Requesting Sticky

We're being raided
It's the_Donald or something else that also damage controls at the_Donald.
Remember when Holla Forums returned from the 1st of April?
Trump strikes Syria in the following days and suddenly Holla Forums receives thousands of New IPs all shilling Pro-Trump and Anti-Assad.
When Holla Forums has always been Pro-Assad, they dared saying otherwise, ousting them as clear shills
They used the same tactics they're using now: They call everyone who disagrees with them Shills and they push destructive agendas, similar to what they did with the Pro-Amnesty apologism at the_Donald.

Holla Forums is not a Donald Trump board, it's a National Socialist board, and if Trump does harmful things, like his whole Voterbase recognised in unison, we'll not aprove of him either

Their pattern:
>They then try to Astroturf the board into unconditional Trump cocksucking, usually tied with Neocon/Globalists interests.

what a fucking pussy. Mods delete this shit and ban the OP(KIKE WAS GASSED FOR THIS POST)

Found one.

Every fuckin time

It isn't just T_D, it's also goons playing the extremes of both sides to alienate and fracture the community. You're not far off the mark though, good post.

You're a dumbass.

You've done this 3 times now and its never worked. Get a clue.

More of them here

Go back to Reddit already.

I could care less, but it is funny

faggot Mods banned me for this post. What dick licking cucks they must be.(KIKE WAS GASSED FOR THIS POST)


look at these homo jizz slurping faggot Mods.

Heres a bump for you OP

Get a clue hebe Hitler will rise from the dead and come for you


This thread might have been started by shills as a way to D&C.
We are being brigaded, but it isn't by the Trump subreddit. It's probably from the usual suspects shitting up our board like usual.
*Mods are getting played right now*

We are being raided, alright. By mods.

From my OP:
>It's the_Donald or something else that also damage controls at the_Donald.
It's clearly Pro-Trumping and related to the acceptance of the Globalist agenda.

Have I woken up back in the Berenstein universe?

Again this post by a different ID.

Ha! At least try to conceal your damage control or something.

Hi, kampfy. How's the raid going?

It's probably just regular anons tired of the shills claiming that Trump is a wall-touching traitor every time some faggot website publishes an article about his latest 'misstep'.

It's not due to how/what they write.
It's clearly non Holla Forumsacks - they're also ousting themselves with the ID shifting thing and bot-like responses.
Such as this:

Poor kike-kun, Mod-sama is always right around the corner waiting to get you! How scary!

MOD-sama reporting in

Not an argument.

The only non polack round these parts is you. I can't say it for sure but you seem like a shill that is trying his hardest to blend in right now.
This thread is a clusterfuck, I'll leave you to it and let someone else sort this bullshit out.

This is what I've been seeing. Several threads where there is a back and forth between "Donald can do no wrong" and "He's a Zionist puppet" posts. It seems to have just gotten very bad the last couple of days.

Oh please you children are so serious. I'm baby sitting the kids here on a Saturday and babysitting the fucking faggot mods on this train wreck of a board. What's the difference.

Mods on Holla Forums

You see now, ? I even think that they're paid pajeet shitskins doing that. They don't even understand imageboard culture.
He also quoted a deleted post of himself here >>10616408 who was duplicated here with another ID.

Shills all around these days, whether they be actual paid shills to their autistic puppets on the constant assault every time (((they))) claim Trump is "not kosher anymore fellow natzies! dump dumpf!"
This has gone on since April 1st. After (((they))) manufacture a breaking point, they post things that make all the aspies sperg out in a blackpill rage as they go to try and "convert" fellow posters to following their defeatist narrative. If it was a reddit invasion, we'd be having the board spammed with pro-trump dribble, not a massive "disavow trump" shitfest of constant derailments.

Its not an argument. I made that big post detailing why I think you are the shill and the only thing you had to say about it was, no you!
you're trying way too hard to fit in. Or perhaps you're a fool who fell for the shilling campaigns. Doesn't matter. You're still shitting up the board with useless content.

