It took 5 firefighters to carry this ENORMOUS tub of shit!
It took 5 firefighters to carry this ENORMOUS tub of shit!
Other urls found in this thread:
Landwhale, Heat Stroke, Heart Attack.
Golly, you noticed that fat pink shit jiggling?
Now you're beginning to understand the gook strategy of wounding your opponent on the battlefield and take 4x his number off the firing line.
Next time your under attack from antifa aim for the fatties and law enforcement will be paralyzed.
1st thing that pops in my mind is prepping a pig to be roasted. I have always wondered why commies allow fat people into their cult, I now know it is an emergency food source.
The pig is literally leaner and better looking.
That cunt is fatter than my pigs.
if she wasnt a mountain of lard would she have survived? or did she go into cardiac arrest?
the image here shows them giving her cpr>>10617524, something i think would be harmful to someone with internal bleeding
yep, that is the official cause of death
There is footage of her mother saying she died of a heart attack. I'm sure an user will post it.
This is the immediate section of the interview, the whole thing is like 10 minutes.
These people can't even get martyred right.
Provided they could tell that she had gone into cardiac arrest and weren't just copying something they saw on TV, internal bleeding isn't the first concern, maintaining blood flow to the brain is.
Internal bleeding can be addressed later by those with the skill and equipment to do so.
Shieeeeeeeeet… but, as most here have known for a while, this was all bullshit from the beginning. Not surprised the (((story))) got mixed up, and I thought I saw some inclination a few weeks ago that the mother was a crisis actor. Either way, who gives a fuck. Challenger of Peace.
im sure among those leftys there were some people who were self righteous and itching toshow off their first aid courses, so the question now is would the cpr have helped in any form and would all that fat have hindered the help that could have been provided by a first responder?
Would she have survived what?
She wasn't hit by a car - at worst somebody who was jumping out of the way of the car bumped into her.
The only medical emergency she experienced was the one she waddled into the street with.
He called her an American hero on national TV.
i'm sure those fireman's lower backs will long remember it
I used to weight almost 400 pounds and I didn't look that bad, Jesus.
Now I need this looped over the OP
Those fucking ripples moving through her body like seismic waves
Sorry, been living under a mountain of work - what exactly is the backstory on this fat chick and the situation?
Anyone willing to help a near-normie get up to date on the drama?
Charlottesville. If you need me to explain that go back to your cave and don't bother with this bullshit.
she looks like a tub of pink slime, the stuff mcdonalds' burgers are made out of
She wasn't even hit by the challenger of peace.
Immediate uninterrupted effective compressions is the most important intervention for cardiac arrest. All else is secondary. That's why it is best to work it on scene instead of worrying about load and go.
Her CA was medically induced not trauma.
I don't think anyone will ever fully appreciate how glad I am that this gluttonous cunt is dead.
i kek'd. looks like about 8 people are carrying it. what a fat fucking piece of shit. i'm glad it died.
kek. how does a person like that take a shit???
They make sticks for fat fucks to wipe.
The people who are so obese they can't even manage their ADLs are truly rare, and most live in group homes or have continuous aides at home. In these cases, they cannot physically reach their genitalia or anus, so wiping is out of the question. Most of the men manage hand-held urinals, which we would then empty and return for their next need. Bedpans were truly rare for obesity, never had a patient so fat they couldn't at least sit up and scoot onto a commode chair. That said I had plenty of obese patients need a bed pan for other reasons (broken limbs being at the top of the list).
Aren't fat fucks a hazard to firefighters? For example if this was a burning building and they had no time, they would either have to waste time dragging this fat lard of shit out and probably have to grease her to get her out of the front door.
Not to spoil the fun, but one of the firefighters is doing compressions (badly) on her chest as they move. Anybody's belly ripples like that when a man pushes in the sternum with that kind of force.
Fat as fuck, though.
This chick should also be a posterchild for dating websites.
Yes, it's one of the countless ways that being a fatass is an imposition on everyone around you.
They have equipment. When I was with a private ambulance company, we delivered the fat fucks home, and if there were stairs we called the fire department and left before they arrived. I felt bad about that, but where I live they make $6k a month, so fuck 'em.
