) arent in theirs.
Prove that kikes wrote Revelations 2:9 and 3:9 you fucking faggot.
you are still thinking in human terms. Greater reality is at least 5d. That's the fundamental 'secret' of Jewish mysticism. All the symbols and forms are ways of establishing hyperdimensional resonances in your neural structures.
So drop the kike trap, and do the math. Study the 4d simplex. learn to 'see' it. The moment that you can mentally rotate a hyper tetrahedron is the moment you gain a full a and complete understanding of their 'magic' and all that is wrong with it.
There's a reason they cannot remember the name of god.
The Jews stole a whole bunch of shit from Greeks, Babylonians, etc.
Their entire dialectical Talmud sniveling method is a mutation of traditional Greek dialectic techniques.
The Jewish calendar, the Kabbalah is taken from the Babylonians.
The Hebrew writing system itself is taken from Assyrians, after their previous writing system looked like pic related (フサークの形じゃない?).
The shtreimels and coats of the hasids were taken from the Poles/Belarussians and Austrians, respectively.
Their klezmer music is a mixture of traditional Balkan forms and gypsy tunes, with a bit of hebraic cantillation patterns which got added in by the scribes after they stole them from other middle easterners in year 700.
Over half of modern hebrew is just yiddish from German and Slavic languages.
This is just the beginning.
They also have some kind of role or a secretive unchallenged monopoly in the archaeological, historical and scientific fields wherein things that are not part of their (((historical, archaeological and scientific narrative))) are immediately covered up/destroyed through some kind of big secret treaty that was made centuries or so ago. i.e.:
Oh thats neat, I recognize a few symbols that also made their way to Japan. The box with a line and ん 日
Will we survive burning their monstrosity to the ground?
They always go way over the top with this stuff in the UK hoaxes. The Grande concert bombing was even worse, literally everything was masondubs
>Flase flags are always so obvious becasue (((they))) care more about their ceremonial hyperautism than their OpSec.
Now that really lights up my loganberries, I tell you.
you little nigger
is this a bosnian pyramid image for ants?
I get what youre saying, and agree. Im working on it. I never said what Ive posted is anything more than theory. Unlike kikes, I have no desire to obscure what I figure out.
Theory or no, it makes images like pic related a lot more interesting.
I've been there and done that, Why waste time decrypting the deceptive version when you can get straight to the pure stuff? Honestly, get into the math. Once you've got the 4d universe, those exploded 4d representations become more clear.
The symbols repeated are like anchors, to represent the shared space, the symbols varying around the edges are the hyper-coordinates. pics and vid related.
This image always piqued my interest. In fact Im fairly sure it may have subtly influenced my thinking regarding my "side tree" theory.
In due time. I already suspected I was going to have to delve into higher dimensions to fully understand what I am getting after, but I want to exhaust the 2nd and 3rd dimensions fully before I do. Its hard to show 4D in typical images, so I want to understand the 3rd to the point I fully grasp its relation to the 4th, then 5th, etc.
Im not gonna rely on other magicians and authors beyond just hearing other ideas and perspectives, fully aware of the authors desire to push an agenda, as they all seem to do.
I think this post explains things better for me to understand you. Ill get to the point of not needing to use the "bottles" any longer, if you know what I mean. Im still understanding the "waters" within those "bottles" still.
this thread is quite interesting. pardon my ignorance but, but exactly would the purpose of visualizing these 5-dimensional objects be?
red bracelets are also used as a protection against "evil eye".
you are wasting your time, but whatever. Once you've programmed yourself with the Kike lies, you are fucked, and that is what you do if you spend too much time imprinting your hyperdimensional consciousness with misleading information.
The point of these repetitive images and rituals is to set up a mental construct over time (the 4d part), think of it as a resonance in your mind, that lets you tune into higher realities.
Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your allegiances), going via the 'public' channels (kaballah, wicca, whatever) leads to you being 'initiated' into a controlled space, where you are limited.
So by working on the math versions, you get to the same place, but unfettered by a bunch of unhelpful belief systems and guidances.
If you choose to return to earth human reality afterwards, you'll be in a good place for modern memetic warfare.
what can you anons tell us about the "72 names of God" associated with normie-tier kabbalah?
do the kikes have the normies invoking the names of demons or some shit?
>see link archive.is
thank you user, very helpful. so in a nutshell what you're saying is, all these different groups or sects are trying to achieve the same thing–which is that enlightenment level. they just have different ways of getting there. and the math version you are trying to devise is just an unkiked way without the risk of binds, tricks, ect..
very interesting.