Here it is: it's a Pro-Trump push, not an Anti-Trump one.
Anti-Trump voices happened in the days before but quieted down, but the_Donald is going full damage control here now, with no dissent from the narrative allowed.

Seriously, just go back to Reddit because no one wants you here with your Astroturfing and Damage Control.
Everybody is shitting on Trump because of the amnesty decision, even outside of Holla Forums
But it's already past waters, as the dynamics of the situation changed.

user-san is very observant! They take on the roles of extremes on both ends of the spectrum and attempt to disrupt discussion by shouting down everyone else.

What a poor imitation of your predecessors you are. Your boss is going to fire you in no time at this rate!

I think it's more with the drama whores who enjoy creating internet discourse while jerking off of congratulating themselves in those accomplishes.
The Trump thing as an example. In each discussion thread involved about him there comes a really extreme pro- or anti-Trump that express such autism that it's embarrassing to watch. They deny for a discussion and bring their… opinions as the one and holy law that must be agreed and never argued or else you'll get called by that faggot for being "a Jew" or "not being a true national socialist".
For example, we have a thread in which Trump appointed some dumb nigger, there comes disturbing positive replies which are usually written "BASED" or something else shit with over usage of pepe images while supporting the decision. Now, are these comments realistic enough to convince you that this person is really believing what he means?
It leaves to the core of this dilemma, the D&C. If the person over-exaggerates without accepting any discussion or to provide for further to discuss and acts like some broken parrot, it doesn't leave a good impression of himself to others. And with the problem of lacking any self-awareness, he won't stop until he'll get what he wants, drama.

There are shills and regular anons on all sides here. You have regular anons who support Trump and you have regular anons who are skeptical of Trump. I'd say it's a near 50/50 split on that, at least now after the amnesty uncertainties.

Then you have the_donald shills on one side who believe in Trump like he was the American Kim Jong Il, and leftypol shills on the other side who wants to shit on Trump for Bernie Sanders or whatever weird motivation they have.

And then there are the mods and whatever strange motivations they have for the things they do.

Bump n Jump

Some body is obviously doing the raiding. There hide out will be found and the doxes will come.

You have no dissent. So far all of your dissent against trump have been baseless claims.
Here you are again being a filthy kike

Its just not fun anymore, too transparent.

Dear diary, OP wasn't a faggot today.

endkike pls

You still have a lot to learn about jews. Both of those sides are the same group of shills. Anybody claiming Trump is god and if he wants to make having white children illegal then we should follow him is a shill. Anybody claiming Trump is a kike puppet and that we need to impeach him and kill ourselves is a shill.

Just because you put 'muh' before something doesn't make it any less true.


No. It may be in your emotion driven mind that all the criticism you receive is a reddit boogeyman, but the truth is nowhere near close to that. This has no signs of a reddit-tier push to shill, as have all the last times you sperged out. The real shilling effort is just another raid to destroy Trump's credibility by already-manufactured breaking points. (((They))) then use these to rile up the autists of the board into a panic, resulting in an army of shills who'll be doing it for free, without wasting resources on a small mongolian finger painting forum. This strategy has been employed quite often after the false gas attack.

Except he is one.

I'll wait until you can find evidence that Trump didn't cuck out.

Possibly they are both the same group. I don't care much. In reality most people here aren't very concerned about Trump at all. If you haven't noticed most threads, and pretty much every thread that is actually interesting, is not about retarded bipartisan show politics.

But yeah, moderation is key when it comes to this topic. Everyone who is too invested in either side is suspicious to me.

He did that all on his own.

I wasn't even posting before, I was only watching every single person pointing out that trump has cucked out (which was something common to see in this board for a long time now) being attacked by brainless mongrels from Reddit, specially because we ousted them doing the same cult of Trump there.

Done jacking off to cheetahs already, goon-kun? You'll never get that 10 bux back! Ku-ku-ku~

This. How can we destroy his credibility?
His acts make him what he is, and he is loosing his credibility by himself.

Stick to the truth and you will never entirely be on one side, but there will be times when you have to accept that one is more right than the other. Otherwise we wouldn't act and make decisions, stuck in an eternal state of uncertainty, becoming the Last Man.

