Holla Forums What's up with forums on steam being so cringeworthy? They like a unholy Rape child of Reddit & tumblr.
Steam community cringe
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Muslims aren't going to like anyone insulting God.
So steam cringe/stupidity thread
Agnosticism is the only sensible form of worship. Everything else is for arrogant autists, cucks who need to be told what to do, and barely restrained psychopaths.
This account. Someone posted it a couple months ago and it's just a gold mine
This man appears to be either a joke, or insane.
This is very true.
He doesn't get to bring friends.
I think both.
This is why having a TV show and telling people to kill politicians is probably not a good idea.
College English courses are so fucking easy it's almost difficult to not get an A or A-. When I was going to uni a 73% would have been a C or a 2.0 GPA which is academic probation territory.
Lots of casuals in PC gaming nowadays.
Valve made it so that any moron can play a videogame.
If you really want to talk about a particular videogame don't choose Steam fora.
this 13 year old edge is what passes for movie scripts these days?
Didn't you see? He reversed the contest.
That won't mean shit if someone kills a political figure and yells "MILLION DOLLAR EXTREME 12:15 AM EVERY FRIDAY ON ADULT SWIM"
I'm just saying if someone off their meds decides to go shoot up their town council because Sam Hyde told him to, then all those lads are fucked. Charles Manson is doing more time for less.
The fans are weird but not that crazy, I don't think. Besides, I feel like it would ruin their career at most since they can't be directly held responsible.
When you have a contest to promote a TV show with the text "KILL POLITICIANS" flash on the screen a couple of times, and then someone goes and actually kills a politician, you're going to prison. There's really nothing to argue here.
I'm sure people have joked about worse things, but you're probably right either way.
Lol, Britian deserves death.
I really hate how imageboards got flooded by dumb fucking kids who either go with it and take it overboard or fight against the imageboard quo and in both situations ruining fucking everything.
Every time I see someone from 4chan or Holla Forums on Steam identifying themselves as such it makes me sick.
How the fuck would you worship Agnosticism, when it's essentially "Idk about God. Could be, could be not, there's no way to know"
I don't understand how did this start.
Every time.
Agnostics are basically Christian Deists who can't break away from their programming.
that's a name I haven't seen in a long time
wish I hadn't seen it now
Well it is capeshit after all.
Glad I'm not the only one who hated that faggot.
Half the time they're just cucks that are so afraid of having someone disagree with them that they pick the most neutral side.
If you're wondering where the "This guy is super cool
I did not need to read this but I did anyway
most of the time they are just edgy teenagers from my experience. facebook.com
Thats a dude right ?
God almighty.
CF was right
What if you don't care if God exists or not?
The worst part about Alpha was how hard he was trying to fit in. He was 'hunting down degenerates' so hard on the servers to try and cover up how big of a faggot he was himself.
I guess that's one way to make money.
This has to be a troll account
Can someone translate this? I can barely read it.
You answered your own fucking question nigger though I'd have said unholy rape child of Reddit and Youtube's comment section. Part of it is how they choose community managers, of course. As with all things most (but not all) people who are willing to do it for free are either power-hungry or good goys.
it translates to 'I like sucking dicks btw I am a feminist'
He felt like an attention whore faggot that tried to be edgy and fit in at every turn. Only to find out most of us hate those kinds of people, and those that don't are those kinds.
Hello, and welcome to my profile, here is a little about meNicknames: Noddles, fuddles, rudeless, rudNicknames that i hate: CuddlesSexuality: BisexualAge: 14Phobia CoutrophobiaFavour games: Gmod, Osu!, Tf2, Cs:go and all half-life gamesPersonality: Helpful, friendly, Calm, Playful and feminine.Relationship Position: single.Favourity colour: Pink and purple.Frequently asked questions:Q. Are You bunny hop scripting? (bhop)A. No, i suck at bhop, but thanks for the complimentQ: Why is your spelling so bad?A: I have dyslexia.
Not even the worst of it when it comes too Jared Leto joker and cringe.
Have you ever seen the profiles of cheaters?
It's the cringest shit. They all think they're "master trolles xD".
