Chief of Staff Kelly Set Up President Trump for Amnesty Fiasco


Kikebart comments section is getting shilled hard, so I won't be linking it. It's like 90% shills calling Trump a 'traitor' and an 'idiot', they must have gotten extra funding for the upcoming fights on immigration and taxes. This all goes to show you Trump was manipulated and he didn't betray his base.

Other urls found in this thread:

Eat shit, shill.

It's a common technique in Washington, and other governments really, to set up an underling, an aide, a functionary, etc., as the origin of unpopular policy followed by media narratives of how the "leader" is not really responsible for it. The policy always goes through and sticks, though. Funny that.

Trump is a doddering old fool. 100 to 1 says he goes the way of Ronald Reagan, deaf and suffering from an unknown mental ailment. I am so disappointed he has turned out the be such a fucking douche.

Off by one. Even kek thinks you're an idiot. .02 shekels have been deposited into your account regardless.

Trump did it to himself. He's a duplicitous little bitch.

I'm not the one kissing Trumps ass you faggot kike.

Cadreniggers BTFO.

He's surrounded by traitorous vipers, wanting to do everything you want without upsetting these bastards (which creates more indirect problems) is a titanic feat. Kali Yuga politics require macabre and tiresome "dancing".
At least you didn't sage like a little faggot.

Who the fuck cares if it was his intention or he got tricked. The fact is that it happened under his watch, either because he's a traitor or just a complete fucking idiot.

Calm down Hillary and go take your meds, you're mixing people up again.

Fucking based.

Uh huh. Now call a shill too.


So you're saying that Trump is not a traitor, but he has no agency and is just a dumbass who is easily led by whatever he is surrounded by? Wew

This is the same guy who doesn't allow Trump to read Breitbart. He also only allows Ivanka and Kushner to meet with him.

This is such a dumb line of reasoning, and it comes from Alex Jones and Roger Stone.


Trump being too stupid to understand what he's saying is equally as bad as what he's been saying. This is no defense.

The cadre nigger's narrative is completely retarded. According to them, Trump is a highly intelligent master dealmaker, and yet, at the same time, easily manipulated by the people around him. Which is it?

Mods are deleting damning facts about Trump again. >>10616267

This place is a dumpster fire.

We need to dox the mods.

Here a full video of the mini press conference yesterday, Trump doesn't see DACA as Amnesty so the bottleneck of information flowing to Trump is at most blinding him to how his supporters sees DACA.


Who is he kidding anymore?

Obviously the mods.

How pathetic, my goodness. The buck stops where exactly?

He appointed Kelly. He is an idiot and possibly a traitor. Get the fuck out of here.


Sick of hearing how the people Trump chose to be his closest associates are to blame for everything.


What is this fan fiction. How does Trump manage to tweet about world events if he barely gets to hear about them? Maybe we need to start sending him smoke signals before Kelly is able to close the drapes.

Ha ha, that guy is so full of shit. It sounds like they've moved from McMaster to Kelly as the evil mastermind in the White House.

Here's Roger Stone saying just the opposite to Ben Garrison

Huge fan of Ben @GrrrGraphics, but this image makes it appear as if Trump not in control. I assure you that it's @POTUS who calls the shots.


He tweeted the illegal immigrant shit himself from his own account and hasn't denied it was him. He exposed himself and we aren't going to forget it. You can't memory hole his tweets no matter how bad you might want tom

At this point every single tweet is being archived. Trumpniggers can't hide anymore.

This whole thing reeks of desperation.
Truly pathetic.

I'm beginning to think consensus cracking shills like you want to start pushing for "Zucc 4 President" ASAP


And who was the retard that put him in charge of Homeland Security and then moved him in as Chief of Staff that has more power over staff and policy decisions? Kelly was somehow a worse choice than Priebus.

It's nice that Trump didn't "mean" it, but he still fucked up badly and he's got to fix this mess or his ass is out the door in the beginning of 2021.

I thought we were rooting for Kelly like a week ago. WTF happened?

