==Jerry Sandusky's son pleads guilty to 14 counts of child sex abuse==
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Jews gonna jew
I know I'm still human despite everything i've seen, because it still puts me off every time.
They are the gateway to the soul…if it is there
Didn't Anthony Weiner do even worse than this?
Sounds like he asked for n00dz, but Wiener sent pics of his wiener to a 15 year old with his own baby in the frame.
I'd say Wiener deserves worse than this guy.
Sick fucking kikes.
God I hate football.
Terminate this bloodline immediately.
Who gives a shit about any of this really. Holla Forums is not /news/ and everyone who bumps this thread needs to go back to >>>/reddit/
He's not jewish
Yes, he sent and actually received from the girl.
However, Weiner is not being tried by the feds, but by his comrades of the state of New York, so he won't have the federal MMS one would get for the charges. They're saying he's looking at a year or two.
Jeffrey Sandusky was tried by the state as well, however he's a nobody compared with Weiner, and apparently Pennsylvania is stricter than New York.
This really shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. Statistically speaking, there's no way Senior wasn't raping Junior, as well. And so many of the abused become abusers later on in life.
Jesus, like father like son eh? I hear pedos "reproduce" by molesting other kids, but I bet this is just because he's jewish so even pic related can't cure the underlying problem.
pretty sure gas does wonders though
If they try to give Wiener anything more than a slap on the wrist Wiener will give up Slick Willy. He knows Clinton was raping little girls on Epstein's island. And he has the videos to prove it.
That's more than a bit sad.
His dad probably played the "willy dance" with him in the showers too.
this was all over the news in Ohio. its a shame Paterno had to take the brunt for Jerry's slimey behavior. and the dude ended up dying of cancer while under investigation alongside Jerry. what a shit way to go.
Antifa is basically Trotskyist Capitalists at this point. fightin' the problem while bein' the problem.
oh god that city is close to me. jokes for days.
Hey Shlomo, whatcha sliding?
They let him plead out with "transferring obscene material to a minor", which is the same thing as showing porn to a minor, without taking into account that he solicited CP from the girl, which would mean a higher sentence. The strongly-worded letter is posturing.
football is a tool to create homosexuality. 70% nigger in the NFL at this point so anyone watching is putting money in nog pockets.
That's one hell of an arguement.
It's a farce. The feds didn't even want to prosecute him, they let him roam free for 9 months after the girl came forward without even arresting him. Letting him plea guilty to a lesser charge wasn't even necessary because the evidence was in the government's favor. Anybody else would have gotten 5 years minimum and it just underscores how corrupt the legal system is.
This. American football not only gay version of rugbie. It's the sports of race mixers, negor worship and cuckholding. Most NFL stars are criminals, rapists and retards who only went to college because of a Jewish scholarship. Soon as American football and Nigger felon league dies the better. Even real football isn't half as cancerous as American football.
Have I… become something else?
Is that image based on a real event like the hey rabbi whatcha doing meme?
Wikijew says he was raised Irish Catholic like his mother. It conveniently doesn't mention his father's religion or ancestry. Was Arthur Sandusky a Jew?
It was right in front of us the whole time.
And quite literally so when Jerry Sandusky is involved.
Poopdick installs a demon making you want to poopdick ever-tighter boipussy.
Say no to crack.
Reminds me of Anglin and his Daddy. Like father, like son.