Pro-Trump "Mother Of All Rallies" in D.C.
How is there not already bread on this? Juggalos clownin out over politics. Pro-Trump rally taken over by chimping nog, chimping about BLM. Faygo flying already. Counter protestors imminent. GET IN HERE.


Other urls found in this thread:

They're making fun of Trump, you can see that right?


There's nothing based about juggalos, even if they were there playing Hitler speeches and giving Roman salutes. It's another Trump-centered political rally in DC in CY+2, worth active monitoring on Holla Forums.

in case it's already been memory holed, juggalo degenerates were going to rally in support of communist antifa nonsense and pro-trump people had a rally planned on the same day at the same location.


through dubs speak truth

I thought they were protesting their supposed persecution after being labeled a gang or something?

Really nigger?

I thought it was to protest their being considered a gang?

I seriously doubt it's anything but an excuse to buy meth out in the open.

That is probably part of the stated agenda they also went full anti-white after the land whale died last month.

Juggalos = Antifa

Red fist of Marxism

Juggalo Marxists get the rope

The juggalos are only being targeted because they're white and are trying to form some sort of identity to help them in the negrified world. A lot of them are degenerate trash but that's just a sign of how degenerate the country is

It seems like there are actually two rallies going on in DC. I'm trying to figure out which is more retarded.


The patiotard one is 3% anti nationalist boomertard

Juggalos are the worst

They have like 200 people for Amnesty Don

Thousands of commies for Juggalos

dude is going full power level on white genocide pushed in media, covering up crime stats, chimping on BLM telling them to go to the ghettos. inb4 he names the jew

Of course Juggalos, the dregs of society, would turn to full blown commie anarchists

bless Keks timeline



That is just Antifa trying to do meme magic.

Holla Forums shilling this bad?

According to the guy in this multi-feed, antifa juggalos "infiltrated" and got kicked out and now the juggalos are marching to the MOAR rally, apparently in alliance.


Oh god, did some commie retard roll out of bed one day and ask "Hmmm, how can we connect with the proletariat better? We've tried cumfarting trannies that hate the very idea of civilization Western or otherwise so why not these clown fellows?"

Okay, I need fucking help. I knew clownfags were marching to try and clear their name's off the gang list, and just learned about the MOAR rally., but now the clowns are marching WITH that rally? I don't know who's shilling for what at this fucking point. Did I switch timelines just now without looking?

What the fuck does faygo mean?


Faygo is a soda. Apparently at ICP concerts they would spray the crowd with bottles of the stuff. For what purpose? They're fucking clowns, who knows

Only good clown coming through

Named after some Russian drink makers. Expect CNN to connect the dots in a hilariously stupid manner by the end on the day.



Im in the same boat fam. Id say just lurk some moar but I've been lurking and still have not figured out this clown shit yet.

they literally have a business deal as the official sponsor, so it started as a joke but quickly turned into a shekel making meme machine

Well I guess if you have to shill a product spraying it over adoring fans is definitely a way to get your foot into the door.

I still don't have a clue where ICP stands. I knew commies were either pulling strings in the fan base or trying to, but the user posting the multi-feed is saying they got kicked out and now are marching with the MOAR rally. I guess we'll just have to wait for the aftermath of all this to see what's actually going on.

to the best i can discern, radical centrist boomer lolbergs are having a "we're not racist, but muh judeo-christian American values" rally (MOAR rally) in DC. On the other end of the DC Mall, Juggalos are holding a "we're not a gang, muh diversity and acceptance and degeneracy" rally. Antifa showed up a the juggalo rally and got bounced. Apparently a lot of the juggalos are down with the muh America protest (MOAR) and are marching to join them into a big pile of literal garbage. That's about it.
he politics are so asinine on both sides it's not worth trying to understand what the actual "purpose" or "message" is. There is none. They both end in fucking concerts. It's just a shekel factory whose opening act is virtue signalling about their misguided views.

I hope they kill a non-white trump supporter during the rally and it gets caught on video.

If it happens while antifa is helping them, it's cause de jure to declare open war on lefties and just murder them in their beds. I doubt anyone would even stop us at that point, if we had the right martyr.

