America = Israel

I always believed Amerika got fooled into doing wars for Israel. Turns out, America IS Israel

When you subtract jews from the "white" race statistic you are left with

Is this even right? As a non-burger I am more inclined to beliving in NSDAP bases on the south pole than New York being only 9% white

These numbers seem right to me, few whites live in cities and always move out of them eventually.

It's just spics and niggers in Manhattan. Jew doctors and landlords take care of them with money jew bankers stole from the rest of the state.

In LA, a lot of the beaners and niggers are getting priced out of the area because of nips and gooks gentrifying. I don't mind because they're just inflating the property value before I get out of this hell hole. They have better food and are more tolerable but 2nd and 3rd generation can get inferiority complex and become liberal. And then you got the whole eruv situation in West LA with kikes everywhere.

bumping quality thread

White people usually live in the suburbs, this has been a constant for decades (which doesn't figure into the numbers) but as a non-burger and probably European, you may not understand how spread out the population is in the US. Compared to Europe where most people live in big cities… few Americans do.

The ten biggest cities barely have 10% of the nation's population. 70% of Americans live outside the top 50 cities. Think about that compared to Europe where in most countries 50% of the population live in the 3 or 4 biggest cities.

As a non-burger myself, i already know United States of Jewmerica is the main arm of the jew, and cannot visualize how it could be any different. A century ago maybe, but recently USA is just that with a president zionist puppet after another.

And Vienna represents all of Australia, right?
London represents all of England?

Also the Department of Transportation openly lies about increasing urbanity in America by manipulating the numbers and definitions. They define urbanity as living in an "urban zone" these zones include all the counties along corridors between major cities rather than merely those living in city limits. Even suburbs have started to die and agglomerate into small rings of towns about 50 miles from the cities. Also they count every town of more than 2,000 people as a "city" and thus an urban zone. They want to normalize urban life and denigrate rural values, hence they bureaucrats(read: kikes) use misleading statistics just as they do when the claim the white population is shrinking despite the fact that white conservative Americas are the only large population which has an above replacement birthrate in any industrialized nation. If they didn't keep flooding us with shitskins they would be ousted from power by now and they know it.

So where's Seattle and Portland or does that not fit the narrative?

Turns out it's not.

And Pittsburgh.

sounds right to me. All the people I've ever met from NY are jews. Never really put it together like this though. Nice work OP



i live in LA and san francisco
La is crawling with schlomos, habeebs, and pacos - but LA itself isnt really that big - most of the population is in the valley, the inland empire and the rest of the southland - there are like literally hundreds of little tiny "cities" surrounding LA…
same issue with san francisco - tons of asians and niggers in the city but the bay area is huge and full of white people…
statistics can be bent to prove anything

i LIVED (past tense) in those cities…


Yeah, while I might be a little jaded here, I haven't taken the black pill yet and accepted that America – the REAL America – is completely gone. We're just really really in bad shape. Not as fucked as Europe is, for reasons I really won't get into, but we're not far behind.

I have been thinking about how to quantify what America is —- The mentally retarded, yet ridiculously powerful, "Blaster" to the tiny impotent Jewish "Master" (A Mad Max reference to you young faggots out there)…………or if we're in some sort of hybrid of the Cordyceps parasite with a touch of locked-in syndrome. I'm sure you all can argue back and forth as to what is closer to the truth.

Anyway, we're not hopelessly lost yet. Germany was in pretty bad fucking shape when Hitler came to power and pulled them back from the brink. Now we're teetering at the edge of that same gaping maw of an abyss and this time the Jews are trying to blindfold everyone so that they don't see the abyss like they did in the 20s & 30s Germany.

The only thing protecting the Jews and their army of shitskins and degenerates is the ZOG police force —- created by the Jew 9/11 event. The only thing that is going to wake people the fuck up and get them out of their houses, off the internet, and on the streets hunting these motherfuckers down is the sudden and complete removal of the "Goyim pacification structures" (which is probably what they call it) — namely utilities and the police. I pray every single day for an EMP, Pandemic, Cyberattack on the grid, or some sort of happening that finally balances the scales and removes the kike protection squad that currently inhabits/infects this country. No more law. Only Justice. No more police. Only Paul Kersey.