I don't know what board you've been on but I don't think anyone here ever liked Kelly, at best no one cared.

Does anyone really believe this shit anymore?

He either broke his election promises, making him a traitor, or got manipulated by the people he hired, making him an idiot.

-or you're full of shit for jumping the gun


How does that make it any better?

More info on this?

sounds like its a load of shit

Exactly this.

You people are pathetic.

I find it incredible how the TD faggot (OP) thought it was a good idea to post this in an attempt to do damage control. You only read the title didn't you?

How fucking weak and stupid is he if he just repeats what the people around him say? We're fucking white men, we hold people responsible
means amnesty most of the time

>90% shills former supporters calling Trump a 'traitor' and an 'idiot'
it's got to be one or the other if any of this is true

bullshit or he's a complete puppet

that's my guess

Normally I would say it was PR, but he's done it at times where it wasn't necessary, and when there were potential chess moves, he never made them.


So many dubs of truth

If Trump cucks on this. If we get a fucking amnesty in ANY form, He's fucking done. This motherfucker has been putting out some fucking real bad signs of imminent cuckery, as per the tweets.

You stupid fucking "muh gawd empruh" shills are already preparing your excuses. "It wasn't Trump's fault". "Kelly tricked him!". Yeah. Fuck right off with that shit.

Kicking out illegals was the motherfucking backbone of his campaign. If the wetbacks get amnesty (no I don't give a shit if they try and call it something else) I will prove he's a worthless kike traitor once and for all. You can fucking kvetch and say shit about chess moves all you want as you load your pistol and place it in your mouth to suck if off like you do your fucking gawd empruh.

Loyalty and respect are earned. Not given. Trump started off well. But now, if he cucks, we will see the true nature of what he really is.

He's a billionaire he doesn't need feeding of info he can get it himself. He was tweeting about amnesty when obongo was pres and we know his true feelings. The fact of the matter is what kind of black mail is going on. Are his sons implicated?

This sounds more to me like he's not thinking about giving them amnesty, but maybe that's wishful thinking.

barring some type of major sex scandal or health problems. he's still likely going to be POTUS for 8 years. trump was (and still is) the best option we had during the election. one man (who is at best a centrist ) was never going to solve our problems. Holla Forums will have to keep meaming and growing until the media, education system and government are mostly just "us" and. thats going to take time, (((money))) and technology (some that's still barely in the prototype phase). it took the commies/yids about 50+ years to amasses this much power over the country and society. it will probably take about the same amount of time to get it back (plus more). instead of getting mad at trump. start running for local office. it's time to stop waiting for a savior to rescue us. "we" have to rescue ourselves.

Many people are calling it "esoteric immigration"

This. There is a guy that has predicted all presidential elections and prrety much, as long as people are not pissed about the part in power,they get re-elected

Trump also had some of the most lofty expectations that he put on himself that are obvious when they are not fulfilled, he won't have a fucking chance if he signs amnesty and doesn't get the wall done.

He has no competition whatsoever from either party. You think Ryan or Rubio could beat him? Sanders? Nobody wants anything to do with TPP, open borders, gun bans, fines and prison times for saying nigger on the Internet, and other psycho shit everybody knows democrat politicians really want.

A shitload of retar….er I mean leftists do.

Zucc in 3 years?

Except the spics who would be amnestied and the tons more who will be voting age next time around.



Trump's Admin will be mostly useless because it seems everyone except for his son and wife wants to fuck him over.

You can't trust the military or the republicans.

Everyone wanted Clinton to win.

Trump can't even get conservative news due to censorship.

The eunuchs have taken over the forbidden city.

It's going to happen (his run), it might be determined if any legalized esoteric immigrants vote for him or not.

not going to happen. the public sees him as a snake.

I am standing by my decision that if Trump cucks, its game fucking over. Period.

