I don't get it. He's supporting a Mitch McConnell owned RINO who is 20 points behind versus a border wall supporting America First candidate. Is this CERN's doing?
WTF: Trump to Campaign Against Pro-Trump Candidate
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm about one more bullshit move away from ignoring all of this and stying off Holla Forums and focus on my SHTF plans more
Something must be up. This is twilight zone-tier.
I'm already there
I would advise Holla Forums to do the same
this is relatively old news, but important nonetheless. nehlen was talking about this and you know that trump and even bannon isn't going to come out supporting nehlen. bannon will choose some other israel friendly asshole to try to replace Ryan while trump just shuts up about it altogether, while nehlen sits there like someone passed over at the school dance.
Anyone think they can start vanning people in large numbers?
What about all those instances where only 8/pol/ figured out it was part of a larger move. My got is telling me it's no different this time
He once half-hardheartedly and in a token manner supported McCain, or some horrible RINO like that, because it was convenient at the time. Summthin' like that I guess? He is capable of making mistakes, DACA shills aside.
Maybe he wants to endorse the shitty incumbent traitors because he thinks it might actually hurt them.
This. Politics is dead, prepare for going offline.
friendly reminder to user to check the meetup board more often. I know there are tons of user that would like to meet irl but nothing ever happens or gets setup. specifically looking at the pennsylvania thread
Honestly, it's not impossible. Trump MIGHT be doing this as part of some ultimate master plan to MAGA by surprise, but at present it's very difficult to see what he has to gain by making America hate him. Despite what the lugenpresse keep pushing, Trump and his policies are (were) very popular, so suddenly shifting to undermining his own platform at every turn is a really weird move. Either the "Trump is being drugged" conspiracy theory is correct, or it's yet another example of 88D chess.
Admittedly, we're getting shilled so hard right now that it's impossible to tell who's shilling who, and probably about 50% of Holla Forums genuinely believes that Trump is a complete sellout and will shout "muh chess!" at anyone who suggests otherwise.
As I see it, there are two possibilities:
1) Trump has genuinely sold out. Either he/his family are being threatened, the drug theory is true, he's been replaced by a lookalike, or Trump himself is being kept entirely out of the loop while his (((people))) are making the policies and tweets. Somewhat supported by claims that his staffers are trying to prevent him from reading any "right wing news". Or:
2) Trump is executing another master negotiating tactic, that will somehow result in a wall, the total deportation of all beanvaders, and massive swamp-draining. The only supporting evidence for this is that he's done this kind of thing before. Also, consider this: the moves that Trump is making now are, by Trump standards, very sloppy and foolish. He is publicly tweeting things like "nobody REALLY wants to kick out all the invaders, right?" which only gets everyone mad. He is publicly shunning someone who is on his side to support an enemy who shilled against him… and more importantly, has no chance to win. THAT's the part that suggests 88D chess: Trump's actions seem like those of a traitor, but a REALLY INCOMPETENT traitor.
What effect does "I changed my mind, I love Mexicans now! Also, everyone vote for this guy you hate" have? It makes everyone LESS likely to vote for the guy he's endorsing, who is already losing. It's possible Trump is trying to ingratiate himself with the enemy to make negotiating easier, while making sure that they don't get anything of what they want because the American people won't allow it.
The important part is, it doesn't matter which of these two scenarios is true. Whether Trump has turned into a puppet of the forces of evil, or Trump is executing a master plan that counts on turning the American people against him; either way, the American people should be loudly denouncing him as betraying them, and trying to prevent him from achieving any of these evil goals.
I think everyone is too paranoid sadly.
We did have this in Atlanta.
But I get your sentiment.
Because there is a 99% chance that FBI will be among such meetup. Kikes are even more paranoid than we are, they will infiltrate any NatSoc grouping no matter how small.
I can't go into specifics, but in a nutshell they threatened his family in a very personal and immediate way.
The important part is either scenario would best be handled by Alabama voting against the queer with the goofy name.
Strange is still an active Senator for a few more months. You want Trump to give the cold shoulder to a GOP Senator he needs votes from, or even worse actively support the Senator's primary opponent? That's just retarded.
