A discussion on the rise of hidesousness

And whatever else I haven't brought up. Even 8ch isn't safe.

The question is:

What to do about it?

Other urls found in this thread:


Its cultural Marxism. Its purpose is to turn our morals upside down, our art to filth.

Why Beauty Matters is a must watch for any Holla Forumsack. It covers art, music and even architecture. There isn't a whole lot we can do right now. Just keep pushing true art, true beauty.

The fashion industry, which promotes a lot the things you mentioned, is a heavily jewish industry.

Another thing they promote which you didn't mention are abnormally looking white models, with hideous facial traits, as the standard of beauty.

Noticed that. Also don't forget the traditional anorectic standards for fashion models that promote the false dischotomy of starved vs "healthy" landwhale just to scapegoat traditional beauty standards as unrealistic and self-destructive.


Bump. OP has a point. Go be degenerate somewhere else.

Are you ugly?

appeal to instincts, visually.


are you actually retarded? he was correcting op's dumpster-tier grammar.

i know english isnt your first language but at least put some effort in man. and also
you got me on piercings tho those are pretty shit
you are shit and so is google translator you rode in on.

Uphold standards of beauty and behavior then.

Alternatively you could go for a more violent route, but I'm not sur if the scenarios work well together.

Mock it without showing any remorse. Normalfags also know it's ugly, but if nobody speaks up, they'll keep quiet, too. If a few of us mock it mercilessly, normalfags will happily join.

Not breed with them.

There's a difference between "voluptuous" and "fat ass", nigger

People are tired of this liberal agenda being rammed down people's throats. It's edgy and cool to rebel against it. It wouldn't be hard to make it edgy and cool to make fun of ugly people.

meme it

Piss off Nigger. Go encourage lowered standards elsewhere

Not attactive on women.

Dark skin isn't attractive for women.

I bet you think it's attractive on males you cuck


European women were far more desirable among Muslim slavers than Nigger women and other muds.

I notice this most in architecture, and even the design of every-day objects. Everything is ugly, cut and copy, it all looks the same and there's no soul in things. Nothing is handmade, everything is disposable. I promised myself to always continue my family's tradition of preserving antiques and things made of quality, to value art made with skill, and to create, construct, and grow things in the ground. Thing is, most people don't care. They might, fleetingly, but they'll quickly forget. The value of something created by your own hands seems lost upon most of us now.

Post some examples of "attractive niggers" then, Tyrone.

The local (((financial institution))) is fanatical about its employees being /fit/ and healthy to the extent where meal size is tailored to each employee.

While (((the media))) is huge into pushing fatness on Americans. 'Hitler was into physical fitness, so it must be bad'.

Study the protocols, they are as true today as they were back then.

Attractive Nigger/Gook/Other Non-White is codeword for mongrelization and plastic surgery.

I think because of the internet art itself is becoming a ton more free market and so; a ton more pretty.
Bonus: I posted the Trump pic not only because it's awesome and popular, people in the comments are saying Trump is himself awesome and they like Trump.

Might be a sore Gook or Beaner.

you left out the part about how they cut it really short and then color it pink/blue/green as a statement of their individuality. no, bitch, you're just dumb and putting deadly chemicals in your hair while proving how brainwashed you are by the media and how much of a follower you are because you saw a relatively cute fellow brainwashed girl do it, and it kind of looked good on her in the magazine about how to please your man in 6,000,000 ways, so why not do it with my own hair and I'll get a doormat husband.

The Wired is doing a lot to help push humanity forward, and making beautiful imagery easily accessible is a part of that. Even when they push lies and ugliness on people, we can still seize the truth.

Implying you wouldn't


thats not "thicc", thats just obese. yuck.

Not a big difference.

These are good but they'd be better without a straight up Swastika on it and without nudity for more reach among normies. Something like that won't ever gain traction or "go viral" on say FB or Twitter. That said the idea is good.