We've had threads after countless threads on why, eventually, this WILL happen. For years. Before all these goddamn T_D faggots descended on this site and shitted it up with their stupidity. Every single one of you fucks better be ready for it. Because while it would be great if "literally Hitler" came in and saved us all………every single one of you had better be as close to a "literal Hitler" as you can because it's looking more and more like it's going to be up to us when the shit pops off and the Jews make their final play for all the marbles.

You can't even read a table and Euros have the audacity to criticize American education? You took the metropolitan kosher population (which more or less includes the entire population within a 100 mile radius of a city) and subtracted it from the exclusively urban white population.

So the correct urban numbers are:

and for their metropolitan areas

Yup, and half of those are gays.

So what exactly are you trying to say? That Jews make up 2% of the US population?
Uh… yeah. I know. It's embarrassing but it's true. But is this new information to anyone here?

Numbers for NYC and Philly sound high to me, actually. It's likely much lower.

2nd and 3rd generation immigrants were always the problem though. The left had to stop championing "science" because of all the new biosocial criminal science that has proven that these populations simply regress to the mean for their respective races, leaving us with eternal welfare recipients.

But this isn't a conversations for an obvious demoralization thread. We already know that cities aren't white. I've never met anyone of European decent that either wasn't actively trying to leave the city or didn't have an almost inborn hatred of the places.

I've been thinking this for a while now and you are right, the only real way to get people to wake up is to cut them off from everything they use to remove themselves from the real world(television/movies/video games/etc). The reason we are not seeing a revolution in this modern era despite all the blatant injustices is because those forms of entertainment act as a pressure release valve. Whereas back in the 1800s if you were fed up with the government or those controlling you, you acted on that frustration and took the fight to them. As long as creature comforts exist there will be no revolution, that much should be obvious. For people to wake up and the cycle to be broken a catastrophic event will have to occur, it would literally take multiple major cities being nuked into craters and millions dying(I'm talking 5+ cities too), even then as long as tech still exists people will just ignore it and go back to playing the latest video game or watching the latest TV series. Hell at this point Israel could literally just come out in the open and claim the US for the Kikes and as long as people don't lose access to Game of Thrones no one would fucking care.

That's what I understood until now.
Is OP implying all of them are in big cities, making those look like Isreali cities? That's what I understood.

Someone care to explain? What's new here?

The other psychological hurdle to overcome is the thought processes and sacred cows they have been indoctrinated to believe in.

Democracy is an easy example. Even the stupid functionally retarded T_D morons constantly beat their chest and suck the dick of "muh democracy". Because the kike media has cleverly brainwashed the stupid idiots into believing that democracy is "freedom". It is "the American way". So much so that they will doggedly persist in their mental gymnastics of explaining how "America is a democracy". You LITERALLY have to show them quotes, messages, and examples from the Founding Fathers of America that explicitly states their hatred and mistrust of 'democracy' — i.e. The enslavement of 49% of the people to the other 51%. The founding fathers are the ONLY 'trump card' to the democracy lie. One that the kikes are doing all they can to diminish with their "white racist slaveowners, goyim…." whispers and lies.

That's the easy stuff. Some other concepts are way beyond those double digit IQ idiots. You have to invent other ways of persuading them otherwise. It's a monumental herculean task. One that's not even a recent fight. Pic related.

I'm suspicious of threads like these because Jews really want to turn Europeans against Americans. Or rather, Whites against Whites. Kinsmen against Kinsmen. I often see (((anons))) who try to make the argument that America is a lost cause or that American Whites aren't really White or that we should disparage the American "founding fathers." And in America, the Jews try to make us believe that Europe is a lost cause or that Europeans are snobbish and deserve to die or that certain groups of Europeans are not really White.

I see that quite often on Holla Forums and want to call it out wherever I see it.

Their argument will be "it's bad, but the alternative is totalitarian collectivism"

And to be honest, there is no real democracy, almost anywhere. Maybe you can only have that in some Lichtenstein-sized country. At which point the benefits of a monarchy shine even more.

That said, chasing "real democracy" would make us comparable to the soy-eating leftists that complain about "real socialism".