Good shit.
Ill heed you warnings user. This is why I come here, to hear unfiltered words. /fringe/ is pretty garbage, Holla Forums is far more interesting.
Our contemporary society is essentially kabbalistic. Kabballah's key idea is that energy is never created or destroyed, merely recycled. Thus their tree of life has two pillars; the energy runs down the right pillar and up the left pillar, returning to source where it is recycled. This has totally and completely infected Instiutional Science. It is taken as dogma that energy can never be created or destroyed, merely transformed as recycled.
Other examples abound. Basically everything you have been taught to think is kaballistic.
Just curious, what is the Christian outlook on this? Or, this there a way Christians use to reach these levels of higher realities as well? Jews have Kaballah. Do the Christians have nothing?
Some schools of hermetic qabbalah are implicitly christian, yes. The adept initiation of the Golden Dawn is absolutely saturated in christian mythos.
Tiphareth, the sixth sephiroth, is considered one of the major goalposts on the path to qabbalisic development, and is strongly associated with the mysteries of death and resurrection and Christ Consciousness. Make of that what you will.
kabbalah sounds a lot like giving yourself schizophrenia, how could this ever be a good thing?
genuine question, I'm of the mind that I can achieve more when I'm not hallucinating and chanting to myself.
Also, this may seem like a stupid question, but I'm genuinely intrigued. And so far any (((jewgle))) search I've made leads me to some kiked up shit about (((kaballah))) that is clearly not intended to lead anyone down the right path. But I digress, that's to be expected.. I'll continue my search.
My question is just in regards to the end result–reaching these higher levels of consciousness. Assuming an individual is able to reach them, what then? What does one gain with this ability of tuning in with a higher level of reality? Would it be a direct line of communication with (the) God? Other entities that occupy these planes?
And if the jewish people have learned to harness this ability and continue to pass it on to the next generations, would this explain their overrepresentation in positions of power across the world, and not IQ like some seem to suggest?
Don't forget Franz Bardon. He made a system of hermetical magick so that anyone could study and eventually learn the Kabbala. Start with:
Initiation to Hermetics
then move to
The Practice of Magical Evocation
and finish with
The Key of the True Kabbalah
Know that this entire path will take years if not decades of your life.
exactly. once you've done the math (or rather, visualisation), you'll see how every existing 'esoteric' system fits into it.
took me about 3 or 4 years to finally 'get' it.
Qabbalistc initiation is ideally like taking apart a pocket watch, cleaning all the gears, and putting it back together.
Schizophrenia is taking that watchand smashing it to pieces with a hammer.
To the average normalfag both are going to look like the same broken watch. But why would you ever give a shit what normalfags think?
what then? doesn't the very idea of 'waking up' to reality encourage you? are you happy trapped in your waking dream?
The point is to wake up, to escape this trap of samsara, it always has been. Perhaps you'll leave this plane behind, perhaps you'll chose to come back and help guide it, but don't expect an explanation in human time-linear symbolic language to make any sense.
Think of it as a mountain, with the answers to everything at the top. That's why you do it, or not.
Shizophrenia also makes sense. Mostly that's people just not coping with higher reality. Telepathy sucks when you are surrounded by normies.
don't do it, man. rotating hyperdiemsional tetrahedrons are the key
Did you figure this part out all on your own or do you have some dank .pdfs you can post for the rest of the class to enjoy?
This is exactly why I detest large crowds. I always feel worn out whenever I do have to deal with large crowds for any extended period of time.
Its funny, you say working with deities is "kiking yourself", yet the one who showed me much Enki seems to be encouraging me to look into your suggestion. Taking the needed steps in succession is not kiking yourself, user. Limiting yourself to the confines of a system is, though.
Maxine Dietrich is a lovely woman, and anyone who says otherwise is a profligate whore.
You missed them trips for a reason user
You got me this time, you sneeki breeki.
Joy of Satan was, is, and will forever be kiked up faggotry. You should try not to make assumptions user. Some of us are actually trying to uncover shit, not lead a bunch of retards around by a disjointed ideology. If I wanted that, I would've joined up with (((Anton Levi))) and his (((Church of Satan)))
I was being facetious you prismatic tetra-autist. I in no way endorse mallgoth occultism, of any stripe. Calm down.
Where did I make the implication you were endorsing JoS? I didnt. Projection is a cunt, user.
I'll check this wicked dubchain if we can agree to nickering about pop-satanic garbage and go back to sacred geometry and vivisecting Hebraic demonology.