Yeah, this entire week was about DACA. One DACA related thread then another DACA related thread. Yesterday there were over 5 DACA related threads in page 1. People don't read, they exaggerate like it's doomsday every day and volunteers are fucking lazy to keep this board clean and productive.

…or screen shot of Trumps twitter

What's been blown out of proportion here? Our future?

That's true. But you also have to know how to pick your battles and what's important and what's not.

What's your point? If you don't want to read DACA threads you can just not click on them you know. Lots of other active threads on a myriad of topics.

I don't think it's Holla Forumsack vs Holla Forumsack because the Pro-Trump faction clearly doesn't have imageboard mannerisms.
Also, OP here - this thread isn't even about being Pro or Anti Trump, but Anti-Shills.

god that poster is fucking annoying.

also my VPN was just banned, could you tell mod-sama to read the appeal regarding the 'potatoniggers arent white'' spammer

This is Holla Forums.

How about someone that says we should hope for the best but prepare for the worst? So far I've seen no proper discussion on how to deal with the situation, just kneejerking reactions.

You didn't already know this was going on for almost 2 years now? Kushner has a group that is paid to control the narrative and post here, half chan and probably many other forums and comment sections. They come out full force whenever there is bad news about Trump. Anyone that questions Trump on anything will be called a shill. Astroturfing and Gaslighting are the name of the game.

It's faggots who feel that any thread which doesn't overtly suck trump's dick must be rid of.

Perhaps that's because the proper reaction wouldn't be the kind of thing you discuss over the internet?

It's not Holla Forums v Holla Forums or anti-Trump but we should still be concerned because pro-Trump Holla Forums is not Holla Forums and you're just trying to fight shills here. Have I got it right?

There are shills on both sides being hyperbolic though, OP.

You maliciously reversed cause and effect.
Shills are behaving pro-Trump, a.k.a. condescending to a Globalist agenda of Amnesty. they did the same on the_Donald.

shills are most certainly here from one faction or another

Tell me, which topic related threads are getting the most replies within hours? Popular threads are being kept on first pages, drawing attention from the viewers while other threads will be ignored and reach into nothingness.

More and more delusions. Trump "cucking out" has always been a manufactured meme pushed whenever shills decided to raid again. You claim these people who attack you are redditiors, when no evidence of such an attack exists. That all of your enemies are brainless fools that are not enlightened to the TRUE cuck Trump is. Projection at its finest.
Eventually, you will calm down after the panic wears off, stopping the mass sperg-out. Reason and logic will prevail, until the next time a shill raid starts to happen.And it happens all over again.
Or maybe you are an actual shill? You claim to say that "trump's finished" while proclaiming that you are not of an extreme opinion. Sounds like kikery to me.

I also found it too coincidental that after the April Fool's hack the shilling from both sides started to flood the board, until the point that the board was dumbed down to conservativecucks and republicucks.

Are you saying that it's impossible for Trump to cuck out, even after this DACA bullshit? You've got to be kidding me.

fuck right off, the entire alt-kike movement is phony and jewish and anyone who supports it should not be trusted.

The Trump pro/against shilling threads get the most replies yes. But it's just "no u" replies all the way, so that's not really a real thread. Only newfags doesn't use the catalog anyways, so who cares?

This is what the_Donald say, not the evidence.
More and more is becoming clear the Trump's campaign agenda was actually Bannon's, and when Bannon left, Trump decided to save his after-presidency life by pandering to kikes and other moguls.
They're not from here, that's obvious. From where else could they be? the_Donald is a primary candidate because they were shilling pro-Amnesty because, by their logic, Trump does no wrong.
Pitiful, not even elementary-school level of argumentation.

I'm calm, it's the shills who're desperately damaging controlling and manufacturing consensus. They're failing, so they desperate even more.
Not from you, Mr. Ad Hominem
Hahaha, nice one. Can you find anything wrong that I said? Are we not a NatSoc board? Are we a trump board? Fuck off retard.
I claimed that Trump's finished? No Reason and logic here either, retard.
I'm Anti-Shill.
You do sound, sure.

