Stephen Bannon is threatening to blow up the Republican Party
Apparently Bannon actually left his position for a special job, finding nationalist candidates to hamstring the (((GOPe))) in the coming 2018 Republican primaries.
Stephen Bannon is threatening to blow up the Republican Party
Apparently Bannon actually left his position for a special job, finding nationalist candidates to hamstring the (((GOPe))) in the coming 2018 Republican primaries.
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Bannon is an anti-Trump cuck who is so buttflustered about getting fired his website has been nothing but #NEVERTRUMP garbage from top to bottom since then. Saged.
it would be nice to see mccain get voted out
Do these people ever act? Why won't he just blow up the republican party instead of trying to blow it up? JUST FUCKING DO IT FAGGOT
Trump is an amnesty cuck.
Could the Republican party be /ourguys/? This jews is against them!
What the fuck are you talking about? It's not a literal explosive device, you moron.
Filtered. Thanks for the sage, cucks.
Of course. Take the focus off the death of the Democratic Party. They still haven't found a spic hero yet to lead the new and improved Democrats.
Noone is ourguys.
We are forever alone in this continual war against the kike, this is our strength.
I'll have to keep my eye on this. I've been seriously considering moving somewhere new and getting a job in politics, and having experience on a campaign that can be called pro-Trump will open certain doors.
Just so Bannon knows , I'm eligible for congress or senate , don't fuck kids , don't do drugs , am white , am articulate and won't fucking compromise and will never slacken. I also drink cowboy coffee
source, please.
Good one, fag.
The second pic is a fucking retard.
Next election, goyim. No, really. The system works. The unmarried 20- and 30-somethings just have to wait 10-20 years. Then they can have jobs providing liveable wages and raise kids in safe neighborhoods.
That second pic is a fucking genius my friend
Yep. That should be bare minimum number one. Don't fuck kids
1. He wasn't fired. He resigned, this is why… he's now tasked with finding /ourguys/ to replace GOPe candidates.
2. Breitbart has been just as supportive or more since he returned.
3. Trump is clearly setting a trap, he knows his voters don't want DACA, he's going to force Republicans in congress their true colors before the primaries.
4. Arizonian Republicans are very anti-illegals (remember that bill they tried to pass a few years ago that would allow ICE to deport obvious illegals based on their race?). Besides McCain killed the Obamacare repeal… he's going to get his ass thrown in the street.
2018 is going to be a very subtle Night of the Long Knives.
Shariablue is THIS desperate.
For what purpose?
Literally the 2nd post.
The primaries are in 6 months, shill.
Bannon isn't important anymore. His threads should be locked like Coulter's and genuinely powerful people like PewDiePie.
But they won't be. Because he's an important factor in demoralizing, confusing, dividing and conquering the Republicans so President Jose can emerge victorious.
Terry hates you and wants to hit you with his car on account of you glowing in the dark
Zionism isn't nationalism. He's looking for faux populist shabbos goyim like himself.
One's a politician who has to at least give the kikes lip service, the other was Goldman Sachs and runs one of the worst Israel-first media outlets.
You guys make it far too obvious.
The Republican Party is the party of Lincoln, Reagan and Bush. Fuck them.
The shills are fucking terrified. Look at their reactions in this thread.
Did you think I took it literally you fucking retard?
Bannon won't do shit.
Bannon is considered far Right by Washington's standards. In truth he is a libertarian, and "Trumpism" sounds like snakeoil-tiershit to me. No Amnesty, and set up a big beautiful Wall is pretty much the only values that matter.
I'm so excited.
That is categorically untrue. Terry loves everybody (except niggers) and I sure as FUCK don't glow in the god damned dark
This isn't some e-celeb swearing they have the smoking gun to take down Killary. Did you even read the article? Bannon is coordinating support for conservative representatives and senators to be elected next November in the midterm elections. Because the slimy RINO cuckservatives in congress right now might as well be Democrats, this is going to replace them with actual conservative Republicans hopefully but I'd take new blood over John McShitstain any day
Just because the faggot party is dead doesn't mean there aren't faggots to purge from the GOP.