Wanna make joke
Which one would you say was worse, Jared's Joker or Ben's Batman?
tfw you're always worried your profile will be posted in one of these even though theres nothing on it
mine was posted here at least once
well thats because youre icky and no one likes you
Give it to us nigger.
I don't know, sometimes I think multiplayer games are only worth their weight in salt, pic related
nigger detected
Spoiler that shit wew
You really don't know how the first amendment works do you?
of course we do! I watched the GG episode in Law and Order, if its a threat its not protected by the first amendment
Jared makes Heath Ledger look like Jack Nicholson.
I had trouble keeping a straight face during the whole thing
Could you guys all make a bunch of replies to one post so I don't have to waste time figuring out which one is the cringiest? Thanks.
I have these.
agnosticism is the new fedora tipper belief system
with atheism increasing so much the special snowflakes who just want to be different and edgy become agnostic. It's the religion version of "both sides are stupid i'm smarter than everyone and neutral"
not sure if this dude has been posted before
go ahead and take a look at the comments
they got progressively angrier as the episode went on until I "accidentally" mistook beer for a bottle of booker's and it was all a forgotten dream in their heads the next day
Jared Leto trying to be a wigger joker. I have a feeling DCEU joker was originally planned to be black.
What in the fuck is going on mate ?
The guy is talking to himself for 11 pages of comments.
Good lord.
try making a comment
he'll delete it
I don't understand how you faggots still use or go near that malware shit.
It's more of an effort to be "open-minded" when all it really is is cognitive apathy.
I know, right?
That picture makes me hungry.
maybe keanu is eating away the sadness
Clearly he helps Sam Hyde kill people. I'd stay away from him.
Does he delete the comment then make a reply to it? What kind of shit is that?
Is this advanced autism?
I love how this idea that "games were always buggy on day 1" when most of the games that were buggy on day 1 also happened to be incredibly shitty. Sup Ultima 8
he just deletes it
and blocks you apparently as well.
told him to kill himself asap
Beyond based.
This fucker posted here on Holla Forums
I hope he's dead
That's fake fuckos
Dude, 95% of the people who use steam and go on Holla Forums/4chan are furrie anime faggots. Just don't ever add them ever.
If you know the faggot post a link to his steam.
Never mind. Found it.
I honestly didn't save his profile name.
i feel ashamed to be friends with alpha
i swear he's just embraced it at this point
Well, he might as well just shot himself up with homones because he got fucked in the genetic lottery.
Fucking science keep up with the progressives.
This fag may have played with us.
You know, I was surprised in the first place there was a Holla Forums Holla Forums group on steam, and thought it'd be nice play games with faggots like you. Literally 3 minutes after joining the group I went into the steam chatroom, and all it was was people spouting memes. I don't know if this is what the average user is like, but I certainly hope not, but fuck that group and the people in it. Bunch of underage cumguzzling bitchtopias
Do you recognize any of his names?
If he has, I wish he had used his mic, there's no way he could have contained his autism in voice chat. Could have been some good bullying.
Holla Forums Steam groups are a breeding ground for cancer. Don't bother with them.
I'd bet 10 certs that fag is a Vanu player.
but war thunder and stalker are fun
I assume the most sane Holla Forums anons with steam haven't actually joined the steam group.
Sadly for this situation, Planetside 2 doesn't use steam usernames ingame, unless you willingly name your character it.
Holla Forums's steam group is made by redditors and populated by redditors. same for mumble
you guys remember mpc4utube? the guy who cant play dark souls?
Hes back and hates video games still, he cant sign up to a forum.
Sounds about right. 70% of Holla Forums's groups are pretty shit but there are some fun people here. I have a high tolerance of cancer so that may help me swallow this shit.
If he wasn't a retard he would have made his name a meme like 90% of [wwew].
I bet 1k certs he was one of the fags who wanted us to switch the burgers.
more of the furfag
Anyone know if real? Could be real
Uh oh.
Prepare your ass
Something so fantastically unique about this autists voice.
I can't quite put my finger on what makes it so special.
agnosticism is autistic as fuck, not real and just a special snowflake ribbon, like i said earlier the new fedora tipper mindset
"god could be real i better praise/acknowledge/whatever him" and then the guy is no different from a regular theist, or "god could be real or not but i'm not gonna waste my time with this" which shows disbelief and therefore atheism not to mention the fact that even if it didn't they aren't practicing anything. People are either religious or atheistic and a middle ground in this is a made up concept
You are retarded. Also you can be atheist and agnostic and Christian and agnostic at the same time.
