We are the Bearded Gentlemen's Club not affiliated with with Gentlemen's Beard Club. For long we have struggled and been oppressed. It is now time for us to fight! We believe every man deserves a Beard, but they want to take all of that away. They have already bastardized beards in employment and in public, they look down and frown on it! The Bearded people are minorities and the Hairless Monkeys dare have us assimilate?! We will not stand for this! The greatest warriors and men of all time had beards! From vikings to pirates, the list goes on. We must prevent them from taking our rights to the rough hair. It is what gives us power! Beard Magic will not die!
Bearded Gentlemen's Club
I'm a card carrying member!
Here here
The only people I really see with huge beards are mischlings/kikes larping as nords.
They mock us and bring weakness to our name.Those are not Beard Masters, but mere impostors! It is those same people who create the thought of: "only hobos may have beards." This is absurd. There is an ancient secret magic and the real Beard Masters that is not known by the left await to jump into the battle. Beard Magic and Necromancy are capable of summoning the strongest dead hairs known to man. SJWs and the left demonize Beard hair because the truth is, the Beard Magic is their weakness! The Beard is one of the strongest symbols the left has been fighting and they continue to fight.
Sounds like an anime.
you will never be white
numales ruined beards for me. sorry. i keep a light scruff at all times. looks good.
There's a difference between pic related and
For the beard!
Yeah, let it grow freely instead of preening like a girl and you're ok.
I do Not do beard/moustaches. I do however indulge in sideburns.
Beard acceptance in currentyear++ is being forced with the primary purpose of accomodating Muslim invaders and making women see that as a desirable trait in potential brown mates.
Where do you think all the bearded liberal faggots came from?
know how i know you watch cuck porn?
Real Beard Masters are no Muslims. We are gentlemen. The Liberals are taking our Beards, go to any liberal business and try to get a job. Muslims and Liberals using beards do not have ancient Beard magic. They have none, so they demonize beards and either show ways of it being "Liberal" or how Evil has beards, but it is a trick to take it all away.
Are you faggots for real? Beards grow naturally out of our fucking faces. Our ancestors all wore beards. Half of our great historical figures had beards. And you posit that beards are a Jewish conspiracy? Stop fucking worrying so much about popular culture.
Because razors were so shitty that it was their only option. Now we've got the double edged safety razor and straight razors if you're a faggot hipster so there is no reason not to shave. Enjoy spreading the demodex infestation on your chin as you lap up the semen from your boyfriend's dick after Jamal fucks him.
Holy shit, another thread that blows dicks. Do you faggots don't know that you should wear something that fits you and your style? If you have shitty semitic beards, just shave them off. Of you have good genetics, then grow and groom your beard. If you need to prove your masculinity through wearing certain clothes/haircuts/beards then you are doing something terribly wrong. If you are trying to seek approval from other through your beard, then you are no better than those twitch streaming whores with cleavages so big, you can almost see the nipples. You look like you don't have any better characteristic than your beard. You are supposed to be a man, and acting like a faggot is an insult to you and your fore fathers.
is it just me or does it seem like the modern man is less capable of growing facial hair than his ancestors?
So beards aren't just a kike conspiracy, they are unhealthy as well? What planet do you even come from?
A bit too much realism there. Latent homosexual detected. Bog.
Shave it off, better silky smooth than having a patchy beard.
There is nothing wrong with having a large beard, as it is a sign of virility and reminiscent of ancestral strength and culture.
There is nothing wrong with being clean shaven, as it can show off chiseled white features and is indeed a norm in today's culture.
Muslims have unkempt beards FOR RELIGIOUS REASONS which oppress individuality and choice. White men (not nu-males) have beards to express virility and ancestry. Do not associate your white brothers with muslims based exclusively on the fact that they have a beard. It's honestly ridiculous.