Gloom Tube is streamin

Actually that is a total lie. Faygo refuses to have anything to do with them. ICP has reached out to the owner of Faygo beverages numerous times but Faygo refuses to have any affiliation with them.
t. former worker of Detroit beverage company, not faygo

I stand corrected. It's just a meme that got out of control then. and don't act like Faygo actually wants nothing to do with them. i guarantee they make up at least 25% of their sales

faygo is shit and worse than your average brand of carbonated jew


Well shit, thanks for clearing all that up. Figured the MOAR rally was just lukewarm centrism and the ICP at it's worse was going to be communist evangelizing. But now it's going to be one ridiculous virtue signaling event. Thanks for correcting the record.

they're not russian
they're jews.

never forget where you are or what timeline you're in

They actually don't. I'm sure they like the money, but the owner is an old white guy who probably dislikes nigger shit, from what I know about him.

Meh… I mean you shouldn't drink the carbonated yid, but they have some good flavors that are not available in other brands like Rock & Rye and Redpop.
It is nigger-tier pop, but I drank it as a kid when it was in glass bottles.

Fox 5
Gloom Tube
another multi-angle


gloomtube has a good feed of the actual march itself. truly a twilight zone tier timeline we've slipped in to.


Can we meme juggalo gangs? It would be hilarious to see

There already are juggalo gangs.

They are and hate antifa for trying to recruit them. That user has no idea what he is talking about.

who /downwiththeclown/ here?

Juggalos are my fucking mortal enemy, far back as aol chat rooms I'd troll their chats. I had a program that 'punted' people offline. Man, I'd really flip their switches too doing it, because they'd not be able to get back in fast.

See, my problem with ICP started when they decided to disrespect Ted Nugent and bowhunting legend Fred Bear in a song, making them mortal enemy no 1. (Fuck Ted Nugent fuck Fred bear were the lyrics uttered that fucked em over) I've been waiting for the chance to taste revenge. Do these jugglecucks know that where icp comes from ain't even gentrified Detroit? They're rich white chunks of cuck out of goddamn Ferndale. Even Eminem was more hood. They've sparred with him, and a couple others. Big Proof was murdered in the time when Eminem waged war with ICP. ICP tried swiping another's catalog of music. That nigger fought back, he got the catalog back. That'd be Esham. I hate I know this, but when you have to live where I did you watched your mouth. ICP and their fans were intolerable. Cuckalos, fucking complete degenerates. So are you "insane clowns" really wanting to fuck with the insane Aryan that's just waiting for y'all to slip once. Once. I'm watching, so are others. Going fucking down clowns.

Good. Fuck that fat faggot violent J just openly attacked white people and Christians larping like the government is racist and wants segregation when it was the government that forcefully desegregated schools and killed Irishmen fighting desegregation.
These fags might as well be antifa and it would be good to see them get more tighter knit.
Also always remember the rule about white gangs. On a long enough time line white gangs become white supremacists.

This is the craziest timeline ever. We really did unleash the god of chaos didn't we. No other way to explain this shit! I love it!

it hasn't even begun

Sauce would be good. But, right now, I don't buy a word from ICP, damage control is what pissed them off. They've beefed with many and accrued many enemies for that. Are you violent gay?

Uncle Ted is a bro.
If you want to bring down ICP then it would benefit to get more of their fans locked up somehow, their members have done a shitload of crimes it shouldn't be difficult. I've known them most my life and I hate them now. I know the FBI is mostly going after them for being white and trying to survive in ghettoes but that doesn't change that the majority of these people are just faggots in face paint wanting to fuck 13 year old juggasluts.

BLM took over trump rally

Wow so PRcucking did nothing for the patiotard rally?


No, you don't understand Juggalos. They're wiggers that dress up like clowns to celebrate their appreciation of the rap group 'Insane Clown Posse'.

Trumpcucks never learn

Who remembers Juggalo Holocaust?

Video somewhat related, its one of the clown rap niggers going full BLM

They are litterally the worst things about goth, metal and rap "culture" combined.

yes icp plays nigger ball to make money they can't go full white power and make money.

Its a cheap shit-tier even for fizzy kike soda that is widely available around Detroit, but all over, but especially Detroit.

Juggalos are possibly the most pathetic people to ever exist. I can't believe they are still a thing.

I know. They were gigafaggots in the 90's, and they have just 6,000,000X their faggotry.

I really hope they get gunned down. JK FUHBEE

Eminem and his crew chased ICP out of Detroit with paintball guns lol

What kind of meme timeline is this, where fucking Juggalos are allies of Trump?

