55 percent of all Pakistani marriages in the UK are to first cousins!
The Jew York Times released this article back in 2003 and the topic has since vanished from all public policy debate on immigration.
Article title is Saudi Arabia Awakes to the Perils of Inbreeding.
In Turkey, over 30 percent of marriages are to close family, and they have the lowest rate in the arab world. This obviously derives from the quran and muhammad endorsing marriage to cousins.
Now this is something we can use to shake up the conversation on immigration. Left or right, divided as the US is we can all agree that fucking cousins is insane. The "muh not all muslims" argument with terrorism falls pretty flat against the argument with inbreeding. Discuss.
Semites are inbred more news at 11 What are you sliding?
Landon King
Not trying to slide anything. I just think this is a new angle of attack we could use to shake up the stagnant immigration debate. The supreme court decision was a win and we could continue to press the advantage by saying that any immigration from the Arab world is a health riak due to massive prevalence of recessive disorders in their population
Inbreeding explains why muslims are so retarded and inbred looking.
Cooper Jenkins
I'd rather them inbreed than race mix.
Justin Nelson
Zachary Gutierrez
We just had this thread last week…. I clicked because of the weird cranium though.
John Bell
Wew lad. I don't know why this fact still hasn't been used as a counter to the "inbred rednecks" meme floating around SJW circles. They've barely ever seen a truly inbred person to actually know what they look like.
Ayden Baker
story isn't new, but i haven't seen those pictures before. think mcgavinnes was on joe rogan's and dropped the stats one on his listeners. i never knew how many pakis were in england until a couple years ago
Luke Phillips
Damnit muslims, you're supposed to awkwardly perv on your cousins, not actually get them pregnant. Silly muslims.
Bentley Gray
So when Western women won't want their potato kebab husbands they'll just breed themselves retarded?
Jaxson James
actually inbreeding has been occurring for tens of thousands of years. It has often built strong flamily clans and ethnic groups, to say otherwise (such as in the west) works to divide populations.
See thread (The system is made to fuck us over.)
Ryder Cook
So do Jews. You know what their big solution is to all this inbreeding? Genetic testing, abortion and more inbreeding 'cause muh DNA! muh jewish master race! muh racial purity!
fucking kikes
Dylan Long
Cousin marriage was also was pretty normal up until this last century or so in western culture. It was used to keep $ and assets in the family and does not post a genetic defect risk, unlike sister/brother/mother/father/etc fucking.
Isaiah Bennett
Holy shit look at this retarded nigger. Pakis are not Arabs and not semites, however.
This is a GOOD thing. The lower the genetic fitness of your enemies, the better.
Zachary Turner
Pakis are in fact more genetically arabs than asians, you discount the mongol conquest of the eurasian steppes which occurred between 1290 and 1550. A huge number of Arabs were pulled out of the middle east and into central Asia. Pakis today have a lot more in common genetically with arabs compared to central asians of the past.
John Morales
Source, and one that includes testing from across the entire Paki population, not just certain groups
Adam Jackson
Isnt pakis the rape breed of arab armies trying to conquer india ? (pakistan = muslim occupied india) 1000 years of constant rape and blood tax ( they take your children away) surely will fuck up the genetics.
Charles Adams
The first post is always the worst post user, don't ever respond and especially so when a raid is taking place. The information is very handy though, have a chuckle at kike military incompetent on me.
Michael Myers
Nominally I would agree with you that allowing them to ruin their own stock is beneficial. However, when allowed to breed retards in our lands they drain our coffers. One third of all education expenditures on average go to special education in the west. More paki retards means less money for smart whites. This is bad.
I am not suggesting an end to muslim cousin fucking. It is useful to our ends. I am simply saying that a concerted public shaming of this practice in the west will make not miss disgusted with immigrants and shatter the cultural relativism blue pill for a lot of them.
Brody Robinson
Fuck no,
You know, we are talking about eurocucks.
Caleb Rogers
let the system fail. fuck it. if you can get on welfare, do it, but don't waste your life. work on music, art, skill or trade. the sooner the state collapses from unsustainable benefits the better, then no one will want to immigrate to western nations anymore
Tyler Nguyen
You are a fool When the euro countries fail this is the time the muslims will strike muslim oil money will flow in to feed armed and political separatist groups demanding autonomy. Balkanization is already written on the wall.
Brayden Perry
>we should push for the enemy to stop being inbred genetic defects even though the solution (((they))) will push is for greater miscegenation
Adam Bell
I never said anything of that
I just told you how it will play out Those retards are willing to die whipped into a frenzy by brain muslims. Those working for the chucked marxist regimes in europe is not, and will be even less when they haven't received a paycheck in months.
Wyatt Thompson
Wrong. Cousin marriages haven't been common in the West since the Catholic Church banned them in the early Middle Ages. For more on this topic see:
We really need some infographs on this topic. Perhaps I'll give it a go.
Jaxson Russell
Michael Foster
"It was genetically deformed material that embraced Islam. And now, of course, with each successive generation it simply becomes concentrated. It gets worse and worse. it simply expresses itself and dictates their style of thinking, which is rooted in their genes. And through the centuries, the genes degraded further."
Carson Murphy
Holy shit, is that a Ferengi?
John Thompson
I wonder how well theyre going to handle having nukes once we get a few more generations into this.