There are two primary reasons Trump won the election. 1 – MASSIVE groundswelling of support from the right. The energy from his base was truly amazing. Their zeal and fervor had them practically falling over themselves to go vote on election day. 2 – the (D)s were fucking demoralized as fuck. HRC was the worst possible person they could have ever run. The most corrupt candidate in history, probably right behind her husband. And probably just ahead of Kang Nigger. Not only that, but the Left fucking imploded upon itself when they found out that not only was the primary rigged against their little communist bolshevik Bernie — but that he cucked out almost immediately and gave all their money to the reptilian bitch Hillary. HRC wasn't even running a campaign. She was shitting her diapers and having fucking seizures in broad daylight, fighting an FBI investigation and multiple corruption charges. The Left wasn't hungry for her. They were either pulling the lever out of loyalty to the DNC, not voting because Bernie wasn't "going to cancel their student loans", or in some cases voted Trump just to say fuck you to the DNC.

And through all that — through ALL that — it was a really close fucking race. Not one of you motherfuckers could tell me that they didn't really honestly think that fucking cunt hillary didn't stand a really good chance at winning? Fuck I was legitametly surprised that she didn't win. I had fucking Iodide tablets in the mail on the way for the fucking imminent war with Syria.

No, if Trump cucks likely it'll be the exact opposite of what happened to the Left. Demoralized right ("why even fucking vote?", etc), and the Left now knows the secret formula to winning —- running the most leftwing batshit insane communist fuck ever. Get a nigger transgender Jew faggot to say the 3 magic words: "Student loan forgiveness" and you watch as the motherfucking 'tism storm blows through the CAT 5 levels and goes straight to primordial Saturn levels.

They know this now. The only reason they ran that old cunt was because "It's her turn". She's fucking finished now. Now they're going to run some commie shitskin Jew fucker. On a serious note, how much you want to bet they're already talking to dick-bulge Moochelle Obama about running?Get her to say the 3 magic words and you'll beat any candidate ever. Mother fucking George Washington could run and couldn't even beat that.

So like I said. IF Trump cucks, it's OVER.

Most people don't care or know much about him. He's just the guy that did FB.

No user
It begins

Zucc has a hard time even portraying a human. He doesn't stand a chance.

No one cares about that, all he has to promise is free shit, get the kike media to back him(easy) and call the other guy a bigot.

This guy is right. On another note, besides her corruption, Shillary was running a campaign strategy that was a few decades off, which her husband tried to warn her about. She only visited the white minority cosmopolitan jew shitholes to campaign banking on our genocide before it happened, and was subsequently hit with a "whitelash" as that nigger implied. If Trump cucks on immigration voting will no longer be an option.

Other democrats will fuck him over for what he did to the people who came up with the idea of FB,what he did in HI,and what he said about those who trust him.

He suddenly became religious now he wants to run for office.

He comes off as a creep that makes Jeb look like Mr rodgers.

Thanks for the blackpill faggot, but I'm ready to bet they haven't learned shit. If we keep the pressure on them, the next candidate will be some lesser-known feminist who thinks America is in the mood for more gibs-talk for niggers. Elizabeth Warren seems like a likely choice, in that she has the necessary lefty smugness coupled with the ability to not shit all over herself in public.

As for young voters, forget it. Every failed political campaign in history fell short expecting the 18-30 year olds to turn out and support them, and only 20 percent of the little faggots ever do. A candidate could be winning by 90 percent among that demographic, and if he carries seniors 60-40, he wins. They're pathetic.

None of that fucking shit matters. If you have a (D) next to your name and talk about free shit you could literally kill a kid on TV and no one will care. Did you forget the fucking foam-at-the-mouth greed and desperation those fucking obese neckbeards were displaying at the mere THOUGHT of getting their student loans forgiven? Shit, I've seen niggers loot a footlocker with less animalistic abandon that those Bernouts were having.

Nigger, that isn't a blackpill. It's a fucking legit assessment of the political battleground we're facing. We can still win —- but ONLY if that fucker in the white house doesn't cuck and actually does what he says he was going to do.

I miss the fun we had with good ol' Zyklon Ben.