I don't get bored of his voice. it's like he has a special talent to make people listen carefully to him.
i have a tumblr vibe from this
something along the lines of "i'm a not conforming to gender identities pansexual atheist-agnostic-christian transnigger"
you have to go back
If you guys want more, check out some of the forum posts hes made
I just tried registering to those forums with a temporary email to see if he was being retarded as usual, got it at the first try.
I don't know, could be real
Would him being threatened to have his neck severed from him body by actual credible Muslim threats because of this comment make him uncomfortable? Or would he be more uncomfortable that you implied the religion of peace would enact violence? I wonder which.
Let's see how this mongoloid destroys the music form shall we?
quit pushing that shitty edit
Agnosticism is an epistemological concept that is often misattributed as a religious identity due to obnoxious fucktards that want to sound deep while skirting around the issue entirely. It's symptomatic of the "DAE neutral" syndrome that dumbass teenagers and redditors seem to suffer from. No dipshit, you aren't intelligent you are at best undecided and unconcerned and at worst pretentious and non-confrontational.
Are you making fun of Strelok faggot
god damn you user that looks so delicious
Didn't even format your shitpost correctly. You didn't even try fam.
You really are retarded. Agnostic really just means you aren't sure. You can be Christian and not sure you dumb shit.
Sorry some people aren't pretentious faggots who think they know all of the universes answers.
The fact that you don't know this shows how ignorant and probably underage you are and yet you are trying to fit in by crying tumblr for a term that has existed for hundreds of years.
So can we all agree that the best way to have a religion select box is to have Atheism and then None right next to each other for maximum Fedora rustling?
why would that be a bad idea? they all need to go
Until the chemicals whitewashed him.
worst meme of the modern era is that "seeing through false dichotomies is somehow bad and makes you 'neutral'". i see millennials spout this all the time, the media has really put the "us vs them" thing into everyone's brain.
Lump all of the Abrahamic religions together to get Christcucks and mudslimes mad
"Not sure" isn't really an adequate definition for agnosticism. Agnosticism is merely an acknowledgement that in an absolute and logical sense that there remains other possibilities for different permutations of reality, no matter of seemingly erroneous and irrespective of evidence.
In the same way that I can't prove, from an epistemological perspective, that my day to day isn't just a mental simulation or prove that I exist even though pragmatically speaking "I know" that these things are either true or false. It can be extended to describe a certain quality or order pertaining to a controversial or unresolved issue but is not synonymous with it.
It isn't "I'm undecided" or "I'm pretty sure but not totally sure". Because we already have phrases that describe that:
- "I'm undecided."
- "I'm pretty sure but not totally sure."
Stop snorting cough syrup through a silly straw and learn you some books motherfucker. You aren't even on topic.
Fuck you Carlos. That was actually funny
Get the fuck out.
so is this a compilation of all of letos scenes from that movie?
Someone post Mark's Steam profile. I didn't save the screen shots from last time and I forgot what his username is.
Going to start screencapping in a few, but my favorite are 200 or 300 hours or more reviews that say the game sucks.
Some autist just plugging his life away into a game he legit hates makes me happy for some reason.
Why do you faggots give a shit about the "steam community"?
You don't have to interact with any of those faggots when you play a game.
According to the Webster dictionary Agnostic is
>a person who does not believe or is unsure of something
Both these allow someone to be Christian or atheist but "unsure". All those idiots thinking agnosticism is a belief in it's own are special snowflakes.
We live in the information age. Information is consumed, exchanged and secreted all the tie. Just like water cycles all around us, gets drunk and pissed down the toilet. It wasn't always like this: knowledge used to mean something important.
This brings consequences even in the day to day life of the man on the street. He is trained to absorb complicated patterns and execute complex programming, but the actual intelligence is unsolicited and unrewarded.
Take the gurus of atheism. They have studied and can testify to no fault that science excludes the existence of gods. As if a god needed microscopes and analysis to be seen. When a ruffian in the middle ages would just say that since you can't see or speak to God, then he's obviously not there. The modern man doesn't grasp the obvious and keeps counting the beads.
oh i see you're being retarded on purpose
just to be sure you mean faith not belief right?