I've been here since 2013 when this place was mostly pedos debating weather this place or m-sterchan was less of a honeypot and I have never used the catalog unless I wanted to necro a specific thread

That must be very tiresome. Your Holla Forums experience must be very Trump heavy then. But to each his own.

I'm just going to shut down on US politics until the DACA thing is all sorted out, I'm tired of all the shilling and arguing. We won didn't we? He's obviously better than hillary…

Well I care, due to the effect that this can do to the health of the board. We believe quality over quantity. And it's slowly going again this quantity+shitty quality over quality. A cancerous thread leaves a bad impression to the board as a whole. If you constantly see autist people throwing a tantrum over the same topic, you'll be disgusted and have more less of a desire to visit the board.

At this point that means fucking nothing.

I hide threads I don't want to participate in so it's not that bad.

Can't really argue with that. Personally I've just come to terms with that 90% of this place is pure cancer and enjoy the pleasant fringes.

The spergout keeps on coming. They isolate on one part of the statement, forgo all context of it, and then attack the disbeliever with proclamations of him being mad. Very similar to the leftist practice of Wrongthink, as befitting of the blind dogmatic.

And the other type of sperg-post, the long text rebuttal. This consists of the Sperg quoting the post in multiple parts, in order to commentate on it, in hopes that its effort will pay off. It uses "witty remarks" to try and convince others that its target is crazed. Most of these being short attacks with no thought put into them, while accusing the enemy of what they're doing. Such things only come from one source: The enraged Goon.

The_donald is a heavily moderated cheerleading sub largely devoid of any analytical content which is impossible to replicate on an imageboard without massive MODS=FAGS asshurt. I suspect the actual shills that want Holla Forums to bend to the current administrations whims take advantage of our standoffish nature and post over the top anti-Trump shit. Just pointing out any user that likes Trump better than his opponents is friendly fire.

So, instead of rebutting your every point, I'll just state the obvious:
You're a retard, go back from where you came from, no one is buying your narrative.

That's life for you.

Tell me that Amnesty isn't going to be given to all the goddamn motherfuckers that we want six feet underground by none other than Trump. Tell me it's all fake, just a misinterpretation. Tell me that and you're more full of shit than a porta-potty near a college football game on a Homecoming tailgate.

A surprise that this place isn't dead after enduring for 3 years on almost everything since Holla Forums amassed so many different kind enemies that you can catalog it into some kind of "monster of the week"

Its really the other way around. (((They))) post stupid shit under the pro-trump label, as feed for their army of blackpilled autists.

Regardless of the form it takes, the monster is always kike-kun.

Astroturfing is their most annoying kike behavior.

Bravo OP. And the blackpilled brigade

Or maybe people are just annoying faggots

There's that word again.

nice TRS meme

Unless you can undo what's been done (DACA) then you have said nothing remotely substantial ITT. Trump's twitter as of two days ago is a black pill.

It's the black speech of Leddit.


confirming those digits

they believe the flood of normie groupthink somehow validates whatever narrative they're pushing but really demonstrates how stupid they ironically or (((unironically))) are

Your Reddit spacing and not-capitalization of first letters lead me to believe, by experience that you come from Reddit/4chan.

Can the reddit spacing meme please die?

No one talked about reddit spacing until a year ago or so.

Before then "reddit spacing" was completely normal on imageboards.

It might be an eyesore, but sometimes paragraphs are short.

Live with it, plx.

No, because double-spacing requires you to be from Reddit, as no one ever would do that normally.

It's not just a meme. When you reply to someone you've quoted on reddit you press enter twice. When you reply to someone after you've quoted them by greentexting you only enter once.

Yeah, that's definitely what it is. Let's just ignore them and MAGA.

Why would I respond leaving the space above? Because I'm used to using reddit and habitually do this, only to get called out then call it a meme.

I've had this discussion many times. Looking back through my screencap folder half of the old ones would be considered "reddit spaced" today. If anything I think redditfags got their way of typing from imageboards, not the other way around.