*if we can agree stop to nickering
At any rate you never answered my question:
Your Enlil get tells me yes, lets get back to the topic at hand. That tetrahedron deal the other user was going about is very interesting. Been rotating one in my head, peak coming towards me, for now. Very interesting mind exercise.
Gonna second this request
Could you please try to encode your findings? Teach other anons? We don't benefit from esoteric secrecy.
so jews are reptilians?
same me, different ID.
Figured it out by accident. Was just playing with 4d objects as an autistic exercise - i wanted to see if i was capable of it.
any 4d visualisation software that uses anaglyph or shuttered 3d is a great place to start, just bring up the 5-cell and get to it. I used long gone red/blue anaglyph DOS software.
watch, watch, meditate, try and visualise, rinse and repeat. the rest comes naturally.
you speak to someone who has mastery as if you are not a student.
Oh FFS. Anyone have the archive of the last thread(s)?
The kike kaballah plan to destroy the world began after the kikes got kicked out of spain all the way to Khazaria. Their goal is to "Destroy everything holy so that the world is undone and god has to remake it" because they have no concept of personal responsibility. They think god fucked up, so they have to break the world, so he has to remake it.
This is their phrase. Wherever you see those kike words, a Lurianic Kabalist is behind it.
Is a member of the SanFrancisco Kaballah center, and you guessed it, that's Lurianic Kaballah. Yes, Madona wants to destroy the fucking world.
Pic related, cube head is Luria.
Guess who created the sjw. Pic related.
You speak as someone who has nothing left to learn, which we both know is bullshit. Its like you're trying to prove something, which is a glaring thing.
I understand wtf you're going on about better than you realize. You want to have good conversation, I welcome it. You want harp on like an autist trying to prove something, fuck off. Guys like you are why every occult/esoteric forum is complete ass.
Take a deep breath.
Admit, you have never accessed your Merkabah.
Take another deep breath.
It is ok to not have succeeded at something yet. It is also ok to have taken a wrong path. Getting lost is educational.
However. If you have taken the wrong path, when you reach a signpost that says "go back", it may be worth paying attention to it.
Interesting stuff user. This is good material to look into. I bet there is numerous examples of this specific sect of kikes in positions of great influence in the western world.
the guy who posted the thumbnail in the first place is the niggerfaggot, I only took it because a bigger version is nowhere to be found afaik
Its like you didn't notice I never said I disagreed with you. Its like you yearn for people to suck you off and anything less than that is deemed a great offense.
You don't know as much as you purport to know. The way you conduct yourself tells me this. Perhaps its your autism, which is a legit reason for that. Fact of the matter is this, Im digging, and what you have said I will definitely consider, and I will ponder and work with it. I have other things I am working on that very much are in line with what you have been saying. I do this in spite of your autism. I do this because I want to map this madness out. Perhaps mapping it out is an act of futility, Id like to reach that abyss for myself and not just go on the word of some user on an image board. Forgive my transgression for not trusting your word, but thats how it is.
But you do not have all the answers. To purport you do is the kike levels of hubris.
Now can we get back to the topic at hand instead of the typical occult forum-tier pissing contest?
Ok if anyone's looking for a serious answer, read this, I'll try and keep it short.
The Kabbalah is how the Jews measure things that are hard to quantify, in order to control you better. It's how the Jews are taught about things like Love, motivation, sexual desire, sexual relations, desire to pursue food when hungry, etc.
Tangible things, such as money, ammunition, oil supplies, population, etc. Can all be measured by Jewish accountants, war experts, supply experts, demographers, etc…
But how do you measure love? Love, altruism, and it's consequence: civility, can not be measured with a form of math. So Jews invented "Kabbalah" as a means to measure (and thus control and act upon) intangible aspects of humanity and nature. This is what allows them to have a deeper and more pragmatic control of people. Say, physically a Jewish man might be very weak. But with an (accountant-like) understanding of human nature, he might win a fight by controlling other variables. Or on a larger scale, Jews might be able to use this to win political seats in a organized and effective way.
But to keep other people out, it's bloated with smoke and mirrors and "dressed up" as mysticism and magic. In reality, Kabbalists ignore all the stuff (as it's Jewish nature to see right through lies and fog) and straight into the facts. It's designed this way on purpose because Jews, racially, have an affinity for this sort of fog.
Also consider the talmud. The talmud is the book of jewish law, which is constantly scrutinized by young jews in jewish school classes called "Talmud study".