Except without a strong base of lower and middle class white people Trump has no one to vote for him. There is always the option of "stay home and wait it out". We saw this in 2008 and 2012 with McCuck and Romney. Republicans need their base more than Democrats.

This is correct, I wouldn't even describe Trump's victory as a matter of luck. It was a miracle that he won. He got the Amish to vote. Let this point not be lost. Even if you are an atheist, consider this: a group of hyper-religious weirdos who have built an entire society on rejecting technology and not participating in modern life, suddenly decided that God told them to go vote for a reality tv star famous for being wealthy as fuck, and screwing everything that moves. That's one hell of a turn on their principles, even if it's all in their heads. We aren't going to get an opportunity like this again. We need the base motivated and the beaners out. Now. This is not a time for Trump to be a cuck on anything, not just for our sake, but for the sake of his own presidential career.

funny how it's never ever Trump screwing up…..I guess he is just a simple minded fool who is easily manipulated then?
I have one question:
where the fuck is campaign trail Trump?

The democrats shredded Bernie's votes in California so a spastic corpse accepting money from foreign countries that want to steal more jobs from us and replace our religion with Islam could be the nominee while their Kenyan monkey was releasing hundreds of convicts from prison every month. They should just cancel the next election attempt to give their English-speaking supporters more time to recover from the abuse.

If only they had enough humanity to be so kind to their own. That goes both ways. I suspect the abused Bernouts have bounced back from the backstabbing at this point.

It's a little weird that this happens right after those hurricanes and earthquake near Yellowstone. Kind of like some trillionaire jew told Trump that if he doesn't let his country be destroyed by a plague of brown roaches, he'll burn the whole fucking thing down using an unaltered script that the conspiracy community has had since at least the 90s, to force start the NWO.

Good lord, that's barely an exaggeration. My how far we have fallen.

These people aren't all of a sudden going to give up their rights to bear arms and free speech because some hispanics who have been here for years are allowed to stay.

I seen alot of them say that they would give up their right to vote if they got their debt eliminated.

Trump needs to push a global debt reset/jubilee because there's more debt than money in the world.

I would rather eliminate all debt in the world & crash the economy than have economy implode and still have the debt.>>10618385

Then explain 2008 and 2012. McCain and Romney didn't attack the first or second amendment, and they still lost. If Trump can't be trusted not to cuck on amnesty, what the fuck can we trust him on? This isn't some side dish of the guy's presidential campaign, it's at the fucking core of why people voted for him.

The left wasn't as blatantly communist as it is now, and the world wasn't as dangerous as it is now. I don't think anybody thought those rights were seriously in danger back then. The left's love for "safe spaces" and being victims of "hate speech" means free speech is gone the next time a liberal POTUS is elected. More school shootings at our enriched schools means gun rights are gone too.

The economic collapse that is sure to occur in either scenario is literally the DOTR that we all LARP about on here. Once the EBT cards stop functioning the Niggers will chimp like they've never chimped before ever. The wet-back WIC goblins will be next. ZOG resources will be stretched so thin that it will be impossible to contain it. So when they cannot, the zogbots will either choose to go home and protect their families or remain on the force for no money. You and I already know what that means.

But they've been preparing for this. They've been preparing for this for years. They know that the end is near and that's the reason why they've been logarithmically increasing the rate at which they're importing so many shitskins, muslims, and wetbacks (in addition to niggers already here) —- so that we'll be so busy killing and tearing each other apart that we'll forget about the uberkikes and vermin hidden away under the rocky mountains with decades of food and supplies. Or sipping lattes from their New Zealand luxury bunkers. Watching live satellite feeds of us fighting literal World-War-Z levels of nigger and spic hordes trying to overrun us. Scenes that look like entire suburban neighborhoods turned into Zimbabwe Afrikaner farm raids. Raping, murdering, and butchering us. Muslims doing the same. We'll be so fucking busy fighting to stay alive from all the fucking 3rd world hordes that we'll have drained all our resources and be unable to fight the kikes when that time comes. So that when the dust settles they'll emerge from their fucking bunkers at full logistical readiness and when most normalfag lemmings and cowards will happily accept full blown kikery. Sell out your soul for a fucking box of MREs.