And the Democratic Party too. Both owe the jew a lot. We should be focused on building a new party so naive people here can see their naive friends die after trying to change the system from within and realize that war is the only way to create real change quickly.
That's retarded. Categorically idiotic. A third party has never won in American history and after Ross Perot's runs the rules have been changed so they can't participate in debates or even run in all 50 states. I hope you're a European or something where that's a viable option.
It only makes sense to seize the GOP. Hell we should take over the Democrats as well.
No, we need a white intelligence apparatus running hundreds of front companies to funnel money to us. Like the CIA, but not controlled by commies and kikes.
Jesus Christ this board has become unusable.
Bannon may not be perfect, but he's a great improvement over those kikes Trump is surrounding himself with.
No shit, we are getting hit from all sides. Just look at all the low effort slide threads.
Who is worth keeping? All of them have to be purged. And their seats have to be taken by force. You're just watching a pretend civil war story among Republican actors unfold. Bread and circus. The ending is always the same: the people say they should've voted for [other] or say they're not voting any more.
Merely Shariablue raiding us, nothing we cannot withstand, but if you ain't going to fight back by countering their faggotry, stand aside.
Not visible enough.
He's a shill trying to stifle discussion by posting them as jpgs to break up disrupt conversations about this.
Surely they will get bored of pissing in an ocean of piss sooner or later.
They are out in full force today. Yesterday was pretty quiet.
Keep crying, Niggerblue.
Aww, is that really your best kike-kun? How does it feel to be picked last for the shill squad? You betters have already fallen here!
This imageboard supports PDFs, why the fuck you anyone but a shill dump like this?
I didn't say it stood any chance of winning. But if it managed to capture voters like Trump did, naive people would get a better idea of what they're up against.
Yeah, I fucking wish. Can only hope for the best, right?
Same shit happening in r/T_D. We knew that place was pozzed, but they were at least useful idiots. Now it's being overrun from within by weak-minded assclowns that swear absolute fealty to this avatar they've created of Trump. Any dissent is quashed and brigaded. They've essentially become that which they claimed to hate in the past. It's fucking ridiculous.
Shills won't give a fuck about pdf's, you stupid mongoloid, it's not about stopping discussions about X, is about enraging and exposing these Shariablue fucks.
Here, faggot.
Party politics are for plebians.
“It’s only natural for unbridled partisanship, unrestrained by allegiance to a greater cause, to lead to chaos.”
That's called wishful thinking, something that people in the real world can rarely afford.
These are obvious shills and should be banned.
You get no shekels by outing yourself like that, Shlomo.
Why aren't you the shill?
Again with this same Syria pattern:
>They then try to Astroturf the board into unconditional Trump cocksucking
You're not fooling anyone
Commencing dump.
It's a raid, look at threads like >>10615842 , does that seems like composed and lucid discussion to you? Or just debauchery and shit flinging?
Get fucked, Sharianiggers.
The exact contrary happens, you sack of shit.
Cadrenigger BTFO
Fuck yourself Matnigger
Is this a picture for ants?
You're not convincing anyone
I post here since 2014, and I know how to spot retards like you.
Why would you defend someone who is actively helping destroy your people?
A whole bunch of these clowns were doxed when this initial was brought to light.
Back to reddit, faggot. If you were from here you'd know what to call them.
Occam's Razor. Trump has pulled at least 20 of these traps since 2015… it's much more likely to assume it's trap than to be bewildered again for the 21st time. Even you haven't been here for long, or you're a shill.
Nobody is that fucking stupid.
Too obvious, get more variety with your insults, hasbarafag?
Right back at you, mister "certified oldfaggest"
Cool loaded question, got any more?
I don't doubt this blindly following is a recipe for disaster. I mean both sides have their shills cadre and shareblue. This is a war zone for shills trying to influence opinions. They don't like freedom of thought.
pic related is a picture of me from a couple days ago
But I am? Nobody takes you seriously.
All I hear is what you would like to be the case. Fact is he caved and your denial is cringeworthy.