You talk about (((anons))) but you're saging the name field… come on now.
And your points are valid. No "the eternal anglo" or "germany ruining europe again" or "burgers are all inbred" on my watch. Fuck those D&C faggots.

Then speak out against the kikery. If there's one place in the entire universe to do so……'s here. It's basically a requirement.

The only place you can REALLY have it is where you have a, like you said, very small group of people. And, more importantly, the people who get to vote are honorable white men of character and moral turpitude. Which is basically part of the "only people who can vote are white male landowners" that many places at the founding of the USA had.

And that low-brow "totalitarian collectivism" counter-argument is easily countered by simply pointing out that our nation was never supposed to be a democracy and that the founders literally set up a system where ONLY 1/5 of the govt (the house) was originally directly elected by "the People" —– of whom the the rules dictating who the eligible voters were strict. And that as the definition of "who is an eligible voter" encompassed larger and larger groups of people (ALL males, then niggers, then women, then 18 year olds, etc etc) the nation has at the same rate become a festering shitpot of welfare state nonsense and "gibs me dat" mentality.

The key thing to remember is that America's Founding Fathers, and pretty much everyone in that era, were basically white nationalists before that term was even invented. They viewed slavery as a form of immoral animal cruelty in the same vein as Hitler's anti-animal cruelty laws—- it doesn't mean they viewed the nigger or spic as equal to the white man, and certainly not voting. And they'd be the first ones to lynch a coon for even looking at a white woman, let alone talking about "where duh wyte wimmenz at".

Our nation was essentially as close to NSDAP in it's beginning as it got before the actual NSDAP in Germany. It wasn't anything 'radical'. It was normal. Yet slowly, over time, it became subverted by Jews and other shabbos goy whites. Now that we know HOW it's subverted, we can take the original Constitution of the USA as a base primer, and improve it. Because it's a great government system for WHITE men only. It has no immune system from Jew subversion. Fill the holes. Plug the leaks. And "fix it" once and for all. But such a thing would be a topic for another discussion.

Woops. Had to sage a lazy thread.

Speaking out against Kikery is normal. Jews will claim they want to exterminate Jews while also spreading disunity and starting Brother-wars in threads. The truth is that White people will either join arms and put aside our petty differences and rid ourselves of the Jewish virus once and for all time… or we will remain divided and weak up until we are reduced to powerless, helpless minorities in our own homelands and then exterminated in the same way that the Jews exterminated Ukrainians, Poles, and Russians and the way they exterminate Palestinians today.
No more Brother wars.

I believe the concept is explored in the Murdoch Murdoch video "Pure Bavarian Phenotype".

Jews LOVE the "Loki's Wager" form of D&C. Especially the race issue. "Ahem fellow goyim, does anyone else think that [insert whatever European country you want] aren't really white? I mean, would you really want one of them fucking your sister??". And then they sit back and watch as the stupid morons take the bait and hit the bump limit on a thread and destroy the original discussion. It keeps everyone at each other's throats, destroys cohesion, and prevents ideas from 'gelling'.

And their FAVORITE counter when someone points out the above is
">Oh vey, lets not talk about white people! Jews are white amirite guys", basically accusing people of pointing out kikery…….of being kikes themselves. When they know full well that the time for those discussions are AFTER the Jews have been eliminated, the Blacks shipped back to their jungles, and etc. Of course, as evidenced in numerous threads, there will never be an end to the amount of dumbasses that fall for their tricks.

Indeed. I think William Pierce put it best when he said;
If we really can't put aside our petty differences, if we really want to continue our petty family feuds, then we can do that. But let us do so after we rid ourselves of our racial enemy, of the world enemy.

For this reason I really don't care that much if someone looks less white than I do as long as we're both on the same page regarding JQ. The only real enemy is the jew, the rest just get slaved as golems without even knowing it.

Yeah, Had to sage a different lazy thread.

This is true. White men had successfully taken care of/dealt with every other enemy until the Jew. They are like fucking roaches. Or bedbugs —- I hear those are much harder to get rid of.

I like to think of the Jews as the AIDS virus. They don't kill you directly, they let the other races kill you. Other races that historically have never been even so much as a slight blip in our ability to overcome and crush. And, because the Jews are like AIDS —- niggers/spics/shitskins/etc are the previously easily defeated cold-bug that are now killing us.