Vernors is the only pop for us.

Don't be so sensitive

So the communist clowns just got btfo'd by the degenerate civic clowns who are going to a civic rally that just got btfo'd by BLM. If the civil war starts with clowns I'm going to be pissed.

That's what I sae too. Jugs hating on antifa infiltrators. The juggalos will be our brown shirts, you'll all see… whether we want them or not. Jugallos hate liberal pussy bullshit.

100yrs from now people will be protesting statues of The Great Milenko

They actually kicked out the BLMfaggots.

Watch this shit if you want to be annoyed by the stupidity of the average retard, but I don't think anything is happening

They are the most viciously unrepentant wretched ones of society… they simply need an enemy. Teach them of the Kike, and they will butcher it.

Anyone remember back when /juggapol/ was made?

Source plox? Not doubting.

Nigger how the fuck can you even tell w/ juggalos? They make rap songs about being confused by magnets for god's sake.

To be fair, they did have a point. The (((scientific community))) has yet to properly explain magnetism or gravity.

If we're being perfectly fair, the cause and nature of magnetic forces are not the slightest bit understood, only their effects.

I have to say this is one of the weirdest semi-happenings I have witnessed so far. Are people really into it for the music or is it more of a culture thing like skinheads? I would trade these guys for the old boot-n-braces anyday.


Waiting to see the Juggalo antifa skinheads


These guys are real geniuses aren't they?

Pure motherfuckin' magic.

This is weird but for some reason I'm ok with it.

We're seeing some shit we ain't never seen before kid. Bomber jackets and giant shorts, my eyes are bleeding just thinking about it. Shame neither of them have very good music.

It's more of a culture thing. Though, some of their music is put together alright, like the Wizard of the Hood album. Degenerate, but good composition and a story, unlike anythung made by niggers.

lightning strikes a stone with high iron content giving it a magnetic force. they call these lodestones and were used for early magnetization.
its just electricity and metal, that's why you can make electromagnets by running a current through coiled metal.

magnetism is electricity.

and on the note of gravity, ffs even in a flatearth model shit still falls, people who talk about gravity not being real because muh bible ignore the fact that shit still falls, and even if gravity is actually density, then the definition simply changes to "gravity is the act of higher density objects sinking" rather than "gravity is a force caused by spinning"

Right after FBI designated them a threat


fab fabrication muh subliminal propaganda


Lodestones are magnetite, also you completely failed to explain magnetism.

How about redpills directed towards jugallos?

Is it just me or liberals afraid of clowns for some reason?

clowns are masonic

I thought it was because liberals hated anything good from the old days. Dolls, clowns, old houses, old people, all made into horror movie concepts. What was once a comfort or entertaining must be thought of as unpleasent or creepy in order to poison the well of memory.

Reminder this insult is a mutation of the anti/pol/ slur rulecuuk.

Magnetite is an iron-bearing ore. When lightning struck them, you'd get a lodestone. What's your point?

Magnetic fields are caused by moving electrons. Some materials (especially iron), when exposed to a magnetic field, align their electron spins in such a way as to preserve a net magnetic moment.

Clowns are essentially the shamans/witch doctors of white people.
They are important in their way.

Any streams? is it over now?


Dude, it's pooped out by bacteria…
You're not explaining how this creates the effect of magnetism, how it actually works, how it attracts and repels.

Then get then to read Evola Jung and Serrano.

superior stream

Do you notice and recognize mericals user?

Clowns don't really need to read a lot of philosophy.
The shit they deal with is instinctual, primal.
Subtlety, nuance and refinement will only get in the way.

Were there any happenings today? Also, I was looking through some live footage from earlier and found this.
Skip to 3:17:00

I wear to god I can't tell if this guy is a larping retard or just jewish. It's a IRL A Wyatt Mann character.

The harlequinade is quite well read.

Everything continues as planned, gentlemen. Praise Kek.

It's the same as electricity. The fundamental force governing both of them is called electromagnetism for a reason. Magnetism is just a way that electrically charged things interact with each other. Saying nobody knows how magnets work is like saying nobody knows how electricity works. Electricity is inseparable from magnetism and vice versa.

''Music is all magic.
You can't even hold it.
It's just there in the air.
Pure motherfucking magic.''


Bitch, answer the fucking question. How do magnets attract and repel?