Brayden Parker
"Oy vey! This sounds like a serious issue! We need to enforce mandatory racial interbreeding to fix this problem immediately!" –t. high court
Tyler Miller
Most people get this wrong, it's the other way around. Shit ideas create shitty criteria for selection, which create shitty genetics.
Adrian Robinson
It's not an immigration issue as such, because the Pakis have been in the UK for multiple generations, they're considered "native british" by non-racialists. As for: That's not really true. The massive rates of cousin marriage and the resulting birth defects (15 times higher than base rate in the UK) is mentioned every couple of years in the mainstream press, but more in the sense of "Pakis need more funding for artificial limbs etc" than "Paki culture is sick." By the way, the country with THE highest level of inbreeding is Iraq. Remember all of those photographs of "babies deformed by depleted uranium"? Yeah, you got it, those defects aren't caused by uranium but cousin fucking.
Aaron Kelly
So how many generations of this would it take for the dunecoons to completely ruin their race?
Adam Myers
I thought it may have been this chap here, but the head looks a little different…
Anthony Ortiz
It's hard to say since they've been getting outside infusions from the sex slave trade every so often.
Adrian Clark
we need to find all the best inbreeding maps
Ryan Martin
Holla Forums thrives on inforgraphics
Cooper Ward
Logan Cooper
I'm not implying that we allow them to breed with Europeans or allow them in our borders. I am trying to argue that everyone, even commies and leftists, can agree that a group of inbred cousin fuckers dont belong in our societies. Its a new angle of attack to keep them out.
The left already has the meme ingrained in them that Republicans are a bunch of rural inbreds. If we can get them to associate muslim inbreds with that meme of rural inbreds we can generate a disgust response in them like we have and turn more of them to our side. Its a massive redpill opprotunity
Gabriel Phillips
The fact that it is mentioned at all in msm is surprising to me. But it could be useful. The general population will have a passing familiarity with this information which will make rebranding it for our purposes all the easier. Propaganda relating muslim immigration and the threat it poses with regards to inbreeding will be more effective if there is a latent knowledge of the inbreeding in a general sense. The key is associating inbreeding with reducing immigration.
Cameron Stewart
They actually have rigorous genetic testing available for all couples so that they dont inbreed by mistake. What their reproductive patterns were before this technology I can't say
Tyler Anderson
that way inbreeding is such a taboo in western society, I always expected to be part of the racemixing agenda tbh
Jack Martin
i like your thinking but just because the media ignores/hides information doesnt mean you cant use it
Brandon Long
I think i'm in a thread started by a kike, who then got assblasted by a sand nigger.
Asher Nguyen
You can tell the map is just made up
urban centers light blue = filled with inbred turd worlders
Jason Smith
Well the bongs elected a prime minister that believes sharia law is good for some of them. I guess they are getting what they voted for. Such incest must suck a lot of healthcare resources that could be spent better.
Adrian Sanchez
Who is uglier and more repulsive arabs or jews? They are both semites are are genetically very close but some jews have stolen some European genes and on the surface look more human
Jonathan Peterson
The "inbred rednecks" meme actually started a long time ago before the term "SJW" was a thing. No surprise it was made by a (((chosen one))) (along with the "dumb blonde" meme) to demoralize White Southern Americans (or any White American who isn't a Lefty) as stupid, inbred, trigger happy and lives in a trailer. It is also why the (((Huffington Post))) article "Intelligence Study Links Low I.Q. To Prejudice, Racism, Conservatism" exists. (((They))) also love the idea that America should ban guns like Europe because they will never tell you that gun violence in itself depends on how violent specific races are, with Blacks and Latinos being the most violent and Whites and Asians being the least in the U.S. alone. I've seen some comments from a Britbong on JewTube saying Detroit still has more gun violence than all of the U.K. combined even with the Arabs around, but in reality it just shows how destructive Blacks are when they become the major population of a city and Arabs never tend to use guns and instead blow themselves up or use melee weapons to kill someone after they are done (gang)raping said someone.
Lincoln Fisher
Judaism is literally all these things. Why aren't they calling Jews low IQ neckbeards?
Ayden King
Right now we just need to kikes to start inbreeding.
oh wait…
Julian Baker
Iceland was started with a relatively small population size and that's why they have to test to avoid inbreeding defects. It's not because of actual "fuck your cousin on purpose" style inbreeding, it's just the bottleneck that occurred due to small founding stock size.
I don't think it's useful to talk about how inbred they are. It's more useful to illustrate that they aren't us, are a danger to us and need to get out. Even if you prove to normalfags who buy into the jewish media that they are massively inbred they'll just call you a racist anyway and claim you're inbred because you're a white man who practices badthink.
Brody Perez
This is how the whole (((system))) works user.
Jayden Peterson
Who else, but the Jews? The muslims have at least some character going on, thanks to their decidedly not-imperialistic conquests through Europe. Kikes never had that kind of ambition, always choosing to backstab and hide into cultures, going into flight, whenever the opportunities ran out. It shows, with their blood, and their melted candle faces, too.
Jack Gray
Inbreeding also causes a massive Increase in Healthcare costs for the whole country, even in the US; these people shouldn't be allowed to receive any Healthcare whatsoever.
Gavin Turner
No, it's Hellboy.
Brody Barnes
Israel still inbreeds. Their solution is genetic testing and abortion. They are so vile they would rather cousin fuck than marry outside of the tribe.
Mason Mitchell
Levi Baker
Jaxon Jones
Fucking shit balls is that thing real? Holy hell how did it even survive to adulthood?