Canadian Mongrel Festival

Hapapalooza a celebration of mongrels

I'd like to introduce you all to Hapapalooza a festival taking place in Vancouver celebrating miscegenation. Taking place on September 22-24th this will be the 7th of these annual celebrations. Events include an awards show celebrating hapas in the community and a hapa family day for all the race traitors to get together and have fun build community for the coming race war.
I am bringing this to your attention for one reason and one reason only: redpill fuel. Here are the racemixers of all types in their natural habitat along with their children. Heading over to their instagram provides pictures of the animals. It's pretty fucking easy to find some shit there to put in your info graphics.
Also I find it pretty hilarious that one of the organizers for this festival of mongrels runs a website raising awareness of the bone marrow issue.
Hope someone finds something useful out of this disgusting celebration of degeneracy and homogeneity. This festival is basically a blueprint for the kikes unobtainable utopia.

Our Hapapalooza is called cuckchan and it's way more fun though equally as gay

The only one who looks human also looks miserable.

Oh Canada….Just stop already….

This kid seen some shit.

They look like a crowd of background characters. No distinguishing features, just a whole lotta nothing.

Learn more about hapas at


The beige family. Fucking disgusting pictures, OP.

holy fuck it's real

Disgusting. Not a single attractive one. This is the future of California, Canada, and Australia. I live in CA and every single white guy I see on the street, at parties, at my old uni, everywhere, all have asian girlfriends/wives. Some chinks some poos some SEA but all WMAF. I don't even know where the white girls are or who they're with because I never see them. Some single ones hang around but they're all obese. It's WMAF as far as the eye can see. I was at a bonfire last night and every single couple was AMAF or WMAF. Five couples arrived in a row and each one was a white guy with a flip, poo, or chink.

I am angry


You're in northern CA aren't you?

This is the future you chose, O decadet white man

Elliot Rodger incoming.

In Toronto bro. I know your feels. Whites are suiciding in cities. Literal cucks all of them too. Tight pants, skinny, emasculated betabois. And the asian whores they're with are hideous too. Squat, dark skinned, ugly as fuck.

Hapapalooza? Well, I suppose calling it 'Muttstock' would have bee a little too on the nose.

History doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme. pic related


damn, this is like some kind of sick experiment done by an inhumane geneticist.
I find it fascinating, its like YAHWEY got bored and told the jews to install the random character generator into RL.

I am going to start by saying that I am mixed race - I am half white and half sandnigger. That puts me squarely in the set of people who are being celebrated at this festival.

I will say, immediately after this, that I am appalled that this is something that is being celebrated. My mother, the degenerate drug-addled slut that she is, had a period of her life where she was attracted to sandniggers and would have a large amount of unprotected sex with them. This eventually leads to her being knocked up, and although she knew who the father was, I never got to see him until I grew older. Due to not being raised in his traditions, among other things, I grew to dislike him and dropped contact with him. My mother, the drug-addled slut that she is, spent her time high instead of raising me in any real tradition, so I grew up without any tradition whatsoever.

This is what being mixed-race is to me. It is being hated by your parents so much that they discard the notion of passing any tradition on to you. It is being so hated that your parents look at you like you are worthless.

Of course, being mixed race is hardly the worst thing my mother did to me. I remember having been beaten until I passed out because she was high. Sleep deprivation. Being drugged for no reason and lying in a hospital bed for 6 weeks. Forcing me to watch gay porn with her.

The rest I can forget. But looking at my skin is a soft reminder that this is how I was born. It is like an eternal brand on the entirety of my body that I cannot undo. I can even undo the circumcision - there are stretchers for that. But that I am mixed race is a constant reminder of how much my mother hated me.

These monsters are celebrating having been hated by their parents, as I see it. What's next, "Paddlepalooza" where people celebrate having been beaten over the head with a paddle as a child? "Circumpalooza" where people celebrate their parents cutting off part of their penises when they were children?

Maybe we can celebrate murdering our children! That would be more humane than putting children through having been raised by shitty parents, at least!

Pic is my mother if she lost 300 pounds.

It's almost like little Adolph there already wants to gas kikes.

Easiest filter of my life.

Christ only two of those don't trigger my uncanny valley response or my "this is fucking ugly" response.

Mongrels look like genetic mutated freaks. I can't even imagine being one. They're probably more fucked in the head then they are ugly.

They are, actually.



I think you found the silver medal winner for the Oppression Olympics. The only reason he doesn't have the gold is there's probably a left-handed lesbian tranny out there with the same condition.

I'm sorry that all happened to you, user, but I'm not sorry you found your way here.