Strange will probably lose anyway, and for the minor cost of angering some of his base for a few months, he can tell Mitch and his puppet Strange
If Strange/Mitch backstab him on a vote, Trump can just drop support or maybe even publicly support Moore, who's likely to win. That may work even better bc he can claim he was backstabbed, while boosting the perception of his endorsement power and solidifying his base. Until then, Strange has to eat out of his hand to even have a small chance at winning re-election, which again is unlikely anyway.
Yeah, optics are bad, but you niggers need to think long-term. This hand-wringing D&C shilling is retarded snap reactions to Trump's clear negotiation tactics. What matters is what he gets in the final negotiation, not all the shit he says now. I still support calling him out to keep him in line, but some faggots saying they wouldn't mind if he got impeached now, or that there's no difference btwn him and neocons, is pure faggotry.
The end.
This isn't a minor cost, Trump is on thin fucking ice with his base as it is. Maybe you missed the normalfags doing mass MAGA cap burnings. He should already be able to smugly look down on a couple of confirmed traitors without needing to play the fool in front of the world. All these theories about "but then he can rile up his base against mccain and ryan and graham and mcconnell" is stupid because the base elected him to give them the boot, they're already hated traitors.
Consider this: Trump endorsing any candidate will give the race attention, but if he endorsed the pro-Trump candidate it would galvanize cuckservatives to vote (and maybe democrats too). If he endorses the other candidate he can bring attention to the race without galvanizing the opposition
Hes Sessions recommendation and hes already endorsed him once but the rally is a bit over the top.
That's a good point.
Surely, there must be shills doing it but many people are just concerned. The shills don't want us to be able to agree on anything or have a constructive discussion. There are legitimate arguments for both Gawd-Emprah and (((Plumpf))). Personally, I'll support him until he signs amnesty or declares a war or something similarly unacceptable, after which I certainly wouldn't call myself a supporter anymore (nor ever vote again). I don't know what it's like in the White House or what it's like to be Trump right now so I'll wait until he actually does something that really hurts us to pull the plug.
Also, I wouldn't call promoting amnesty "negotiation tactics".
You can't even have a simple twitter raid on this board anymore without having a bunch of derailing faggots screaming "honeypot" or "muh PR".
Didn't work with Mccain or Ryan.
These vermin only recognize force.
Its a fucking rally?
Good luck not getting heckled by his own supporters after the crap he's been pulling, especially if he attacks Moore.
when will you 4D chess cucks will understand that trump is a duplicitous sack of shit who doesn't even understand how to play the subtleties of the political game in an efficient way? he's not playing stupid, he's stupid. he's not pulling the strings of some 4d chess strategy, he's cucking out because he thinks that it will pay off and improve his approval ratings, but it's a dumb miscalculation that is leading him to lose the last of his supporters. he was a good candidate because his only talent in his whole life was how to play the media\attention game, but he's too dumb to be a politician
I'll add that Trump is literally the most powerful person on the planet by far. Trump can singlehandedly end the entire NWO right now in 30 seconds. All it takes is one tweet from him
From a political perspective, I think if the choice is btwn
I think I can get more done choosing the former.
Again, I get the optics are bad. However, continuing to hammer him about it should be done so he follows through in the end. Everything is a negotiation with him, so you have to understand what he's doing and try to push the right buttons to keep him true to his campaign promises. He's not supporting Strange bc suddenly he likes establishment faggots who don't help him. He thinks he can get something out of it. I don't like it or necessarily support it, but I understand it's probably the better option for now.
The only way I could see this turning out good is if he notices his mistake and takes a hard shift right to compensate.
Basically this
topkek, that's why he lost every single negotiation since he has been president.
I think the main reason is that raids are not much of a use anymore from past experiences. The moment Holla Forums organizes a raid, some shill organization like shariablue who monitors this place will counter it and mass report to the point where it's over before it even began. So far it has been more effective to have constant disorganized sneak raids by one or few close people because it is impossible to counter.
He doesn't need to do chess though. He could very easily get a bunch of /hisguys/ together to surround him and block out the cucks. He is the Republican president when Republicans are the majority in all areas. He doesn't need to flip-flop and play around, that time is over. But we do have to see. Rome wasn't built in a day and America, the world even, cannot be fixed in just nine months. Expect the worst; him cucking out or he has been got to and hope for the best; that it really is hyper dimensional, quantum phasing chess and that Trump really is a full on white nationalist playing civic nationalist cuck.
