Benediktsson’s father, an entrepreneur named Benedikt Sveinsson, backed a man who was convicted in 2004 of having raped his stepdaughter almost every day for 12 years so he could erase his criminal record.

According to media reports, the prime minister’s father is an old friend of the man, who served a five-and-a-half year jail term. (WHAT THE FUCK)

“People spoke out about violence which women and children were subjected to. People spoke out when convicted abusers knocked on their friends’ doors to ask for favours,” it said in a statement.

“The Pirates Party calls on all other parliamentary parties to comply with this call and invites the president of Iceland … to approve a new constitution before the parliamentary assembly is suspended,” Birgitta Jonsdottir wrote on Facebook.

Other urls found in this thread:ánverjavígin


This is a kike free first post.

Disregard. brb hanging myself.

Well, okay. This is pretty massive there specially due to Iceland's tiny population.
We all know who's loosing from this, but who has something to win? Who exposed him? Was there an agenda?
Pretty fishy.

Now's the time euroanons need to take that island and defend it to the death.

I like how iceland has been where these massive upendings have taken place after 2008, international headlines for a day and then forgotten.

Unfortunately this will probably be used by sneakier, less obvious pedo, kikes to seize power.

Oh shit, don't let this thread get saged!







I can only imagine the amount of black mail the kikes hold on gentiles.

All internet history plus all that they can make up.

Facing removal for assisting child sex offenders is rare, the issue is rife in most Governments and justice is never faced, the fact that this is a big enough issue in Iceland to have a sitting PM removed is a good sign.

Iceland must be preserved; it is living proof that Homegenic European Ethno States are peaceful happy places in comparison to dual racial/ cultural ‘melting pots’. We must protect Iceland and it’s people like a guardian angel.

Kek, I'm referring to the sexual deviant politicians. Remember how deep the Dutroux case went?

Iceland has always been pozzed. Rockwell was stationed there in the 50s or 60s and talked about how loose the women were and how they fucked all the foreigners on the base like it was nothing.

The first lady in 2016 was a fucking Jew. You invite them in and you're fucked.

every single time

I agree with you, we could have such nice things if we didn't invite scummy non-whites in but no where is safe.

She married him while he was president, it doesn't get more shady then that. Of all the choices, how did that happen? Olafur, who she married, had a wife but she died of cancer in 1998. This is why historically leaders in Germanic countries are mandated to have a family and a large one at that.

i am shocked i tell you absolutely shocked

I had a theory on how the Catholic Church got cucked to death and all those cases of pedophilia i kind of see a relation between both things,it wouldn't come as a surprise if the kikes got pedophilia into the church as a way to grab them by the balls.
About politicians I'm sure all of the ones who come into the spotlight get thorough background checks and get tempted with lolis, drugs and shit just so they can puppet them afterwards.
Just like being gay was a liability not because you played poopdick but because if someone knew you did they had some leverage on you.
They gain said leverage by either money,or vices.

They have been having shit like chinks and fags for a long time user. It's the Faraoe Island you're propably looking for in terms of non-possed. Iceland has been a hipster-faggot favourite-destination for a long time.

It's nearly impossible to get anywhere into politics unless (((they))) have blackmail on you. It's the way the game works.

Very weird indeed. The khazar milkers strike again.

Exactly, this is the modus operandi the jew vermin use to dictate the gentiles.




Can't even contain the coincidences to a single thread anymore.

It seemed fitting enough to crosspost.

there is something else here… The Pirate Party recently left closed up shop in Germany I think? and then moved to Iceland… I distinctly remember this happening. Cant be a coincidence.

Rockwell's wife's son is currently the richest man in Iceland. I'm dead serious.

And his grandson from that wife is a happa abomination

Is there any info on Rockwell's actual kids?
I tried a quick search but nothing came up.

This is better than it seems.

If it was bad, theyd continue for decades before we found out, just blackmailing the pedofucker

They probably didnt think they had a choice

Good luck finding them. Jews believe in vengeance unto the seventh generation, to the point that unreconstructed members of old Nazis are still in hiding. I'll bet Rockwell's kids went the way of Rudolf Hoess's daughter after the third (((burglar))).

True enough.

Almost like she was manufactured and groomed to marry an Icelander to burrow in.

Didn't Icelanders tell their govt to fuck off at some point in the last ten years and forced the banks to do that also? Is this the kikes' punishment for not playing the good goiym?

Given how inbred they are, that isn't surprising.

Interesting read on the Bukharan jews.

You didn't think they were going to get away with being the only country that imprisoned the (((bankers))) for the financial double dealings that went on in 2008….. did you?
An eye for an eye and do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.

It stopped being funny to me 2 years ago. They just keep popping up everywhere.
Truly the Eternal Jew.

I'm sure its purely a coincidence.

No, this is good. There's pedophiles throughout every government, the time to worry is when you're not hearing about them being outed for it now and then.

While I'm glad pedophiles are in trouble, I do wonder why would his matter?
Since when is a person responsible for what his father/mother/sibling did?

An ordinary person shouldn't be held responsible unless there's definite collusion but this is the prime minister we're talking about. Do you really want a person on top of the pyramid who has family that cannot be trusted and work against the people?

i would really like to see

Iceland is secretly more pozzed than Sweden, the majority is communism voters

The smaller the pond the easier to shit up

Imagine having the same genepool for 1000 years. Incest++

They were 99% atheist so no suprise there.

welcome to reality, newfriend.