Then we use memes. How do we express Hyperborean lore and philosophy through memes that would instinctually appeal to jugallos?


Meant for


Do you have any sources for sexy clowns? I will admit this meme I've seen recently piqued my interest.

depends on what you're interested in (2D, 3D, CGI)

The answer to both your questions can be found in Tesla. Meme them as having secret knowledge of electromagnetism that led to their cult of pervert clowns being honored as sacred avatars of Uotan's wild hunt by the Nazi wizards of the Thule Group. Meme how we taught them all the secrets of true magic. And then actually teach them magic. Speak up to them, rather than down as they are used to, and let them rise to the occasion because it's funny. We make sure they are well fed and given plenty of faygo and clown whores, and we teach them everything we know.

you see timmy, magnetism, caused by electricity, comes in two polarities, positive and negative, which depend on the end of the metal you're using. if the two opposing metals (iron based) are heterogeneously met (positive end meets negative end) the electromagnetic current can travel through unhindered and causes an electromagnetic bond (think hydrogen or covalent bonds). when met homogeneously, (neg to neg or pos to pos) the current cannot travel correctly and diverts.

are you starting to understand?
there is plenty of science behind HOW and WHY magnets work, tying to argue on the basis that "ICP am right because me no understand scientific research" when in fact there is plenty in the way of making sense of magnetism only shows that you are in fact, a jewish cuck-shill juggalo that prefers the company of men over women.

please consider injecting faygo into your veins.

The Carnival is Kek.

You go too far. I like it.

why must life be such suffering?


I once met a juggalo "couple". It was a literal nightmare show. The guy was a trap and the girl as also a reverse trap and they were "married". They smoked weed a bunch so I could see the less fucked up ones turning into patriotards. Fucking degenerates.

You are very confused. You are still failing to answer the question. You are describing effects, not describing how they work. For instance, if asked how Velcro works, you couldn't properly answer the question by saying one side is furry and one side is spiky so if met heterogeneously they stick and homogeneously they don't. That describes the appearance of Velcro, not the physics behind it. A proper explanation would involve friction and microscopic ridges getting stuck on each other. Electromagnetism is an unexplained phenomenon because it is a fundamental force. Meaning, there is no known subfundamental force that can be used to properly describe it. You also can't use electromagnetic force to describe itself, it's circular reenforcement. Saying magnets work because the electrons in iron create magnetism isn't an answer to the question. You would have to discover a new force to describe electromagnetism, and you would be in history books for unlocking the workings of 1 of the 4 fundamental forces.

at this point I cant tell if you're playing devils advocate or genuinely defending ICP.

well shilled

Or covered up by kikes because it would change all industries forever and fuck up (((their))) monopolies. Why do you think eisteind and watt are shilled so hard in kiked schools yet telsla is never mentioned unless you study him specifically? Letalone his works.

Nigger, you explained a process. WHY does it have that effect? Are you so fucking idiotic that you cannot tell the difference between an effect and the how?
You see timmy, when I strike this match, it ignites.
Fucking moron.
FYI I've built tesla coils from scrap while shitface drunk. My point is that you cannot explain why this works.

Where did the relic of the Tet+Ank+Was Scepter come from? I have never seen them combined, and this has piqued my interest. Remember, the Ank was referred to as the "Key to the Nile" and an oacillator like that can be adjusted very precisely. Now, if the Tet was to emit a magnetic field from within the oscillator, what would be the effect?

I'm not even going over anything complicated, this is high school tier physics. Fundamental forces are phenomenon by definition, or they wouldn't be fundamental forces.

Describing electromagnetism is as futile as describing gravity. We understand what variables are involved, but not how it actually works. We can say body X with Y mass at Z distance will exert so much gravitational force on another body, but we can't describe how that force is exerted.

This is what is being asked of you to describe with magnets. Nobody is asking how a magnet creates an electromagnetic field. They are asking, how do these fields interact with each other and actually exert force?

I've studied Tesla's works, never once did he describe how the electromagnetic force exerts itself. He isn't covered enough in classrooms, but the internet has picked up the slack and has gone a bit too far at times, to the point of pretending he was a magician.

I agree with everything but…
user… You are aware that Tesla traveled to the east to study under a Swami yes? You are aware that he uses many Sanskrit terms yes? You are aware that many of his principles are built off of Hermetic Laws, yes?