Sometimes you just type out what you think really fast and it somehow ends up with that spacing because of short paragraphs. And then when you see your post pop up you groan inwardly because you just know what you wrote isn't going to be processed in the collectivist minds of babby newfags. Then you get 4 replies about reddit spacing.

God damn I hate that shitty newfag meme.

fuck right off.

You're an imbecile. Reddit requires you to double space because it will not jump a line with only one Enter.

Have you ever read Kant? Some of his sentences are pages long. Your "short paragraphs" are hardly fucking paragraphs and grammatically erroneous.

Take your meds, autismo.


You do know that Holla Forums used that format for filenames before you dragged your newfag ass in here, right? Saved that one from here years ago, you faggot.

Fuck off.

I have no idea how reddit works. I've never even been to reddit. All I know is that a completely traditional way of imageboard paragraphing is now some "reddit spacing" newfag meme. I might be autismo, but you newfags are cancer.

I've got a tradition for you, it's called being full of shit.


Well, I didn't get called out for reddit spacing. I've conformed to your newfag collectivism. I called out your shitty "reddit spacing" meme and got btfo'd by the millennial summerfag crew. That was completely predictable.

top kek, we never had 13 digit unixtime, it was always 15 digit unless you used save as original filename on a cuckchan repost :^)

bump for sticky, this pattern as been going on for too long and has to stop. If we fought against TRS raids, we should put a foot down about this shit too.

I am here for you Holla Forums. Obama, and now Trump should always have our pistol in the back of their heads, making the future for white children 'permanent'

All jews, niggers, shills, arabs, chinks, spics, and multikulti faggots will be line up in front of a wall someday by us.

Three weeks and you still don't understand what meaningless rhetoric while he negotiates for his wall means. I'm actually a bit embarrassed for you my dude.

That's not true. But you wouldn't know that, because you came here last year.

I came here when copypaste started advertising this place on, I never remember 13 digit, always 15.

Moonman please team up with Benny G and save us from the spic hordes- you're our only hope at this point!

These threads are nothing but a waste of fucking time. Filter, report and sage shit content and bump good shit that is relevant. You can see by my email field what I think about OP and his thread. Its shit that everyone already knows and if they don't, they need to lurk moar This board is getting more painful to visit by the day

I'd say amnesty is the only battle right now. I live in a border town and I'm sick of watching my people being replaced by spics. I guess if I lived further north I could stick my head in the sand a bit longer, but I don't have that luxury.

That's not the only reason. A lot of them are non-white and amnesty is in their best interest. Pic related.

2 days actually. Back to reddit.

No dear newfriend, it was 13. Here are some random screencaps from my 8/pol/ folder.

and yet with the daca shit and with the ADLBB-virtue signalling unanimously agreed to by the senate and Trump, the mods would never sticky anything or even keep it to one thread apiece, and were deleting developments for "Low energy"

Even if people lurk, they become impressioned by the spam unless there are counterposts to let them know they are being lied to. Newfags are shit, but think of them as "the next generation" a few years down the road. Its important to cement them on our side as soon as possible

Holy shit
I thought it was only me
I thought that I was fucking imagining things
Thank you OP for speaking out

If you are getting sick of hearing the same message then it's time to do something about it than to just come here to rageporn your life away.

Trump is NOT Hitler; never pretended to be Hitler; never acted like Hitler; is not a secret Hitler. He is a reality TV star and acts like one. Ever since Trump's campaign, voices dissenting against Trump, both for valid and invalid reasons, have been banned and forced to other websites. These sites are being shut down, while 8/pol/ goes full Trumpcuck. The goal is obvious; eliminate the NS third positionists, and reframe the debate as Right versus Left as it has been for the last Century. If you find yourself saying, But the Right is better than the Left, look at what has happened under both the Right and the Left in America since WWII! Both sides have increased non white immigration, both sides have increased welfare payments to non whites, both sides are attempting White Genocide. Whether Trump personally supports White Genocide or not is irrelevant; the system that he is a part of and engages is forcing White Genocide. There is no other choice than a return to Anarchy; the entire governmental, national system must be dismantled and replaced. Only from the ASSES AND ELBOWS HELP ME I CAN'T STOP SUCKING COCK of the past "civilization" can a true Civilization expand and reach farther than man has ever reached before.