(double heil'd)
We go through this every single time a major issue comes up. Everyone says he won't do something, both sides yell at him and get mad, and he ends up doing it anyway
I don't know what else you expect from him w/ the media, both parties and much of the govt working against him. He killed TPP, DAPA, DACA (he did stop taking new applicants, the rest pending), 3% GDP and growing, unemployment down, created new manufacturing jobs, made an election fraud commission, border crossings down and ICE beefed up, Sheriff Joe pardoned, Title IX campus rape bullshit ended, no Paris Accords, loosened the MSM and establishment politicians' power, rolled back EPA power, called out Antifa, pushed back on statue toppling bullshit, ISIS seems contained, etc- I'm definitely missing shit. The culture war and economic gains alone have been paradigm shifting
He's fucked up a lot too, and he should be called out for that, but overall to say he's some failure is laughable. Just him winning the election was nearly impossible.
In this case, he supports Strange and Moore will prob win anyway. Okay, so he should've supported Moore. Ppl will yell at him for it. I'm not losing sleep over this
A meetup doesn't necessarily have to be a "natsoc" group, but I don't think, at this point, we have a choice. You couldn't spot a Jew in the wild if you had to?
If he supports Moore or Strange/McConnell have the perception he's not helping them, he risks even more faggotry for at least a few months. Nothing will get done. He basically has 49 votes as it is (take away the 3 that fucked him on Obamacare repeal). Is it a good move to take away even more votes just so he can virtue signal to his base and grandstand?
Once you take away his endorsement as a bargaining chip, McConnell and Strange can do whatever they want. And if they do it anyway, he can take credit when Strange loses. I just don't see a better political option
Did you leave out gorsuch
I knew I was missing out on something big. Thanks user. Gorsuch and his stacking the federal courts is also huge and helps counteract 8 yrs of Obama liberal activist judges. Effects last decades.
The problem with all this "Wait guise! This is Trans-hyperdimensional 36 layer Korean Starcraft! I trust God Empruh explicitly!" bullshit is that it can be used to describe every dumbass move Trump makes, and all the Berniecucks that have infiltrated the online pro-Trump community are eating this shit up.
they're probably planning to rig the election to get this guy in and need an excuse as to how it actually happens
Didn't Trump make these statements with others before doing 180 in public in the past? If memory serves at first he praised McCain before flinging shit at him also, obligatory
Can we not hack into the presidential twitter account and post such a thing?
I remember that there was a group calling itself
the Syrian Electronic Army, that hacked into the Potus account during Obama but then again, that could've been a false flag by the CIA.
You mean he blasted him ineffectually AFTER he endorsed him and helped get him elected.
Classic bullshit artist.
This happened in the past and will go on in the future. Don't pay attention to shills. Just sit back and focus on self improvement.
Politics is not over, but it would take the monumental effort of creating a parallel government, you'd probably be accused of treason and then attacked if you got anywhere. This is probably the only way out though…
I honestly don't think he's that dumb. He HAS to be aware that the vast majority of Americans support the policies that elected him - hell, he even pointed out that all the "disapproval" of him and his policies was distorted false news from a biased media.
So he is either corrupt, because the Swamp has made him an offer he can't refuse; or he is playing a high risk negotiating tactic, trying to ingratiate himself to the Swamp by pretending to betray America.
Either way, the correct response is the same: publicly call out Trump for breaking his promises/selling out America, and make sure that none of the disastrous things he is now shilling for are allowed to happen.
Either this is Trump's plan - he's counting on America to call out this bullshit so he can go "sorry guys, I tried" - or he genuinely is a traitor and needs to hang with the rest of them. Either way, the public needs to be condemning him and making sure he doesn't get his way.
Honestly, anons, I'm beginning to think they do have something on him after all. It explains the lack of prosecutions, reversals in policy. Trump was also involved with Jeffrey Epstein. It's possible that the reason he's doing shit that makes absolutely no sense is that he has been caught and has now officially joined the pedophile club. I hope it's not true, but if it is the swamp owns him now.