Did he not give in? Prove me wrong you scared piece of shit.
I live in the same zipcode as sass. 2.5 mi as a matter of fact.
dotr when?
This. What is
>can't even spell (((karl marx))) correctly
tits or gtfo
soon brother
88D chess isn't a meme. Trump has shown amazing skill at playing your masters like a fiddle. You knowI will one day murder your Jewish family in front of your eyes, right kike? I will beat your mother to death with a claw hammer.
Cool proof you got here.
He did, i don't need to deny the obvious.
Wasnt the Republican party a 3rd party back in the day? Didnt the GOPe knock off the established Whig's ?
So then fuck him.
You seem quite upset Mordecai.
Will you do the same to Trump's kike family?
Did you think that i ever stopped redpilling others and prepping after Trump? With him or without him, the fight continues. But shitting on him is something that these Clinton loyal shills would love, and I'm not giving them the pleasure.
I don't give a fuck what sheep think. Trump deserves condemnation, he fucking earned it.
Why do this for so little pay?
I'll ask again. Why aren't you the shill?
Really, nigger?
i was actually making an attempt at satire
implying that you should never assume trump is doing or setting up to do something good. obvious d&c or something like that
allusion to people on the left saying "anything i dont like is literally hitler", and then my roleplay as one of these leftists means that i would only be able to apply the same strategy except reversed since my character is pretending to be a fellow polack or whatever
implying that only an actual child would post such a thing
i recall a quote from nietzsche (cant find it though) that was something along the lines of "if you want to remove credibility from a group, pretend to be part of said group and then make shitty arguments"
You don't care what these paid shills do? You couldn't be more obvious.
Get the fuck out, son.
That's not what "giving trump the benefit of the doubt ever" implies, at all.
All I hear is muh pr.
When Trump give 800,000+ spics amnesty will you still be sucking his cock like a good little cuck? Will you vote for your big daddy Trump again?
Then go check your eardrums, you projection bastard.
You're asking me to care what shills think. Think how stupid that sounds.
Fast answer: No.
But you still need to kill yourself.
I didn't you ask to do shit, schizo.
Didn't ask you*
How retarded can you get?
You suggested PR fagging is in my interest.
No i didn't, Christ, you are grasping like crazy.
No. Common misconception. The Whig party dissolved due to losing so many votes to the "Anti-Slavery Party" that they absolved and formed a new party that was against slavery since it was easier back then to create a new party than to convince enough voters that your stance had changed.
Telling me to care what shills think is exactly that. Don't do one thing and claim you did another when the posts are there for all to see.
Yes, after killing you and your family, Kushner gets gassed and Ivanka as well for being a loyal shabbos goy.
Trump has done literally fucking nothing. The only positive things he's done were mere tweets saying something good. Tweets that only happened because of Bannon's small influence over him. Now Bannon is gone and Trump is literally Jeb.
Asher, i…
I'll let you dance around in your own bullshit if that's what you want.
Trump has done the refugee ban, ended DAPA, is letting TPS sunset, ended DACA (of which this whole ordeal, I think is a reverse-Reagan), put Gorsuch into the SCOTUS, pardoned Joe Arpaio and is getting the wall ready to be built.
What he did is the opposite of a reverse-Reagan. What the fuck are you talking about?
Nah, you seem to like yours better, enjoy your waltz in the chocolate.
As in kicking out the illegals and not giving amnesty.
And how does this benefit me?
[citation needed]
And I'm getting ready to win $6,000,000. I'll let you know when it happens.
What the fuck have I said that was wrong?
Yeah, that's the opposite of what Trump did. What the fuck are you talking about?
Don't forget putting TPP into the god damn trash where it belongs. That isn't mentioned nearly enough.
good point
you glow in the dark
Good. Every Holla Forumsack that can run for office must run for office. Any office.
Found the CIAnigger.
He doesn't hold an important position affecting policy. He's an important eceleb now and threads about him should be locked like other ecelebs because as the mods always say it will be demoralizing when he introduces his gay black lover to the world.