Similar to the Kabbalah, it's "dressed up" to look like something else. So-called "Talmud Study" is where Jews learn to defy and interpret written laws. There are many, many bullshit laws written in the Talmud (on purpose), which are given to thousands of Jewish kids every year in "Talmud study". These kids are instructed to doubt, speculate, and argue about their opinions over the ambiguous laws.
What this accomplishes in reality, is the children learn from a very young age to:
Now that you understand the basics of how Kabbalah and Talmud function, consider your personal life in your school. Kabbalah and Talmud are both disciplines of study that are not available to us gentiles. To illustrate, I'll make some comparisons…
and so on, so forth…
This applies to every class you ever took. It teaches you some new ground of being a human, and brings the most out of you. However, there are a few that are missing, and they are very important to life. Since you and I were not taught via instruction, we learned it intuitively via living and playing as a child. (Consider if you were never taught math - wouldn't you still be able to "add"? Humans learn everything intuitively, but without school, it's retarded in the literal sense of the word.) Thus in a way we have a "retarded" or "narrow" view of the world in the following two classes:
I hope I laid this out in a way that you guys can understand. I know it's easy to sink into the "magical" lie. While I have no doubt there are Jews that believe in magic and stuff, the main purpose of Kabbalah is to teach practical things.
you are the one that said
"You don't know as much as you purport to know"
"you do not have all the answers"
"You speak as someone who has nothing left to learn"
"I understand wtf you're going on about better than you realize"
You are exhibiting a great deal of projection, coupled with violent use of language.
It appears that some part of you, at least, recognises that i know more than you about one particular subject, but your ego defense system has spun that into a fabrication that allows you to reject my input on spurious grounds.
When it comes to the aim of studying kabbalah, i'm more than an expert. I'm coming at it from the other side, from the place of a being that has achieved enlightenment and then returned to the manifest world.
I'm only saying that following existing esoteric paths is a waste of time, and leads to imprisonment. Rosicurian, Wiccan, Kabbalist, it doesn't matter. Name ONE of the followers of those schools that has ascended and returned.
What i'm offering you, a free gift, a treasure, a diamond before you, is a simple, bullshit free, straight path. not left hand, not right hand, simply sitting down and staying still path to the goal, which is a journey that you cannot imagine.
Insult me all you like, turn me into a straw target to tilt at if you must, let your ego dominate the conversation if you must, but please listen, for another soul lost isn't good for us all.
I don't have all the answers, I have a lot of truths.
"Now can we get back to the topic at hand instead of the typical occult forum-tier pissing contest?"
you mean like:
perhaps suck it up and learn? That's a really interesting post.
Once again, you cannot resist engaging in the pissing contest.
Your entire post was one giant projection that you attempted to wave away by accusing me of doing.
You do not know as much as you think you know. That's not projection, that's reality. You need to examine your own ego before casting accusations towards others.
mirror, mirror, on the wall. who is the fairest of them all? the angry kike, perhaps.
I think these last few posts are an objective lesson in exactly how much damage following the esoteric teachings of the kabbalah can do.
I'm not sure about
It sounds plausible, even likely, but i've known too many people who got into deep trouble with the kabbalah, and i've seen how it fits with higher dimensional reality. Jewish mysticism may have advantages in the world of commerce and law, but it also has deep connections to mysticism and magic. Those patterns and rules transcend the mundane picture we are first presented.
I can demonstrate, too.
Rabbi Michael Laitman seems to be putting a new spin on the schtick of 'Jews are fundamentally different from other human beings' by stating that Jewish souls came from another dimension, and that they incarnated on this world variously to conquer it or spiritually improve it (depending upon who is interviewing him and when). He states this stuff many times. According to Laitman, the upper echelons believe that the essence of Jewishness emanates from their original planet in the other dimension, and is subtly broadcast to those Jews who awaken to hear the calling. This calling not only guides Jews to be successful in life, it literally provides Zionism with the foresight and specific strategies that will result in the Jews conquering Earth.
The scenario certainly would explain how Jews can constitute a second-rate society with second-tier average intelligence, and yet still strategically manipulate foreign societal levers and pull the wool over everyone's eyes. In studying the history of Jews, I have often thought that they must be privy to some extraterrestrial-level guidance, come to Earth for the purpose of stirring the pot. Not that we could ever prove it, but there may be something to Laitman's statements. According to Laitman, this belief is what the top rabbis subscribe to, and he's in the position to know. Rabbi Michael Laitman upsets some Jews not so much for what he reveals, but rather for the fact that he states it openly for all Jews to hear,and thus inadvertently reveals it to the goy.