Is it true it costs 5-10 grand just to call an ambulance?
polite sage for offtopic
you gotta feel like a real piece of shit if you have to have some firemen come push your fat fucking ass up the stairs. tbh i'd just off myself if i was 400 pounds with no desire to change. watching fat documentaries pisses me off. these fat fucks are holding us back as a species and are almost as bad as niggers.
It just so happens the majority of them ~are~ niggers, or beans, or some other variant of subhuman that's too stupid to be thin.
which end is the head?
Tfw I work for private ambulance company too. I feel no guilt using firemen as muscle. I've got a few fire departments hitting me up because they need medics. seriously thinking of doing it even though I've only worked at this company for a couple months
He also said Syrian babies "gassed by Assad" they weren't were beautiful. The man is a sucker for false flags.
Do it. Take it from a washed-up member of the breed – you're going nowhere with a private company. Take the gig, marry a Mormon who'll keep you sober, and pump out the white kids on a fire captain's salary. Then fake a back injury 10 years into it so you don't get leukemia.
It depends on the level of service you need. If it's emergency 911 shit, you might top $15,000 for a heart attack before you get to the ER. A simple gurney van, however, shouldn't cost more than $200 per leg of the trip.
To be fair, he's not going to be glad someone is dead on national tv. That's pretty crass no matter how you look at it.
Married to an old fashion German broad and already made a couple. I had hopes of getting into operations management with this company. But they seriously fuck their field personnel but they do have some great protocols. I'll give you a hint they're based out of Louisiana.
What exposure causes that?
Stop fucking doxing yourself, idiot
What did we used to say Obama should do whenever he started commenting on apparent/alleged crimes like Trayvon/Zimmerman or that "beer summit" bullshit? Just shut the fuck up.
POTUS isn't foced to choose between trashtalking or praising the "victim". He can also just shut the fuck up about it. That's an entirely reasonable option. If pressed for comment, he could have his press secretary say some bullshit like
>The White Houses is monitoring this situation as it develops.
Good for you. I have one, but in my second adulthood I plan to make several more on a farm. If your company also operates in California, I think I know who you're talking about. By the way, beginning fire medics in Berkeley made $95,000 five years ago, when I last checked.
It's too late. I've already sent his name to his local antifa.
Hazmat and combustion products. I know one captain here who got such bad colorectal cancer from the shit in the Katrina water he had to have his whole colon taken out. Average post-retirement firefighter life expectancy is 10 years.
Come to the bayou and come at me breaux!
Hey. Can someone merge audio of the heart attack video with this clip. or put the heart attack video in the background so you can see a 2nd layer of a faded out video?
Jesus christ what a digsuting pig. Now wonder theres fucking seven people carrying that gurney
I know about the hazmat, just wondering what exposure a medic would get, since they aren't the ones going balls deep into the structures.
Hi, Jim!
Only if you're making gator bbq
Burning coal has it's advantages.
Pro tip: Whenever you see two ambulances driving together, especially if one of them is the boxy kind, you're looking at a bariatric transport. The 400+ pound patient is in the boxy one (with reinforced suspension and a special gurney that looks like a floor jack), and the second ambulance has two or three other EMTs to help lift the whale onto the bed when they get where they're going.
If you're a medic with a fire company, you'll almost certainly be rotated into an engine/truck/hazmat/grass fire unit. The medic unit is just one part of the job. Private providers mostly avoid the carcinogens and stick to good old-fashioned accidental HIV exposure and deliberate alcohol poisoning.
Forgot to mention – This is very often paid for with public insurance, since none of these fat fucks can work. Taxpayers cover their $10/hr caregiver, who calls 911 when the sleep apnea gets scary, whereupon the Medicaid plan kicks in to pay for four or five paramedics, two rigs, and whatever the hospital will cost this time around.
Then, they usually swindle a new adjustable bed out of the medical supply company because they can't breathe. Then they go back to the ER a month later when they fall out of the bed and break something.
Many places have given up on the compression wraps. They were a good idea, but hospital staff kept killing patients when they removed the dressings in the wrong order. All the blood would flow out and trigger irreversible shock.
Read the rest of the thread, the fat bitch had a heart attack. I'm surprised how many here haven't already heard this.
Fuck you Don.
Do it yourself, man. It's not that hard.
