Ann Coulter on The Joyce Kaufman Show (9/14/2017)

Nice history lesson in this interview. She expects DACA amnesty will make Trump a one-term president like a tax hike did for Bush the first.

Other urls found in this thread:

Apparently the spics were actually shut out of the DACA talks because immigration talks is filtered down to them (fucking beaner lobbyists) and from what I'm reading Schumer and Pelosi are pretty much stuck betweena rock and a hard place.

Just like spoiled little kids.



Oh man… I almost forgot the ol'
Really takes me back tbh fam.

Her kvetching about standing on her principles while the country disintegrates and not voting ever again was annoying but I don't have the time to make a webm with her edited out. It's still a good interview. Coulter saying she's ok with impeaching Trump now just goes to show how screwed up this system is.

You actually watched it?

I don't really resent Trump for rolling over. Mueller has an unlimited budget to investigate and ruin his crooked family members, the Praetorian Guard (IC) will kill him if he goes too far, none of the bureaucrats will actually execute any of his instructions, and he's stuck with it until 2020 or impeachment. I think Trump didn't realize that the president is a symbolic leader for an unchanging oligarchy. Maybe if he had used rallies to cover for raising militias or parallel political institutions, he could have had a small chance to succeed.

I don't think Trump is weak as much as he's in a hopeless situation. I don't think anyone could play fair and win in his position.

Isn't Iron Ann a coalburner or is that a maymay? Either way, I'd bury mein kampf deep in her. In before "muh dik"

You should. Trump ignored his most powerful avenue of drumming up public support: his rallies. If Trump had laid out the situation and asked us to have his back we would have responded. Instead of Caesar crossing the rubicon with an army at his back Trump chose to cuck out. He knew he was playing for all the marbles and he blinked. Or he was a kike pressure relief valve all along.

He didn't have any trouble letting Carl Icahn personally write drilling regulations to favor his own companies and pull them out of the red. He didn't have any trouble immediately rolling back fuel efficiency standards. He didn't have any trouble re-engaging in Syria. He hasn't had any trouble threatening to undo the Iran nuclear agreement [just like W. did with the North Korean nuclear agreement]. He hasn't had any trouble trying to turn things up to 11 with North Korea. He didn't have any trouble offering China absolutely zero trade ramifications if they would just "do something" about North Korea.

So no, Trump isn't weak. He also isn't some naive idealist who had no idea what he was getting into. He has done exactly what he set out to do. He just lied to you about what it was.

She's a curry burner. Dinesh tapped that.

Is her whole (((schtick))) a ruse then?

Bush 1 was a Republican after 2 terms of Reagan though. Trump is one after 2 terms of Obongo, against a failing Dem party. Even the Dems had border security on their agenda still in the 90s.

she tweeted "14" to troll kikes, so doubt it.

She looks like a tranny. Where else is she going to get the dick, Bill Maher? I don't like it, but at least she's smart enough (or secretly male enough) to not get pregnant with a halfjeet.

any sources or just the usual libshit-tier name calling?

Nigger kike. Faggot.

Iron Ann desirable confirmed.

I like Trump and voted for him, but I've always seen him as a one term President. People like him know how to go out on top (if he has a good 4 years) and they also know when to throw the towel in (if it is bad)

Let's also remember Trump is near 80, mental facilities do degrade with age, and we might want someone younger.

I personally see a Trump presidency as pulling the Republicans away from social conservatism and forcing them onto economic issues where they are miles ahead of the Dems.

The next election in 2020 is going to be GOP economics against Social Sanders handouts, and the GOP will lose and the US will crumble into a socialist republic. The talented and able will flee to Asia, and the empire will crumble.

Yep. Jews gonna jew.

Not quite.

yea thought so, filtered

Wait, (((Kaufman)))?
> correct me if I'm wrong

Saging because the format is similar to that of the Jake Paul shills.

What happened there?


Her womb is barren, she's too old to have kids. She's a waste of space, really.

pat buchanan said the same

put themselves in their position of power.