Maybe he's trading blows? I can't honestly believe that the one guy who could go on the telly and say terrible shit against every kosher group there is would suddenly do a one eighty on everything he stood for. Or maybe he's getting a far better deal by obeying to kikes and it will eventually pay off (mostly for him, but for America at large as well).
It's not multidimensional chess, it's more about knowing when to fold.
the goy knows
Any surefire way of detecting feds?
Well, he has certainly pulled crazy shit before. But this is not a few dozen rockets uselessly hitting a lot of empty tarmack. This is weeks of consistently undermining everything that made us support him. If this is a chess move, it's gonna be the greatest one in history no doubt. But sadly this is real life, and there's only so far you can go with complex plans before the enemy simply punches you in the mouth.
The consistency of this shit smells a lot like defeat, and the only reason to believe otherwise is faith in the character and abilities of a man we ultimatelty don't really know. Shills are certainly having a field day with this, but you can't blame anons for taking a step back and weighing their options. There is always the possibility he was just another kike plant, there is always the possibility that the kikes can break him. I held out for a long time, but this non-stop parade of cucking out has all but broken my faith. If he goes down, we can't sink with him. So if mr Trump is about to spectacularly triumph over the jew, he better do it soon, before he loses all of his supporters.
Only forming groups with people you know well in real life, preferably with family ties.
There is a good reason kikes push individualism and social atomization - it reduces the possibility of organized resistance forming. If everybody lives in housing blocks thousands of miles from their extended family, they don't have a framework of trustworthy individuals. Only the kikes are allowed to fall back on their tribe. Groups with open membership are always liable for infiltration. Groups formed on the internet are basically spook magnets
Do you really think the kikes would send a jew to infiltrate a natsoc group? They'll just pluck some junkie from Aryan Brotherhood and offer him parole and some cash for doing you in.
And the proud boys strut around with their guns out everywhere and no one detains them so I don't know what the point here is other that trying to manipulate me and trying to make me think something to lead me and others to subscribe to your line of thought.
Have a pass already and will be there- If he allows q`s to be asked going to bring up the deal Bentley gave Luther in his "drop charges and I will appoint you acting senator" scheme.
Trump you disappoint me on this issue.
BTW- Sean Hannity got his start in radio in Huntsville
what in the fuck are you talking about kike ?
No he is not doing any of that. He's not super corrupt nor infiltrating anything. He's just willing to make a deal with whoever gets him his policies done. Right now he's punishing republicans for failing him so much the past few months. And don't even think that just because you guys are small Trump won't punish you either. He let go of Bannon not because he was bad PR but to punish him for not giving him what he wanted. Bannon couldn't deliver on his promises. And if you guys and the rest of the far-right sites fail him by embarassing him or something then he will punish you by drifting away and not listening to you anymore. Which he's already doing. Frankly I think the problem with everyone here making these wild and kinda stupid Trump theories is that they don't ever consider that maybe it is you guys that fucked up and now Trump's just distancing himself from the fuckups.
White guys go around with guns in a threatening way. So do black guys. You're trying to say only black guys do so even though that's false. Why?
don't agree with you but gotta double heil those beautiful digits
are you fucking retarded where did you get that from niggers walk around chicago shooting each other and robbing stores thats what niggers do when they have guns you fucking dumb ass /leftty-pol/
That would be called criminal activity. Last I checked police do indeed take care of criminals, keep survaillaince on them, and when that fails they usually tend to kill eachother so where exactly is the "no one cares"
Besides those are not thugs. Why would a thug carry a rifle? The logistics in that are terrible. They must be some sort of sporting group, and if they are criminals they must be some sort of antifa-like blocs. In which case they are still not the urban gang warfare thugs you are talking about. Your logic is just senseless.
Addidng to that antifa was declared officialy as a terreorist cell in the US so "no one cares" is as you guys like to say, fake news.
Well if he wants a second term he's going to have to come to us.