You should just be apathetic.
If you care enough to be even agnostic then you've gone too far.
Video Games.
Where are you getting this from? Not all Christians are sure of their beliefs, not all atheists are either.
Also Faith is a belief you idiot.
Whoa, how did we get from edgelords to people arguing about semantics and the definitions of words?
Are you :
-Dude Weed religion
-Atheist religion
-No religion
well another one being retarded on purpose
Steamfags are trying to derail the thread because they don't want Holla Forums to find out how autistic their profiles are.
It Triggers me when people call themselves agnostic and they don't even know what the word means. They are generally just hardcore special snowflake atheists thinking they are different.
I don't even use steam, I just go read stuff when I want a good laugh honestly.
Pirating games means I acutally have them and some weird decision by some hot pocketer never can take them away from me. The only fun in multiplayer I ever have are local multiplayer games, and then some console trash ( multiplayer on steam is shit and I won't do it not anymore).
Fuck valve, fuck steam, at least if I buy a game on gog I don't magically lose access to it if I anger the wrong person (killing floor 2 etc, I'm looking at you).
Hold on there sport, you aren't using that right the definition is:
Every single fucking time too.
has anybody actually lost access to their game from that?
What happened? What was the person doing?
If you went and complained on their forums they cut access to the game that you fucking bought. They aren't the only dev thats done this either, that''s just the one that pops out at the top of my mind.
a game's developer can't do that. a steam support rep or admin can actually rid you of all your games if you're a bad goy though
You've made it clear you have a stick up your ass over nothing.
I don't understand your reasoning, if someone isn't sure whether there is a god or not so they don't make a declaration either way they are a special snowflake? I doubt most agnostics even talk about it, let alone think they are special and superior because of it. You simplify shit way too much
user is baiting basically
It's really that simple.
Sure, but there are definitely a lot like
that day of retribution shit
this, its like an autism meter
i'm not even sure how i "leveled up" on steam in the first place…
i think my account is like level 10 and i dont even know how i did it
Christcucks are the NPCs of real life.
How do you level up on Steam anyway? Why would anyone even bother? Does it give you any benefits?
i dont know
forgot i had this one saved
Get a look at this faggot
I bet he plays dorito meme men faction instead of glorious TR
What a fag.
Morbidly obese faggot
Pick one.
The snifter of Boston pleases me.
You can have nude avatars on steam?
It's not really relevant to the point I was trying to make but I'm an Atheist Weed.
No, if that's still there, you can report it if you want.
No one has stopped me, pls don't be a faggot its art.
Is Kaci his mom
arrogant autist
cuck who needs to be told what to do
psychopathic manchild
arrogant cuck who needs to be told what to do
rabid autism
So you're avatarfagging as a neckbeard fedoralord. Honestly I'm impressed. That's genuinely new.
presumptuous autistic manchild
frothing-at-the-mouth retardation
Kill yourself, here's a tutorial insidermonkey.com
user you can stop roleplaying now. You're starting transition from being ironic to being unironic. Come back to us fam before we lose your forever.
You're pretty good at this.
As edge as that is I have to respect that pistol wine grip.
I love how they think making such a big deal out of *not* adhering to a religion makes them interesting or worth talking to rather than loudly signalling that they're obnoxious droning blowhards.
If they could just get over the fact that they're soooo wise and superior to the sheeple perhaps they'd understand why they're mocked so.
irony is the refuge of the coward
jesus christ how can anyone be that mentally ill
oh right
Holla Forums
low tier spongehammer
It's the jarring juxtoposition of the doublethink needed to accept Christian Agnostic as a thing.
If you're Christian then you think there was a mangod. If you're not sure about mangod how can you continue to call yourself Christian? Doubt is anathema to faith no?
Doesn't really matter of course, people claim to be gay and too, the terms have lost their weight since all the fucking idiots in the world decided to weigh in.
If you don't get reports, yeah.
>>>Holla Forums
And I'm not even a fascist.
What happens when you're reported? Are you banned from the community? Can you still chat with your friends?
he can't
we should mass report him to get him banned
It's time to talk about health insurance, user.