Fucking mods replaced Ashe s and Ec hoes with ASSES AND ELBOWS HELP ME I CAN'T STOP SUCKING COCK

I hope you get stabbed to death

It's a choice between compromise with the anti-white system, or revolution. We should never permit anyone to frame it otherwise.

And I hope summer will end one day. Hope springs eternal, user.


Easier would be for you to stop doing it. Stop putting two line breaks between each sentence and the reddit spacing meme will die.

You and me both. The people reeeeing about that are faggots. It is very difficult to see how big your paragraph actually will appear when posted when using the Quick Reply.

(((Reddit meme))) is just kike shit, even if it wasnt kikes who started it, its still kiked shit.

This needed to be said. You're right on the shekels with the pattern you described.

The (((reddit spacing meme))) will never die because of all the autists around here who reeeee over the stupidest shit.

That wasn't my point. I have stopped doing it because to do it just makes your argument vanish in newfag spergouts. But my point is that it's a dumb meme. It's something that happens naturally on imageboards and no one cared about it until about a year ago when the recent crop of summerfags arrived because of some media blitz. The whole thing is obviously kept alive by redditor newfags who are insecure and need to virtue signal about not being redditors.

The redditspacing insinuation/meme is almost universally applied by faggots FROM reddit itself as a way to try and fit in on imageboards. Most of the time they literally have no idea what redditspacing even is, and they think it applies to line breaks in between sentences. Once and for all:

This is NOT redditspacing

This is reddit spacing.





spacing in and of itself. It's just someone that doesn't know how to write properly. Breaks in paragraphs/sentences are supposed to chop up ideas into individual points and at the same time make things easier and more enjoyable to read.

user you can resize the quick reply box. You also can make new paragraphs with just one line break. You also don't need a new line for every sentence. Please either stop being retarded or stop posting.

Yep. I'm pretty sure it's goons trying to get us to attack The_donald over on reddit.

Note that there's some crossover between both communities, and they really, really fucking hate that there's a trump sub on reddit.

How is it surprising that there's tons of shills trying to exploit that?

True to kike nature, they're also trying to use it to infect pol with civic nationalism cuckery. To get so many users to bombard this place and fling around 'based' and 'muh chess moves' like a monkey flings shit at the wall.

It's a good chance for faggots from T_D to see the REAL truth. The danger lies in those same fucking idiots "rushing the stage" and shitting it up. They should be VIEWING Holla Forums, not participating. Because if you see how they define "red pilled" or "the red pill", it's usually the kosher version…..or the "culture is the only difference, not race" pill that cucks LOVE to drop on non-critical thinking impressionable young idiots.

See also: Cruel Fate of Kekistan.

Also, what is extremely interesting, is multiple other conservative boards I'm on are experiencing this same level of blackpill shilling.
While it's not the same crassness or crudeness as it is on here, the same talking points are used on both places. That seems to point away from just the /salt-left/ being the /salt-left/ and towards actual paid shills.


There were shills making every single thread about DACA no matter what the topic of the thread was. They even tried to make the London bombing thread about DACA. I don't support amnesty, but there should be at least some threads not about this one topic. If those pushing amnesty acceptance are actually from plebbit then why don't we chase them off with gore. Even Voat was able to chase them away by simply calling them niggerfaggots

you sound like you have the end of a light bulb up your ass because you can't even afford a real "butt plug" you fucking degenerate wreck


Yeah, I agree those autists are pretty annoying. Gore isn't scaring away anyone in current year, sad to say. We just have to live with it until the whole Trump thing loses steam.

so now we can finally do what I suggested and throw trump into the fire, since he has decided to backstab us pretty much now.

hello reddit


It's not a sticky, though.

sweet, fed to the wolves it is then. Lets begin shall we.

oy gavalt I've been shown!

