The system is made to fuck us over

The system is made to fuck us over.

There is no reforming it, there can never be a president that can actually reform the system for the white mans benefit. The only way to fix it is to burn it to the ground and begin anew.

The road ahead may seem bleak and dark for many of you. But for those who are willing to fight for that bright and shining future, we know that this path is the only way to that future. And we know any other path will only lead to the death of any chance of humanity's survival. Because with niggers and Jews running the wold, it will inevitably fall apart. And the human experiment will end.

Maybe we were never meant to go that far, maybe there are too many internal flaws within us, too many for us as a Race to conquer.

Life will move on with or without us, but the way things are looking now, the Kali Yuga will wipe us all out, and there will be no Noah or his Ark.

Would you advocate using accelerationism, then? Or does that risk sending us headfirst into something potentially worse?

Without public support I don't see a revolution of any sort rising from american soil. I mean, just look at what happened in Oregon at that wildlife reserve where they were trying to defend their land from being taken by the Feds, they ended being in a standoff with them. And one of their folk got executed by a group of SWAT. They were only trying to protect their land, and they were gunned down.

Now imagine if a group of insurrectionists rose up, now that would be a slaughter.


Nigger you don't need everyone. You just need to take out a handful of the key players. The days of forming a militia are over. You're dealing with puppeteers and mindless puppets, not an army or generals. All you have to do is get a gun and learn to shoot then set your sights on someone worth killing. A single bullet to the brainpan of Soros or Mayer or Sachs or Goldman or Rothschild will do more than a million man strong march towards capital hill. They act with impunity because they think they are invincible. Show them they are not and you at the very least delay their plans another generation while they slink away into the shadows and hope everyone forgets.


The more I think about it, the more I think you're right.

Thanks for your input user :)

Good luck.

You speak of no plan, nor do you give any solution to problem you propose. And yet you discourage from keep resisting.
Shut the fuck up and don't come back here, whatever your motives are.

Throw out the blackpill shit instantly. There are only 5 Million jews in the U.S. and there are 262 Million of us in the U.S. alone the veterans with 22 million are 4 times the amount of Jews. What we need to do is spread everywhere, infiltrate everything white person on our side, especially military and also wealthy whites with possibly good financial support. There is already massive awakenings going on, just the last election alone shows how many whites are pissed off and very easily turned to our side. Hitler didn't go around killing Jews, he went around getting Germans on his side, then turned the Germans on Jews.

I'm sorry if I came off as being twofaced. I meant to imply that we need public support before starting an insurrection and fighting our way to a good society. But then figured it'd be just as good to eliminate the enemy's puppet masters before gaining public support, because I think they wouldn't allow us to be mainstream if they were alive.

I'm a bit blackpilled tbh, but I still have hope that with truth, will, and a love for our people, we can prevail against our greatest foes. Also those statistics are something I wasn't aware of, so thx for the info :)

It seems that many Holla Forumsacks sperg out on hearing Varg, but I hope that more will soon realize that Varg is right, at least for now. In one of his latest videos he talked about the importance of not joining groups and demonstrations now, even though this tactic worked in the 20s and 30s when the majority was not shilling for democracy anyway. But now, it doesn't work. It is as this user said, now is not the time and every demonstration will be used more against us than that we can use it pro us. And for a the anons who will scream 'BLAAAACKPILL' now, there is no reason to stop 'converting' (or redpilling if you like) other whites. We need different tactics now, the decentralized anonimity of the chans is one, stickering and flyering in real life without giving your identity away is another, and maybe one of the best things to do: redpilling friends and family and convince them to redpill others. Why? Because when SHTF you will unlikely rely on a bunch of anons all over the world, no, you will rely on close friends and family members, a man on its own won't live to see the return of the Golden Age
Der Sieg wird under sein, carry on user

The US is the only one that might be able to do that without the rest of the world being sent after them. Any European country will get the rest of Europe and the US instigated against them by the jews. But even if it would work this unnatural civilization is rotten to the core. The only things worth saving are objects from Europe from before 1900.

There are a lot more jews than you think, and their halfbreeds are as bad as they are, and all the non Whites are being turned against us. If you think that's a black pill just give it some time.

Still a very small number compared to us. They have infiltrated everything and are good at lying, however they suck at using force and all their power is basically an illusion. The moment Hitler rounded them up, what did they do? Cowered in fear. What did they need to do? Turn others whites against Germans to fight for them, because they can't. Jews power is over the moment when whites are aware of it, which is why already goebbels said that you can call jews everything and they shrug, but naming and outing the jew itself and his tricks is their biggest fear.
They already are. Literally every non-white in the west is either wants a piece of the cake we made or the entire bakery. They put themselves before us. Only a very small minority of them are neutral or on our side, but that's such a small number you can ignore it.