Do I need to wander into that cesspit with my SS uniform, I want another threat of deportation.

Brown, brown, brown, brown, brown, brown, brown, brown, brown. Such wonderful 'diversity'.

We were warned the Chinese would take the West Coast. You should have listened.

This is because too often white male pairings with non-whites are ignored or even given a pass. If we pursued and condemned such pairings with the same vigor we do that of white females and non-whites, you'd have something to show for that.

do you rage out easily like pure sand niggly-bears? I live in Canada and twice in the last month or so I've made eye contact with Sand People and they've become aggressive. Does it make you rage when people inadvertently look in your direction?


you should give that exotic pussy a try cuck. I've never cum so hard or for so long like I have when bottoming out in some poo or chink girl who has wrapped her legs around me. You just don't find that kind of loving with an American girl anymore. They are all like "you better pull out or I'm going to charge you with rape".

I am the same way. I was fucking a girl from Ecuador and she was from Moroccan and German decent. Best pussy I ever had, the only problem was she was married with two kids at the time.

Most Asian girls are like Frank Underwood from House of Cards. They'll be nicer, more feminine and more accommodating than women of other races… until they have you in a marriage or child situation and then the mask comes off and it isn't pretty.

Referencing that shitty show is a mistake, but you're otherwise pretty on point about worthless gook girls

African niggers do this too, I heard some animals think more than 3 seconds of eye contact is a challenge.

No I'm almost as south as you can be.

They're lumpia-goblins for sure. I don't know why white men are attracted to squat brown girls. Maybe they're into the thicc thing, flips are about as close as you can get to the shortstack goblin fetish I guess. Or they feel white women are so bad it's a preferable alternative? Idk but white guys are genociding themselves in the cities.

I'd rather be single. Very few are even attractive.


I love how they put brightness filters over everyone's eyes so you can't immediately tell the fact real mongrels have dim, near totally black, lifeless eyes.

First pic looks like an average scene in America. Hell most would consider that tall guy in the middle white. It's basically every day I go out and wonder if I'm the only white person left in this country.

At this rate Argentina will have more whites in their country.

Spics LOVE to stare.

I wonder if those women realise how ugly they look.

Thanks OP, I'm a hapa in Vancouver.

I'm gonna go, any other hapas going hmu so we can chill or something.

Anyone that wants to meet up and hang out at hapapalooza can message me on skype and we'll figure out the details.

skype is Levi6mill

I'm not Hapa, but I want to go.

straya here. did your whites try to 'breed out' the natives too? seems funny they do it to themselves. what says hatred of your own people more than mixing?


tip for your next honeypot

pick a non jewish name


Goddamn it man, NorCal is just as bad, white faggot men with sideways vagina or smelly beaner women.

Most asians are ugly as shit.

Just like 100% niggers. They have shark eyes. Pretty sure whites are the only ones on the planet that have souls. When I look at niggers/mongrels and asians I see nothing more than animals and bugs.

What kind of retard makes these?

Do they really think every single white person will just go and exclusively have mixed babies until then or what?

The trend in general is that white's are the most inclusive and mixed babies date back into minority groups, which means our genetic pool stays relatively pure while other groups miscegenate in our direction. Eat your heart out Jews there won't ever be a pure mudskin future, the reverse is happening as mud races are gradually bleached.

I don't think kikes give a shit which one it is, as long as there are less whites.

Don't think so. It's worth noting that North American natives are relatively high IQ while Oz abbos are absolute bottom of the barrel, I think there's like 20 point IQ gap between the two. Despite liberal memes NA natives were actually treated as respectable self sufficient entities for the most part, we traded with and fought beside them in warfare they weren't always looked down on as strictly inferior. We also actually quite a bit about wilderness survival from them and use some of their outdoors techniques to this day. Meanwhile from what I can tell Oz Abbos are less than a half step removed from monkeys.

How bad is a White Fem, Asian Male mix?

They want an army of mudskins. They don't want whites because we tend to rise up and throw their shit to hell every so often, and they don't like pure muds because they're too low IQ to be really useful. They fantasize over a society of muds but that's not what they're getting. Even if we whites are in a breeding slump right now there's good reason to think it will only be temporary. We haven't always been like this and we have the potential to come back with a fervor.

As bad as any miscegenation.

It's disgusting and you can argue the government is doing by social engineering it through a program of demonizing, disemploying and overtaxing white men so few can attract as good a mate while they also indoctrinate white women to be status whores who waste their youth chasing a millionaire/doctor/ceo/space cowboy that 99 other girls want, or just become a fat blue haired blob who don't need no man.