To be fair, they did ask a really good question and ignorant people mocked them for it. There are a million legitimate reasons to laugh at ICP, but asking about magnets is not one of them. We'll probably be asking some questions about magnets after the Tachyonator group buy that we still have to plan out. On that note, anyone from Neu Schwabenland want to tell me what your shipping rates are like?

Hahahhhahahahhaa. Holy fucking shit that fucker looks like a freaking caricature.

Saved. The future meme material that one picture will make is gold. Especially if Trump cucks on DACA and the wall.

Tachyonator? What did I miss?

Anyone have a copy of Mr. Liqz's song Nazi?

It's been fucking purged from every corner of the internet. I normally don't like rap but I actually enjoyed that song aside from the chorus.
Some of the lyrics I remember:
Aw fuck another white boy comin'
Burnin like a kike when you shove it in the oven
Islam diseased, flooding over seas
Goddamn here I stand while I burn the Koran

We should open these borders on israel
Flood 'em with syria's immigrant miserables
Then they'll get physical making it critical
I am the words of the goyim the infidel

Update! Reports are stating that the antifa posing as juggalos "Got their asses beat" and that there is footage!
of juggalos kicking the shit out of antifa!

Nothing yet. Did a few half-shitposts in the Antarctica threads about arranging a Tachyonator group buy. Probably won't go anywhere unless we get an Aghartanon here. Do they even have fiber cables going into the middle earth?
Sage for Tachy/o/nator post

How to MAGA with so much human garbage? Face it, even if Trump was /pol tier, there's just too much filth.

Oh how the fuck is that thing real? Creatures like this shouldn't be appearing while the Sun is out. It's just not right.

The first minute of that video was amazing. Then it got a little meh.


The absolute state of the union.

They have and will turn anything meant for happiness into something with a negative connotation; although there are always things meant for children which will unintentionally scare them.

I had feeling she might have been some other nationality. seems like a nice lady. and she knows how work that clown makeup/dress style for maximum cuteness. (still, she has to stay on her side of the wall).

(TBH it's hard to find SFW clown pics)


Holy shit, I haven't heard of Juggalos since days of Ultraforge on Pubetube of yore

Juggalos are degenerate, low IQ trailer trash scum. They're dumb wiggers

Clown shit = mexican culture.

I think you you mean dia de los muertos or sugar skull makeup? I don't think that has anything to do with clowns. (pics related)

yeah, Juggalos always seemed like one of those degenerate youth subcultures based around. some particular type of music or fashion. hard to believe that so many people would base their entire lives around some kind of weird wigger rap group with a clown theme. (maybe these are just another type of modern-day hippie?)

That gremlin appears at a lot of pro-trump shit on the east coast. I always kek when I see it.

Go fucking research you retarded faggot.

You act like a little beta fuck who needs to be spoonfed. Retarded fucking baby.

That's one super bad based NeoCohen Republikike supporter

So math IS related to science?

this is cultural appropriation.


Unfortunately no these fucks are more nog-like than anything, the sub-humans constantly rap and brag about how they're going to "cap asses"
Juggalos are strange mix of white trailer trash, wigger rap culture and emo culture to a lesser degree.
Just do yourself a favor and look through Ultraforge's video. He pretty much trolled the shit out of Juggalo cancer more than ten years ago by now.

Here is your (You) faggot. Come back when you can actually back up your claim that you have discovered a new fundamental force that explains electromagnetism. Maybe think about submitting your work to some journals, holding a press conference, and writing a book too. You'll be famous.

The Moon(Man) Mist is the best though. I won't turn down,and Red Pop either. The rest not so much.


Just go to a tumblr convention if you want women with blue hair and 2 pounds of makeup my lad.

I wonder if we can turn them fascist though, maybe if we let the right books fall into the hands of their leaders. They already have group aesthetics and loyalty down, all they need is a dire enemy to fight and then leaders will rise to the occasion, I suggest naming FBI as the Jew, then segue into their control of the mechanical parts of government.

you missd the parts about me wanting a traditionalist woman, and also wanting somebody with a sense of humor. tumblr the absolute antithesis of those things.

No but please remake it.

I bet she would do a 180 and become a traditional house wife if a chad wanted her to.

but why would a chad want her when he can easily find a better looking, agreeable woman that hasn't ruined herself?