The enemy is in front of our doorsteps, now is not the time to give up, it's the time to make everyone aware, WHILE we're still the majority.

I see this going two ways. Either Holla Forums takes over and a new american empire starts, buying time. Or

Revelation happens. The happening of happenings.


Animu shit and especially moeshit are remnants of the Holla Forums raid.

Maybe. It depends on how it plays out, and what counter propaganda is put out in the meantime, what contacts and groups are formed, and so on.

Consider it from a normie standpoint: They are blasted constantly with leftist propaganda, a false consensus put in front of them, they're told to believe it completely, and many of them do, or they're emotionally manipulated to fall in line. See: the trump amnesty fiasco, there are "conservatives" in arizona that say they are okay with it for the "dreamers." Now, ask yourself, are there trump supporters that are ACTUALLY okay with it, enough to do an article? Or was the article completely fabricated to create the idea in the minds of supporters that there is support for amnesty for that group even on their own side in order to create that sentiment where it doesnt actually exist?

You get the point. This manipulative shit is drilled into them 24/7. If we were to simply go accelerationism and, for instance, vote in or support leftists/commies/marxists so that everything gets so bad it all collapses faster, would we not be enabling that narrative even more and thus brainwashing more normies into thinking this is actually what other people want and what they should want as well? Would we not inadvertently end up creating the leftist collective our enemies want FOR them by doing this?

I think, in truth, the answer is to think/act like the kikes themselves have been. Play both sides with our true allegiance being mostly to ourselves, but also to the "right" in general. In short, we do what some right-wing groups have been doing, we create/spread memes/propaganda to support the left, give them a false sense of power and support, and drip in enough material thatll make the left happy but that will infuriate the right (subtle white genocide memes on the left for example, maybe have some black anons on our side dress up as anti-fa and film a video of them going out, setting up some "white people" targets at a range or in the woods, and then shooting them and saying things like its time to end whiteness and white people and take back "their" country, hide themselves completely so they cant be identified but spread the video, gotta be very subtle/secure about it though so you don't get doxxed and the ruse found out… do the same thing with white smaller guys/girls on our side pretending to be antifa and shooting trump/republican targets and claiming they're coming for us… these sorts of things will scare normal people)

In time, itll cause a serious backlash, then naturally the faux support the left would have from our videos/memes would all melt away instantly when shit starts getting real. Just like the kikes do to our side time and time again.

It would be fake accelerationism basically, pretending theres lots of support there, but in such a way that doesnt coerce the right into thinking they should be leaning left as well, but rather in ways taht will terrify them and cause them to band together on their side even stronger and be ready to fight.

OP is right in that reform isn't possible, atleast not as long as people are comfortable.

A government overthrow isn't possible either, since no group is able to fight the military and they won't be on our side for the same reason: people are still too comfortable and there would be an outcry if the military intervened. Not to mention other nations.

We need to keep redpilling people and let our states worsen naturally to the point of everyone being pissed off and replace the whole government then.

Problems with that is jews hijacking the replacement and/or immigration reducing our manpower in compared to immigrants and I don't have a solution.

Although in the books Tolkien had a tree say these words, their inspiration comes from the same place. That being the Saxon poem called "The Ruin" and "Deor", it was one of the old questions by Germanics, what can be saved from the abyss? The one-eyed figured it out. And so for a time many got it right, till about a century or so ago.

I've been hearing "don't vote goy" getting thrown around a lot in the last few days. Well l have some bad news for you Silverstein. I will continue to vote, and volunteer, and contact representatives, and educate others regarding rule of law and there is nothing you can say or do to stop me.


Extra-terrestrial disclosure is just around the bend. It could change our society drastically overtime, especially "if" they have technology to share.


Something something "tree of liberty"… Something something "blood of patriots and tyrants"


Hurr durr I have done one semester at College hurr durr and I know everything there is to know about herp derp politics n' religion n' philosophy n' stuff hurr durr let me prove how much wisdom and insight I have hurr durr about the ways of the world errr copied from my Liberal Studies lecture notes hurr durr…

I'm not sure why you replied to my post when making your post or what either fence sitting or being edgy has to do with my post.
Though you have used a lot of the different types of ad hominems in your post, congrats.