I didn't really disagree with your sentiment, but autism is autism.

aren't you that faggot who keeps spamming those gay webms with fucking caveman tier titles like "Me Boy Emo Fuck Slut" you spineless jellyfish?

go die of aids, faggot. filtered and reported.

Uh, no.

In other news, water is wet, and luegenpresse saying a bunch of bullshit isn't the same as Trump doing actually harmful things.

lip service
lip service
Told the Russians beforehand and operational the next day
ICE is busily deporting every daca fag they can given the slightest legal opportunity
ebin lip service!1111! oh noooo!!! Won't someone think of the poor e-celeb controlled opposition!

If you can't distinguish between lip service bullshit and real actions, then you definitely need to go back to the_donald or wherever the fuck you came from.

Die in a fire.

I was referring to my own autism in pointing out that someone called a non stickied thread for sticked. But I forgive you for your autism, fellow autist. Reading context is hard, I know.



10/10, user.



I think you're new here.

Or maybe you're an insufferable faggot who thinks black or white when it comes to general criticism.

We're pissed about his tweets, you dumb fucking nigger. Kill yourself.

Fuck off jobulawn

The fuck, mods? Did you take the God Emperor meme too seriously?

There is nothing wrong with holding an elected representatives feet to the fire to make them keep their promises. No DACA, No Amnesty, No more anchor babies, build the wall, Citizens first!!!

Bah humbug, fuck you. I've double spaced for years before I even know reddit existed other then some story about the faggot creator of it killing himself. Get a grip, hippie.

That shit is old as fuck. stop posting.

If you can't show real action it's not fucking happening. Last I checked DACA faggots are still posting fake ss cards on twatter

this, we been needing to keep doing this, keep his feet on that damn fire no matter what, because we can't rely on it to always be "chess"

Here's the only other one I have.

Man, I miss redpill threads. If you're still lurking Kampfy, I petition for their return.

There's one in the catalog right now:

Awesome. They were kept out for a good while. Nice to see things shaping up a bit in here.

Think the democratic process we exist under will actually solve things? Don't fall for the tricks, Anons.

> What is esoteric immigration?

Told you so.

You tell me.

Good question… lul

OP confirmed for newfag. They are clearly goons.

that's some advanced JUST botposting

All the bunkers are being raided as well. SOme niggers have unleashed a wave of shit on the imageboards.

If the shills know about the bunkers but the average Holla Forumsack doesn't, then you're doing something wrong.
And if you mean the honeypot shitholes when you say bunkers then you can get fucked.

Aside from the obvious template thread spam, most "ebin screenshot/infograph" threads are fucking full of disinfo and well poisoning. Junk food is "comfy" but it's still junk.

lol die in a fire

Well, that might be so. But people here can process shit on their own and decide for themselves. Truth need not fear shilling.

Good observations, that's exactly their modus operandi

Nobody told you not to question/criticize what you read. Holla Forums opinions have varied from 5+ years ago to now, and it's obvious some bluepills have snuck their way into some of the caps, especially during the GG era.

See picture related

So are you saying it is Shareblue who have been astroturfing these boards with pro-isreali jew neocon threads and posts, pretending that the jews you are shilling for aren't really jewish?

Only the Clinton groups wouldn't ever be telling the truth about the jews that control the leftwing Demoncunts and rightwing Republikikes.

Fuckin retarded shill above me

Hey thanks, i was in that thread and wanted to save that post but i never got around to it.

They always do this. They try to create fake cross-board wars. It's a fantasy of theirs where a dozen of them IP hopping and shitting up the board will convince a thousand or so people here to attack some board that we are relatively friendly towards.

Great image.

The goons pretend to be from End-chan or The_Donald every time they raid this board. I don't think it ever worked.

Sometimes they manage to aim the cannon on target.

What other universe, Holla Forumsrother?

Report all "reddit spacing" derailers and move on.

You know what, you're right. Reddit requires a space between paragraphs in order to enforce the line break.

So, from now on, I will include TWO spaces between paragraphs, so that my spacing cannot be called "reddit spacing." Reddit is only one blank space. I shall have two.

You're a massive cockbag.Get AIDS.

It's okay

necrobumping faggots

oy vey