If he hasn't pursued our agenda to a satisfactory degree then we'll go against him.
if "no one cares" stop comparing violent nigger culture with white people when niggers make up 13% of the population but make up 74% of the crime and mark up 300 or more deaths per-city
What is your point, you fucking nigger? What the fuck do we care about him or his goals? We support him because he was supporting some of OUR goals, not vice versa. Who gives a single solitary fuck what he wants? He is not some leader we've sworn allegiance to, somebody who gets to do what he wants and these "crazy far right sites" are going to just follow him around. If he doesn't do what Holla Forums wants, Holla Forums is not going to support him.
The logic behind your post is the most ass backwards thing I've seen in days.
I believe he's actually going senile
so user will about this or something OR you don't know wtf you are talking about.
They are drugging him to make him pliable. Also, the NSA has something on him or a family member he cares about.
You idiots didn't really think anyone could actually unseat the deep state by just becoming president, do you?
We are fucked until the government collapses financially or people have finally had enough and there is widespread and open lawbreaking. My hope is still that some financial event will cripple them to the point that there is some kind of relatively peaceful reset event, because the alternatives are a lot worse.
Until then, Men of the Western World, you have no choice but to bow to your true masters.
This. webm very related. Note dates mentioned.
You do know clones are grown don't you user?
GO DARK user
Option 1
Indeed he should have done something extreme and called for violence.
You all have it wrong. Trump isn't playing chess. He's playing poker.
IT'S 1488D Poker!
I'm just shitposting. I stopped giving a shit a long time ago.
I forgot to mention, when Trump was speaking about DACA "America first" became "middle class", something he wasn't saying before - a clear tell.
We're reaching chess dimensions that shouldn't even be possible
He has three years to win them back. He is taking a hit in popularity with his base in order to try to get everyone to work with him. They are under far more pressure than he is, as they have an election a year from now.
The obvious reply is that Luther Strange, while being a cuckservative, votes 91% in line with the Trump agenda.
Roy Moore is a local hero, due to his refusal to remove the monument of the 10 Commandments from his courthouse, however he is a "principled" conservative that will not vote for a bill unless it it completely aligns with his personal beliefs. He is right in most of his beliefs, but if the Senate were having another vote on a "skinny" repeal of Obamacare, Moore would vote no, Strange would vote yes, and Trump wants a yes.
They won't let it happen. They can't. A collapse is bad for them so they will bring us right to the brink but then slam the boot down onto us. They push for social revolution, cucks and non-whites marching on Washington to fully plunge us into a Communist state. A collapse threatens to undo all they have done for the past century, centuries even.
Go offline by shooting policy makers
This. As a judge, Moore would often ignore the law, even the Constitution. We need less activist judges; not more. He's also an honorary kike for being one of the highest payed judges in the country in one of the poorest states.
The chesscucks meme is tired
Or it could be the obvious? Kike children and Kike financiers. Feels like the Kikes smacked America right in the mouth with the world's largest shabbos Goy and the evidence was there the entire time
people talking about chess as a meme being tired, has already become a meme itself. a very tired one at that.
Seriously? Nothing is obvious at this point.
Yet heavily shilled against him, funded opponents against him, and rigged the system against him.
The kikes are clearly not omnipotent nor omniscient and it is clear they didn't want him in the White House that's why Holla Forums put him there in the first place.
You're either shills or you're falling for the memetics or the mainstream propaganda.
Luther Strange is a Ziocuck. Period. Mitch McConnell's own SUPERPAC Spent 8 million before the runoff alone, which is essentially funding from Soros and Saban to promote Strange.
Also this piece summarizes the Strange kikery to the best possible extent.
McConnell's personal PAC donating 8 million and strange still getting cucked during the initial campaign tells you all you need to know.
Alabama folks do not like outside interference in their elections especially from some ultra Zionist cuck Yankee boomer like McConnell
No shit, why do you believe Moore isn't as well?
Trump is a civic nationalist, with pro-Israel foreign policy/ He supports Strange, whom votes in accordance with what Trump wants 91% of the time, as noted in m link above.
Bannon is a civic nationalist, with heavily pro-Israel foreign policy. As you can see by the link in the OP, he supports Moore, a person with good beliefs, but will only vote according to his principals, which mean no gradual repeal of Obamacare, no baby steps, all or nothing.