I agree with user that you haven't explained shit

t. electrical engineer

no one actual knows how electromagnetism actually works, why it is that an electron creates a divergent em field, where does that field come from? You have any clues? It doesn't magic/miracles itself into existence, unless you are siding with these clowns. Is it some interaction of constituent particles?

We literally have no answer for this as of yet, that is what you are not understanding. You go around circular logicing and trying to act as though you know when in reality you have a very rudimentary understanding of the physics/science behind it.

do enough research and you will learn that we literally do not know, highschool textbooks telling you "hurr durr magnetic poles, hurr durr electrostatic potential inducing a field current flow hurr durr electric fields form from magnetic fields which form from electric fields chicken or the egg which came first light is this what the fuck is anything reeeeee"

Learn your science user(s), it is not good enough to be ignorant. I personally am fascinated by Electromagnetism, but I am also fully aware that the only way EM will be explained is through NEW theories, nothing standing has fully and adequately explained what the shit it even is

Guess how I know you're the same goon kike that spams every thread related to Trump


Not only is the soda shit, their marketing is shit for not taking up ICP.

kill yourself for your use of weebspeak

Man I keep seeing these cards and I wish we could play this, looks fun tbh.

You'll find me tackling kikes in every thread.
It just so happens every kike here shills for a variety of jewish neocon/kosher nationalist frauds, Trump is just one of them

So simple even a potato could understand. Much genius.

Where can one find more information on this lightning strike idea? Are there academic papers describing experiments on this? I think it sounds plausible. The earth itself is also a large magnet. But doesn't it get the field from the spinning core or something? There would have to be an electric current associated with that, wouldn't there?

It basically plays out like your mapping "connections" between each card, like how a PI would do it, on a bulletin board.

Clowns are modern European court jesters, you quadruplepotato!

Give him some credit, he is describing magnetism itself pretty well. If you keep asking how questions for long enough about anything, eventually you get to the point where nobody knows the answer, or even could know. A p-chemist could break down all matter for you but if you start asking things like 'well where do quarks
come from,' you're eventually going to get unsatisfactory answers from even the most knowledgeable people. The standard model of particle physics is meant to explain these things, but even that is way beyond the average layman while simultaneously being incomplete. Some things might never be known.

My pet hypothesis is the universe is all one thing in two states everywhere, "on" or "off," and it follows simple rules as to what on remains on, off remains off, on goes off, and off goes on. Basically I think the universe at its smallest quantification is a cellular or particle automaton.

I don't agree with that notion though, I think there is a single "entity" that presents itself in various forms which explains all phenomena in a succinct and simple manner, including gravity, time, electromagnetism, mass, various effects like superconductivity, quantum effects, all falling under the same unifying theory which will be simple but complex in its implications.

For my money, it is an infinite dimensional (though infinite is not necessarily required and might be some arbitrarily large finite number) dimensional sine wave bending in upon itself, its fluctuations and interactions with itself creating the various phenomena we see in the world. Further, spacetime is an infinite compounded array of these waves, creating a highly energetic but seemingly calm and serene material (think the surface of water in a calm lake, still tons of energy and motion but not at all evident from appearance) and a further conclusion is that the universe we experience is only half (or perhaps an infinitesimal fraction) and there exists an either inverse or/and reciprocal universe (t. penrose for the reciprocal bit) in these inversed and reciprocal universe the various laws of nature are augmented because all forces are affected, even time in the case of inverse -u u or u/i i/u so in the inverse (the one which I have spent most time exploring) gravity would be inversed, as would all fields in their directionality, gravity would repel in t+ (time traveling in a positive direction) but would attract in t- so given that all forces would be negated you end up with forces that work precisely as they do here, just backwards in a really nonsensical way -

for a visual metaphor, take an arrow pointing from a point a to a point b, the t+ travel is from a to b as normal, but inverse would be from b to a but in reality traveling from a to b, thereby creating a strange circular continuity

also some deep theories about blackholes and why they emit energy and to what end, where information goes in the event horizon

needless to say there is a lot to know, but I would say one thing I firmly believe:

everything is electromagnetism

so until we understand literally everything we won't understand electromagnetism, for my money it is that inf sine DCS but other explanations are certainly also possible

I will watch your embed once I get back, I appreciate the fact that you have a pet theory of your own because we all should be trying to solve big questions and I commend you for actually defining your own idea.

Court jesters were often mentally ill people dressed up to entertain nobles. Lolcows are the real clowns/modern jesters