Okay, here's something.
Body language is something that you've been slacking on learning, and everybody fucking knows it you awkward fuck. Learn body language, and you thus have the ability to learn the pressure points for unaware people's brains. That's not to say there aren't those who can lie THAT well, but if you're observant, you should be able to pick out who's who.
Remember to never ever lead somebody to a boring or (early on) uncomfortable conversation. They will immediately detach and grab the closest security blanket (phone mostly). Food can be good, though I've noticed that when somebody has shutdown by way of eating, they tend to try to change the conversation blindly much more often. Be dramatic sometimes, keep their attention with things that are obvious or that you know they know.
Another note on the phone, absolutely do not engage them if they are already stuck on it. If it's really true that they're 24/7 on the phone, they may as well be dead anyhow, but it's good to start conversation while they're in the room at least, even if it's just yourself mulling things over (in a safe manner).
I don't understand why it needs to be said, but it does: if the conversation is in full swing and going smoothly, avoid at all costs the supernatural and other sugary things like it. It will destroy the conversation completely. If it starts off with supernatural things, and yes Antarctica is part of this, it's fine to explore it in a fun manner. Fun being in this case whatever's fun to them.
If you get to a point where jews come up, never ever use the word jew, or hebrew for that matter. Israeli if they're Israeli is fine for the most part. If you know and understand the tribes, use the tribal names. Instead, always use the names of the jews. Do not under any circumstances point out their jewish nature unless you have already been speaking about jews (neutral to leaning negative light, never anything else).
Books still hold an air of intelligence. Talk about authors, get them to be secretly jealous that you might know more about something that they like knowing about. Get them interested in other things in this way. Do not steer them away from communist garbage unless they're basically just learning how to read print, or they've never bothered with political things in their entire life, including the last election. They have biases, they will want things that confirm these things, but they must be coupled with the truth as well.
Believe it or not, race is irrelevant. They will always hold the belief of one race the human race, and they can eat all the infographs and statistics you throw at them and still believe it, no matter the number of times their significant other fucked a nigger. In this the only thing is money, and so as when they are personally harmed by subhumans, whether physically or financially. In any case, while you should do this, it is not as important as leading them on the path to understanding exactly what the hell is wrong with the world since, at the bare minimum, WW2.
More things on the phone, if you've somehow angered them, they will look for information from the internet, jewgle and wikipedia for the most part. That's up to you to know exactly what they're going to find. I'm saying yes, you should know what they would search for, what links they would click, how deep into a website they would go. For the majority of things, as we know, off jewgle, you absolutely must know this because you have to be able to counter this. To these people those words on that phone will be undeniable fact, and more often than not you will fail at convincing them otherwise. If you pull out an actual physical book, it can go either way, swaying them away from the internet, or solidifying their belief.
Use confusion to your advantage. Not theirs, never theirs, use your own confusion and defer to them on things they believe they know. Never ask "what do you think", always ask "why is it that". If/when they give an answer, and is of absolute importance that you know your shit in this, give them instead an alternative answer, avoiding of course the use of the word alternative and any variations.
On that, always remember your introverts and extroverts. Ex's always know everything, but are uncomfortable with open discussion of things they don't know. Introverts often know a whole lot about many things, so of course you should know your fucking shit beforehand. If they do know a subject, they will not budge from their pedestal unless you have enough shit to vaporize it, and if you don't try to at least learn what they know.
Commies and jews will often argue as though there's an audience in the room to pull to their side, even when it is just you and them. In this, passive ridicule goes a long way, as it does in many situations where you actually do know better.
Sorry if a lot of this seems like rambling, I'm not particularly talented with words and most of it is out of memory.