Ivanka: "I can turn my daddy into a Liberal if I want, but I won't." SHILLS BTFO


BOOM. Shills eternally ass ravaged. Where the B…B.BUT MUH IVANKA cucks now? HAHA. I never get tired of winning.



Almost got me. 9/10 sarcasm

Filtered. Nice brigading cucks.

Ivanka needs her throat fucking slit.

>“That my presence in and of itself would carry so much weight with my father that he would abandon his core values and the agenda that the American people voted for when they elected him. It’s not going to happen.
lrn 2 read

Read it and weep.

I highlighted that part on purpose you nigger.

I'm talking about the MUH IVANKA kikes, shill. Calm down.


He isn't. So go kill yourself.

What a sad state we're in.

Literally no proof.

Yes the fuck he is, he gave in to Amnesty. He's Reagan 2.0.


Trump is a cuck
Here's a non cuck.

Nigger, he was tricked. There's literally a thread about it here.


We're a republic!

Your excuses are meaningless, he fucked up and he's going to pay for it.

Wew lads.

You're not very bright, are you?


Maybe this entire board is pissed off at him for fucking Amnesty.

I wonder if Trump ever went down on Ivanka when she was a little girl (purely for educational reasons of course).

haha, no goy!
You're the invaders!
Us chosen are the natives here!
You're accusing your enemy of what YOU'RE doing!


i bet he does it all the time, chaim

Hello Cadrenigger.

So you think Trump caving in is madeup? Maybe you need to check the fucking news.

Thanks for confirming you're not from around here.

Even normalfags are sick of him.

Get out.

Hmm what pozzed up place uses that term?

They think Amesty don will sacrifice his family and bussiness for their troubles.

You couldn't be further out of touch.
The Reddit handbook doesn't apply here.

I bought a Trump hat and celebrated along with the rest, but this is some despicable chesscuckery. No wall, no end to DACA, White House full of Jews. It's over, we will never win through Jewmocracy

No OP you cocksucker, you just blew yourself out. Because if Jew fucker Ivanka can do that, you best believe the deep state can as well.


You mean you have?

Rub those two brain cells together a little harder faggot.

Don't think too hard about that, it might give you a headache.


Kek they always accuse others of doing what they're doing.

I love seeing the shills this upset.

So you're using the accusing others tactic?



Then who the fuck were you talking to you pathetic slug.

Don't be mad at people who call it like it is cunt.


Right? Fuck these concern trolls. I'm going to support our based G-d Emporer 100% no matter how much he fucks us in the ass.

I'm German Irish and have been getting fucked by illegal immigration for the last 30 years.
That makes me a Jew??
Go fuck yourself kid.

Did you make that one as well?
Is this whats going on here, you fucking kikes are trying to turn this place into cuckchan 2.0.

BASED patriot
Glad to have more citizens for based anti identity politics kekistan

Of course you just turned this into an X isn't white thread.

My wife's name is Schweta Mahashiwara and she's from India. Took her a little while to stop standing on the toilet to take a shit, but needless to say, TRUMP IS NOT A CUCK.
We are looking forward to her 14 cousins and the rest of her family moving in. Most of them have children of their own so I'm really glad I voted for Trump. They are all the "hard working people" Trump tweeted about.
Glad he finally understands how important amnesty is. As soon as I learn to speak Indian, I can talk to my wife about this.


Shit. This forum is so confusing. Forgot the pic of my wife!

Could you twats be anymore obvious?

WTF I love spics now!

>(((Yael Kushner)))
I don't think so, goy.

Now this here is a BASED PATRIOT! Why cant you racist gringos be more like my hermano here? MAGA holmes!


With her pussy I am sure she can