Except its not shut down
You could pay attention. He repeats things said here like Anglin. Just brace yourself for the nationalist sheboon candidate who will do the things Trump wouldn't to make america great again.
He's right. Mods should continue deleting anything that talks about Bannon or criticizes Trump.
We have to all stick together and stay pro-Trump. Fighting is exactly what the shills want us to do!
No just Bannon so 8ch stays consistent with its policy of censoring ecelebs and Kim threads don't get slid.
Holy fuck you're a goddamn kike.
Would you like to play the game where I get tons of articles kikes who swear he's Hitler.
Its kinda like when Trump says he loves Israel and then you find articles where Jews are saying he's Hitler.
Do it within the next 4 months. Just fucking do it. Take a picture with a untraceable camera too so you can upload it from an anonymous library computer whenever shills come.
Except nobody ever presented any evidence other than "his ex-wife claimed he said something mildly anti-Semitic once", after which top kikes like Alan Dershowitz and the "great American patriot" (Bannon's words) Pam Gellar, who called for the nuking of Europe if Israel ever faces destruction, came to his defense. Bannon has a track record as a defender of the jews and Israel, Talmudic interpretations of fake news aren't going to change that.
Can attest to the Roy Moore saga against Luther Strange. This is for the seat vacated by Sessions. Luther was the atty gen of Alabama with then governor Bentley. Bentley was under investigation and about to be impeached when suddenly Strange dropped all charges including some criminal. Sessions resigned and Bently appointed his acting Senator till a vote could take place- in a couple of weeks-. Mitch McConnell has worked out allocating 8 mil from the RNC for Stranges election. In an apparent deal or out of retardation,Trump endorsed Strange during the primary.
Mitch needs to go away and stay outt of Alabama politics
How hard did you have to search for those?
I never said that he wasn't falsely accused of being a Nazi (mostly as part of attacks on Trump), just that he clearly isn't one, and has dedicated much of his life to protecting jews.
So basically he's Trump?
No, he's a sore loser that got fired for being a clown.
They were already using all available resources to collect information on everybody, including hater Merkel.
>Bannon actually left his position for a special job, finding nationalist candidates to hamstring the (((GOPe))) in the coming 2018 Republican primaries.
With the help of Trump or Bannon is going rogue with this one?
I don't like Breitbart or Trump. But Breitbart is just reporting the facts of the push for amnesty. You can either accept reality that Trump is pushing amnesty or you can bury your head in the sand and pretend it's not happening as you want to do.
I've been saying this for over a year now. We should be going hard against the ZOGbots and ensuring they never get elected. You wouldn't believe how shills come in with their defeatist talk. They don't think we can have an impact but they also pretend we haven't had an impact at all.
Fork design was really beefy back then.
Well, instead of a wall and amnesty without chain migration, we will have open borders, European levels of taxation, more crime, voting rights for prisoners, more pardons for drug dealers, and other atrocities under President Pablo if Bannon succeeds in blowing up the GOP and making Trump a one-term president like Bush Sr.
I'm not sold on Bannon one way or another. A supposed nationalist hardliner, but also a former goldman sachs employee. I'm giving kikebart a few more weeks to straighten up, let's see what happens.
Excellent. More nationalists is good news. I doubt he will openly support Traditional Workers Party members, however it should be pointed out that the TWP is planning on running candidates for local elections.
All politics is local. And when the race war happens (to put it simply) it will be an absolute good thing to have White nationalists already in leadership positions for small towns and regions. I especially hope for more White nationalist police chiefs who can quickly disarm or otherwise neutralize the non-White and anti-White elements in their respective police forces and then provide the basis for pro-White militias.
Also, any of you anons who are in the military should already be making plans for how you will deliver weapons and more importantly, information to the pro-White armies that will form naturally as the decrepit System implodes.
what is the primary reason? Esoteric immigration?
get the dems too rats one and all
The only person that can make Trump a one-term president is Trump.
And Trump is doing a damn fine job ensuring he's going to be a one-term president. He doesn't need Bannon's help.