I dont think iceland practice cousin marriage
They have like 1000 years of family records written down for the entire island

Well, the vikings did bring over a lot of Irish slaves to Iceland over the centuries. To this day the average Icelandic man is roughly 1/3rd Celtic.

Not surprising in such a secular society

Do you literally have a pile of shit where a brain should be?

These are not good news im afraid, the best case senario is that the electins that will follow will result in parilament being unable to form a government, but more likely it will end in a commie government that will import droves of niggers and sandniggers. The idependace party is horribly pozzed, but atm its the best we have, rip icelandic whites.

Why do I care if his family cannot be trusted?
I'm not electing his family, I'm electing him.

Hitler didn't have a family tbf.

Iceland didn't bail out the banks first.

Now iceland is the first to go forward with pizzagate.

Will the US bail out the pedos this time?

I'm sure they also had some brit in them due to sailors and also some Danish and Norwegian,if I remember correctly they also have some spanish in them before they started killing them but spaniards had an outpost for whaling or some shit thereánverjavígin

Stop being such a fucking faggot or go back to reddit.


What's the story of his daughter ?

The Icelandic Pirate Party are probably the real pedos, the types of people TOR allows to continue posting fresh child porn on the deepweb. They are radical leftists, pretty much anarcho-communists. I think that says enough. Im more disgusted by their laws than I am by the guy not telling the government his dad is a kiddy diddler apologist.

Last year we saw that they wanted to abolish borders and import 50 000 muzzies in Iceland.

Just to give you boys a further background on this occurrence.

The main party of this collapsed government is the Independence party. The most right wing mainstream party in Iceland's politics. There are also two minor nationalist parties.

Recently the Independence party's stance on immigration has been hardening, although it's not very hard yet. Also there has been increased funding for national defense.

But this matter of the pedophile, who really is a nobody is just a pretense for one of the dwarf party's of the coalition to quit before its erased from the polls.
Generally parties that cooperate with the Independence party lose support, so these mp's would lose their job next election if they continue in the coalition government.

Icelandics are the most shit-tier of all Scandinavians, not much lost


Wasn't always this way, during the middle ages we preserved the ancient history of Scandinavia, and the mythology of the ancient Germans. During the war we sent away Jews that wanted to settle here, and allowed the US army to set up a base here with the condition that they would bring neither niggers nor kikes here, but then we got infested with cultural Marxism, like so many other nations …

The man in your pic is a Jew user, the Björgólf´s are Jews. So was Rockwell a Jew too?

Icelanders are not Scandinavians. Iceland is not in Scandinavia, it is an Island in the middle of the North Atlantic ocean.

Iceland dosnt have a rothschild central bank if i remember, they killed it off a few years back. Is this the payback?

Any sort of incest has always been looked upon very seriously, for a long time people were executed for it, by a specific court that dealt with moral crimes. If you're implying that Icelanders must be inbred because of the small population, then you're very mistaken, since a population of 50,000 (roughly the historical population of Iceland) is more than large enough.

there is truly no place on this planet that is safe from the jews

The government is planning to take in at least 2,000 immigrants a year, with a population of 330,000 stable, the country would be 38% nonwhite in 100 years. Fucking 4/10 people wouldn't be icelanders

Wait what? I though they had a pop of 50k-60k. The hole meme during the last Euros (football) was there hole pop could fit in one of the stadiums.

Please get the fuck out if you can't speak a proper language.

Thanks ill keep that in mind.

But seriously, any time someone has talked about Iceland's population its been around the 50k mark.

Those trips demand answers. Anyone got them?

This. How can we take advantage of the situatiin and form an Icelandic Reich?

Now let's do the same in Ontario.

This is why I am staying out of politics until after the entire set of existing (((politicians))) are in the bog.

Believe it or not there are a few of us free agents who know the kompromat game and anticipated it. (I think Trump is one.)

not pure for long

their population? its larger than that

only if you knew how bad it was.
it's really that bad.
the nordic countries go crazy for these soccer boys. yes, even finland and iceland.

Yeah… I don't think stationary fixes your fucking a child. Now a bullet on the otherhand, there's a real opportunity to make things right with that.

Get ready for 10k "refugees" per month.

This was the guy who took over for the guy that arrested all the bankers.

(((They))) are really going after him. I think these are false accusations, or they are spilling the beans on him.

Iceland is also keep out the refugees.



It's a "big issue" because the Jewish press has decided to publish articles about it and tell the public how they ought to feel.
British MPs are even more deeply involved in pedophilia but the UK govt isn't being folded because the Kikes aren't writing stories about it.
So your "good thing" is really just high levels of specific Jewish press activity.
and probably revenge for the jailing of bankers a few years ago

they're not inbreed, but jews and arabs are

>You didn't think they were going to get away with being the only country that imprisoned the (((bankers))) for the financial double dealings that went on in 2008….. did you?
This was the first thing I thought of when I saw the title to the thread.

lol where did this white supremacist shit about pure Iceland come from? I've spent enough years back and forth from there to see it suffers the same disease as nord countries like Sweden. A place that doesn't even have a synagogue had a Jewish feminist prime minister lmao

You share more genes in common with your fellow islanders than a happa does with his mom.

Björgólfsson isn't Rockwell's son.

Stop spreading this fucking Jewish shill meme used to discredit pure ethnic groups, holy fuck
You need only 1000 people to avoid any inbreeding issues
1 fucking thousand

North Korea?

Didn't Iceland rebel against the 'bankers', jailing them? I wonder where the connections are with that event.

This should not be a surprise to anyone present anymore.

DS is going to be normienet because of this

dai lystor