Which one will accomplish more? The man willing to take baby steps when needed, or the man that will only accept ideological purity?
I do think it is promising that Alabama, which voted 62% for Trump, is not following purely what he wants and voting for an ideologically superior candidate. It shows that a good amount of people are actually able to think for themselves.
I was a Brooks supporter, tbh and most of us here in Bama felt the same.
That being said Moore hasn't had 8 million from McConnell's Soros Funded PAC come in either.
In the south, we really dislike outside (((intervention))) in our political races.
Honestly Trump stumping for anyone here in tiny Alabama would result in a rebellion against that candidate even if he was /ourguy/, solely because we do not trust outsiders.
From this article
The amount of (((outside))) interference and the actual threats being made against the young bucks of the GOP for not backing Strange is enough for me to distrust him alone without even adding into the mix the rest of my concerns about his cuckoldry.
Just like when Trump saved McShitstain's re-election because he stopped supporting the guy who was beating that old fuck in the polls, or when he saved that snake Ryan from his Healthcare fiasco (recall it was Ryancare 100%, Trump had his hands clean of it). And neither of these cucks bent the knee and kept harassing Trump even to this day. I don't buy that it was some clever tactic. Between forcing Trump to take on loser Pence as his running mate and fucking him constantly during the campaign, I don't know why Trump insists on helping the GOPe.
I heavily doubt he was (((controlled opposition))) like you think he is due to him doing too many thing clearly out of their favor but even if I don't think he was (((controlled opposition))) that doesn't prevent me from being against his current actions and being prepared to go against for it which is the only part that actually matters.
I'm not saying Trump himself was controlled opposition, I'm saying I'm not ruling it out.
The media definitely is the fourth column which are able to manipulate Trump using his ego.
He cares too much what they think and say about him and gives in and every time he gives in they go for the throat kill.
Anyway, this threads about Luther Strange and Luther Strange is a Soros owned puppet.
I don't think he was controlled opposition either, it's too ridiculous, they were completely secure on their throne of power with Bush v. Hillary or Rubio v. Hillary, the "controlled opposition" narrative makes no sense.
As for what's going on now, I think part of it is Ivanka's influence, part of it his him now playing ball with kikes in the false belief that it will allow him to get some of his agenda done, and I think there's also fake news compounding the situation when it reports fake shit like reports we're not pulling out of the Paris Climate deal.
Does anybody remember what Senate user was saying? I think that there may have been a reason for him popping at this specific time.
I can tell by your rhetoric you're a faggot Holla Forums shill. Fuck off, comrade, you're not fooling anyone.
Holla Forumsac/k/s never disappoint.
See Mauser and Dragunov
He's going to have to do that, multiple times over, if he's not going to cuck out during midterms
Wouldn;t the only cunts on this board still shilling for the ZOG Emperor be kikes, and only legit anons here would be calling out you kikes for shilling endlessly for ZOG?
i can tell by your rhetoric that you're a jared kushner's shill
If you actually want an impact do this again, make them squirm in their skin.
Easy. They glow in the dark
I will have to agree that supporting an ACTIVE senator from whom you need votes from in the immediate future is very important.
Especially if the alternative is someone who is going to win relatively easy and is someone who is going to see eye to eye with you after a meeting.
You know how I know you're a lefty rat? You think you're an intellectual powerhouse, above everyone else, because of your horrid ideals. Also you believe in the supremacy and authority of a position (implying being a politician equates to great intelligence and foresight). You're the same kind of rat who lambastes a rural working class white guy who didn't go to college as a "dumb uneducated redneck" even though he's more successful than you. You have no clue how obvious you are. It's hilarious. You lefty rats are scum. By all means, explain to me how you're in a position to call someone so astronomically more successful than you "dumb." It's obvious you either supported Hillary or Sanders. Your rhetoric and mentality are exactly the same. Who are you trying to fool, stupid?
Why are you jews still here on Holla Forums shilling for ZOG, calling anyone pointing out you are so obviously jews a "lefty"?
Or maybe Trump really is a fucking retard. He's not working class. He's a New York liberal and has been his whole life.
I never new small million dollar loans were a working class thing?