Welcome to the bottom of the rabbithole.
Just an FYI: on different occasions, I have heard other rabbis state similar things, too. Additionally, this vaguely falls in line with what the highest levels of Freemasonry espouse.
As for the Kabbalah itself, the concept of a 'magical' framework that explains and can be applied to find solutions for worldly problems, that concept itself is sound. … Nada Brahma … However, reading through the Kabbalah is like perusing nonsense that ever hints of secrets to be revealed. Personally, I think the Jews themselves are the first victims of a rabbinic scam.
For humanity's development of wisdom and insight, the best course of action is to discern and follow the Natural Laws, whatever they may be.
i'm descended from the high priests of the first temple, (although 2 generations away from a direct line) perhaps that's why i found my merkabah independently. I haven't talked in this thread about any of the results of that experience, but the claim that jews could be descended from aliens makes sense. The language to describe these things is constantly evolving. Yesterday's angels are today's aliens, for example. They jews LOST the name of god, though. That might not mean much to many people, but with your story of Laitman, it casts them into the role of the fallen.
I used to be a stage technician and I did Madonna concerts twice.
Madonnas Staff that builds the stage was nice, but Madonna is such a huge cunt that I wanted to smash her head in.
Her Female staff, the ones in charge of her dresses are just as bad.
Kinda funny tbh, all the female staff on these tours no matter if it was Madonna, J-Lo, Miley Cyrus etc were extremely liberal with a holier than thou attitude so were also the gay guys that usually do the same as the women there. The males in charge of the stage arent at all, they were extremely cool. Theyre usually pretty cool. Regardless no blogpost here just wanna share some shit Madonna did:
Staff told me later on that the guru had 2 requirements for Madonna before he blessed her or whatever.
1. She had to let go of all her posessions(obv including money)
2. She had to be a guy.
topkeks were had and its one of my fondest memories of working in that job.
Checked and fucking kekked
Read a few books on the subject. Some things seems a bit amiss here maybe I can help a bit
The term just means "to receive" from the Hebrew "kabel", beware of false etymological traps aka don't be a hotep.
Your Numerology is fucked literally every system attributes 0 to the Fool, the fool is undefined and full of potential, the 0 is womblike, the magician is 1 he is completed self conscious, fulfilled potential, the one is assertive and phallic
That image appears in a book by Don Duquette called Understanding the Thoth Tarot, he offers a unthourough but tantalizing look at the great cross.
Books I have read on the subject that I would rec:
Mystical Qablah by Dion Fortune
Kabbalah and Meditation by Areyeh Kaplan
The Chicken Kabbalah- Don Duquette
The Book of Thoth_ Aleister Crowley
Meditations on the Tarot- Anonymous
The Pictorial Key to the Tarot-A E Waite
Also I would recommend buying the Thoth(Crowley designed) deck and the Rider Waite(the deck Crowley was reacting against). Compare them card for card. I really cant stress enough how fluid the definition of Kabbalah is. Look at the early fights in GD. Heck look at all the ways it is spelled. Different groups mean different things but they all use the same(different spelled) name. Saint Jerome was likely using spoken kabblah prayer techniques. Many Christian mystics for hundreds of years have seeked to show how Christianity is the fulfillment(logically, numerologically, metaphysically) of kabbalah/judaeism.
TLDNR: its complicated, read some books, I would love some good reccommendations btw
Please stop.
I don't dispute that Crowley is shit, that reading list isn't a fan club list . Look at how many celebs wear Crowley shirts and make homages to Crowley. You need to understand Crowley if you want to understand celebrity occultism. And seeing as Crowley is a shit tier explainer, reading other peoples books about him may be helpful.
I'm not talking about the tarot attribution, I am talking about the gematria value of Aleph, which has always been one since the dawn of that horrible gutter language. Go re-check the tables of correspondence in the books you listed. Fucking neophytes smdh.
It's Lon Duquette, and he's a Thelemite profligate, see below.
Why the fuck are you tapping into the thelemic current, it's initiatory syllabus culminates in literal butthole worship. Is sodomy more important to you than divinity? Serious question.
Crowley was an indolent drug addict who got expelled from the golden dawn for dressing up in Scottish highlander cosplay and trying to forcibly take over their temple after they wouldn't allow him into their inner order for being a gigantic cock-gobbler (true story). Thelema is qlippoth-saturated cult of ego garbage, and every line that faggot wrote was either an occult blind or woefully dry brit humor. The only thing this monumental fuckup ever succeed at was mountaineering and seducing the gullible.