This post made me realize that 400 pounds is 1/4 of the weight of a Geo Metro. Do these people ever bend frames when they get in the car? The idea of a vehicle needing a suspension upgrade to survive hauling your fat ass is incredible to me. I've had a few women make my 200,000+ mile front suspension creak when they tried to sit in it gently, but that's the worst I've seen
Hey, if he's truly natsoc he should have a soft spot for animals. Even whales and hippos.
Yeah, arrest, CPR is really just for arrest situations (ie: heart just fucking stops), heart attacks arent the aren't "stopping" so you don't need to sit there and do its job FOR it with chest compressions. That being said, she could have been in either situation and unconscious and they would have probably started CPR because you're supposed to check for a pulse to find out if you need to do CPR, but frankly on a hambeast of that magnitude how could you even FIND their pulse? I mean even trying to find a femoral pulse would be nigh impossible due to all the layers of fat between the surface of the skin and the artery beneath.
I've read stories about people so fat they had urine burns on the skin around their genitals because they could not physically get to the bathroom most of the time or sometimes would just piss themselves and not even know it and so it would just sit there stuck between all the fat
I've also read stories of fat people with mold and fungus growing between fat folds causing their tissues to rot.
Those things, while horrifying, are exceedingly rare though. Most people who are even as high as morbidly obese, are still functional and can do what needs to be done throughout the day. I know for myself I got up to 320lbs at one point well into morbid obesity, down to 230 now, but even at the highest I was not some bedridden mess or anything. Same goes for a friend who got up to 400+lbs, and his exwife who was easily 420-450lbs, both of them had bypass at different points though and dropped down to 200 or less. Also had a roommate that she was barely 5 foot tall and was nearly 250lbs (doesnt sound like a lot, but on a frame that short its sooooo big)… in all those cases they were still personally functional, bathroom on their own, eat on their own, went to work, etc. They just didnt do anything that required physical effort beyond the barest minimum though, so their homes were all absolutely disgusting and covered in filth.
Anyway, my point is really just that even up to that hamplanets size (the dead one the thread is about), most fatties can still "care" for themselves if they want to. Which honestly is a testament to how powerful our bodies really are, that even when neglected, abused, and defiled so completely that they're in THAT kind of a state, they can still function well enough to allow us to continue to survive on our own.
All that fat rolling around probably make it very difficult to keep the stretcher stable. I wonder how many times they dropped her and had to roll her back on to it.
I don't know about bending frames, but the extra-heavy lift equipment can cause fuel overpressurization and leaks in the line. In fact, it voids the warranty on Ford vans.
interesting to know, though no signs to suggest wounds on her body either
nice dubs, knew about the heart attack but i thought some people were still trying to run with heather being indirectly maimed by the challenger of peace
wonder how this will hold up in court for fields
See the St. Louis thread for a taste of the future.
As a former fatty myself, it's just so confusing how these walking pillars of lard manage to not only feel completely comfortable with not being able to jump, but even go so far as to be proud of their corpulence. Every day I felt like shit, knowing how disgusting I looked, and being even further disgusted with myself for not having the willpower to change it. The only explanation I can think of is a complete lack of ability to feel shame whatsoever. That shit goes beyond simple cognitive dissonance, since every 100 meter walk serves as a harsh reality check from it exhausting you. These "people" are legitimately broken in some fashion.
Can't really blame her for trying to walk off some fat.
Dumb people don't tend to self-analyze in a critical manner a lot. They rationalize their faults away more like. Ever notice how niggers tend to be very convinced they are hot shit? Or maybe an ugly kid back in the playground.
It may not mean much user.
But I'm proud of you.
With all due respect, isn't that an average-sized woman in Burgerland?
troll softer
Except he loses nothing throwing a comment here or there.
Goes against how he has acted in the past, enough so that even his supporters will see is bullshit. I can't fault him on throwaway comments about someone that many have already forgotten about due in part to him chiming in (as opposed to what would happen had he said what you're saying).
Her size is proof that the car couldn't have killed her. A tank couldn't have crushed that mountain of meat. They should be protesting whalers. They kill more of their kind than any nazi ever could
I would unironically buy the challenger of peace just for the aesthetics
Good luck keeping it in its current condition. Even with the paint and sheet metal intact, those things get structural rust within 5 years. All bubbling out like 15 year old Toyotas.