It's amazing how the country went from having a great founding leader like to the fucking Trudeaus. Really makes my membranes nictate about this whole democracy thing. King MacDonald's monarchy would have been better. Maybe his descendant would have sided with Uncle Adolf. Maybe another one would have stressed the necessity of GTKRWN in the current year. TRAGIC.

Sand people have between 5-15% african ancestry because of the amount of sex slavery and actually keeping the babies they engaged in this with even when it was a black slave. This is part of why they're so shit. It shouldn't surprise you that they have some of the behavioral traits.

This looks like a Mexican. Then again so do Armenians. Mixed people just mostly end up looking like generic mud people I guess.

His hapa sisters already dom'd by young chad white boys. He ain't happy.

The kid's full white, all the chink genes skipped him lol.



You just got me rock hard lad. He is my personal hero. The greatest Canadian to ever touch this god forsaken ground.

It's ok, you were born to be a degenerate freak. You do yo.

There are tons of white girls on Vancouver Island. We also have a $72 cover charge to keep the scruff out.

Uh, the "It's a unix system" girl from Jurassic Park was at my grocery store recently.

But I don't live in Richmond.

I see now why they plan to remove him like General Lee.

Breaking News: The infamous leftist Cult of Ugliness continues.


they never learn

They're desperate for anything, and I mean anything. The tight pants thing however is a monopoly from super stores, since they only ever stock tight fucking pants. Once you convince a Cancuck to wear a good pair of pants he'll never let them go, even if they're ugly. The same is true for glasses, it's all different shades of problem glasses everywhere so if you don't want to look like a faggot you need to buy in to contact lenses.

I guess I should specify that by CA I meant California. Luckily we don't have the tight pants and problem glasses numales in my city at least, most white men are board shorts and tanktops dudebros, flabby stoners and geeks, or jeans and tshirt tradesmen. Doesn't stop them from racemixing though. Lotta chads but no stacys for some reason, white girls are unicorns. Maybe if they existed there wouldn't be so much mixing.

This 100% some spic bitch was death staring me after I got out of a class saying how fags are gross and unnatural and saying how blacks in Africa were better off ruled by whites. Whole class got heavily triggered by it managed to not really get in trouble for it surprisingly since this was California. Spics like to act all "macho" by staring you down because they think they can bully whites their way the fact is they're just spineless pussies that attack in groups because they know whites don't have a tribal sense of race really compared to them like we used too. Spics in general are usually all bark and no bite and depend on ganging up on u to fight. Funny thing is the only person that actually stood up for me in that class for saying gays were gross was some Filipino girl the rest was filled with spics and numale cuck whites and stacies.

Uh dude there's a reservoir of stacies in SoCal OC to be specific

I don't live in OC though. SD is barren as fuck for women.

Hapa-palooza Festival founders Anna Ling Kaye, Jeff Chiba Stearns and (((Zarah Martz)))

Aw makes sense don't have much knowledge of SD other than living there when I was kid for year. There's still some good white women in OC although it's slowly dwindling. The church of course is where you can find the best but the dominant church around is Catholic so there is promotion of race mixing here and there really activates the almonds. My cousin is literally one of eight white kids at his entire high school the rest are from what I've spics and gooks in San Diego. In OC it isn't as bad there but still pretty bad. I hate having to go through parts of Anaheim and Huntington Beach. It's especially bad in Orange and Santa Ana literal colonies of spics are being made up where billboards and gas stations have Spanish on them . There's still some conservative white blood here but white flight is happening and I wouldn't doubt that most whites will be gone in the next couple of years. I know my fam is planning on moving in the Midwest because I told them about the inevitable race war and showed how communities where it's more white is the most safe. And thank god my mom agreed with me that she wouldn't allow my sister to marry/date a nonwhite. But these modern times are telling things won't last forever. Which makes me sleep at night.

Glad you can get out of here. San Diego is truly multicultural in that there is no dominant race, it's a bunch of minorities (whites are probably ~25% when you take out jews and arabs, officially around 40%) scrabbling for power. We're better off than many parts of CA since many spics pass us over and go further north to LA county but everywhere are assorted muds. Sucks being a minority, I only know a handful of white people.

