Iraq general /ig/ kurdish referendum
Kurdcommieniggers left it too late to negotiate.
I don't see USA backing them, Ford knows better than most people..
Turkey, Russia, Iran and Iraq are not going to be stopped by anyone together.
Stupid fuckers.
Good job, Kurds. You deserve to be called something that doesn't rhyme with turds.
between this and the catalan referendum, I think we have some major fucking happenings brewing
i wonder if the common kurdish enemies of Turkey and Syria will instigate cooperation between the two. does Turkey have designs to snatch territory from Syria or just stop Kurdish independence in neighboring nations i wonder
the concern of balkanization of the Kurds might draw Iran,Iraq,Turkey,Syria together
I'm sitting on a mountain of Dinar. Which outcome bodes best for me?
Iraq BTFOing the Kurds means more economic success long term but possible short term instability
Turks have been trying to fuck over Syria for ages, they still have dreams of the Ottoman Empire.
Iraq is doing the right thing. They're really getting their act together now. A good first step was sending a clear message that the US is only one of many partners and if folks at the state department think they can control Iraq's foreign policy they'll find out the reality is completely different today. It's not the Bush years anymore.
On Turkey: I'll go straight to it. Unless major foreign policy changes occur in DC, the only way to prevent Turkey from leaving NATO will be a regime change attempt (a real one this time) and it won't work. Not at lot of people would have predicted this a couple years ago, but the Russia-Turkey relation will most likely significantly improve within the next five years (even if the CIA kills more diplomats). Expect Turkey to keep buying military equipment from Russia at an increasing rate. This will greatly upset the US MIC/IC to the point where the regime change option will be on the table.
Turkroaches can kill all the turds they want, what's really pissing (((people))) off right now is seeing Turkey doing it's own thing and buying Russian equipment. The excuse about interoperability within/between NATO members is bullshit used to sell more overpriced (and mostly ineffective) US equipment. Take the newest member of NATO for example (Montenegro). Tiny country with almost no army yet the US is ordering them to buy shit they not only can't afford, but don't need. That's what NATO is for before anything else.
By the way, Iraq has also been buying Russian military equipment and it's having the same effect back in the US. (((They))) can see where all of this is going and it's not in favor of the US. Iran, Syria, Iraq, Turkey with Russia backing them with a veto at the UNSC and as if this wasn't enough, you can ALSO add China to the mix as well. How so? Let's just say, if anybody thinks China is only focusing on the Pacific & Korean peninsula they're not paying attention. The US acting hostile toward Pakistan will greatly benefit China and that's one of many examples that should be monitored closely for anyone interested in geopolitics.
Final note: You can forget about any serious attempt at repairing the Syria-Turkey relation. It will take at least a decade before normal diplomatic contacts resume. Too many people fail to realize what Turkey did and the impact it had (buying CIA-Mossad oil, arming and training AQ/HTS/Nusra/FSA, White Helmets). Assad is good with this sort of thing. Remember how he told Qatar to fuck off despite certain allies suggesting otherwise? That was beautiful and the right call.
no bully pls. I'll go get some sleep now tbh
what did the turds mean by this ?
Israel has stated that they will support an independent Kurdistan.
The kurds are actually going to do it.
Kurds = Muslim commies = Literal doubleniggers
Haha. A one jewbuck world slips further away.
Oh look the CIA's pets are getting off of their leash. How will they ever use them to destabilize Syria if they're too busy trying to slice off a piece of Iraq for themselves.
They meant they'll go all terrorist if they don't get their way.
Never forget that America has repeatedly supported these pinko sandnigger vermin.
Not all Kurds are muslim, some of them still practice their ancient native religions like Zoroastranism or Yazidism with muslims in (what is now still) Iraqi Kurdistan even mass-converting to Zoroastranism, their first official temple opened in 2016. There is also Yarsanism which is older than 3000 years old according to its followers.
So I'm pretty sure that this also plays a role in why Iran and Turkey are so asshurt about this.
I for one hope that the ancient religions of the middle-east will grow in followers so they can finally get rid of pisslam and kikery and an independent Kurdistan might encourage more muslims to leave their cult.
Iran Turkey and Iraq Vs Kurds
Glorious. Another jew puppet getting stuffed into the dust bin of history.