I would unironically fuck Heather Heyer and Impregnate her to kill off the kike genetics
Doesn't work that way. Jude ancestry rules mean that such an arrangement would result in children that are as jewish as some Cohen with a jewfro and a nasal voice.
What Trump did was brilliant. It'll be very difficult to get a guilty verdict for that driver, Fields. All his lawyer has to argue is that the President said he was guilty on national tv and now he can't get a fair trial.
And when the jewish judges say "blow it out your ass"? What will they do then, appeal the verdict to more jewish judges?
top kek He called Heidi Cruz and Carley Fiorina beautiful too. If the media would have taken the bait and criticized him for noting her appearance it would have been a lolercaust.
Also "incredible" means not having credibility.
best words
He kind of is. They have him by the nuts on this shit unfortunately. They have an enormous virtue signalling field around this one. His post presidency memoirs are going to be insane though.
You aren't allowed to know this now. Bringing it up at all is holohoax exposure. It's worse than Travon Martin or gamergate facts by a factor of 10.
Why is this thread focused on the fat birds fatness, and not on the fact that the fake 'nazi' pretending to be goy as part of the aut-kike psyop didn't even hit her, was a kike all along, like pretty much all of the aut-kike leadership?
Because her fatness takes up all the space.
I'm jiggling in gag right now. I've seen my share of gross. But that descript went and triggered a 5 min long gag fest, that I'm still fighting. Like I have a hairball. That is most disgusting. Congrats though user, the only other thing that did that was tubgirl, and I can handle that.
I had a neighbor this fat, I had to leave conversation rudely because of her smell, smelled like rotten cheese. And now I'm gagging again. God.
Why is the person giving cpr to her right tit, while she is conscious, her arm moves. If I didn't completely trust the media I would say this is another production.
Fishing for material to demonize us with?
800 - 1200 lbs>>10617797
Jesus Christ I bet first responders killed that fucking land whale.
I don't imagine CPR had much effect as there was NO WAY to get through all of the fat. Also, the car CLEARLY didn't touch this landwhale, so at the very most he's facing negligent homocide, ie. 2nd degree/manslaughter. If they try to push the whole "terrorism/1st degree" they are going to lose badly.
Plus, something like 15+ Civil War statues have been destroyed because this bitched died. The dem / cuck mayors would never had the balls if they didn't have a lefty martyr to hold up as an excuse.
It's worth noting that Virginia masons cannot speak online, pertaining to any disclosure. They take this seriously even though they're upset with what their lodge is doing (they need to be lead here). Also Arkansas has full on shut down ANY social media for their masons. They spy to see if they consort with others that have denounced them for their shady.
Serious shit went down at a Virginia one as a Canadian mason group visited their lodge. They weren't happy with what they saw, but needed to counsel with someone before even saying more. But left it with, "we were disgusted with the display. In front of visiting masons no less. It was like sucker punching a Fed, now they're all after you" not exact quote but the silence of the VA masons and knowing their ranks involve powerful people, I'm afraid they might seriously pull off convicting fields. Idk if the kid is a kike, it's the principle, and it'll set up a precedence for further actions like this.
I hear that old (eddie murphy) recording of a nigger shouting:
So the landwhale on the gurney is the same person on the 3rd image in the title of this thread? What a shame, she has a pretty face. The way that the picture is taken is deceptive since I would never expect that same person to be morbidly obese.
I concur that she had a really cute face, her eyes are actually warm and friendly looking. She probably wasn't a terrible person, she just made some horrible decisions. Being friendly, this happens because you want people to be happy and it's almost always taken advantage of by someone. If she were skinny and cute, no way she'd be so welcome in their group she hung with. Unless she were gay. Negresses don't really see fat Becky girls as a big challenge[heh] and that they'll snatch the men back when they want. My empathy kicks in when I look at her face in pictures I've seen. Her smile was nice. And now that I've been nice while speaking of her here, I'll point out that she isn't so much the enemy here, as much as the State of Virginia as a whole. They used her unfortunate startle, which got her heart into arrhythmia, which will knock you dead. VA has this wrapped up neat from hospital level, to law, to the courts. Virginia is the enemy and used Heather imo.