Obese people will make the most irrational decisions and will find any way to justify their unhealthy eating habits and lack of aerobic exercise. Attempting to brief obese individuals on why their obesity is negatively affecting them is considered going against political correctness and is considered discrimination. However, a quick look at the scientific articles that I have provided below will show that obesity is truly bad. Not only does it increase your chance of diseases such as heart disease, malnutrition, stupidity, hormone imbalances, and many other harmful effects, but it can permanently damage your brain and cognitive abilities and may leave you not as intelligent as you use to be, assuming you were intelligent in the first place.

Cognitive Effects:

h ttps://w ww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3951958/

h ttps://w ww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3768113/

h ttps://w ww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2748863/

h ttps://w ww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3147174/

h ttps://w ww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3872007/

h ttps://w ww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4237034/

h ttps://w ww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3321396/

h ttps://w ww.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/health-statistics/Pages/overweight-obesity-statistics.aspx

I would not fuck them, Sam-I-Am
I would not fuck those beasts of ham

it's a form of psychological cuckolding
if they can convince you ugliness is beauty then they can convince you to take a chip and let 50 syrians rape your daughter or wife
also notice how with the pervasiveness of makeup people are slowly starting to recognize makeup as attractiveness and beauty instead of actual features, for instance even the most so called "passable" tranny is only flashing the bright colors and contours of the makeup instead of the actual features because once all the makeup is removed and they are deprived of a razor it becomes clearly recognizable male facial features
look at modern architecture it is clearly shit but through the use of authority figures praise and sharp lines and contours to trigger a psychological response that has been conditioned by technology notice the "newer and better" the technology the more alien and sleek and sharp it looks even though the technology is arguable worse and more inefficient and more pervasive
pic semi related

The Jew is anti-Darwinian.

Kill yourself for being attracted to that.

We've had architecture threads before with cost analysis by civil ingenieurs which have showed that the ONLY possible reason for modern architecture is spiritual demoralization.

are you from elsewhere?


Are you that retard on /s/ always posting fat chicks?

speaking about women in particular, what happened to wearing a nice skirt? I'd kill to see a modestly dressed girl in a dress or skirt.
As a whole, I think People dress pretty trashy, gym shorts and graphic T, for what purpose other than being a lazy cunt?

Leave them to rot. They've ruined their lifes. The one purpose they can have is, serving as an example for younger girls. This will all end soon.

I agree, the older generations are lost, we MUST focus on the youth

I actually like short hair. I perceive it as a woman who is no stranger to hard work. I realize that nowadays that isnt the case, but thankfully my gf is the exception it seems. She is going to produce some healthy children.

Tans are skin damage and that's not attractive either.

Makeup does a lot to fix up the looks of women everywhere.

The extremely short hair is part of the agenda to erase gender and force androgyny.

However, I believe there's an additional agenda behind it of the /x/ variety. I believe hair, at least on women, acts as an antenna and helps guide intuition. Pic related–the Vril women grew their hair as long as possible because they claimed it helped their psychic abilities. Perhaps there's a purely scientific reason where the minerals in the hair can sense or attract things without our conscious knowledge.

I don't know if it's the same for men. Monks shave their heads, after all.

Overall, I see the short hair trend as yet another part of their long-term agenda to make us spiritually sick and weak, right up there with pineal gland calcification.

Imagine if there was no internet, no Japan, no access to the free market of art. Imagine how horrible it would be to believe TV is art. To think Star Wars is the epitome of awesome.

We must free the normies and bluepilled faggots from their self-imposed prison.

It's funny, because your first two graphics, both are Jew's fault

It's a jewish scheme to demoralize us. A demoralized white man, is one dead man who won't fight the jew.

Beauty, Truth, Good -> the jews want to destroy every objectivity about those. Hence the promotion of obesity, duckfaces, dyke haircuts and vulgarity.

Been a long time since I've seen anyone post a Schell Production… are the oldfags still among us?

Pic related. If someone has a link to the actual film that'd be great.

to get a dick shoved in them soon as they can

Don't forget all of the strange chemical alterations people are going through these days.

A title helps, you know.

We should really have a Holla Forums documentaries archive.