It's sad because I never really felt like I was a minority in my state until I went to a flea market in Huntington Beach. Parking lot was quite literally invaded by spics almost no white people there other than my family. I almost wanted to vomit after going there just as I wanted to vomit when I went to Irvine spectrum place was crawling with Arabs and poos and race mixed couples. After reading all the statistics on race I just couldn't stomach going outside as often as I liked to before without being disgusted of what went wrong. I sometimes watch some vids of California in the 50s or play LA noire just to get a feel of what was once there. I'm confident we'll get it back if not better than ever before. The Jew has always overplayed their hand and they and their pet nonwhites and liberals are practically admitting they want whites gone so it's at least pushing whites closer and closer to our side everyday. I only wish it will happen sooner possible by the mid 2020s give or take is for things to really happen once and for all and all the bad things to stop.

This is pretty much what I feel. I think the CA squads are going to be the most hardcore and merciless because we can't let this happen again. Sometimes I post these pictures of how it was before, it's hard to recognize it now.

wew good job not getting the mayme

message me on skype we can chill

Well yeah I'm half flip so it makes sense.


It hurts

Well it was real a few decades ago. I think Australia is closer to how it was if Zyzz's videos are anything to go by.

It was all the way up until the early 80s. But even that's a little questionable. It's more like you could still at least walk around California and see what it use to be in the early to mid 80s. But before the 90s were even over you could already see and feel that things had changed drastically for the worse. And now days besides famous landmarks it's completely unrecognizable.

Refers alot to https: //, a very jewish type of site.

I hope they exclude white Jews. They will scream antisemitism when it happens. Then virtue signal their lack of "whiteness" to the brown GOYIM.

There is going to be a lot of future cancer patients there that cannot get a bone marrow match.



I guarantee you don't live in a multikulti state, that's not what spics or chinks even look like.

You're right, I don't, I'm used to seeing all white people and non whites stand out to my eyes. And I don't want to, which is why I'm not willing to accept any interracialism whatsoever. Your racial sensibilities are totally fucked if you think that woman is white. She may not be chinese, but she is some kind of asian, I don't care about them enough to learn their idiosyncrasies or specific types.

This is one of the things I hate most about Canada. Canadians have fostered an atmosphere where these monkeys, as well as pure Asian monkeys, legitimately believe themselves superior to whites, in a white country. They look down on whites. Our immigration in the US may have been subverted sooner (mostly because no one really noticed, or just ran from the hordes), but not even to this day do these apes have a superiority complex toward whites. They may hate us, but they don't think they're better than us. Asian women are the biggest race traitors in the country. Up north in Canada Asians stick to their own the way whites down here do in rural America. Every time I see a picture of East Asians in North America, surrounded by Asians with not a single white person in sight, I automatically know it's Canada. They're a fucking country within a country at this point. They have carved out an entire area of their own and they feel superior. That to me is more insulting than niggers destroying Detroit. Niggers don't feel superior to me. Do something Canadians, you limp-wristed cucks. I'm sick and fucking tired of these slant-eyed apes feeling they can look down on whites due to your cuckery.

This is Canada, not the US. Asian women are whores for white men here because white men are seen as the alpha. In Canada Canadians have made themselves the beta. They did this while being a super majority. Now everyone walks all over them. White Canadians are second class citizens.

I guess I'll take your word for it. I'm almost certain the man in pic 1 is white, maybe a med. He's definitely not a mexican. But upon closer inspection the woman appears to have a weird nose which might be asiatic. Californian whites are often mongrels that look different from say midwesterners so maybe my racial sensibilities are fucked. She looked slavic to me at first glance but that nose is questionable.

That only works if the source groups at least have the same fertility rates, no where near the actual situation. Plus mass immigration replaces the dwindling pure blooded stock.

Zooming in it's hard to tell, but I do think there is "something other than European" in him. He might be some kind of middle eastern, to be fair many beaners and middle easterners are genetically mostly european. He kind of looks like Cenk Uygur.

I hope, when the time comes, you guys are willing to go by race, and not "culture". I.E. whether or not someone is known to have non european ancestry, and not whether or not they "act white" or are fun to hang out with.

The cheekbones wider than the Amazon should have been the ez tell, it confirms the snub nose.

They openly destroy the extermination of pure Whites. grinning-idiot-trudeau.jpg

This brought a smile to my face. Thank you.

North American natives today are like 67-85% European ancestry since they didn't have a natural aversion to mixing in their evolved psychology probably due to everyone on the western hemisphere being same-ish racially until we came, which meant if they fought a war with some other tribe and took their women and small children for their own tribe, it wasn't really much of a huge gene pool hit to them. You can see how this came to be maladaptive to racial purity once they started raiding white settlers where there would be reports of some tribe trying to raid settlements that had half white or full white tribe members.

They had to do away with gene testing for applying and qualifying for gibsmedats for this reason since it came back with this embarrassing result.