Do you moronic lefty rats really think this is how we spoke on Holla Forums two years ago? No. You have no fucking idea. I know where some of these talking points originated though, and I know who's obsessed with calling people liberals. Hello Holla Forums! Filtered.
I ran both pics in the op through the neural network sexuality analysis ai. Trump came back %93 probability hebophile, strange scored a whopping %98 probability gay pedophile.
topkek, i'm really laughing my ass off at your sheer stupidity. do you really think that the left has the monopoly over the intellectual world? you might want to think again and pick some book you retarded cunt. you don't need to be fond of rednecks and their rural obliviousness to qualify yourself as far-right: the real far-right actually revolves around the concept of ubermensch, sounds quite elitist, isn't it? i always found repulsive this overzealous attachment to the ignorant plebs, populism should only be considered as a strategy to achieve power, not the endgame, and equating the far-right with the average redneck is doing a disservice to the right so you're either fucking stupid or a shill who's trying to paint every far-right person as a dumb inbred.
having said that, yes, trump is a fucking retard. that doesn't mean that he's still not smarter than the american average joe (he is) or he doesn't have some useful skill (he does, as i said before he knows how to play the attention game really well so that he receives constant news attention and monopolize the public discourse which, in a way or another, helps him to always stay relevant), but he just doesn't have the kind of strategic and calculator mindset that is required to be a successful politciian. and no, you don't need to be smart to be in the business of politics, but you need to be clever if you want to be successful at it (and trump is failing spectacularly). read machiavelli you dumb fuck, it takes skills, a cold blooded and calculating temperament and eloquence, not a sack of shit who shitposts reddit pics on twitter and listens to his mentally challenged daughter. and btw the fact that you think that a billionaire who owes a lot of his wealth to the help that his father offered him back in the days is some sort of working class hero is really ludicrous. and speaking of which, "muh working-class" is a leitmotiv of the left, you fucking retard
Here we go again. Not even reading past that.
that's a great argument user, keep it up
Hannity is NOT a news anchor; he's an opinionated talk show host. Who, btw, announces that fact daily.
So interest free 7 figure loans are part of the working class experience?
This all the anti Semitic wrong think is unpatriotic!
Putting Israel first is more patriotic than putting America first, go-errrr… guys.
I said the other part in a previous comment you retard. My points all stand. Hello (1) coming to the rescue.
what the fuck ?
That's fourth estate, user. Or fifth column. But definitely not fourth column.
Is this post-post ironic shilling?
Sorry about your daddy issues, Holla Forums.
It's not our job to impress Trump, it's his job to keep the promises he made to the people that elected him.
He is, after all, an elected official in a representative republic. Not a god emperor.
Pics related for anyone who missed it.
Right now Luther Strange is down double digits running close to the Dem. YOU need to read up on what Luther has done as AG of Alabama.
Yes, this makes the most practical sense politically to get anything done in the short and long term. Very telling that not many here really respond to the reality of what Trump is doing. Not what you wish he did, but the reality of his choices and the long and short term outcomes. In this case, what he's doing makes the most sense for him.
Don't know how much is shilling and how much is emotional overreacting, but no, Trump is not senile/retarded/drugged, nor is he a kike puppet. He's just some guy who works within the system to make money and feed his ego-and it so happens he is also the best shot to change some things, which he already has, and the opportunity may not come again. That's about it. Just maximize what you can out of him by staying involved instead of crying about it.
user, Trump needs to votes from his Senators over the next few months to get some stuff done. Holding his endorsement over their head is one way of doing so, and vice-versa, by him taking it off the table right away, guaranteed Strange and McConnell will no longer vote with him on key issues. It's just the reality. Maybe Senate votes right now are worth more to him than virtue signalling about the guy who will win anyway. Sucks, but it is what it is.
Looks like Donny has forgotten who the President is. Now he's just a cheap whore like Ivanka sucking old man dick for votes. No fucking why does McCuck support a wall or ending DACA. Just a waste of time.
You fucking newfag. Lurk 2 years then kill yourself for not knowing about the Holla Forums and /k/ federal reserve silent protests.