"The Eternal Jew" (Der ewige Jude) a Nazi film from 1940.

Cultural Marxism

fat people are an oppressed class

ugly people are an oppressed class


I surprised nobody here has posted the quotes stating something along the lines of "when you look at the art of the Jew you take a glimpse into his psychology" and the quotes stating that Jews are insecure with beauty and can't recognize it, they only deviate toward destruction and ugliness.

Hurry up and 1488 society already please.

jews, homos, and envious women push flat chested no shape waifs/fridges with man shoulders as beautiful.
I would actually prefer a chubby girl with nice tits over the so called "models/ hollywood starlets" of today.

women with long hair are sexy as fuck I especially like how it looks from behind.

I can't find the quote or the person responsible on any search engine. I look and look but all the search results are either irrelevant to what I type in or pro jewish bullshit.

I really hate how right the people of this board are. No pun intended.

It was already memed. Even Plebbit had to ban FatPeopleHate because EVERYONE was into it. Just like everything else that was actually good that they banned some years ago.

This is what our culture currently promotes. People follow their culture until they are shown otherwise. All we can do is promote decency, any way we can. I believe people generally want to be good. If we can show normies a better way, and show them why the other way is wrong, I think we can turn them back to the light.

it's too bad that gaelic beauty ruined her bust with shitty nip tattoos


nip as in nipponese, that is

They're actually pretty nice. They're symmetrical, sparse, and help advertise her fertility. They draw attention to the smooth whiteness of her skin without obscuring it. Much better than the standard collage of "tats" tasteless THOTs acquire over a lifetime.

Add women not wanting to shave their legs.


meant for

Also on Archive.org


Be fit. Get a fit partner.
Make children. Train them to be fit and why they should be.

Not complicated. Also don't racemix.

Remember (((THEY))) are pushing for ugly people as a way to lower men's test. A male, when looking at an attractive female, gets a small temporary testosterone boost. If there's a lack of attractive women, there's no T boost.

Next we have to make the appeal to young women that the counterculture is actually dressing up nice, having long hair, being fit, and feminie. Most young women have tattoos, piercings, hair dye, and are in bad shape. WHAT FUCKING NORMIES. A ~real~ counter-culture gal is trad.

Ignore it all.

Fighting all of this crap is sheer waste of energy.

We better spend it doing the RIGHT things.


All the women I know with short hair style it that way for ease (after shaving hair due to bubble gum or something) or to look more mature (for babyfaced girls). I've never run into a Marxist with short hair for politics. Of course, they put effort into themselves and dress femininely, so there's an obvious visual difference to women with short hairstyles and Marxists anyways.

Wow. The average IQ level on this board has seriously dropped within a week.

Are you fucking kidding me?

here in fema region 9 every female is a degenerate with tats and dyed hair or they're succubus looking for a ride on the cock carousel

There's a difference, "thicc" might be slightly overweight but not to a completely unhealthy degree. Also usually have nice hips and breasts to offset that.

chicks with dfc are built for speed, they're great.

Cool anchor, but I'll say this: in the face of nihilism both power and beauty die. Power becomes useless, oppressive, and beauty becomes fake and whimsical. That's the kind of world they want to bring about, one of ugliness, stagnation and death.

The left celebrate mediocrity, the "safe space" of "equality".

Same thing happened with Coontown and GreatApes.


Are you some Nigger or Muslim?

Two unrelated, arbitrary points:
1. Samson - legend says his power came from his hair. That one cunt shaved his head and he lost his strength, but then it gre back and he busted shit up.
2. Indian (feather) trackers drafted by the military in Vietnam - Indians supposedly lost their tracking abilities when their heads were shaved.

One's a kike fairy tale, and the other is unverifiable. The indians one is labeled as "false" by Snopes omg hair has no impact on the senses professor shekelburg says so and searches turn up similar left-wing kvetching. But if you dig a little bit you can find first-hand stories on various forums from Vietnam vets that relate what happened.

shut it down


Why has no user knocked down that sheboon statue? Is that thing still there?