Get rid of the AIDS (jews) and our immune system can return to normal and kill the infection destroying us.


The white ubermensch create the structure in hard and desperate times. After the whites role has been fulfilled he is no longer needed. The jews feed on the corrupt and rotten system while shitskin monkeys do the shitskin monkey jobs.

This is why only whites love doing things like going hiking or mountain climbing or just plain being amish. No fucking normal "human" (if you can consider these reptiles humans) would subject themselves to horrendous extremes of weather like Nords did in early times of when Cro-Magnons started populating Europe after they killed/fucked most of kike Neanderthals.

Our life story is that of struggle. Struggle towards order in world filled with chaos. Wherever we go, we create systems of order. Other races deconstruct that order, other races can't understand order and try to fuck with it for their personal benefit.

If we don't create a barrier between us and them, whites will always be someone who is working for others.

It has become apparent. Whatever order you are creating in your lives user, create it for yourself and yourself firstly. Then your family, then your friends and ideological colleagues and then your country and community.
Never think about humanitarian shit ever again until we sort our shit first.

Wrong, help other whites. (((NGOs))) are humanitarian in the sense that George Soros is a philantropist.

I will rather help a nigger that believes in ethno nationalism and segregation than a white shitlib who thinks importing more spics and gooks will make our country better

Yeah dude, that's what it's like in America. The cities are ALL dangerous shitholes completely infested with mystery meat, the few whites that remain are pozzed. Meanwhile, most suburbs are still a great place to live, despite non-whites continuing to trickle in every year. And rural areas are pretty good.

It's really starting to freak me out that whenever I go out anywhere remotely urban, there's so many shitskins. They're taking over and they think they own the place.

If there were 0 Holla Forumsacks IRL I'd agree with you.

The fuck are these numbers coming from? Shit is bad but not nearly that bad. Something is off either the white population % is honest and does not include kikes or the kike numbers are hugely inflated. I can assure you that as fucked as nyc is..

That is not true.. that would imply that for every 3 'whites' you bump into 2 are kikes. I lived there almost 30 years before I noped out and that just isn't remotely true. In fact if you stay out of deli's and banks you can go a whole week without seeing a kike in most neighborhoods.

most whites that work in cities commute to them

How is this a kike shill thread? Explain me.

for starters the numbers the op built this thread around are ridiculous.

Here lets make this a less shilly thinktank thread:

Ive been without power for over a week thanks to our fucking infrastructure falling apart every time a cloud farts. Had a lot of time to do shit I had been meaning to take care of and no other way to relax besides sit and think. I got stuck on one thought for pretty much the majority of the time.

is somewhat right. I fucking hate it but "based niggers" do exist.. insofar that there are niggers who want segregation and if only they were edumacated on a couple things they would be infinitely closer to being "allies" than the traitorous commie whites.

Normalfaggots can be redeemed and there are enough ourguys out there to start really making some gains numerically. The problem with normalfaggots is that there will always be more followers than leaders no matter the ideology. All normalfaggot fence sitters are nothing more than followers who
haven't a strong leader. Not because there arent any to be had but because they have been provided a leader in materialism/"western culture".

We've already proven that we can reach those chucklefucks with the emergence of the 'altright'. So the normalfaggots can and will be reached, the only question is when.

So what I started thinking was since that is pretty much an eventuality at this point.. why not experiment in a little nigger outreach? For instance.. "We Wuz Kangz" is horseshit… I've been doing a ton of research on the ancients… They didnt build eqypt, but they were there before egypt was built and they moved out to mesopotamia and I know this isnt accepted fact but my research leads me to believe this is the truth either established or were part of the kingdom of akkad. And if any of you faggots havent read the sumerian swindle yet you fucking better right now.

Imagine the impact it would have if we got the we wuz kangz niggers to realize the problem of the eternal jew.

Very based insights.

Yeah, teach women about fractional reserve banking while you're at it.

niggers are stupid but if you apply blunt force you can beat simple concepts into their heads.

You're mostly correct, in fact.

I made that graphic. Its is accurate as far as I know.

