Nigger rapper that made a video of a white child being lynched gets knocked out in one punch on stage at own concert.
Anti-white nigger rapper gets knocked out at concert
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Hah. Looked like a white guy.
It sure was.
So you kikes are really pushing this shitty threads trying to bring down discourse and turn this place into 4cuck huh. You better hope your servers don't get fried.
Love that you can hear his head smack on the floor of the stage.
but, gold
Nigger manlets, when will they learn.
It's from june 8th. How old was that music video of the white kid being lynched?
Pathetic security niggers start kicking the dude and beating on him afterwards. Also,
I don't think my sides could recover if it turns out he made the kid lynching video becasue he was so butthurt from getting laid out on stage by a white man. Manlets smdh.
That's the best you got, eh?
Good. Bump for white pill.
Imagine the absolute salt going through the whole production of that video.
Nice, and he gets to sue the fuck out of the security for closed fist punching him repeatedly for no reason. Today is a good day.
God bless you Mr. Pubes
I'm putting two and two together you rat faced kike. Enjoy the ban.
Thank you op , that made my morning
That lynching video was actually pro-white. Probably just some whigger chimping out. The guy is a manlet so probably did something stupid and the whigger decided to chimp on him.
June 8th, 2017 and (((NOT))) in response or because of said "white child being lynched" video.
Oh, did I exceed my shitposting quota for this thread? How uncivil of me :^)
You are not white and you never will be
How the fuck was the lynching video pro white?
Well, maybe it isn't exactly pro-white, but it isn't anti-white. The whole point of it was to show that blacks are becoming too anti-white and basically lynching innocent whites. It is an anti-racism video calling out blacks who encourage/excuse violence against whites.
We ban for ironic shitposting, you can bet we ban for intentional shitposting. Learn to politely sage at least.
I'll give you one more (you) becasue that genuinely made me laugh. Welcome to filtertown, faggot.
Thats quite the stretch. The video is your typical muh dindu nuffins gettin "murdered" for no reason, and at the end a noose comes down and theres a black kid and a white kid, and he puts it around the white kids neck. Looks to me like hes saying "Its whites, or blacks, and we have to kill the white kids or its our kids", which of course is the reverse and its whites who are being exterminated while niggers population booms year over year to unsustainable levels, on white peoples dime, across several continents.
Yes, we.
From the 25 points, which you almost assuredly have NEVER EVEN HEARD OF. Get the fuck out.
Keep crying.
But not the mic, because they are lip syncing faggots.
Way to get my hopes up faggot
At best this is worthy of being posted in a webm thread not having a thread of its own. You're cancer so logic evades you or you're a shill in which this is all intentional.
I did not notice this. Thanks for the extra kek.
first of all, that orc has zero stage presence. he's barely projecting into the mic, and he's standing behind the mic stand like he's afraid of the audience. literally looks like he's never been on stage before.
second, that was an amazing assault. 10/10 stage rush and KO. security couldn't stop him so they took their frustration out on him after the fact lel
third, this is an important cultural message. you won't get away with this kind of racial war on whites anymore.
love everything about it. great start to the weekend
Was calling you a millennial what salted your asshole so thoroughly, or was calling you a gigantic cocksucker what triggered you?
Either way, thanks for letting me live in your head rent-free.
That's pretty fucking awesome. I was getting pretty black pilled about how much niggers were being allowed to blatantly call for killing whites, etc. At least this is a ray of hope, but will probably just result in bigger security posses for these nigger faggots.
It's also a but of a chuckle that the whole performance was being lip-synced and the song kept going for 10+ seconds after the nigger was out cold….
Supposedly an old video. Waste of frontpage space.
This wan't in response to his anti-white song. This is just niggers and whiggers being niggers and whiggers. Old video from June
You're cancer and cancer needs removal. You think anyone with an iq above the avg nigger can't see that you're are op? I mean why is the op (1) and you are here defending the thread like you made it?
Music he was lip-synching to continues. Crowd of nogs starts mechanistically chanting "no justice, no peace." Jej.
II'm shitting on you, specifically you, you emotionally sensitive Semite.
Can't go a single day without mentioning shit you dumb yiddish sewer rat. You are defending this thread like you made it pretty fucking obvious. Have fun being cancer and enjoy the ban you twat.
Thanks for the bump lock mods.
You're right user, this is from June. Slide thread??
The Sun
Nigs gonna nig
Hah the music and singing just keeps on going after the KO.
webm that shit
Youre not a national socialist, so you dont belong here. Cuckchan is for you.
Look at this nigger. Look at how mad he is.
Niggers fear the Right Wing Fist Squads!
Two jews jewing themselves
It doesnt get any better than this :^)
Try being consistent you dumb tay sachs riddled filth.
Why didn't he just stab the guy? He should've known he would've got an ass kicking after by the nigger security guards.
Oh well new hero of the imperium. I've been wanting rappers to start getting theirs for a long time
Another kike strikes
The nigger cries out in fear as the White Man awakens.
If the white man stabbed the nigger, the nigger might die (in America he'd get to a hospital quickly and they're pretty good at fixing stab wounds these days) but the white man be taken out of the fight for years at least (possibly forever, if the nigger did die). Since he only punched him, he'll be back in the fight soon.
A one-for-one exchange of an awakened white man and a nigger isn't worth it. Not with a relatively low value target like this. In the case of Otoya Yamaguchi (>>10615446 ) a one-for-one exchange was appropriate because he chose a high-value target, and nationalist nips outnumbered communist nips.
what's the high/low on staged incident no pun intended
The nigger kike's video is (((controversial))) for views and this is attack had very (((cohen-cindental))) timing. Also, drive by knockouts and other cowardly moves is a leftist/negroid tactic.
At the end of the day this nigger got knocked out cold and picked up like a baby.
Considering he dropped cold, I'd say it's very unlikely it was staged. If it were staged he'd have made himself look tough and heroic.
That happened months ago. New shit should involve his being shot in his nigger face.
Let me guess, you'd have your eyelids cut off too because their purpose has been outmoded by eye drops and therefore you can live without the ability to blink?
Keep coming up with ways to justify a mutilation that you had no decision in and caused you significant, untold brain damage, I'm sure your Jewish masters would be pleased.