I don't really remember, its been a while since it happened but I do remember getting a notification about getting banned on Steam for [number of days] before it got lifted and I changed.
'Jump through X stupid hoops'
..for points or some shit?
Like write a review or upload a picture, shill a game to someone you hate or buy 10 shit indie games for too much (any) money. I think one was just 'Be a member for a year' or something inane.
Binned it a while ago so not sure if it's changed.
Well he got his wish, only 12-15% of the owners have played BB in the last two weeks.
most of it was dealing with the cards and such. There are other little things you can do like this guy said here:
The one tangible thing I remember getting a certain level gets you is being able to expand how many people you can have added to your steam friend's list.
Other than that, I don't know. E-peen measuring?
Its not even tied in to your game achievements either which you would think would be the easiest fucking no-brainer thing to do for a gaming platform as it would encourage at least some sad people to buy and play more games to increase the steam level…
But nope.
You know, the only problem I see with Steam is that it made every other company want to have their own gaming store/client interface shit.
We need something that we can use to tie them all together. That way I don't have a client for Ubisoft, a client for EA, a client for Blizzard, and a client for everything else under the sun (Steam).
steam stopped locking people out of games when banned from itself long ago, but they can still lose inventories or access to the market plus some other things i forgot which is really nice to do to e-sports, specially cs:go cancer since it most of the time leaves them only able to play the game which they don't actually like
next thing you're gonna tell me is that humans have more than 2 genders
Which one of those looks most like an overweight Norwegian manchild?
I put together something better 2 years ago for about $400
Oy vey, I know right?
Video games.
You're not wrong, though.
Jesus fucking christ this thread
It's not that bad.
Plot heavy game, I guess.
It's called torrents.
I seriously believe the reason why that board is growing is because of the constant retards advertising it in almost every thread.
you're Holla Forums alright
Or it's the giant fucking bat signal this site has received and the low quality bait that place gets subsequently.
I've found that people who hate steam here fall into a few simple categories.
1) People trying to justify their piracy on some "moral" grounds. I.E. steam is DRM shit, can't get the physical copy, so I MUST pirate it!
2) Contrarian hipsters who just hate everything popular. "I use GOG. You probably never heard of it."
3) People who got banned from a game because they were being major fucking asshats on such a consistent basis. Likely reported dozens of times for cheating in multiplayer or just opening their mouth and letting their autism fueled bullshit spray into other people's ears.
4) People just trying to fit in on this image board with so many dank memes. They don't really hate it, they just want to say they do to fit in.
For anybody else its just a way to get and play games.
Honestly, if you're worried about getting banned from your account then maybe you should take a look inward and see just what sort of retarded things you do that might cause that outcome.
Like for real, what are you doing that you're afraid of being banned for? Are you going into multiplayer games with aimbots and other cheating stuff on? Are you trolling around forums spouting a bunch of retarded shit?
Are you doing that over a mic constantly in some online games?
At any rate, you would have to do something supremely retarded for Steam to lock you out of your account to the point where you couldn't play any of the games. At most you'll be banned from using the multiplayer of a certain game that you were reported for.
jesus christ Holla Forums have some self awareness for once
get out
Nice strawman.
2nd exodus just fucked this place up
I hate steam because many jap games only get released there, and I'm forced to use their DRM and bloat if I want to play EDF or shit like that
So you hate the store because the Japanese developers and publishers release their game on the store?
Because that store is popular and it makes sense to do?
GoG is the better alternative though, regarding your position as a customer.
I don't see any reason to buy a game on Steam if it's also released on GoG.
Jared Leto's a fag and his Joker sucks.
Because GOG has shit prices.
Fix your shitty prices before you Shill.
Pretty much this.
Really, what is the difference between GOG and steam? The method of installation?
If I have no fear of the Boogeyman Gabe taking away my games for laughs then why would I bother with GOG for anything other than games I can not get on Steam?
Agnosticism is for the people too cucked even for atheism, so milquetoast they can't even choose.
arrogant autist yet again they come like flies to the lightning bolt
4 u
It's always low energy reverse memes with you leftypol types. Where's the dank?
Can you give me lessons on how to be cool?