I wouldn't expect much from Breitbart. They're still mainstream and actually quite conservative. They will go with the flow. Also, so long as the Jews wield supreme power in America, few people will risk their careers, their home, their car, and even their lives by openly resisting them.
As you should know by now, the Jews acting as a unified blob after secret undergrown meetings where they agree on everything is a meme for the lower IQ White nationalists among us. The less imaginative ones. In reality, the Jews act largely on their own. Like a virus that instinctively knows how to kill a host. The reason Jews are so powerful is not that they agree on a plan after a secret meeting. Jews aren't all a part of some illuminati organization or whatever. Their strength is that they are the most clubby, ethnocentric group of schemers on the planet and all instinctively as well as knowingly come together to advance Jewish interests in whatever way they believe is best. It is not necesarry for Gerald Levin to meet up with Benjamin Netanyahoo and discuss who to smear and what TV shows to greenlight. Instead, all he must do is think to himself; "hmm. What will make America more degenerate? What will deconstruct Whiteness and bring about a diverse utopia?"
And then he does it.
It is possible for Jews to disagree on who is the next Hitler while still subverting America.
Put simply, the Jews' greatest strength is in their clubby ethnocentristic attitude of putting Jewish interests first and viewing all of the world with hostility. It is the Jewish community that is their strength and it is that community that allows them to dominate host nations. It is that community which must be destroyed.
Your dubs compel me to explain, but it's a bit like telling a kid that Santa Claus isn't real.
In all seriousness consumer confidence did rise when the nigger left office, but there are problems measuring success using flawed metrics
You're supposed to conveniently forget all the shit-talking Trump did of the fraudulent market and jobs numbers when he was campaigning. Accept the numbers being given to you now at face value.
Flawed or not, the jews are not happy. I remember in April there was a slight dip and they were calling for Trump's resignation so Pence could restore stability to the markets. Every month since Trump was elected they've been warning against being overbullish and every month they've failed to sink it.
and Trump is a jew cuck who spent his whole life serving them in Jew York and made sure his daughter grew up sucking jew cock and making jew babies
He's making Israel great again
you have to try harder
Are they looking for candidates? Because I wasn't doing anything for the next few years. I'm loyal as a dog and can't wait to introduce the Making America Great Again by Gassing Filthy Kikes Act of 2019.
I feel it too, user.
So bannon is going to have a heart attack when?
Hey you wouldn't be much more to the right of fucking Augustus Sol Invictus, a guy literally running for GOP senator of Florida. As a swamp-user, he's got my vote.
Holy shit! People who supported Trump's good policies are wising up to the fact that he's a fraud, not much different than any other bagel-chomping hymie from New York.
I never thought I would see the day. Here I assumed it was just unwavering cultist worship as long as Agent Orange is trolling somebody.
In all seriousness, right now we REALLY NEED
Mike "Electric Eye* for the Queer Guy" Pence.
*The poetic justice lies in the fact that the lead singer of Judas Priest was a flaming homo who died of AIDS?
Trump's campaign basically exposed half the people who are anti-SJW as not being in it for the right reasons or knowing much anything, just having taken a lucky guess on about 2/3 of political issues and being hopelessly out to lunch on the other 1/3.
still mad he made you kiss his driver side tire tread????
Trump was fought tooth and nail by Jews, and he still is with blackpilling shills. Which have existed since day one of Trump being elected. They're very frustrating to deal with.
Trump is just a puppet to give retards like you and most of the pseudo nationalist groups a false sense of security about the future.
Yes, they are. Where anything he's done the past month fits with his attempt to do anything about them remains to be seen.
Donald Trump isn't the brain, let alone the heart of a movement. Donald Trump's just the face. He's just another guy, and somebody can step up and take his place.
Ron Paul was the heart, and the brain is either Jesse Helms or Steve Bannon.
And as much as I otherwise hate Kid Rock and his shitty wigger music, he's a possible replacement for the face of the new uncucked right, and he's got a ton of influence in those rustbelt states Trump rode to victory last year. On top of that, Kid Rock doesn't act like a total woman on social media either.
