Based Cop Is BASED!
Put Them in an Oven and Deal With Them the Hitler Way

One of the screenshots from Hamill's Facebook page, posted in 2011, read: “So I find it funny that people will talk about how our government needs to do something about our economy and in reality its YOU who needs to stop taking advantage of our system and get a life and do something with your life. Gotta love reality when it hits you in the face. Stupid people annoy me. put them in an oven and deal with them the hitler way. haha”

Kikes are so butthutt

Pick one.

Thanks for bumping anyway.

Sage isn't a downvote.

Bumping is still nice too.

Anything more retarded than a parasite on the taxpayer shilling for bootstrap-pulling while name-dropping the man who developed National Socialism?

What's new about this? Cops are degenerate narcissists and psychopaths. Everyone knows that. Look at prison guards, they gas everyone in their custody, no matter white, black, brown or yellow. I think my nephew was arrested at a high school football game having a beer, and it fucked up his chances on joining the marines. I have very very little use for cops myself.

Poor guy, now he'll never be a green nigger and have the chance to sacrifice his life for Israel.


Ironic I know but an arrest at 17 is not the way to have the best start in life and I used to go to keg parties in high school. Then again my community only had at most 20 cops on the force, now it's close to 400 cops on the force and in the schools.

BASED cop that made a comment and joke years ago is BASED right as he dutifully follows orders and leads you to a fema camp for wrongthink. Maybe gets gulag'd himself too.

>implying the crematory ovens in polish (((death camps))) (concentration camps) were used to kill even one jew


Yes, but we will use their memes against them. It is of the utmost importance we do what we've been doing.



You should be thankful your nephew isnt gonna be used as goyim fodder for the next Israeli sponsored (((liberation))) mission.

Dubs confirm kikes created the memes that we have used against them. Cannot wait until those memes come to life and swallow their creators up.

We don't need to. Jews are self-sabotaging morons who actually believe da goyim are mindless drones. The more we 'use their memes against them', as in countermeming and counter-countermeming the more authority we give them over the narrative. We need an organization that specializes in debating jew shills, not some elusive judo strategy that involves 'taking no actions, but using their actions against them'. I for one am fuckin tired of the lack of public representation of my ideals, and my inventory of arguments revolving around the narrative of the enemy.

People are going to have to learn to hide their fucking power levels. Some of these posts they dug up go back over 5 years ago. Delete all kike social media accounts on principle and only drop dank memes anonymously on the chans. Problem solved.

Also, no more organizing for white nationalism in public until a later time when it's more acceptable. The CIA dealt us a major blow in Charlottesville. This war should be fought on the information highway for now.

Do you imagine that Nazi Germany didn't have a police force? Policing is one of the only functions the government should have. How do you figure they're parasites?

How is that even anti-Semitic? Are they saying all Jews are stupid now?

>genocide palestinians whilst leading the great legion of anti-war, anti-genocide (((activists)))

let me off this ride

Now that's a cop I can feel safe around.

Oh hell, lol, I missed that second joke.

National Socialist Germany isn't America. Stop trying to draw parallels because you got your cop feelings hurt. Find another board.


He's not a hero for saying that shit, he'll be a hero if he accepts the consequences like a man and doesn't apologize. We need to stop apologizing.



He can't keep getting away with this

Pick one. Did you get lost on your way to the Rush Limbaugh fan forum? The cop's only known flaw is using social media in the first place.

What do they mean by "hot cop"? Like, women find them attractive, or is that supposed to mean 'crooked' or something for having right-wing opinions or even just making politically incorrect jokes?


they're just cogs in the zog, stop humanizing agents-for-hire of the (((white extermination machine))) known as the government

I pick based
are you stupid?
that's not how this works

You can go to a CIA Nazi rally if you want, not my problem when you lose your job. The rest of us sane people will keep fighting the information war until the time comes. The only rallies you should be going to are Trump rallies.

Well stop breaking the law or advocating breaking the law and cops will leave you alone. Bizarre.

f00king BASED hahaha. First and last time I ever say that.

I like how all these normie cunts got sloppy wet over the guy only to find out he wants to shoa their granny.