Because it's DRM and bloat, did you even read my post?
Pick one
GoG is great, you download an .exe really fast and you are done with GoG, now it's just you and the game for alone time with it.
I don't pirate my games unless they can't be gained in any other way and at that point its abandonware and not piracy anyway. What do I care for DRM?
And what bloat? Am I seriously losing tons of performance because of the steam client?
B-but muh ERP client
There are literally more people being accused of being Holla Forums than there are people who go to /lefypol/
and the spyware that comes with it
Well it's there ladies and gentlemen
it's a newfag straight outta reddit
Microsoft Windows?
I don't know you, but I only have 4gb of ram on my pc, so the chunk that the steam client takes does affect my performace.
The DRM thing is more of a matter of principle, since that shit does slippery slope a lot
Is that female cock mongler?
The worst part is that he has good taste in videogames
You need to get to upgrading.
But either way, I've been around and been playing games for about 25 years now. I've seen all sorts of shit.
A client with a simple log-in authentication as DRM vs all the other fucking schemes that have been come up with in the past is far more favorable. Face it, DRM is NEVER going away. But lets list some of the shit that they used to have.
Oh that was a fun one. Oh you lost your key? Guess what, if you want to be legal about it you gotta pay cash to get it all over again.
Oh this was worse because while the first one could be circumvented since there was no off-client checking now you have to hope the next key you get isn't being used by someone else.
An offshoot of the CD key server authentication. Spore is famous for having this little gem.
This is where things got more creative. In the Ghostbusters game (came out early 2000's) they made the hitboxes on a certain enemy nearly impossible to hit. This is all well and good unless you bought the game outright and something went fucking wrong and now you are stuck with a game that's been fucked over.
And the list can go on.
With Steam? The most annoying thing I have to do is authenticate in email every time I log into a client on another machine.
Bonus points, most everything has a cloud backup for your game saves so if shit does get wiped out on your local machine you can pick up where you left off in your game.
And of course lets go right back to the main point, the price. Sales all day every day.
So when all things are summed up you can say that yes I am engaging in a DRM client for my games but I'm also, on average, paying far less than I would be on GOG.
Since I generally stay away from greenlight and "early access" those aspects are not a problem for me either.
This guy is a fucking goldmine of comedy.
In his dawn videos, it's like he doesn't understand what fucking Passive damage is or what Stacked damage is.
He kept bitching about probability, but therein lies the answer, the point is you're not SUPPOSED to know, you're taking a risk, a fucking gamble - by using a sword like that.
If you want to be absolutely sure of the damage you're doing, use a different fucking weapon you fucking autist.
Where do you think all these faggots heard of this place? I fucking wonder…
Nobody would spy on me while I'm having alone time with Dude Sex game of the year edition!
fuck rag heads
I was talking about the image you dolt. "Lol only 2 sides to every topic if you're not with me you're against me"
If that's the case, then why was Evola not pushed around back in the '20s and '30s? To call today's 8/pol/ fascist is to call today's America a free country.
Didn't mean to reply, sorry.
Comparatively America is a free country. It is the only country that is first world that would let me call people fags, niggers and kikes and not go to jail.
not that is a word I haven't heard in a long time, about 8 years
I can run it on a fucking craptop with fucking 512 MB of ram and I can still run shit without issues. Learn to use a PC, pops.
Yeah because all games require the same amount of ram, right?
The world is a breeding ground for cancer.
If you don't want to be dissapointed in people, never meet people.
I WILL find flaws and shit taste in each and every one of you faggots. The same goes for each of you. Accept the fact that we're judgmental autists and learn to enjoy the madness.
might as well read jewtube comments
just stop
What's wrong with being undecided?
At best you're being a disingenuous cunt at worst you're a fucking retard.
The older steam group wasn't as cancerous, the owner for that steam group had a "No redditors" policy.
There is literally nothing more cucked than being a Christcuck.
These guys have so many labels, they collect them like kids do pokemon.
Kids aren't the only ones collecting pokemon nowadays.