Do I sufficiently understand Crowley to your satisfaction?
Who would you claim is an authority in this regard? I've read a shitload of Crowley and though I fucking hate OTO faggot thelemites with a passion, I felt I learnt a lot from him. Also, Regardie - who I'm guessing you dislike also.
Not trying to come across as a fanatic of either of the above, just looking for a better alternative if there is one. So far, I'd have to put Gurdjieff via Ouspensky at the top.
Do you want to learn about the Golden Dawn? Pat Zalewski
Do you want to learn about Qaballah? Franz Bardon
Do you want to learn about the Tarot? Robert Wang
Do you want to know about salvation through dank ass 5d hypergeometry, read the thread before the anchor sinks it.
Yo that Satanist piece of shit Alan Moore wrote a graphic novel called Promethea. Literally made a GN Grimoire designed to brainwash you as you read it, filled the thing with kike magic and devil worship with a pretty face. Go check it
The reason Babylon seems like a dead end is because the Jews and Catholics manipulated all the historical texts during the "Middle Ages" and fucked the chronology up on purpose. And geography. Changed names, dates, conflated calendars, you name it. And people take this shit at face value. It's beyond retarded.
"Babylon" was most likely in Europe. All that shit in modern-day Iraq is interesting but most likely totally unrelated to the events being described in the Bible. Look up Anatoli Fomenko's work if you want statistical analyses of historical texts that prove beyond any reasonable doubt that the Catholic-edited texts are all total bullshit. Everything before 1600 is automatically suspect.
Anatoli Fomenko. Read his shit. You should start with the first book of his Chronologia series, because if you dive into the middle of it it's all just going to sound bewildering and nonsensical.
"Jewish kings" = "Roman kings" = "British kings" etc. Many of these supposedly independent lines of rulers are mathematically identical by multiple measures, including successions of reign lengths and the relative amounts of texts dedicated to them in historical manuscripts (correlating to the amount of detail assigned to particular spans of time).
I have only begun to dig into Fomenko's work but it's legit. The commies shut him down during the 1980's but after the USSR fell he was able to publish more freely. He's a mathematics professor at Moscow State University. It will take decades of research by dedicated historians to reconstruct our fucked up history, short of finding some hidden kike version that lays out the real version they've hidden from everyone else, and even then we'd have to verify it.
I like you.
Avoid Crowley. His tarot deck says it all, it is diseased, a nightmare of self-deception and disempowerment.
Gurdjieff and Ouspensky are good, Carlos Castenada is good (the eagle's gift is a great guide to intent) , math is better.
thanks for that wonderful suggestion. and no.
Satan is real, the devil is real, demons are real, your soul is a prize in an invisible battle, and before you can break free of this dream, you'll have to pass the gatekeepers who will test you and send you spinning into madness if you are tainted with the stench of ego.
Trust no one - our words may leave our mouths as truth, but by the time they reach you, they have been corrupted by the air through which they pass. There is only one path that cannot be mistrod, and that is the path of mathematics.
that's why the cube features so much in kike magic. it is a representation of a tesseract.
I worked with the tetraherdon/5-cell/merkabah.
there are 4d objects that do not embed in 3-space. the 24 cell.
God is transtemporal, and that we must go.
Eat enough acid and you won't need a complicated kiked up system to see how your consciousness can create reality.
Honestly, if you it boiled down to a soundbite, love is the way. Everything else is superfluous window dressing.
: )
unconditional love. The kind that lets you put the knife in, when it is really what a person needs. The kind that demands you beat someone to within an inch of their life, when that is the loving thing to do.
Most jews today are atheistic in nature or followers of the man-made talmud and other areas of religiosity. kabbalah is basically new age witch-craft which blends itself into and overlaps with other esoteric cultures. For some it's just a fad as is with yoga and karate, etc… However to many, it's a dangerous cult and a deep rabbit hole which leads back to babylonian rituals. It lends and panders to all sorts, including paganism, talmudism, satanism, buddhism, hinduism and even sikhism. It's essentially an occult religion popular amongst jews and promoted by rich jews because they have sold their souls to the devil and the demons within them crave more energy. This energy is pulled from the crowds that cheer for them, the blood sacrifices (remember that the life is in the blood, hence Jesus Christ was the ultimate sacrifice.. those diametrically opposed to this notion wish to mock it and in doing so, also energise the diametric oppostion.) and various rituals in which they channel their alters through. Essentially, they are turning themselves into vessels by various manners. Transcendentalism is one, but probably not the highest of their priorities. Essentially, they are masquerading as angels of light but drowning within (the spirit man) who is still trapped and held captive within the vessel as the religion and rituals opens more doors to more entities and the flesh man believes he or she is now enlightened.