There's anarcho-tyranny. We can't do shit because the government is on their side but allows the worst things to be done to us, and then blames us when for example the prisons are full of niggers and arabs – conveniently because the government won't disclose race-based crime stats and stopped decades back because of what they showed.

Even the asians that have been here a long time didn't give a shit when we got ethnically cleansed from places like Vancouver. They only complained when their historic Chinatown was then set upon by the "new Canadians" – and they used weird verbiage like "reverse xenophobia" in doing it.

Their women are still whores here, though. That's why you see all of these half-asians.

Op here, sorry to leave a (1) thread. Fucked up posting and couldn't find the thread.
This stuff is the future unless something is done. Would like to know if anyone could find any speech or anything by these people. One of them must have called for white genocide.

That last pic of OP is pretty much your average "American".


where's wrathofgnon

That is not how the demographic replacement works. Whites could have an awesome 12+ birthrate average but they would still be wiped out because the demographic replacement shift is not done from giving birth to more kids in a single year it is the mass influx of adults that were already born coming in. The birth rates don't come in until the demographics are very close.

Can't even even browse used cars without this shit being pushed.

I don't really see a problem with mongrels making their own identity, and it makes sense considering how many have identity crises and end up either sticking to a part of their heritage where they don't fit in, or to things that don't stress their oddness (Pagans/Thorfags). It beats them clinging to shit where they don't belong or fucking up existing identities, kinda like that whole Faith comic fiasco; it was retarded and hilarious, but at least it was their own character and not them destroying something that exists like femme Thor did.

If it was just an unusual group of mongrels getting together to be happy for a while it wouldn't be so bad. However, you know that it is not as innocent as it seems. Through things like this, people are being encouraged to make more mongrels and half-breeds, and this is probably an attempt to make it look like something you WANT to happen or be proud of. You know that's exactly how it's being used.

tl;dr: If mongrels were rare I wouldn't care, but they're being encouraged as the new norm, which is extremely bad for the precarious situation we find ourselves in. Shit like this is just making it worse.

reminder that the Chinese are just opportunists with a hell of a lot of money which came from Western countries buying products and cheap labor from China. The Root cause of the problem is the government for letting them buy ridiculous amounts of property and land while they are not even permanent residents of the country.



Descendants of Sephardic Jews are not white.


god dmanit

He's already written his own supreme gentleman manifesto


lol if they really wanted to sell white people on the idea of racial mixing for the future raza cosmica, they could've at least made most of them appear somewhat attractive. All I see in this pic are a bunch of Brazilian people that you usually don't see in the media when they try to sell people on the beauty of life in Brazil.

lol I just visited leddit's hapa subgroup. My God, what a bunch of pathologically depressed and resentful jackasses. If I ever meet another white guy afflicted with yellow fever, I'll just point him to r/hapa so he can see the fruits that his fetish shall bear.

Or I'll show him the beauty of life living with one of these little monsters, documented so brilliantly in this video.

kek'd so hard, i can't tell if she's having a legitimate female moment or if it's one of those cultural pressure things.

An entitled cunt and i hope the kid if they gonna have will learn his/her lesson and not become like r/Hapa or like their mother

I fucking love the video!

Both,a normal woman in the west would be like that a century ago knowing that they need children,in China woman over 30 are considered leftovers and frowned upon.
Our woman are kind of broken so I see that as a more natural reaction than having a cat.
That being said I love her calling him ladyboy,it made my day

Horrid screeching and she does seem psycho. But one thing Asian cultures have over us is a strong pressure from their relatives and friends to have children, and you're seen as defective if you don't. A common joke among westernized asians is how their parents start asking things like "where are my grandchildren?" when they hit 20 and push really hard to get them to marry early. If you can't find a girl they'll think you're messed up and will try to set you up with their friend's daughters and brag about you to everyone they meet so you seem more attractive and other people might want to marry their children to you. I have to say that would be a very nice culture to have among whites to promote early marriage and children. The lady in the video is right, that man looks late 20s and should have kids by now in a healthy society.

She's acting worse than a child. A nice, properly raised White lady would have subtle ways of manipulating her husband or something.

Not to detract from race mixing being degenerate–this is fake though. it's part of some crappy comedy sketch.

do something to drive him nutty for her you mean

If we are to survive this without dire civilizational consequences and the undoing of thousands of years of adaption we'll need to ruthlessly weed out the whiteface mongrels. Nonwhite ancestry cannot be allowed to persist. Hopefully gene editing technology will make this easier.

you are not welcome here

that is some pretty blatant jew art. especially the one on the right

Perfect redpill opportunity. Deep inside, no one wants ugly childs.