Secularism is pretty much the words you faggots are looking for. Adherents of a religion can still have a secular mindset, while atheists and agnostics can still consider churches or other places of worship except mosques and synagogues, kill yourselves Ahmed & Shlomo as sociocultural institutions, but with no opportunity for them to become political players. Religion is cancerous when its adherents organize and start gaining wealth and influence, because by then they can do any kind of shit they want as long as they say it's done in the name of god. In the case of the desertfag religions even more so.
Anybody remember this fag? he's that guy who had like 400 hours in two Tomb Raider Games each, he posted his steam id all the time around here.
not the worst
everyone i've added was cancer unless they were a slav for some reason.
I only posted that because he added me today somehow, probably through the 8/v/FGC group which is the only Holla Forums group I'm in, I talked to him briefly and apparently he got banned from here for posting /hebe/ shit. He then linked to a post from 4/soc/ about him whing. He seems like a uber autist who wants to make internet friends and shit like that.
If you removed him, you dodged a bullet. He's too autistic for the 4am threads, and spends a lot of time defending censorship when he's not on tumblr or 4cuck.
I remember that insufferable faggot, jesus fucking christ. I feel sorry for all 14 people on his friends list.
Anyone got some more stories or info? I'm just curious how bad it actually gets.
Sounds quite over the top allready.
Of fucking course, only spoiled snobs and their special snowflake children live there, as well as all the muslim ghettos in between
Are you wearing a fedora bumbaclot?
I'd totally tell you but I don't want to attract his attention here and make him recognize me. That's how bad it is.
Best you could hope for are screencaps.
Sounds about right
This was the post he made on /soc/
also archived my brief convo with him too.
Holy fuck this is crazy, can I see the archive of the conversation user? This guy seems to have some major mental problems.
I remember he once dumped scat because he wasn't getting any attention in a thread. He'll usually just send you a bunch of links to threads he made on 4chan trying to fish for a response, and if you ignore him enough he'll spam messages until you tell him to fuck off. I remember someone saying he shat up the fightan and MHG threads, but I don't know for sure if he did that.
There is nothing worse than Abrahamic religions. Two of them are about mutilating the cocks of newborn boys, and another one legitimately includes the holy book of people who killed the son of their god and then denied his existence.
In other words: Holla Forums worships kike on a stick
Not that interesting, but what said was true, he did post a link to a 4chan thread. Basically I said I recognized him from here and he said he got banned. I asked why and then he said he got banned for posting /hebe/, then he did send a link to the 4chan thread asking why so many 18 year olds liked Donnie Darko when there were only two in the thread that did, I humoured him a little and found out his favourite girl/waifu is apparently Misaka from AoT, then stopped talking, unfriended him a couple of hours later hoping he wouldn't notice and that's basically it.
There was a large group of autists pushing for it because "b-but they get one and we don't" sort of like women complaining about there not being enough female programmers. Some were in it for shits and giggles but most weren't.
Holla Forums plz go.
Anyone noticed a shitload of (1) posts begging for interboard shitflinging today? Obviously shit like this has existed since the dawn of time but today they seem very active and even desperate for attention
Nice try, Holla Forums
Because seeing Holla Forums shit up a thread or claim Holla Forums is behind everything gets people to bother to post when otherwise they would just lurk.
No, I don't mean that. I mean that fags would call other boards out over even the most meaningless shit or shit that it wouldn't make sense to accuse them of. For example one (1) post in a thread accusing someone of being Holla Forums on the basis of them hating Muslims, which would work perfectly as bait both against Holla Forums and against Holla Forums simultaneously. This shit is much more active today than you would usually expect it to be and the style of posting certainly doesn't seem to suggest that it would be either of the two boards either.
You know looking around something does seem to be off.
Could be a raid, maybe 4chaim had a banwave, maybe reddit decided to drop by, I couldn't tell you but most likely it will pass.
Holla Forums has become a meme board. Most people don't even know what it is and just think it's a term for "I disagree". These idiots don't realize that it's probably why the board continues to grow.
She is the host for the DOTA 2 international, I hate her so much. She ruined DOTA for me. Spending a thousand fucking dollars for the international (I know, I'm retarded) was totally worth it just for that picture.
My god thinks your god/lack of god is disgraceful.
What were the replies to the second pic?
What's the deal? Used to play on the tf2c servers and it was all good fun.
Getting free games must be nice.
People that buy AAA games are retarded. Not really surprising.