You are a pair of stupid niggers, that picture is at least a decade old. Current picture of this sow, show he to be a morbid looking fatbody.
Stop right there being so naive. Yes, the picture is nice, it's SUPPOSED to be. The vids tell the story of what she really was: an obese, degenerate, hate-filled, irrational sack of lard. Her mother's response just seals it; the woman is reveling in the attention and victim-bux. These people are not like us. Do not be fooled.
Meh. Not being fooled. Just surprised that the OP was stupid enough to link the decade old picture instead of the current day picture of her. I have alot of family that turned into land whales because they let themselves go. I don't really feel bad for them since they do it to themselves. As I always said, the body is usually a reflection of the self. No sympathy here if she was too stupid to jump the trendy leftist bandwagon. She probably would have made a decent mother if she wasn't so brainwashed.
Of course the was only ONE photo of this women where she didn't look like a land whale and that's the one the medias ran with.
Isn't this fat shaming?
Funny thing is, don't mind fat chicks when they have a cute face and take some modicum of care of themselves like at least basic hygiene.
Biggest deterrent is the fact it was a coalburning degenerate that was stupid and/or evil.
I'm going to be spamming that elsewhere.
Notice how the fat female uses a forced perspective to make herself look pretty in an auto-portrait. They actually have to warp reality because they're so self conscious about being fat, yet never actually try changing their way of life.
Best way to spot them is high angles, face crops with no body shots, lack of visible clavicle, fat cheeks etc.
Not to mention arms thicker than a numale's legs.
I'm not fooled easily. I had to attend school in the ghetto. Not many Whites, opposed to the almost half half split between nigs and spics. I knew a girl who was too nice, like her. We broke ties and I regret not getting to her. She housed up with a jail nigger and died in a house fire trapped behind hood windows [barred] She paid alright, and led better maybe she'd be here. I've seen nice taken advantage of in small ways, why the hell not a big way?
It does happen. On video those friends are constantly yelling for Heather. They're worried, in fact one friend voiced she felt danger. That stuff indicates more than her pics ever did user. She was led astray, without check. Or she'd stayed away from that, you learn that from good parents. Living in Virginia, she had no chance. Something is not adding up there, that's a fact. That's the problem, they're absolutely using her (She probably got gastric bypass and nobody will recognize her after. No conspiracy there, we know that stuff happens. That's why I didn't merely take pictures into account. Never do. I discount them mostly, and try to dig another way. She was obnoxious to be sure.
Heather Heyer is a message. HH? You gotta think all over, inside and outside the box. It's false flag, and that should be exposed. Don't lose your sight of that. VA masons are in discontent over something, they're afraid to speak. It's not naive to at least look at who benefits here. Masons and symbolic signs all over the place. Question everything, no?
Sort yourself out, you pathetic worm.
There is footage of her mother saying she died of a heart attack. I'm sure an user will post it.
Low energy, just like you. I bet you'd love for people to lose sight of the actual enemy. She sadly is a puppet project for Virginia, right now you're the enemy, part of the beast, by derailing, you complicit piece of shit. Hating our founding fathers that badly? Fuck off. Jefferson is where they've went and pushed too fucking far. And, I will sort it out, believe that. Get past the woman, wonder about who's used her, what they gain. If you can't you must be one of them. Sort yourself out, user.
Apparently sorting yourself out is much to ask of you. Kill yourself instead.
… What kind of bot is this?
If any humans still lurk 8ch, see
How the fuck would using that be comfortable? Do you go under from the front?
It looks like the person laying on her left moved their arm.
This is the angle to use.
"By using the thin-looking photo, the media are perpetuating harmful stereotypes and essentially fat-shaming.
Heather was a proud women of girth and her true, beautiful form should not be hidden from the world! She was beautiful as she was!"
All those ambulances they could have put her in… but they keep parading their blubber fish past them all (did she not fit in the doors?). These false flags really need a new director.
EMT here,
4+Lead is the standard practice when carrying patients if we have the resources.
Not saying you are wrong, because im sure it actually took all 5 trying their damnedest, but it isn't uncommon.
Also its obvious that bitch was already dead before they ever put her in there.
Holy fuck I can't tell where its head, arms or feet are