The gnostics are pozzed friend. They're allies and aids of the synagogue of satan. I just wanted to remind you of that, regardless of your background.
Not knocking you, but I misunderstood your words originally. Taking a look now, so thank you. The Labyrinth of Truth wasn't bad either, but it was more introductory. To the other anons reading this, you don't have to believe in all of this… but they do.
Just understand that if you are trying to reverse engineer this shit, or trying to study it that you tread lightly and not allow yourself to open up to these things.Just because you hate the kikes, does not mean the kikes aren't hated too and those things that hate them will hate you too. You do not side with your enemy and you do not adopt their rituals in order to somehow combat them with their own game. Realise this. Realise that great lies always have a hint of truth to them but they are all lies in the end. There are only two things. A lie and the Truth. Feed your flesh and tickle your ears or feed your spirit man and trust in the name of your true spiritual Father, Jesus Christ who knocks at your heart. Godspeed.
Sorry for spamming this thread but thank you for this post. He saved my life. Not perfect, but He changed everything. Tough love is still love. I'd have been a bigger washout had I not had the shit beaten out of me growing up or learnt to harden the fuck up. The disciples themselves were known as the sons of thunder because they were brawlers who acted like real men. It's difficult to speak sense into people who over-rationalize everything. Stay strong and God Bless You.
So, speaking as a newcomer (I have only read the Kybalion, nothing else occult, and I barely understand it) what would you suggest as a place yo start using this method?
The mathematic of a tetrahedron thing appeals to me because my goal has always been seeking truth and transcendence but I don't want to be bogged down by all the bullshit strings and blinds attached to most occult practices.
So how do I actually apply the mathematics method you speak of? Just picture a 4d or 5d object and meditate? Or what?
Forgive my ignorance, but I wish to learn and you people seem knowledgeable
no worries.
Grab some 4d visualisation software (stella4d, maybe?) and starting watching it.
"Flatland" is a good conceptual book.
Can you stop being such a vague faggot? How do you expect anyone to listen to you when you don't even provide any practical foresight into the benefits of your approach? What can you manipulate in the living realm practically using this 4d 5d fking 8d chess approach?
How can you manipulate the other realms? How can you contact your guardian angel and others? And your shitty science fiction book doesn't get into that at all from what it seems.
not sure what your problem is, user. I provided benefits: not being pre-programmed by kikes / self defeating programming.
this has nothing to do with chess. Its pretty hard to describe hyperdimensional reality to plebs who want their mums to masturbate them because they are used to having a really really easy life.
But. Kek. I've been working on manipulation of the timeline using chaos to sidestep my opponents (the kikes, mostly). day to day wants and needs don't matter much when you've seen the bigger game.
what the fuck are you talking about?
guardian angels? are you like 10? just try it. actually, in your case, don't bother, play with runes or something.
It describes the experience of higher dimensions from the viewpoint of a being in lower dimensions experiencing ours. Its supposed to help you think about the issue. in your case, don't even bother. go to sleep
Mah nigga.
Had a feeling you would still be watching this thread.
Gimme a bit to review your response.
8d chess is a common pol meme, what r u a kike? Mom masturbating? You trying to tell me u dont live with ur mum?
Like sigil craft? How do you technically tie this into with your Hyperdankendimensional methods?
I remembered IiH later has you do something in regards to that, speaking I think you claimed IiH is kiked up controlled shit, can you explain how does a system like IiH fuck you over? I asked the last question, how to technically use your hyperdimisional method so I can have a better grasp for how actually IiH and the Kaballah actually cuck you. Apparently as far as the Hebrew goes you do not need to visualize the Hebrew letters but need to ponder the sounds, which apparently are the same as the Tibetan and Indian ones.
Thanks for clarifying, sounds like a good read. No u, notice me sempai.
This is really one of those situations where you actually have to "just do it"
You can ask as many questions as you like, and the answer is "if you really want to understand, then you need to try it".