That's when you'll get the "temporary" state of emergency across America that will never fucking end and the beginning of fucking Hell on Earth. That's when you'll get all that shit that everyone laughs about as "Left Behind"-series fantasy. The FEMA camps. The true nightmarish hellscape that is the kike agenda unchained, unshackled, and unrestrained. Even a casual lurker on this site should know the depths of insanity the kike mind can reach to.

Be ready to dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed. Because in that moment that the die is cast and the DOTR begins will be the test of ages. The moment we either die and our race become erased from history by the kikes. Ground into obscurity. Or it will be the time we will rise from the ashes like a blazing phoenix and create our civilization anew and clean.

If nothing else, you can prepare yourself for this fight. You should feel fortunate that in all the billions of years the solar system has existed. For the millions of years man has walked the Earth. For the thousands of years white civilization has lasted. We are here. Here at the crossroads like so many others have been. Charles Martel. King Sobieski. Adolph Hitler. We are at the end of it all. Or the beginning of everything. You should feel blessed that we are here. Now. To participate in this final battle for the ages. Soon. Very soon. Prepare yourself, user. PREPARE.


this changes what exactly? I don't give a shit about trump or kelly themselves, I care about not getting amnesty

Kikes in full shoah mode. Don't believe Trump, believe Nancy and Chuck goy!

Also friendly reminder Kelly and McMaster are the ones purging all the Zionists from Trump's cabinet.

One ID per thread you has called it that. Please explain your forced meme.

The people genuinely aware are still a tiny minority of Trump's base. Just because you have figured this out does not mean that 100 million Trump voters have.

They want you to believe it wasn't Trump because they want a scapegoat. They want to blame the ordeal on someone else so that you'll maintain your support for Trump. He will fire Kelly and then everyone will think things are okay. Then Trump's fuckups will be blamed on someone else.
They will never realize it's actually the guy who hired them all.
What kind of a fucking retard lets another man tell him what he can and can not read? No. This is Trump's baby. Trump is pulling the strings. No excuses. He's a grown man and he makes his own decisions.

let me tell you what's going to happen, EVENTUALLY this whole DACA shitheap will eventually be done with and one of two things will be the case; there will be no amnesty and all will be well, or there will be amnesty and that will be a big problem. I don't care what, why, or who's at fault trump promised no amnesty hi stance on immigration probably won him the republican nomination, it's up to him to deliver on that promise.

Wouldn't immigrants be a better scapegoat? Something seems off about your post

I support what trump said he would do during his campaign, I've never met the man in person and tbh I don't care that much about the man himself. What I wanted wasn't merely him be president, I wanted america to be great again.

Are you a fucking retard or just pretending?
They're trying to say this is all Kelly's fault in the OP. It's not Kelly's fault. It's Trump's fault.

Me too, user. All I wanted was for my children to grow up around other children that look like them and speak their language. It's what we all want.

You shills use every opportunity to D&C.
Trump is a capable man. He wouldn't let himself to be led like this.

an america "for free white men of good character"

Stop whining consensus cracking shill, we heard you the first time. Personally I went out to vote because they're no jobs, I got a job shortly after Trump's inauguration but was recently laid off because of a fucking AI. Mind you, my prospects are much better than last year but I'm struggling to get a good paying job.

Get the fuck out, you greasy kike faggot.

you can fix a broken economy, but demographic shift is permanent.White genocide is the one thing we won't recover from given time

He won't. Trust me.

Why the fuck would I trust you? You're nobody.

You sound like a complete leech of society. By the way you write it's clear you're living with your parents and they're paying for everything you have. I got married to my gf/fiance while I got a job, but things are looking bleak without one.

Yeah, get the fuck out you piece of shit. Jobs can be created but once you've displaced whites, you can't just make millions of whites overnight to make a proper western society with.
Why the fuck are you even here if you don't care about white genocide?