You know Jesse Helms is dead, right? And not last month, but I think he died on the Fourth of July in 2008 or so.
And then we still got, at the absolute minimum, two more comfy years after that.
Well, shit! At least we have Bannon.
Donald Trump must be the Ernst Rohm of this story. A daughter-diddling used-car salesman can't be Hitler.
Maybe we could stage a coup and install Ben Garrison into power. Just spitballing…
There's always Kid Rock…
Ice is also having a gay old time, if you ever talked to ice agents about DACA they basically consider the mooches who don't do anything as a low priority and want the Wall so that all the violent gangs they deport can't just waltz on back into the country. Also there is well over 12 million illegals and Amnesty for 800,000 is basically a drop in the bucket, and many that are legible are still up for deportation purely because Ice is enforcing the DACA requirements of "never commit a crime or you're out".
First of all, that's not even the real number. The DHS puts the number of DACA recipients at 3,500,000. Second of all, they're going to have more children than whites. 3 is their average. Most will be marrying Mexicans, who will get citizenship.
Really what we are talking about is 7 million. Plus three children each comes out to 21,000,000. That's a very significant change in demographics.
You are a total faggot for cucking on the most important issue facing white Americans. You should fucking kill yourself because you're a faggot kike.
3.5 million out of 20+ million.
Nigga that's the same average of Conservative whites, Liberals don't have kids so it brings the statistical average down.
Now that, that depends entirely on how much provisions are added or taken away from the Dream Act by combining it with pieces of the Raise Act, Trump won't accept chain migration of any sort.
Every nonwhite needs to be forced out of the US. The illegal alien and their children are a good starting point, they all need to fucking go, and we can go from there.
I don't care about them as much as the rest of the esoteric immigrants. How many of them are there?
If you marry a foreigner, they automatically become citizens. Yes, they will marry Mexicans most likely.
DHS says 3.5 million. (((DACA numbers))) say 800,000.
If they don't leave within a year, string em all up. Kill em. You must enforce your laws and boundaries, or they mean nothing.
Of course we would all love to be RWDS in real life, but I'm only one man.
The US needs to revoke democracy and go back to the original rules of a qualified voting republic. What we have now is an abomination.
I would love to have voting rights for property owners and veterans only.
You don't even have to exclude niggers and women. There are enough white property owners to negate nigger veterans since niggers don't own any property in any real numbers and the number of female veterans isn't even enough to worry about.
The main voting block will be conservative white males.
Bannon is an anti-White Israel-firster masquerading as a populist civic nationalist.
You just described Trump as well.
Right. Property owners and vets having voting rights is a pretty solid basis.
Jew u have a single snackisfact to snack that up?
Israeli Nationalists maybe…
wut r my digits bitch
Oh Shillberg, nobody thought Trump was going to take out the Fed. So QE is just a fact of life that he has zero control over. I mean literally he has no power over the Fed. Zero.
But he's gotten rid of a lot of the Kike Regulations that were crippling American Energy. And other great stuff to turn the economy around. So, as they say around here, gas yourself.
I know that, YOU know that, and Shareferret knows that.
It still kills me they cannot get anyone with more than say, 10% of a brain to work for them!
IDK have you read kikebart lately, lost of anti Trump articles.
BTW Trump never wanted Amnesty, everyone is taking his tweets out of context.
What exactly is the context of these tweets?
Civic nationalism, since we're going to treat Trump's tweets as law before anything even happens the DACA deal already fell through since Democrats won't budge on giving strong border security anyways, and no chain migration.
It would be nice to see that brain tumor finish McCain off.
Kill yourself shill faggot.
Kill yourself reddit faggot.
I'm not reading the thread
Hey Bannon
So many super-bad-based jews in this thread pretending that Bannon isn't a fully paid zionist propagandist editor of the jewish Breibart desperate to send American sons to die for isreal, thus continuing the displacement of arabs from their homelands to be funnelled by their counterpart (((left))) into Europe thus the rest of the West to Hell.
Such harmonious teamwork of the Bolshevik left with their Zionist (((right))) partners.