Looks like you forgot that this is the United States, and executive powers are limited. A president isn't a dictator. The presidency is relatively worthless without power in congress or the judiciary. The other two branches dictate nearly all domestic issues. Trump is one person. He controls very little. We need to control congress most importantly, as well as the judiciary. If we controlled them, who was president would mean a damn thing. Currently they control them. So who's president doesn't exactly mean much. Whether he's with us, a civic nationalist, or something else. Trump threads on here are such a vast departure from normal Holla Forums conversation. Why? Trump threads are always loaded with fucking Holla Forums faggots, among others, like the faggots above that I filtered. One used a John Oliver talking point on me, thinking he passes as a Holla Forums user. There's too much idiocy in these Trump threads. Trump isn't the be-all, end-all, and Trump isn't a White Nationalist or a National Socialist. He never was. The shills, the Holla Forums faggots, and the emotional retards need to shut the fuck up.
I think it's helpful to channel that frustration towards influencing orange man's perception of his base. He does listen if social media explodes on him, similar to his Syria bullshit and his waffling on DACA. However, I wouldn't really worry too much about early stage negotiations, bc he just throws out anything and is wildly chaotic.
We've already seen this throughout 2 yrs of campaigning and this year as President. Don't give into defeatist mentality. I still trust him to make the right choice in the end, but yeah it's good to make it clear to him when he's fucking up. I'm just saying, usually the final decision is fine (gorsuch, no tpp, no Paris accords, end epa regs, ceasefire w/ Russia, no further Syria aggression, pardon Arpaio, end DAPA, ended new DACA applicants, etc). Everyone complains about these things but it usually works out. Of course the future of DACA, the wall, healthcare, tax reform- that's tbd.
That's why I think Senate votes are more important before end of year vs full on attacking the GOP. Strategy and patience is better than virtue signaling to red hat wearers
nice try fed :^)
I forgot the travel ban as an accomplishment. Isn't perfect and isn't as good as it could have been, but we've been blocking a lot of akbars from getting in here, and so far blocked NGO's from shipping them in by claiming some relationship to the US. Small steps, but still more than anything done recently. Just the fact that he stood up to these fucking virtue signaling faggots and went ahead with the ban and withdrawing from Paris accords made me respect him
Ask them what their favorite spy movie is
You have a funny understanding of how politics works.
Trump is playing 1488D chess and waiting for the right moment to gas his grandchildren.
I've heard that he will personally pull the lever.
ME ME MEEE!!! plzkillme
Much obliged. Did anyone ask him if the whispers about actual demon summoning and Rothschild making deals with Lucifer are real or just a blackpilling masquerade meant to make the elites look more powerful than they really are?
There is no probably about it, the south tried it and was obliterated.
Agreed. A lot of these posts lack context are lazy, and intentionally make no sense. Buch of shill shit.
Aaaand Trump loses Alabama. Most people here hate Strange with a passion and know he's very corrupt. Not that it matters(unless their is voter fraud), Judge Roy "Gas the Gays" Moore is going to win by a landslide.
Gassing myself.
>built a billion dollar business in Jew York which doesn't happen unless (((they))) allow it.
>made it big in Hollywood via the apprentice, which also doesn't happen unless (((they))) allow it.
Nah imma ignore it all, he's totes /ourguy/, 5 bazillion D chess lolz
Is there an archive of this?
At this point, he's only marginally better than king nigger and I'm starting to think Randlet would actually be doing more for whites than Trump.
I think Randlet would have eventually understood how important the wall is and ending the federal reserve. I remain unconvinced that Trump is going to deliver on what he has said he would deliver. And that makes him no better than Jeb.
This really is disturbing. Harder and harder to buy the chess meme.
What happened after all?
Hey there. Minneapolis guy here. I had a single hit that got some smiles on a rainy day but I haven't been able to return. I hope some others in the shitties have tried.
You don't.
Any tips for when SHTF?
Unrelated to the topic but enough related to the Alabama election. Don't know if the volunteers read this and creating a thread about it is autistic.
Yesterday I've made a thread concentrated on tomorrows Alabama election. And now I can't find it anymore. Does this mean that it was deleted for some reason?
If the 4D chess meme is true, in what sense is it an "evil goal"?
Trump said that Moore could lose to the Democrat. This couldn't possibly happen, could it? Not in Alabama of all places.