Oh right… because you're a faggot kike shill running cover for your kosher baby cocksucking president. Get the fuck out, you ignorant nigger.

Whether Paco is here or the other side of the planet, how the fuck does it influence the number of children (or lack of them) that you have?

Lurk 2 years before posting if you can't connect the dots.

Had a cousin that worked in politics. We were talking about DACA Friday (last night), he told me it's political posturing.

When I asked him about jobs, he told me it was a matter of lowering taxes as well as laws that he never understood. That's because they keep changing to fit new things in the market.

Wasted dubs

You can go fuck yourself. You're nobody.

Go back to reddit, you anti-white faggot.

What about the spic 5 years ago, the one who went sciencefag and posted genetic shit? I remember it was before the MGTOW shills because the plan was for men around the world to marry those women rather than current (((liberated))) woman.

I was never interested in science so I thought he was a faggot. I did got blackpilled for a while but at the end I managed to go out and marry another girl.

So you admit your parents are paying for you. I fucking knew it!

Still, not an argument.

I can't find the "Who the fuck are you? I saw the Grateful Dead in concert" video. So have this image instead.

lel. I paid for my house with cash. I'm 37 years old and do not owe a debt to anyone. All I pay is property taxes and utilities.
You can go back to reddit since you're fine with spics taking over this country. I paid 82k to live in a white neighborhood and I intend to keep it that way.
You are a pathetic kike faggot who probably DUDE WEED LMAOs to much to get a non-fast food job.
Get fucked you retarded spic.

I was an assistant director, faggot

You sound like you just made up your life in that post.

Trump is responsible for everything the executive does.

Trump is not the fire, he is the spark. When he fails the entire right wakes up to the fact that they can't change anything with voting. Once voting stop s working, people start geting violent.

I'm sure you do a terrific job directing those hamburgers out of the drive thru window, Javier.

Come on, don't accidentally dox yourselves participating in a dick waving contest on an anonymous board. What do you get out of this? Why do you feel the need to prove that you are not a basement dwelling newfag cuckchanner who needs to go back to Reddit?


We all agreed Trump wasn't hitler when we got him elected why are all you fags forgetting that? He fucking cucked, defending his cuck decisions only makes you a cuck and encouraged more of his base to move closer to the center.
Nobody is saaying you shouldn't have voted for him. Only that you should remember why you voted for him. I'm beginning to hate this place because faggots like you who are unable to view Trump as doing anything wrong.

how do you know OP wasn't a D&C shill?

so who is in charge of trump's twitter, you retarded cunt? and either way, if trump gets manipulated that easily, then he really is a useless incompetent idiot, so there's nothing to cheer about

So he is a traitor or an easily manipulated fool, either way a disappointment.

I support Trump even more after the elections.
What now shills?


You're forgetting someone

So your point is that Trump is just gullible? nice blogpost faggot.

wtf I love "hard working" DACAmercains now

randlet's last campaign was godawful. Remember Detroit Republican? I see no reason why his next would be any better. He's also horrible on immigration.


Randlet is actually speaking out against Trump's amnesty, shockingly.

Get script failure.

Now you wait for your sisters and your girlfriend to get impregnated by LonTavious and Juan.

WE could run a third party candidate with the #WhiteGenocide message and ensure a Trump defeat. We must tell the GOP we are willing to trash /theirguy/ if he cucks. Need to also assist leftist version of this so we can threaten and sway both parties with votes.

so he is either a Traitor or a weak willed worm, he campaign on it and now someone just changed his mind? just how pathetic can you Trumpcucks be? Jesus Christ just fuck off back to reddit already.

Summer never ends. This place will become a glorified t_d. And when actual white nationalists leave, I'll laugh as kikefy can continue to censor anything criticizing Trump.
Enjoy your new home, redditors.

Nice long post and a good read. Don't forget about the drone aspect of it all too. They won't be sitting there idle in those comfy bunkers, they'll be remotely carpet bombing white holdout settlements with impunity, ensuring a more perfect ethnic cleansing.

Please go back to Holla Forums