Dual citizenship

Help me compose a White House petition.

I'm starting a petition to require members of congress and other government representatives to not be allowed to have (((dual citizenship))). They currently don't even have to disclose this info.

I'm looking for help composing the title and body of the petition. I'm obviously creating this to ensure no Russian agents make their way into our government and attack our democracy.

No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.
-Jesus Christ - 32 A.D.-

Other urls found in this thread:


Taken from TheHill

The Biblical injunction that "No one can serve two masters" (Matthew 6:24) doesn't apply to nations. Almost half of the world's countries, including the U.S., recognize dual citizenship– even when they don't encourage it for the complicated legal issues it often raises.

For example, one who obeys a requirement to give allegiance to a country or votes in a foreign election may be regarded as having renounced citizenship in the other country. What happens when the legal claims of one country conflict with those of the second country? Which of the two countries has an obligation to assist a dual national in distress?

Until the Supreme Court decided otherwise in the 1967 case of Afroyim v. Rusk, a U.S. citizen who voted in a political election in a foreign state would forfeit his or her U.S. citizenship. From that point on, dual citizens have maintained their right to vote and hold public office without penalty.
Anyone can become a dual citizen, even members of Congress, high court judges and top officials of the executive branch. There's no law or regulation against it. Nor are they required to disclose such dual citizenship.

So what's the problem?

For most dual citizens, having the benefits of citizenship in two countries (including expedited immigration) outweigh the costs (which may include tax obligations to both countries).

Yet dual citizenship in the United States poses a hitherto unappreciated issue for policy-level members of the legislative, executive and judicial branches. The divided national loyalties of dual citizens can create real or apparent conflicts of interest when such legislators, judges or senior officials make or speak out on policies that relate to their second country.

The potential damage to our democracy is the greater when such potential conflicts of interest are concealed in undisclosed dual citizenship.

Current entries on the Internet contain a number of undocumented assertions as to which members of Congress and senior officers are dual citizens. Without reliable data, however, Americans can only speculate on which senators and representatives may have divided national loyalties.

The lack of transparency regarding citizenship erodes trust in government, raising credibility doubts where there should be none, and allowing some apparent conflicts of interest to continue undetected.

When a senator, representative or senior U.S. official speaks out, submits bills or determines policy on an issue of importance to a foreign country of which that member or official (or judge) has the tie of citizenship, their constituents and the U.S. public at large should at least be able to assess whether such views or actions are influenced by the divided loyalty.

Since they don't involve national loyalty, religion and ethnicity seldom raise conflict issues. Moreover, they are generally matters of public record.

By contrast, dual citizenship creates conflict of interest through divided loyalties. Thus it would seem reasonable to require that dual citizen members of Congress, the judiciary and the executive be required to renounce citizenship in another country as a condition of public service.

Both Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and former Rep. Michelle Bachman (R-Minn.) recently received wide press coverage when they renounced their Canadian and Swiss nationalities, respectively.

Yet the media and government watchdog organizations have largely ignored the potential conflict of interest inherent in dual citizenship. Why the neglect of this issue? Shouldn't members of Congress (and federal judges and executive branch officials) at least be required to disclose their citizenship in another country?

Even if our legal system continues to allow dual citizens to serve in high positions of the U.S. government, it should require them to recuse themselves from participating in decisions or policy debates that relate to their second country.

As a first step, the Congressional Research Service of the Library of Congress should begin to include citizenship (along with the current listings of party breakdown, age, occupations, education, Congressional service, religion, gender, ethnicity and military service) in its published profiles of each new Congress.

Americans can then decide whether our legislators (and possibly federal judges and senior government officials as well) should be required to renounce their citizenship in another country as a condition of public service.

I think I can copy paste a lot of this piece. Care to help me trim it down or add to it?

Ok guys I did it. I guess everyone's in bed as I should be. Here's the link.


I'll bump this thread to death tomorrow. This could seriously throw a wrench in the Zog cogs.


T. Hanks

Be signature #2 user

Very good idea, but you probably should have made this thread when it's noon/evening in Burgertime, right now it's mostly Yurofags or Aussies on Holla Forums who can't sign shit.
Protip, when you spread this among normalfags/reddit or whatever, try to bait them by stating that millions of Russians emigrated to the U.S. after the Soviet Union broke apart Including hundrends of thousands goddamn commie jews

While we're speaking about dual citizenship, could anyone clarify, if you have a parent who was born in Germany, and you were born in Burgerland, are you a German citizen? I've heard that it does and I've heard that it doesn't. Would like a definitive answer.

Nope. Can't have German/U.S dualcitizenship, Germany won't allow dual-citizenship if it's a Non-Europe country as far as i know. You can easily recieve German citizenship because of your parent if you want it, but you would need to revoke your U.S. citizenship for it.

Thanks for the info.

Voat / halfchan won't need any manipulation. Not sure about Reddit. Wanna help spread the word. I plan on bumping tomorrow and requesting a sticky.



It's not about the petition or the president's response it's about subtly letting people know about the zog without having the 6 gorillion thrown in our face.

Commencing random trump bump dump







>I'm starting a petition to require members of congress and other government representatives to not be allowed to have (((dual citizenship))). They currently don't even have to disclose this info.
You realize there's no chance in hell for this, right? If his son in law and daughter both have Israeli citizenship, there is no way Trump even looks at it before it hits he trash.

It's about letting people know this exists. They don't have to even disclose this.






No one with a citizenship other than U.S. American should hold office in this country.

Exactly. Especially a country so volatile as Israel.




Sign and share!



dual citizenshit is basically treason lite,anyway.

I'm abandoning this thread and starting a new one with the link in the OP.

Daily reminder that Silvio Berlusconi is twice as rich.

Out of curiosity, does Germany consider Israel a Non-Europe country for the purpose of citizenship?