Just as the flatlander cannot understand a sphere until it has become 3d, so it is impossible to correctly explain hyperdimensional consciousness until you have created it, and then it is self-explanatory.
the kiked methods wrap up the process of creating a trans-temporal construct in all sorts of waffle and ideas, which are bound into the mortal realm. these ideas are like a weighted net, binding you before you even wake up.
yes, 8d chess is a Holla Forums meme. This isn't about that, as concepts of chess are tied to a sleeping world, where the timeline is fixed. I'm talking about Mandela Effect territory, where you need to have your memory working well to be able to maintain your self state through a shifting terrain of variable history.
sigils are a technique, to establish a resonant conscious state across time. They have MEANING. and meaning is tied to ego, and ego is inherently self-limiting if it is not in its correct subordinate position. Make your own sigils if you need to, but why bother when math gives us the 5-cell (or 24-cell if you are wanting to go ungrounded)? Are you so confident you understand your own mind as a construct grown within a hostile medium that you will use the tools they give you to advance yourself?
imagine a bell, ringing. Time passes.
Now imagine your mind, that ringing bell extends out forward and backwards from 'now', and to wake up your mind needs to be aware of that sound as a whole, not just as a moment.
this is another tool in building a hyperdimensional (4d) consciousness.
your 'guardian angel' is YOU - your 'higher self', your hyperdimensional consciousness. Why would you give that away and make it other, make it beholden to a god, or a system of magic? set it free.
I'm just a human normal personality construct. This thing typing thinks it is real, and complete, but i'm not, i'm just an interface, and avatar, a thin slice of person, interacting with this time-bound world. the real me is awake, guiding my actions.
Do the work, and we can meet properly, and i can teach you the advanced stuff, unhindered by this linear post-babel language.
I intend to, I really want to pick your brain before this thread goes off the edge. Good note is being taken of what you are saying and will be thoroughly cross verified by good people.
You mean square cells ungrounded? How to ground? Why squares?
How does it bind you, the sounds, the image of it, the history? Also what is your opinion on IiH and manifesting/ condensing of the 4 elements, is this realm really made up of them, will this blind/ bind you? Is it worth developing this skill while pursuing 4d visualization?
How will I know when I am properly visualizing 4D and doing your system? What can I do to verify? How will you find me?
these are math terms for regular 4d polytypes
We develop out understanding of the universe through an embedded and subliminal social filter. Every concept, every idea is fed to us through an existing framework.
When society itself is sick to the core, breaking free of that takes serious self knowledge and modelling and constant work.
Using tools built by people who created the sick social framework which blights this world is exposing your nascent higher self to the same disease.
4? where did you get that idea from? case in point.
lol. it is a life changing experience. the analogy that comes to mind is "how will the guard knows when the prisoner awakes", although less prisoner and more 'sleeping compatriot'. There's an assessment procedure to get through.
You'll know when you are getting close because your life will become distracted.
How do I recognize employing chaos sigil type functions to polytype you mentioned. How do you recognize what is grounded and ungrounded? The more details you provide me the better. Does your book really get into this stuff? In these years how were you be able to recognize these dynamics?
I thought earlier in this thread you claimed Bardon's IiH will cuck you. Really IiH is about recognizing the 4 elements fire water air and earth, condensing them in the physical mental and astral. Is this employed in your method?
As in the 4d spinning cube will be so dank I wont be able to stop? Please be a bit more specific, as you should know its very hard to continue with something when you have no tangible results to recognize.
Obviously, but a more technical answer would be appreciated. I am with the task of driving people away from these Kaballah systems and I need technical say of how it binds you.
Pretty sure Madonna & other celebs practice KabbalahTM which is a bs corporation that sells retreats and overpriced "magic" red thread you can put on your writst.
Read somewhere that the jews stole the system from the Greeks
Moore is not a satanist… youtube.com
forget all the half arsed stuff you've read, your mind is like a sewer, full of bits of undigestible crap. muh sigils muh elements, Practice visualising 4d objects.
distraction takes the form of an entity that lives outside time fucking with your life to try and divert you from your task. You'll need to be able to sit still and meditate on your objective for a couple of hours a day. When you find aches and pains and outside events intruding, you'll need to learn to make the world go still, so you can carry on with your visualisation practice. That's one of the gatekeepers.
and don't do the cube. i have mentioned that already. 5-cell or 24-cell. I see you've done absolutely fuck all research so far.
You want me to phrase my answer to fit into the world view of the bullshit you've programmed yourself with? nope. if you can't see that filling your mind with 100% kike memetic BS isn't a problem, then you probably best just carry on doing whatever you are doing.
no spoonfeeding. just do it. its not hard:
read a book, get some software, do it.
i don't like posting hypercube stuff, but this page is an excellent resource and you can dive right in with anaglyph glasses.