Actually, I took the metropolitan population, calculated the total White population using the percentage thats on record for the
"Non-Hispanic White" percentage, then used data as regards Jewish population contribution in a given metro area and subtracted the Jewish population from the White population, as 95% of US Jews are defined in census figures in the US as 'White'.

Jews are 2% of the US population, 95% of US Jews are Ashkenazism (thus statistically 'White'), and their population is not spread out like, say, thw White population, but centered in major urban areas, like the Black population.

Using these relationships, one can discern a 'non-Jewish White' population estimate, and it turns out the reported 'White population' in most of the largest metropolitan areas is 'bolstered' by these Jew figures, and when excise, it becomes obvious exactly how withdrawn from urban areas the actual US Whites truly are.

Yes it is, or rather, it mostly is, in that there ARE likely Jews in JYC that are not Ashkenaz. and thus may not be classified as White…. But a good 90%+ are classified as White.

Take the Jew population, subtract from the 'White' population statistical value in the same metro region, bam - thats the White populations, sans 'White' Ashkenazim. Its really quite simple.

You are absolutely correct. In fact every American conflict should be followed by the question "How does this benefit ZIonism?" and you'll soon get the real answer as to why America is involved.

This pill in particular is so hard to swallow man.
I keked.

What I often think about is that because America is so spread out whites can live in relative peace in pockets of the USA and be completely oblivious to how bad things actually are.

I had no idea Minnesota was overrun by Somalians until Holla Forums brought it into my attention. I live nowhere near the Mexican border so I don't see entire towns overrun by Mexicans to the point where street signs are in spanish likes those in California and Texas. Philadelphia is increasingly Muslim (niggers are converting at a scary rate) yet I had no idea until I recently visited.

Meanwhile in my 90% white town away from the major everything is fucking great. No niggers, no jews and no muslims. These people feel safe and have no reason to get up in arms (until the diversity gets brought to them of course then it's too late).

wait, so if KJU nukes both Beverly Hills in Los Angeles and SF, then he can single handedly purge the majority of the Jews in the US?


That's where you got it wrong. Your first table is a list of urban populations.

New York City's urban population is ~8 million
Los Angeles' urban population is ~4 million

New York City's metro area pop is ~23 million
Los Angele's metro area pop is ~12 million

So do the chosen ones. Even in the New York City metro area, the most kosher city, it's an even split of 1 million in the city proper and 1 million in its suburbs, probably going down from that in subsequent cities. You can be sure they're not slumming it in inner city Los Angeles

so are you saying

Yes, that's the point.

Which is what the graphic says.
Also what the graphic says.

Semantic misunderstanding on your behalf.

I used the URBAN figures as regards total population.
From that, using percentage demographic figures, one can devise the Non-Hispanic URBAN population.
Then using Jewish population figures from URBAN locales in question, one can follow the same process I described before.

This is really the sum of it.
Urban centers are where the poison stems from most - highest Jew populations, highest non-White populations, highest libshit populations.
These people that live in cities, these are the enemy - though, that's not to say EVERYONE who lives in a city is trash, mind you, merely that if someone is trash, chances are they live in a city.

Crush the Urbanite.

Oh, my bad. Upon examination, it seems you may be right - the Jewish population figures are for metro area…

… Buuuuut, they aren't far off.

According to wikiJew, Jewish URBAN population in JYC: 1,086,000

Urban White population needs no change, thus we're talking about 1,086,000 / 2,847,285 = ~38%.
Not 70%, which is nice… But still nearly 40%.
So, the NH White population isn't actually 2,847,285, its more like 1,765,317.

Which means JYC is actually about… 21% White. Is that as bad as sub-10%? Nooooo… Its it still terrible that the biggest US city is only ~1/5th NH White? You bet.

I'll make an adjusted graphic, assuming more-indepth investigation of the statistics in play requires such.

If you haven't figured out that Breivik had Jew genes and plastic surgery and that that explains his double-talk manifesto and why he shot up an ANTI-ISRAEL group of Nordic blondes, then you obviously have more to figure out than trying to post edgy images, user.

Also, saging this shill thread. The actual Constitution of the US is the least Jewed of anything except NS Germany. ZOGmerica is not America.